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New Promotion Starts Sept 25: Brush Up on Recruiting Skills!

In summary, the email is supposed to go out on Monday, the promotion starts on Tuesday, and the person should wait until the mid October window to sign up. There is some speculation that the promotion might be in Canada as well.
Silver Member
For an incredible announcement from the HO!!! I'm not supposed to share (you know how it is) all I can say is brush up on your recruiting skills and get ready to call all of those potential recruits that didn't sign by the 17th. New promotion starts September 25th!! If you got some "Not now, maybe later." You can now call and ask them they have some sort of ESP and knew something better was around the corner!! :eek: Have I said too much??!!! Very excited!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #2
P.S. Please don't get me in trouble let this be our "Chefsuccess only" sort of secret. I read some posts before about some not having great results and I think you should know that you have a reason to be optimistic.
when will we know??????????????????I've got one about to sign how long should she wait?
when is this announcement going to be made and why can't you share with us now!!!!
That is excellent news!
At a fair this summer, a lady & I were talking and we really hit if off. She knew PC from before, and had been to several parties. So, she knew PC has recruiting promotions.

She wanted to sign up right then, but when she learned there weren't any current promotions, decided not to. And she wouldn't give me her contact info (sob).

Anyway, I have some maybes, and I hope this new promo will turn them into YES.
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  • #6
lkspeir said:
when will we know??????????????????

I've got one about to sign how long should she wait?
An e-mail is supposed to go out on Monday because the promotion starts Tuesday! :)
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  • #7
newchefmommy said:
when is this announcement going to be made and why can't you share with us now!!!!
Might be this weekend but most likely Monday. You will have until mid October, so it's not going to last a whole month. Keep in mind that I'm sharing this because so many of you give so much and I wanted you to be excited this weekend and should you have people that are interested, you can get them even more excited. Maybe knowing now can make a difference.
OH I HOPE IT IS IN CANADA TOO!! I have my fingers and toes crossed!!!
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  • #9
Yikes don't know about that, I hope so too! It is something I have never seen before, then again I haven't been here that long. :)
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  • #10
Anyone up for a game of Hot or Cold?! Not many up at this hour anyway. :)
  • #11
I'm at work, very bored.
But not bored enough to do a juvenile hot/cold game.

Share, don't share. You choose.
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  • #12
Ouch... No worries, doesn't look like anyone is up for it either.
  • #13
Doesn't look like you're up to spilling the beans, either.
  • #14
Great lead-in, though. It got a lot of interest and ???? !!!! action.
  • #15
thank you for the heads up...we understand you can't share..but appreciate your posting
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  • #16
Just concerned that I will be turned in for the spilling. You will be happy you waited until the 25th for the interested person you mentioned. The perk is more for us consultants especially if you need $$ to go to Leadership, they will be happy with a new season product to show off at their shows if they sign.
  • #17
mmm....... the directors and above selling advance product on eBay don't get "turned in for the spilling".

Why should you be punished?
  • #18
You're not supposed to share (you know how it is), and now you stop?

C'mon, I'm bored at work here.
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  • #19
legacypc46 said:
thank you for the heads up...we understand you can't share..but appreciate your posting
Thank you leggy!! By the way don't they always have the same promos EVERYWHERE? How would they keep the other consultants happy if they found out they weren't a part of a certain promo?
  • Thread starter
  • #20
kspry said:
mmm....... the directors and above selling advance product on eBay don't get "turned in for the spilling".

Why should you be punished?
Some people get away with murder sometimes, then again maybe not. We don't know what goes on behind the scenes when people do things they shouldn't.
  • #21
Can't argue with that.

Related to New Promotion Starts Sept 25: Brush Up on Recruiting Skills!

1. What is the new promotion starting on Sept 25?

The new promotion starting on Sept 25 is called "Brush Up on Recruiting Skills!" It is a special program designed to help Pampered Chef consultants improve their recruiting skills and grow their team.

2. When does the promotion end?

The promotion will run from Sept 25 to Oct 31. So be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to brush up on your recruiting skills and earn rewards!

3. What rewards can I earn through this promotion?

By participating in the "Brush Up on Recruiting Skills!" promotion, you can earn exclusive Pampered Chef products, discounts on future orders, and even a trip to the annual Pampered Chef conference.

4. How can I participate in this promotion?

To participate in this promotion, simply log in to your Pampered Chef account and access the "Brush Up on Recruiting Skills!" program. You will have access to training materials, resources, and challenges to help you improve your recruiting skills.

5. Is this promotion available for all Pampered Chef consultants?

Yes, this promotion is available for all Pampered Chef consultants. It is a great opportunity for both new and experienced consultants to brush up on their recruiting skills and grow their business.

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