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Director Omg, Let Me Just Bang My Head Against the Wall Now ...

In summary, the Hospitality girl asked how to reactiviate her account, and received a response from the user. The user explains that if the consultant was "happy with their previous recruiter/upline" and if they had dropped off the roster by May 1, 2011 or later, they can renew for $25. If the consultant is past the one year mark, or if they prefer to sign up under someone different, they will need to re-sign for the $159 or $80 kit. The user can choose who they are under (same or different), but they will get a new consultant number. The user also mentions that if they want the full kit, they can do it, but most prefer the mini
Gold Member
I have this one Hospitality girl, who technically for most people wouldn't even be a hospitality person anymore ... since I moved away from where she is. But I'm not like that & I still answer questions for any of the ones in Okinawa, Tokyo, Misawa and quite a few on Chef Success too ...

Anyway, she sent me a PM on FB and this is how it went:
Hello Sheila,
Longtime no talking. I have a question? How do i reactiviate my account? Tried to do it today because i'm planning a party for the 9th of May.
Due to pay cuts i'm no longer at the post office.

If you were happy with your previous recruiter/upline, and if you "dropped" off the roster May 1, 2011 or later, you can renew for $25. Just go to their web page (or PC.com) and pick the renewal option. You'll need your Consultant Number to complete the form. You'll go back to your recruiter (assuming they are still with PC ~ or the first one in their upline who's still with PC). You'll get your old Consultant # back. You do NOT qualify for the April Recruit Incentive or the New Consultant Rewards.

If you are past the one year mark or if you prefer to sign up under someone different, you'll need to re-sign for the $159 or $80 kit. Or if you think you want to hit the ground running & do really good in your first 30/90 days, you'll probably want to re-sign vs renewing. You'll qualify for the April Recruit Incentive and New Consultant Rewards. You can choose who you are under (same or different). The down side is, a new consultant number. You'll have to build a new user on P3 so that you can go back & forth & still access the data for customers under your older consultant number. Don't replace the data! Just build a 2nd user so that you can sign in as either one. You have the option of doing the mini kit or the full kit. If you really want the full kit, you can do it. Most prefer the mini if they are re-signing.

I already got my answer.
Last party was in Dec of last year.

Dec 2011? You should still be good & on the roster. Did you try to sign into Consultant's Corner?

no called them and they told me how to order the new catalogues.

If you submitted a party in Dec, then you were "active" with at least $150 in sales for Dec. Meaning you'd have to be inactive Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May & June, then drop July 1.

If you told them you needed to renew, they may not have looked to confirm if your time had expired or not. They may have just assumed you already knew you had dropped. If you did a party in Dec 2011 and didn't send in a written request to quit as a consultant, then you are still good. You should be able to go into P3 & place a supply order.

did already. My party is the 12th of May.

Then why are you asking about the $25 renewal fee if you are still a consultant. What am I missing?

didn't ask about the $25 renewal fee. Ask about being reactiviated.

I totally thought you were saying you dropped & wanted to know how to start up again as a consultant.

You've just been inactive for 3 months. You did loose your Career Sales at month #2. When you submit a show, you'll be "active" again. Since you didn't pay the insurance for Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr, they will take that out of your first paycheck when you submit your May show. They upped the fee from $2 to $3. So you'll see $2 for Jan, $2 for Feb, $3 for Mar, $3 for April & $3 for May. So $13 off the top, then you'll get the rest of your commission.

waht are you talking about?
I've never received a check from pampered chef.

You are funny girl. Okay, they'll take $13 off the top of what they owe you, then do your direct deposit for the rest.

again, i have to go back over my statements to see if i've ever received anything from the pampered chef or just give them a call and ask.

You've never been paid commission for a show?

I'm not sure how many shows you've done for Pampered Chef, but you should have at least been paid Commission on the one you submitted in December.

You earn commission on Commissionable Sales that you submit as a Consultant. That includes: Cooking Shows, Catalog Shows, Wedding Showers, Fundraiser as well as Online orders not associated to a show & individual orders that you might have entered that were not associated with a show.

