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Mystery Host/Customer Appreciation Night

In summary, Pamperedgirl is having a mystery host/customer appreciation night this Wednesday night at her home and she hasn't had one RSVP yet. She called almost all her hosts from the last year and a half and ended up speaking to 85 of them. One said she missed the friday sale and is really bummed (Pamperedgirl told her to call her today and she would give her 20% off;), 3 of them said "Oh my goodness, I was just thinking about you!". Pamperedgirl told every person she spoke to how great she wants this party to be and how close she is to earning a free trip to San Fran. Most of them said they will see what they can do!
Gold Member
I'm having a mystery host/customer appreciation night this Wednesday night at my home and I haven't had one RSVP yet. So yesterday afternoon, I called almost all my hosts from the last year and a half and ended up speaking to 85 of them. Well, one said she missed the friday sale and is really bummed (I told her to call me today and I would give her 20% off;) ), 3 of them said "Oh my goodness, I was just thinking about you!". I think it was because they were putting all of their Thanksgiving stuff away. :D They said that some family members were wanting stuff after they saw all their stuff and they also found out that they needed a few other products from me! I told that I was calling to personally invite them to my home this Wednesday night for my mystery host party. I explained to them what a mystery hostess is and they either have something going on that night or they are coming. So far, I have 6 definite RSVP's, 8 want directions and ways to get tickets (but didn't give me their RSVP) I left a lot of messages and I also need to drop off catalogs today to a couple past hosts so they can start collecting orders. I also had a woman tell me that she has a couple friends who need stuff and keep asking her when she's going to have a show. So guess what? I have a catalog show booked as well! :D Not bad for 3 hours worth of time. I also told every person I spoke to how great I want this party to be and how close I am to earning a free trip to San Fran. It's amazing how many woman that are willing to help out!:) Most of them said they will see what they can do!

I'm sorry I'm rambling but I am just so excited to make this trip. I need less than $7k in 2 weeks! AGH!!!:eek: I WILL DO IT THOUGH!! Thanks for listening and I do have a moral to the story! If you make personal contact with hosts or customers, let them know what you are needing, they will try and help you.!
I think I needed to read this today! I have a mystery host event on Thursday this week. I've heard back from 6 people: 3 no & 2 yes & 1 unsure. I think I just need to get on the phone & start calling to remind them. Even if they all say no, at least I will know!

Question: I already hit level 2 of the sell a thon & won't be close to level 3. I have 2 shows before the 15th already for Dec. Which month's guest special do you think I'd have a better chance at over $60 orders--the cooling rack or cookbook? The show is on the 30th, so I could put the 30th in or the 1st (won't be submitting it that night either way anyway).
I would personally do the cookbooks - especially cause they can choose from 7 and even give them away as a gift! I don't think the cooling rack is as big of a draw myself.

Gina Miller
Thanks. I was leaning toward the cookbooks myself. It's just that I've had SO many people order more than $60 this month just for the cooling rack. But who wouldn't love a FREE cookbook!
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  • #5
I would also do the cookbook! Especially if you don't think you'll be close to Level 3. I'm going to do November specials because I have 8 catalog shows closing out and I'm not sure where they're at!;) I've hit Level 2 already by like $100 (I have $3100 in sales right now) so I have $3k still to do! Wish me luck!;)

Pamperedgirl~I'm so glad I posted this! Even if it helps one person out, I'm extremely happy!! Thanks!:D
Thank you! I know I should call, but always make excuses! Well, starting tomorrow, I'm calling! Even if all I get are answering machines, maybe it will prompt some to come.

I think I will do the cookbooks. Then if for some reason I need the extra show for Dec free product, I'll have it. Who knows--maybe I'll end up booking more Dec shows at the event & hit the $3000 for the incentive points! I'm at $3300 for this month, but only have 1 more show to close & I doubt it will be much. I'll probably end the month at $3500--much more than I've EVER done in a month, so I'm happy!
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  • #7
I know how you feel about calling because I ALWAYS make excuses! I have 3small kids (6,4,2) and it's hard to try and fit phone calls in! But, if you want your business to work, personal communication is the best. So, I will be making over 100 more phone calls tomorrow for out of the box calls. I will slip in there about my party as well!

