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Overcoming Discouragement in Direct Sales: Tips and Encouragement for Success

In summary, this woman's April has been very discouraging. She has not had the month she wanted and this year has started out strong for her. She has had over $2500 in sale each month this year, but this month she only has three shows scheduled. She is trying to stay positive and focus on June.
Hi all,

My April started out okay - had 4 shows booked. Not bad, but wanted more. As the month went on, 2 cancelled.. 1 held. Tonight's hostess called me 15 minutes before I was leaving and said that everyone on her RSVP list called that day and cancelled on her. The hostesses all "want" to reschedule, but won't commit to a date.

I'm so discouraged right now it's not funny. I was on the verge of promoting to director when my 4th went inactive and 5th just can't seem to qualify.

I've been trying to follow up with all those "call me in a few months.." people, but get voice mail/answering machines.

Any suggestions or words of encouragement? Thanks all!!
I think April is just a bad month.I have not had the month I have wanted and This year started out Very strong for me!! Had over $2500 in sale each month but April has been very slow. Just keep calling and keep the faith!!
I've probably had more cancellations this month than around the holidays!!! It IS frustrating!! Try to replace the time that you would have spent on/at the show on your business so you can replace that lost show and then some! Don't worry because it happens to everybody! It's a HUGE bummer that it was so last minute. I'm sorry! Keep plugging on and try to use the time to build bookings.
What a bummer about that late of a cancellation!!:(
I've been having a very rough April as well with cancellations, and the reschedules are hard as well. I'm just trying to stay positive, and even though I don't have that much for May, I'm putting all my energy and focus into June. Everyone keeps telling me that the summer months are the hardest in our area, so I figure if I can book/overbook now maybe I'll stand a chance then. Just keep dialing!!;) ;)
I totally know how you feel! I am feeling the EXACT same way. I had a great March. Only 1 show for April... Ugh. And one show for May. Sucks.
I'm with you too, unfortunately. I had a great March--7 shows with over $4000 in sales. But this month I only have 3 shows. I should have had 4, but one host never called me back when I tried to send her a host packet. I hope she just doesn't expect to have a show (it was supposed to be this Sunday). I've emailed her, called her & sent her a postcard asking her to let me know if the date still worked. I have NOTHING for May right now. I'm sure I'll get a show or two, but two weeks away & no shows is something I haven't had for awhile. But I do already have 4 June shows scheduled, so that's promising! Good luck getting back into things!
I feel your pain. I think April is a bad month for everyone. I hosted an open house; sent emails and made tons of phone calls to all 30 people on my list and only 2 showed up to my party yesterday. Have you tried maybe hosting a couple of catalogue shows? I just started PC and I have found that the catalogue shows attract more people. A lot of the people I know don't like cooking shows or they THINK they're going to be pressured into purchasing items. The two catalogue shows I've had thus far have done fairly well. Keep your head up....this too shall pass. Don't give up! If I think of anything I'll post it or email you.
My April is a little on the lean side too. Upside is my yesterday show is already @ $1049 and my show for Thurday is looking pretty good too. So only 2 shows but at least they are going to be good ones.
I know what you mean. My March was great 3650.00 in sales. This month I have 2 catalog shows, 1 cooking show (that might have to reschedule), 1 multi-vendor show and 1 fair. So sales may not be all that great specially if the 1 cooking show does reschedule. I'm really hoping for a great May.
  • #10
Well, I only had one show this month, and only one for May so far....yep, it sucks! But at least I have something! My only april show was this past Sunday, hopefully will end up around $800. Hang inthere...we all get discouraged from time to time! Here's something to think about...if you have nothing scheduled, it cant get any worse! It can only get better! I agree that you have to use your time and make more contacts! Get out there and talk to people! Good luck...keep us posted on your progress!
  • #11
April has been slow for me too! People love the host special, but don't want to commit to a date or want late summer. I know my entire cluster has had a slow month! I hope knowing it isn't just you helps at least a little bit! Keep at it... remeber what you do now affects your business 60-90 days from now! Let's rock this summer! :)
  • #12
I wish I could say it's been a bad month for me, but it hasn't. :D I just turned in two $1900.05 in two fundraiser and will be closing another $600 show later this week.