Did you sign up for the PC Debit Card when you started? (They've since changed the name of that program, but you were a consultant long before the change.) If so, the account you use to pay PC when a customer gives you cash or a check is the same account where your direct deposits go on payday ~ but of course you only get paid when you submit Commissionable Sales and earn a paycheck. Some people opt to have a check mailed to them, but most do direct deposit.

i found where they paid me.

now how do i complete my training. I've been out of the loop for so long, that i forgot how to do it.

Oh, good. Glad you found it.

There's a whole online system for how to do cooking shows, how to get bookings at your shows and how to get recruit leads at your show. Just start taking some of the online courses available on Consultant's Corner. (Look for the "Frequently Visited Links" section when you first sign into Consultant's Corner & then click on the "Online Training Center".)

If you need a refresher on how to use P3 (Pampered Partner Plus), there's a training on that too, but it's over where you download the program .. sign into Consultant's Corner > click on Download Center > click on PamperedPartnerPlus® Support Information > in the left column above the links to download the program, is a tutorial that will teach you everything you need to know about entering shows. [;)]

ok thanks

I was contacted on Sept 7, 2010 for hospitality. Her upline said she was getting discouraged & needed help. She's been a consultant for almost 20 months that I know about & she didn't know she gets paid for doing shows?

Seriously??? :bugeye:

Oh, and that all took over an hour of back & forth postings on FB to finish.
You are a better woman than I am. That would make me crazy :yuck:!
IMHO while you were trying to be helpful I think you gave too much info before you knew what she was talking about. I would have replied to her first question with a question such as "I'm not sure what you mean. When did you last submit a party?". Then you would have known what she really wanted and the rest of the conversation wouldn't have happened - no frustration for you, no confusion for her.Just like when we are talking to a potential recruit, we tend to give TMI and it isn't even what they were asking about and that just complicates things. Less is more and when we listen first we save time and effort. I'm as guilty as anyone at this.
  • Thread starter
  • #4
I had a supervisor that always (and I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME) answered a question with a question. And I mean simple things like "what time is the meeting on Tuesday?" she'd have said something stupid like "what time do you think the meeting is on Tuesday?" Or rephrase it & ask again "So what you need to know is what time to be here on Tuesday?" It drove us crazy. Probably because of her, I don't do that if I can avoid it.
Pounding my head for another reason. A new consultant just could not get the orders in correctly so Saturday when I am in the area, I was going to go to her house and get the party ready to submit.

Last night she calls me to tell me that there has been an accident near the home and her internet may be out for up to 6 months. :cry:

So I said, no problem, we can submit them on my computer just need some information. We were doing good until we got to the debit card...I emphatically let them know that A) it is a Pampered Chef debit card and not one they get at the bank (I give much more explanation). B) Do it as soon as you open your bank account.

She was half listening so now she has no debit card to submit orders with. And people from her first show are getting cranky because they understandably want their products.

Sign me, frustrated!!:grumpy:
Ann, she can use her personal CC for a few months. And to make explaining things easier, HO changed the name from 'debit card' to "order Payment Account"....so much easier to explain that one!
If it is after her first 60 days, have her use her personal card as a payment under the host for the balance of the show
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Yes, I was going to say what Wendy said. If her deadline has passed to temporarily use her own card for payment, she can put it in as a payment under the host. She just needs to understand that they will run it right away like the host & guests when it's entered there & not when the show ships like they when it's entered on the Consultant Payment screen.
pamperedlinda said:
Ann, she can use her personal CC for a few months. And to make explaining things easier, HO changed the name from 'debit card' to "order Payment Account"....so much easier to explain that one!

I have a feeling that she does not have a credit card. This is someone who is struggling financially. But thanks for the input. She does have a debit card to her bank. HO left a message on my phone yesterday about her so I have to call them to see what the issue is.

