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Prayers for Our Pampered Chef Family in LA, MS & AL

akin to what my mother would do when we would have a storm at home.I am from Port St Lucie FL and I can tell you first hand how stressful and dangerous a storm like this can be. I am keeping everyone in my prayers and just hope that everyone makes it through safely. If you are in the path of the storm, just remember to stay safe and to hold on to your loved ones. After the storm, make sure to reassure your loved ones that this type of thing doesn't always happen and that they are safe.
Tammy Eubanks
I hope this is ok to post.
Please remember and pray for everybody in LA, MS & AL.
This is a very major storm and does not look good for any of these coastal states. I'm in Mobile, AL and they are telling us that we could still have 90 to 120 mph winds and a storm surge of 15 to 20 feet high, if the storm stays on course to New Orleans. I just ask that you remember all that are in the PC family in these states.

Thank you so much,
Tammy Eubanks
I have been watchingthe news all day , iam in Massachsetts. We are praying for the people down south. I hope everyone has all taken higher ground and will be safe.
Please be safe! Everyone in the path of Katrina is in my prayers too!
I will be praying for all of you as well. Please let us know that your okay!!
believe me, we are all praying for you in NC. Our pastor asked for prayers this morning in the service. I will be glued to the weather channel for the next 24 hrs. Blessings.
Georgia residents are praying as well. Our church prayed specifically for your safety through this storm. God Bless!
I will say a few prayers!!!I will say a few prayers for all of you. God Bless!!! And try to stay safe.
I don't know where I've been, but didn't know the severity of Katrina til tonight's worship service. Our minister informed us and we had a special prayer for everyone's safety...
Katrina will be only the fourth hurricane in US history to make landfall as a category 5, if she stays the strength she is now. The people of the southeastern US, especially in New Orleans and Mobile are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay safe and know we are all watching and praying for news that she was not as dangerous as we feared.

  • Thread starter
  • #10
Thank you for all the prayers. It has decreased in speed alittle but not near enough. It looks like it will be a Cat.5 when it makes landfall and we are having tornadoes already in our area. MS and AL are on the worst side of the storm.

  • #11
Great Thread!Thanx Tammy for starting this thread...I was just thinking of this. My prayers go out to everyone affected by this hurricane, not only just our PC consultants. This is looking scarier by the minute! I have the weather channel on now. Everyone please keep these people in your prayers..
  • #12
We are in Hattiesburg, MS. My whole family and is from New Orleans. They may not have homes to go to. : :( My parents are here. We may still get tornados. Please keep us in your prayers. My daughter was supposed to fly into New Orleans on Wednesday to bring me her baby. She is going to Kuwait. :eek: Pray for that situation. Thanks so much. Laura
  • #13
I am in Houston, Ms. and I saw on the news this morning that it was going to turn into a tropical storm and hit tupelo around 1 a.m. tonight. Thanks for all the prayers. I have family very close to biloxi and 4brothers in florida. i am scared to death for them!! but GOD is always in control right!!!
  • #14
Mother Nature's anger problemMother Nature can be very scary and unforgiving sometimes!! My husband's grandparents live in Naples FL and said they didn't have too much to be worried over at that time when Katrina side swipped them because it wasn't nearly as strong as it is now. We don't know anyone in LA, MS or AL but to anyone who does or lives there themselves, we are praying for you and keeping you all in our thoughts.
  • #15
prayersMy church is praying as well for you and the surrounding areas being affected by Katrina. Here in NM we just don't realize the intensity it causes areas all around the storm. God keep you safe and uplifted in the days ahead!!

  • #16
after going through 2 storms in a three wekk period last year, i know just how stressful and heatbreaking a storm can be. i am from Port ST Lucie florida and as you all should know we were hit dirextly by two storms last year and it was terrible. i just can;t imagine how it would be to be hit by a storm that big. i am thinking of everyone in the path and praying you stay safe. if you are in the path, just remember, if you have small children, hold them and tell them you love them, try to take their minds off the storm and after the storm, reassure them that these things dont always happen. my son is now almost 6 and i know that everytime it begins to storm he is terrified. he is so afraid we are going to go through another hurricane. remember, the road will be long to recovery but you have your friends and family to fall back on and if there is any consultants in that area hardest hit, maybe we could all get together to do some sort of fundraiser for there town or their local red cross.

i am thinking about all of you.
  • #17
well we made it thruthe hurricane. we had winds over 80mph and we are near tupelo, ms. we had very little damage and several trees down but thats it. my hubby put our suv in the ditch on the way home but thank god he didnt get hurt or hurt the suv. but please keep praying; his mother lives in a town about 30 min. from biloxi and we have not heard from her since 8:30 yesterday morning. her house was being flooded and her husband was at work when she called me. my hubby is going crazy cuz we cant call her or get down there to her. also remember all of the others downt ehre who lost so much. thanks....it helps knowing i have great friends out there praying for our family!!
  • #18
I will be praying for everyone in the hurricane's impact area. My family was hit hard by Hurricane Charley last year, and I flew down to help them pick up the pieces--literally. It was horrible.

