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Prayer Request: My Surgery Tomorrow

In summary, Amanda is having surgery tomorrow and is really nervous. She is getting the surgery done via a DaVinci robot and has full confidence in her doctor. She has been on a liquid diet all day and just drank the prep stuff. Yuck! The aftertaste is kind of like Tums. Amanda is hoping for a quick and easy recovery. She is in my prayers.
Gold Member
I normally don't publicly ask for things like this, so I feel kind of silly. I hope this also isn't TMI...

Tomorrow I'm having surgery and I'm really, really nervous. I'm having something called a Sacrocolpopexy done. Part of it includes having a hysterectomy. I'm getting it done via DaVinci robot and have full confidence in my doctor. She is really good and confident and does a lot of these and other procedures, so I know I'm in good, capable hands.

I've been on a liquid diet all day today and I just drank the prep stuff. Yuck! It wasn't as bad as I thought, though. I plugged my nose and just guzzled it down. The aftertaste is kind of like Tums a little bit.

So now I just have to wait things out and my surgery is tomorrow morning. I've never had surgery before and I'm scared about the whole general anesthesia/intubation thing.

Please say a prayer and wish me luck! I could really use it. I'm just a bundle of nerves and have a lot of anxiety right now.

Thanks! :)
You'll do great. Will keep you in my prayers. Let us know when you're back on your feet.
You'll be okay. And we will be praying for you. I have had several surgeries and three were major. One was similar to yours. If I didn't know, I wouldn't have known I was intubated so don't let that part scare you.
Be praying for you. I have only had one surgery and I was nervous as well. Everything went fine as it will for you too.
You will be in my prayers!!
Sending prayers and butterfly (((HUGS)))
Praying for you! I hope you have a quick and easy recovery. Will be thinking of you.
(((hugs))) The best part about a surgery like this is that you get to sleep through it & are not in the lobby waiting to hear how it's going/how it went. ;) Just try to relax until they put you under. I hope the procedure and the recovery go well for you girl.
You are in my prayers. (((HUGS))). God will watch over you. Deep breaths and remember everything will be alright. I've had 2 c-sections and a total hysterectomy. Try to get your mind on something else and don't concentrate on tomorrow. God bless. Take care.
  • #10

If it's anything close to the laparoscopic hysterectomy I had back in 2005, you'll back on your feet the next day! We'll be sending prayers and good vibes your way.
  • #11
Amanda, I see that your post was from yesterday, so you must have had the surgery today. I'd imagine you are a bit groggy right now, and probably won't get online for a few days. Take care of yourself and don't rush things--actually, let others take care of you, it makes them feel good. I hope all went well for you. Relax, and be happy it is over. Heal. Hugs, Gail
  • #12
I just noticed this post, but my prayers are with you for a speedy recovery...
  • #13
May you rest in God's abiding presence as your heal from your surgery.
  • #14
Just saw your post. Pray that things went well and you are taking it easy as the doctor ordered. I had a similar surgery last fall. All I can say is, don't push yourself too soon. If you do it will definitely slow down the healing process.
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Thanks everyone. I appreciate the kind thoughts and prayers.Things went well. I just got home from the hospital this afternoon. I'm very, very sore. The anesthesia was good. I was groggy with the sedative they gave me first. Next thing I remember is having a hard time waking up in the recovery room. I was in surgery for 5 1/2 hours, so it was a long procedure. It took me a while to wake up, but I was fine. It hurts to move around, bend over, get up and down. But I force myself to get up and move around every couple of hours, as they recommend.Pain meds are my friend right now. And sleep. :)
  • #16
Lots of Prayers for you! Hope you continue to get better
  • #17
Keep getting up and down. If you don't, it hurts more in the long run. I know that from experience. Sleep is your friend now. Rest and let your body heal. Take it easy and don't try to get back to doing things too quickly. I've been there and done that too. ((((Hugs)))) My prayers are with you and your family. Take care.
  • #18
Praying for you Miss Amanda!!! We are keeping the pain pill companies in business :) I just got home from the Mayo Clinic yesterday (Wed) from having artificial jaw joints put in on both sides.....10 hours.....be sure to walk....walk....walk....so you don't get blood clots!
Love ya girl!!!
  • #19
(((hugs))) Amanda! I hope your recovery goes well!
  • #20
I haven't been on here in over a week, so I missed your first post. I hope things are going well for you, Amanda. Be sure to rest as much as the doc tells you to- they (sometimes!) know what they are talking about!!
  • #21
Hope you're feeling better today and a little less sore. Take care!

1. What can I do to prepare for my surgery tomorrow?

It is important to follow any specific instructions given to you by your doctor or surgeon. In general, it is recommended to avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight the night before your surgery, unless instructed otherwise. It is also important to make sure you have someone to drive you to and from the surgery, and to have any necessary paperwork or forms ready.

2. Will I be awake during the surgery?

This depends on the type of surgery you are having. In most cases, you will be given anesthesia and will be asleep during the surgery. However, for some minor procedures, you may be given a local anesthetic and remain awake. Your doctor will discuss this with you before the surgery.

3. How long will the surgery last?

The length of the surgery will vary depending on the type of surgery and your specific case. Your doctor should be able to give you an estimated time frame beforehand. Keep in mind that unexpected complications or delays may occur during the surgery, so it is best to plan for a longer time frame.

4. What should I expect during the recovery period?

The recovery period will also vary depending on the type of surgery and your individual health. Your doctor will give you specific instructions and guidelines for your recovery, such as taking medication, resting, and avoiding certain activities. It is important to follow these instructions to ensure a successful recovery.

5. How can I stay positive and calm before my surgery?

It is natural to feel anxious or nervous before a surgery. Some techniques that may help you stay calm and positive include deep breathing, listening to calming music, talking to a loved one or friend, and visualizing a successful outcome. You can also reach out to a support group or your religious community for additional support and prayers.

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