Thanks for the help everyone!
  • #10
Oh...my second thought. Once we go to web based, are we going to be able to submit a party for our consultants when something like this happens? I don't remember it being discussed but again...the umbrella stumped me:D!
  • #11
I was wondering the same thing Ann. But yes we would because we could sign on as they with their cc # etc through CC and submit a show... but of course they will be able to as well from ANY computer too. The library, a friend anywhere!
  • #12
I missed alot on the call yesterday since it was in the middle of "being with my children time" and homework and life ... sigh.. .but anyway... will credit/debit cards process immediately on the web based system or will that happen the same way it does now... when we submit?
  • #13
They will get an email when the order goes in stating that the card will be charged when the show goes in and another when the show clears that the card was charged.Cards will be run when the show goes in so we will know immediately if one bounces.
  • #14
There is a statement in the Q & A about using our personal credit cards...
As a reminder, Consultants are not allowed to use personal or family credit cards to pay for guest orders. If used, this will result in loss of commission, overrides and incentives.
Also, each order must show paid so if a host pays for a guest order we have to key in the payment in the guest payment screen as well as the host's.
  • #15
bethcooks4u said:
There is a statement in the Q & A about using our personal credit cards...

Also, each order must show paid so if a host pays for a guest order we have to key in the payment in the guest payment screen as well as the host's.

I haven't taken the training yet, so forgove me if this is answered there...is this just for shows? What about Outlet orders? I order for people all the time who pay me in cash/check and I use my CC or DC to process it. Do you think we can continue that?
  • #16
pamperedlinda said:
I haven't taken the training yet, so forgove me if this is answered there...is this just for shows? What about Outlet orders? I order for people all the time who pay me in cash/check and I use my CC or DC to process it. Do you think we can continue that?

I don't know but I would think we can - hope so. A question worth asking at the email they gave us: [email protected]

Also, they emailed us all a link to the recorded call so we can listen at our convenience. I did take the training that is up there and as far as I can tell everything on the call is covered in that but sometimes hearing it a slight different way makes more sense...
  • #17
That will effect me for sure. Just recently I wanted to order a product and pay full price and I used my credit card so now I will not be able to do this. It just keeps getting better!:grumpy:
  • #18
The one thing with CCs I noticed on the FAQs is that if a guest pays by check/cash and we have the host do one lump payment at the end (common practice) and say he/she chooses to pay by CC/Debit...if i guest does a return, it will go back on the original payment method (so this example would be the host). it encourages us to use our Consultant Payment account.

I guess I better become comfortable with the guests making checks to me vs the host? It just seemed more complicated. I could be reading it wrong or perhaps its no different and I have gotten around it for the last few years.
  • #19
baychef said:
Oh...my second thought. Once we go to web based, are we going to be able to submit a party for our consultants when something like this happens? I don't remember it being discussed but again...the umbrella stumped me:D!

I was talking to my NED yesterday and she said they changed the Consultant Policy and we are not allow to submit shows for other consultants. So the policy is now in place that we can no longer do this.
  • #20
baychef said:
That will effect me for sure. Just recently I wanted to order a product and pay full price and I used my credit card so now I will not be able to do this. It just keeps getting better!:grumpy:

Ann, technically, we are not supposed to do this. I know many of us do, but we are not allowed because it could be abused for people earning trips or excelence or other awards.
  • #21
cookingwithlove said:
Ann, technically, we are not supposed to do this. I know many of us do, but we are not allowed because it could be abused for people earning trips or excelence or other awards.

Hmmm...I just had a call from HO yesterday. One of this consultant's guests called HO complaining that they had not received their product yet. So I called back today explained the situation and that I would go home tonight get the orders ready to submit on my computer. She never mentioned that this should not be done.

I can see as a common practice this not being done, but what about if an emergency like this comes up (which it will). I have had consultants have issues with internet connections before. Even though it is web based..you still need an internet connection.
  • #22
Yea, what about those Amish consultants? I thought their upline electronically submitted shows for them. So much change! It's so unsettling!I am NOT comfortable taking checks! I'm going to have to stress cc/debit payments only!
  • #23
Are they Amish or Mennonite consultants? Mennonite have less restrictions than the Amish, however I am sure the computer has made it to many Mennonite homes.