However, when I returned, I had an email from The Pampered Chef saying that the Second Harvest Food Bank had delivered tons of food to the victims of the storm. It was so nice to know where my PC donations for Round-Up were being used. Just a reminder as to why this donation is so important.
  • #19
My inlaws and many of my husband's relatives live in the middle of New Orleans. They think that their house is underwater right now. They may not have much to come back to. One of his aunts was stuck in traffic the night before the hurricane struck new orleans. They haven't heard from her since then. I know they would all covet every prayer they can get.
  • #20
In our prayersEven though I live on the east coast of Florida, I can't imagine what the states are doing on the gulf coast. I will be saying prayers for all. :)
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  • #21
Aftermath from KatrinaHi, We survived the storm with little damage to our house. We are VERY BLESSED. We got our power tonight but their are still so many on the water front in Mobile that lost everything. But we can rebuild. The water has recided from Mobile. We have not had the looting like other places. They are looking at opening The Navy Homeport in Mobile for a refuge camp. The homeport was closed in the 90's.
I have read the tread tonight and we are praying for everyone that is in New Orleans and the whole Mississippi Coast. Thanks to everyone for their prayers.

Tammy Eubanks
Consultant in Mobile, AL
  • #22

Thank you for letting us know everything is well with you!

My niece in McComb, Mississippi was finally able to contact her folks to say they are okay. Parts of their town now have power. A friend who does have power loaned them a generator and a window air conditioner. Temperatures have been right at 100 degrees! Said things are a little more bearable. Their home only has minor damage.

We continue to pray for everyone who struggling.

Lee Anne
  • #23
just wanted to let you knowMy husband was finally able to get word on his mother this morning at 6 a.m. apparently one of the phone numbers we had was one of her husbands uncles numbers and we never knew it. he said she is fine and at home....thank god she still has one....but we dont know the extent of the damage around her. i am hoping one of her kids can go down there and get her. we just need to get a group of people to pray. I was thinking that maybe anybody that has 3-way calling...i do...get some of us together at the same time and start a prayer chain or something. prayer is so powerful. things are so bad down there right now...i am crying now...lol....anyways anybody that is interested please feel free to call me and maybe we can work something out...my number is 662-456-4357. God bless you all!!!
  • #24
JanelHave you heard anything about your husband's aunt yet? Thinking about you, and everyone else who has had someone they love affected by the storm.
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  • #25
Looking for FamilyI have heard several times on the radio station that if you are looking for people in Louisanna or Mississippi to go to these internet sites.

In MS, the web site is www.sunherald.com and another web site is www.firstgov.gov.

If anyone has not heard from family in the effected areas there is suppose to be listing on this web site from where people have listed their names.

I will be praying that everyone hears from their family and loved ones soon.

God Bless,

Related to Prayers for Our Pampered Chef Family in LA, MS & AL

What is the purpose of "Prayers for Our Pampered Chef Family in LA, MS & AL"?

The purpose of this initiative is to come together as a community and offer prayers and support for our Pampered Chef family members who may be affected by any challenges or difficulties in the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.

Who can participate in "Prayers for Our Pampered Chef Family in LA, MS & AL"?

Anyone who is a part of the Pampered Chef family, whether as a consultant, customer, or employee, is welcome to participate in this initiative by offering prayers, positive thoughts, and well-wishes for those in need.

How can I submit a prayer for someone in the affected states?

You can submit a prayer by leaving a comment on the designated post on our official social media pages, or by sending an email to our team at [insert email address]. We will make sure all prayers are shared with our community and those in need.

Is there any other way I can support those in the affected states besides offering prayers?

Yes, in addition to prayers, you can also show support by donating to reputable organizations that are providing aid and assistance in the affected states. You can also reach out to any Pampered Chef family members you know in the area and offer your own personal support and assistance.

How long will "Prayers for Our Pampered Chef Family in LA, MS & AL" be going on?

We will continue to offer prayers and support for as long as needed in the affected states. We will also keep our community updated on any changes or developments through our official channels.

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