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Organizing Our Notes from the Workshop: Sharing is Caring!

In summary, Allison shared her notes from last year's conference and described her motivation for doing so. She also gave away some books and binder and said she wants to get back into selling in the near future.
Silver Member
I got motivated late one night last week to type up all my notes so here they are... If anyone else has notes I'd love to see them as we all get different things out of workshops!


  • Abundant Bookings.doc
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  • Gratitude Recruiting.doc
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  • Phone Courage Notes.doc
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  • Win-Win Host Coaching.doc
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Wow Alison, thanks so much for posting! I wasn't able to attend this year but I will surely use these notes! thank you, thank you, thank you!
GourmetGirl said:
I got motivated late one night last week to type up all my notes so here they are... If anyone else has notes I'd love to see them as we all get different things out of workshops!

Wow- that's quite awesome...did you give up finishing your term papers to do this? Hmmmm got my eyes on you girl! :) LOL:D
  • Thread starter
  • #4
I actually did them in procrastination of starting the papers last week :) Hey I got 5 of 7 papers done so far... yesterday was my break as I was fried! Plus I realized I never typed up my notes from last conference, so I knew I had to do it quick. They say you lose 87% of what you learn if you don't use it in 30 days so I want to make sure I have it there to use it! :)
Thank you! I appreciate the notes!
GourmetGirl said:
I actually did them in procrastination of starting the papers last week :) Hey I got 5 of 7 papers done so far... yesterday was my break as I was fried! Plus I realized I never typed up my notes from last conference, so I knew I had to do it quick. They say you lose 87% of what you learn if you don't use it in 30 days so I want to make sure I have it there to use it! :)

Hmmmm- okay I'll buy into the being fried part... :) You know I love ya, and am just trying to help and hold you accountable :) Thanks for the notes, I saved them... I will print them later and put them in my secret binder that someone really nice gave me once. ;)
Thank you Allison!I did go to www.ink.com per your notes on Win-win host coaching but couldn't find regular printer ink. I do know that there are some inexpensive sites out there for similarly priced cartridges though! Thanks for sharing. :D
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Kitchen Diva said:
Hmmmm- okay I'll buy into the being fried part... :) You know I love ya, and am just trying to help and hold you accountable :) Thanks for the notes, I saved them... I will print them later and put them in my secret binder that someone really nice gave me once. ;)

Speaking of binders... do you still have that bag 'o stuff I lent you? This renewed motivation makes me want to get going again and I put all the good stuff in that bag :)
Thank You for the notes!!:)
  • #10
Amazing what you can get done when you have other things to do huh!?
  • #11
thanks....oh I said I wasn't going to have time to get on here today, but had to download pictures from DD camera so her card would be empty. So, I couldn't resist checking in. I saved all your notes so I can read them when I get back next week. This week I am reading my Bible and the 5 love languages book while laying around on the beach in Mexico.
  • #11
Here are the Leader's notes for Leading New Consultants to Success. (Wave 2, Day 3)
  • #12
GourmetGirl said:
Speaking of binders... do you still have that bag 'o stuff I lent you? This renewed motivation makes me want to get going again and I put all the good stuff in that bag :)

Okay you gave me a book and another book and that binder. The binder you said I could keep and one of the books but the other book you said you wanted back and you can actually have both books if you need them, but I'm keeping that binder cause you made it for me :) - it has helped and will continue to help once I'm free to sell again.. KWIM?

email me...
  • #13
Thanks for sharing! I saved these to read after dinner.
  • #14
Thanks for posting your notes!
  • #15
Thanks Alison I am going to take them with me to my cluster meeting next week and share them with my director her and I always do a confide in each other before the meeting she is great :)
  • #16
i was not able to go to conference and i would love to see other's notes on their workshops. tia
  • #17

Thanks soooooo much for sharing!

I am supposed to be addressing some invites right now, so I saved them and will be going back to read over them later!!
  • Thread starter
  • #18
no problem y'all - I have to have my notes organized and in outline form, so I figured they may help some of you as well... I'm still hoping others will post theirs - I love seeing what other people got of our workshops. I definitely didn't write down everthing, only things that stuck out to me in some way...
  • #19
Thanks so much for the notes!! I haven't had the chance to read them yet, but thank you for your time!!
  • #20
I went to my presenter's web site and found the following notes for Abundant Bookings. They are very detailed. Either there is a lot I forgot, or there is a lot they didn't have time to say.

I also was dissapointed about one presenter who has some REALLY OLD specials on her web site ... I was all excited about getting stainless bowls in August until I gave it some thought ...


  • Abundant bookings notes.doc
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  • #21
Di_Can_Cook said:
I went to my presenter's web site and found the following notes for Abundant Bookings. They are very detailed. Either there is a lot I forgot, or there is a lot they didn't have time to say.

I also was dissapointed about one presenter who has some REALLY OLD specials on her web site ... I was all excited about getting stainless bowls in August until I gave it some thought ...

Great notes!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!
  • #22
Oh my gosh, what great notes! Thank you for sharing;since I didn't go this will be the next best thing! :balloon:
  • #23
I took win win host coaching and I had wished they would have delt with those of us who send out the invites for our hosts. I can't seem to get a guest list until it is almost too late and then there are only like 20 names on it, which I know how to handle.
  • #24
Here are my notes from abundant bookings. i will post the rest as I finish typing them up. Enjoy!