My thoughts on the slow April? Perhaps it's the CRAPPY weather we've had!! People are probably just down or trying to get out when it has been nice. Keep your chin up. We ALL go through these months! March was my bad month.
  • #13
Definitely keep calling. I made calls last night from door prize slips I collected at a booth. First, not home. Second, home but just did a Tupperware party so maybe in September. Third, 30 minute phone call! She went on and on about family and collections she has and everytime I tried mentioning PC, she'd take the conversation away again. I'm sure I could have gotten off of the phone, but I kind of felt for her. Then she started bashing another consultant and I got myself off the phone. I think it's a great consultant in my cluster and wasn't really unreasonable actually. Anyway, I didn't make anymore calls since it was too late by then. I have more people to follow-up with tonight. Hopefully, they will go quicker. Is that why we start hating the phone? Too much time and nothing comes from it?I don't have much planned for April, May or June. I've had a great year so far and April will be good b/c of leftover March and a $1000 show that I'm doing. Need to boost sales? I strongly suggest a $1000 show! Check out the files for more info. I have 7 people doing one and it will get to $1000, I think. I didn't force it to 10 b/c I knew these people would do great and figured they deserved a better shot at the prizes. Everyone will get something!
  • #14
I wish I knew what I was doing wrong. I haven't been able to book a single show for May or so much after. I don't know what I am not saying or am saying. Very discouraging.
  • #15
jeez...april seems just a poopy month. I had a HUGE show reshedule for later in the year, so that left me with one catty, one fundraiser and one show with the amazing disappearing host...grrrrr

oh well, postive postive...i am networking tonight so will fill some spots.

  • Thread starter
  • #16
Thanks everyone - it's comforting to know I'm not alone! I'm trying to stay positive and have been getting on the phone - just have to STAY on the phone! I'll let you know what good comes of it! Thanks again
  • #17

I just want to thank you for the encouragement. I thought it was just me not being able to accomplish a sales pitch. I was going to call my Director today and tell her I can't do this. I started good in March but by April it all changed. I prayed to God to please help me continue as I want to be a successful Director one day. I started reading all of your comments which changed my mind. Thanks again ladies. Let's not give up!
  • #18
Maryannbaird said:
I think April is just a bad month.I have not had the month I have wanted and This year started out Very strong for me!! Had over $2500 in sale each month but April has been very slow. Just keep calling and keep the faith!!

Amen to that. I have had a horrible month this month as well. Not a SINGLE thing on my calendar! I've done an average of $1250 or more each month except this one. I did sign a recruit and promote to FD, but my sales are a big fat $0.

I think it is a weird month...can't explain it!

Keep at it though...May will be better!
  • #19
I'm there too right now. I've been discouraged these past few weeks because of April being so slow..I haven't had one show. But, I have 3 booked for May..I'm hoping they stick.
I'm trying to get myself pumped for those and just forget about April.
I did get desperate and give my website out to some friends and got a $97 online order so that was awesome. Keep up the hope! I know it'll get better for all of us!
  • #20
My April has been a little slow -- my first show of the month ended up with only 1 guest (but final sales were $500+). I did a phone show the Tuesday before Easter with lots of advertising and didn't get a single order the day of the sale (did get two pre-orders from friends and a neighbor and a cousin ordered a few days late, so it was enough for a show). My show on Saturday called and said she couldn't get anyone to come (she was very honest) but has collected 5 outside orders already and will keep working it so wants to convert to a catalog show and my show next week postponed to May because her kitchen remodel isn't finished. I do have a show booked for Friday and know that I'm getting at least one booking from it but also know it will be a small show since the host (my sister-in-law) would not invite a lot of people because she has a small house and no place to put them (even though I tried to convince her that we'd make it work).