I have taken checks for years. More debit accounts bounce than checks but I can see your concern.
  • #24
baychef said:
Hmmm...I just had a call from HO yesterday. One of this consultant's guests called HO complaining that they had not received their product yet. So I called back today explained the situation and that I would go home tonight get the orders ready to submit on my computer. She never mentioned that this should not be done.

Oh, I was thinking you were ordering it in your name not a customer's name.
  • #25
baychef said:
Are they Amish or Mennonite consultants? Mennonite have less restrictions than the Amish, however I am sure the computer has made it to many Mennonite homes.

I have taken checks for years. More debit accounts bounce than checks but I can see your concern.

There are both Amish and Mennonite consultants, I don't think the Amish consultants use the computer. I just talked to someone during the cruise who has an Amish lady on her team and they have to have someone submit the show for them.
I understand the rule to a point but like someone said what about an emergency? I have had a few times where I submit for someone else when they don't have a computer etc, I really don't see someone who doesn't have a computer or internet going to the library just to get a show submitted.
  • #26
cookingwithlove said:
baychef said:
Hmmm...I just had a call from HO yesterday. One of this consultant's guests called HO complaining that they had not received their product yet. So I called back today explained the situation and that I would go home tonight get the orders ready to submit on my computer. She never mentioned that this should not be done.

Oh, I was thinking you were ordering it in your name not a customer's name.

They want us to use our order payment account and not a credit card if we get cash or checks (or if someone is "on account").
  • Thread starter
  • #27
baychef said:
Hmmm...I just had a call from HO yesterday. One of this consultant's guests called HO complaining that they had not received their product yet. So I called back today explained the situation and that I would go home tonight get the orders ready to submit on my computer. She never mentioned that this should not be done.

I can see as a common practice this not being done, but what about if an emergency like this comes up (which it will). I have had consultants have issues with internet connections before. Even though it is web based..you still need an internet connection.

Ann, my guess is that if you have their consultant number & password, you'll be able to sign into your computer as them & submit the show. You might have to clear your cookies on your computer so that it won't think it's you signing in & recognize "her" signing in. But I can't see why it wouldn't work. What's to say she didn't come to your house to enter/submit her show? ;)
  • #28
bethcooks4u said:
There is a statement in the Q & A about using our personal credit cards...

Also, each order must show paid so if a host pays for a guest order we have to key in the payment in the guest payment screen as well as the host's.

Tonight I got a call from 2 consultants saying their shows wouldn't go thru. When I asked them both about their payment account cards the answer was "what?" :confused: One has been a consultant for almost a year and she didn't have one. (this was her last chance to submit before her 6 months was up) The other girl was just outside of her 60 days but she hadn't even set up direct deposit yet! So I ended up having them send them in and we are going to sign them up for their cards in the morning. I hope I they were the only ones! I am off to email my team.
  • #29
So do they have some kind of block on the new system so you can't use your personal credit card? What would be their reasoning for limiting us like that? Is it the fees they have to pay on credit cards?

Related to Omg, Let Me Just Bang My Head Against the Wall Now ...

What is "Omg, Let Me Just Bang My Head Against the Wall Now ..."?

"Omg, Let Me Just Bang My Head Against the Wall Now ..." is a popular expression used to convey frustration or exasperation with a situation or task. It is often used in a humorous or exaggerated manner.

Why do people use this expression?

People use this expression when they are feeling overwhelmed, annoyed, or at a loss for what to do in a difficult situation. It can also be used as a way to vent or release tension.

Is this expression appropriate for all situations?

No, this expression is not appropriate for all situations. It is important to consider the context and audience before using this expression, as it may be seen as disrespectful or unprofessional in certain settings.

How can I use this expression effectively?

This expression is best used in a lighthearted or joking manner among friends or in a casual setting. It is important to use it sparingly and not to overuse it, as it may lose its impact.

Are there any alternatives to this expression?

Yes, there are many alternatives to this expression that can convey a similar sentiment. Some examples include "I can't even," "This is driving me crazy," or "I give up."

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