  • Abundant Bookings (workshop 1).doc
    35 KB · Views: 642
  • #25
Were we in the same Win-Win host coaching class, Leslie?? Many of my clustermates were and hated it ... they both said they DO NOT send out invites for their hosts ... I was pleased with the snail-mail approach (to me that's easier than doing it all by phone ... I think we still need to do SOME calls, however) but the other presenter and her 15 minute shows ... EXCUSE me, how in the world do you do that? That class seemed to be about everything but host coaching ...
  • #26
If that was the one where consulants were walking out, then I was there. Stayed put, although it was very hard. The class was terrible IMHO. #1 I would never paint a host's kitchen, walk her dog, etc. That is not my job. The rest of it was all about recruiting your host. People were not being very respectful, but that was so not what the majority of us took that class for.
  • #27
This is fantastic...
I just found this web site (it was talked up at NC).
Great Notes.
  • #28
Re: Conference Notes - Leading new consultants to successI am not great at notetaking, so here are the presenter's notes from their PWS for leading new consultants to success!


  • Leading New Consultants to success.doc
    58.5 KB · Views: 529
  • #29

THANK ALL OF YOU for sharing!

May you all be blessed for thinking of others!

  • #30
Does anyone have notes for the "Be a Master Seller?"
  • #31
I have them but haven't finished typing them up. Will post as soon as I am finished.
  • #32
Thanks so much for the notes. I was writing so fast, and was so tired, most of mine are illegible.
Thanks for being so organized for us!
  • #33
Shawnna said:
thanks....oh I said I wasn't going to have time to get on here today, but had to download pictures from DD camera so her card would be empty. So, I couldn't resist checking in. I saved all your notes so I can read them when I get back next week. This week I am reading my Bible and the 5 love languages book while laying around on the beach in Mexico.

Not sure which I am more jealous of... Laying on a beach in Mexico, or actually getting to READ the love languages book. :D ( DH and I took the test at the end to see what language we each speak, but never implemented it :( )

Enjoy every second!! :)
  • #34
Here are my Be A Master Seller notes. Enjoy!!


  • Be a Master Seller(workshop 2).doc
    32.5 KB · Views: 418
  • #35
KellyTheChef said:

THANK ALL OF YOU for sharing!

May you all be blessed for thinking of others!


Ditto to that!! :)
  • #36
Kattyschack said:
Here are my Be A Master Seller notes. Enjoy!!

Awesome notes. Now I really wish I took that class!
  • #37
Thanks Jrny! Here are my Top Recruiters Tell All notes.


  • Top Recruiters Tell All (workshop 3).doc
    36 KB · Views: 516
  • #38
I also forgot to mention that Be a Master Seller was given by Anne McMillan and Linda Bowles
  • #39
Kattyschack said:
Thanks Jrny! Here are my Top Recruiters Tell All notes.

Wow. Once again thanks for sharing. I took this workshop also (not with these speakers) and I didn't even get half this information out of it!
  • #40
Here are the long-awaited notes from Be a Master Seller. I was not in "reporter mode" at the time, so I am sure there is much that could be added to them:


  • Be a Master Seller with Feriale Yan.doc
    28.5 KB · Views: 519
  • #41
Here are the last of my notes. Leading New consultants to success.


  • Leading New Consultants to Success (workshop 4).doc
    31.5 KB · Views: 432
  • #42
Thank you so much for all of your awesome notes!
  • #43
thank you everyone for sharing!
  • #44
thanks everyone for sharing your notes. I have saved all of your notes to my computer and now I can go back and study them. I really appreciate all of your hard work in typing them up.

I am back from Mexico. I had a wonderful time with my family. My 12 year old is still talking about our snorkeling trip. He said "Mom that was so fun!" He was so amazed at all the fish. Our guide threw bread into the water and their were so many fish it looked like you could walk on them. My 18 year old had a blast...although it was hard for him to not partake of his new found ability...18 year olds can drink in Mexico...hopefully he obeyed his parents when he was not with us and didn't drink. It is so hard to just let him go and be a grown up...lol Our 15 year old daughter wants to know when we are going back. We had lunch in the "garden of eden" where Predator was filmed. It was really beautiful. And, I didn't get to finish the love language book but I was able to read about half of it. We stayed really busy. I am enjoying the book and as soon as I get things caught up around here I will get back to it.

thanks again for sharing your notes.

Related to Organizing Our Notes from the Workshop: Sharing is Caring!

1. How do I access my notes from the workshop?

To access your notes from the workshop, you can either refer back to your physical notes or access them digitally if you typed them up. You can also reach out to the workshop organizer for any notes or materials that were provided during the workshop.

2. Can I share my notes with others?

Yes, we encourage you to share your notes with others who may have attended the workshop or are interested in the topics discussed. You can share them through email, social media, or by printing them out and distributing physical copies.

3. How can I organize my notes for easy reference?

There are various ways to organize your notes, such as using a binder or creating a digital file with different sections for different topics. You can also use color-coding or labeling to make it easier to find specific information.

4. Can I add my own thoughts and insights to my notes?

Absolutely! Your notes are meant to be a reflection of your own thoughts and takeaways from the workshop. Feel free to add your own insights and ideas to your notes as you review them.

5. Is there a specific format I should use for my notes?

There is no specific format required for your notes. Use whatever format works best for you and helps you stay organized and engaged during the workshop. Some people prefer bullet points, while others may prefer writing in full sentences. The most important thing is that your notes make sense to you and are easy to reference later on.

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