May WILL be better!! (Kinda sad that it's been slow -- not only is it my 3rd and final new consultant rewards month, but my cluster has a contest going that I'd love to win).
  • #21
You are definitely not alone! The only thing on my calendar is something in June! (last thing was in March!) Keep plugging along, and it will get better!
  • #22
I have only one show that stuck for April too. Is been pretty slow. I have learned just to let it go. I am too busy searching for team captains to sell the pink products. I am up to 5 so far and it's not even May yet! You are better putting your energy into something that you can change and try to stay positive. I will try to get one more booking for April at Saturday's show, and maybe I will get lucky. I am getting really excited about the show. It's my first luau. I went to the dollar store and bought leis (3 for $1) and a couple of grass skirts. I am heading over to Best Buy to get a CD of Hawaiin music ($5.99). I love a good buy! I am spending $20 on extras, but if it gets me a few bookings (in my own hometown), it will be worth it!
  • #23
I had six shows scheduled and one is holding. Same thing last month. Some of them were valid reasons to cancel (one host was hospitalized), others had job commitments, and a few MIA hosts.

I think it's just this time of year. Summer and Fall are always better for me than Winter and Spring. Don't know why that is either.
  • #24
April Sucks. Which is weird with taxes coming back, first thing Id want to spend it on is PC. oh well...May here we Come!!
  • #25
I think Cori hit it on the head. It is tax time. My April is also slow. Had one show last night--booked a show for the 30th and one other lady is checking with her friend to cohost a show. But I don't think they'll do it for April. My husband used to be self-employed and April was an extremely slow month for him also. It's the Taxes. I mentioned last night at my show that I look forward to tax time now that I have my business and all the wonderful write offs. Everyone was nodding--no takers however.

  • #26
Last April - I had only one single online order for $17 so I'm happy to say that I've had a pretty good April so far - closed 3 catalog shows and one cooking show and I'm currently over $1500 in sales plus I have one more cooking show for April 27th that I got 2 outside orders for myself and she already has 3 outside orders so I'm hoping for a good show. Somehow I've been able to be pretty steady which is great and May is looking good as well. I generally only do 1-2 shows a month so this is great for me. Here's hoping everything picks up for everyone:)
  • #27
I've had a rough April...not good, considering it is my first month. My first show was pretty good (which I was grateful for, since I drove 2+ hours to MD for my best friend to host), but my next show cancelled because no one was coming (translation- no one was invited), and then my show last week only 2 people showed up, and barely had enough orders to consider it a show. Luckily I had a catalog show that my mom held for me and my sister-in-law had a decent show. I have another show on Saturday- it is being hosted by a former co-worker, and I know no one being invited, so I'm hoping to get a few bookings. I need to get my business going!
  • #28
I am so gald we are all in this together! April 30th will be by 90 day mark. I had seven shows scheduled for April, and I just got an e-mail from my hostess for this Saturday, cancelling, and MAYBE rescheduling. I had 1-2 catalog hostesses cancel on me (which were not included in the 7 shows). I just made my first call to a Mid May hostess, and she rescheduled until July. I only have 2 May shows booked now. (My goal is 8). I do have 2 booked for June. Had a past guest that was a potential May or June hostess decide not to do a show. I am going to use "Book to Look" at tonights show for the first time, and pray that I get a few May bookings. It is just so discouraging after having a $3000 month (10 shows) in March, my second month.

Good Luck to us all!

Related to Overcoming Discouragement in Direct Sales: Tips and Encouragement for Success

What are some common causes of discouragement in direct sales?

Some common causes of discouragement in direct sales include not meeting sales goals, rejection from potential customers, and feelings of isolation or lack of support from colleagues.

How can I stay motivated and overcome discouragement in direct sales?

One way to stay motivated is to set realistic and achievable goals for yourself. It's also important to celebrate small successes and remind yourself of your why for being in direct sales. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network of colleagues and mentors can also help keep you motivated.

What are some tips for dealing with rejection in direct sales?

Rejection is a normal part of any sales job. One tip is to not take it personally and instead use it as a learning opportunity. Reflect on what you could have done differently and use that to improve for future interactions. It's also important to have a positive mindset and remember that for every rejection, there will be many more opportunities for success.

How can I stay connected with my customers and build strong relationships?

One way to stay connected with customers is through personalized follow-up and communication. This can be through email, social media, or even handwritten notes. Building genuine relationships with customers by listening to their needs and providing exceptional customer service can also help strengthen connections.

What role does self-care play in overcoming discouragement in direct sales?

Self-care is crucial in any job, but especially in direct sales where rejection and stress can be common. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being can help you stay positive and motivated. This can include things like exercise, spending time with loved ones, and practicing relaxation techniques.

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