$3500 in one month is wonderful!:D I wish I could do that every month! I turned in over $5900 last month and was really hoping to do the same this month. I guess I won't know for another couple days!;)
I'm really hoping to keep the $3000 level up & do it more consistently! I've really stepped up my business since conference!

I have noticed a big difference when I make CCC & now do those for EVERY show within 1-2 months of the show closing. I just need to do the calls for my show now too! Yeah, I know what you mean about kids--I only have a 21 month old, but I babysit a 3 year old & a 13 month old during the day, so unless they ALL take a nap at the same time, I don't get much done! Needless to say, I usually DON'T get much done during the day!
Awesome Kristi! I hope your customer night goes well. Sounds like you have found the key to this biz is connecting with your customers. When you go the extra mile to make them feel important, it makes all the difference!
Have fun on that trip; I soooo wanted it, but I think I'm gonna fall short about 9000 points as I can't get a single show scheduled for Dec other than 2 open houses:(
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  • #10
Thanks Lacy! I don't officially have that trip yet, but I'm hoping! My voice is SO TIRED from talking that I'll probably be hoarse on Wednesday!:eek: That would really stink!:eek:

Right now I have 30 definite YES'S!! I'm so excited! I'm hoping to hit $1k so we'll see! Everyone is really excited to win stuff so I think people will be looking forward to it every year. :D
  • #11
Kristi, were the people you called ones that you had also sent invitations to earlier? I didn't get a chance to call today, but I want to tomorrow. I only have 4 yeses so far to mine on Thursday.
  • #12
The great thing about this thread is that this is exactly what we tell our hosts to do. We ask them to make reminder calls and tell them that nobody will show up if they don't do the reminder calls. Hopefully, Kristi's story will help us all with host coaching our regular shows.

You could have spend $100 for a booth and tons of time setting it up, working it, and tearing it down, as well as night after night of follow up calls and still not seen the results Kristi got with 3 hours of phone calls in her slippers!
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  • #13
Thanks ladies!:D I'm blushing! :eek: Paige, you are absolutely correct, and if I've taught myself something, it is to follow up! EVERY person I talk to, I mention it, if I write an email, I mention it. I also have 10 maybes so I could possibly have up to 50 people coming! AGH! Where on earth would I put everyone?:confused: Man, what a problem!:cool:

Pamperedgirl~I sent an email to every single perosn that i Have an address for. The people I called are all my past hosts for the 19 months that I've been doing this. It would be impossible to call each and every person, but I did make sure to call my best customers as well!:D I am so looking forward to Wednesday! I'm tired of cleaning, I just want it to come!

Now my biggest thing is making sure the house stays clean and what's on the menu!;)
  • #14
I know you will, but.....be sure to let us know how it turns out:D
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  • #15
I'm up to 46 RSVP'S!:eek: Oh my goodness! I can't wait for tomorrow night!:D
  • #16
PampMomof3 said:
I'm up to 46 RSVP'S!:eek: Oh my goodness! I can't wait for tomorrow night!:D

Holy Cow!!:D
  • #17
Wow! How many people did you call for those 46 yeses??? I'm starting my calls now. My show is tomorrow, but this is the first chance I've had to call. I did CCC on Monday, but didn't get anything out of it. As I look at the LONG list of people to call, I wish I would have done this sooner!
  • #18
Good luck, Kristi! I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow to find out who is coming to mine. I have tried all week to do my calls, but no one has cooperated. Just as soon as I sat down this afternoon to call, my daughter woke up from her nap (not even an hour-aah!). This morning I had the joy of listening to her & my nephew argue as I was talking to a host about a product adjustment. My daughter pinched my nephew, so he bit her! Such fun! Then tonight I already have a prior obligation to take up my phone time.

I'm disappointed in myself for not making the calls & if people don't show up it's my own fault! I do have $50 in outside orders already--one lady just called me out of the blue with a $35 order. She got my name from an ad I have in my church bulletin. She's going to ask family about having a show in January or February! She's never hosted. She lives in the neighborhood connected to mine & I'm going to drop off her order when she's home so I can meet her & we'll talk about having a show! Yippee!! That is the first person who has called from that ad. I've had it since May & was thinking of not doing it next year--but now we'll see!
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  • #19
I thought I would post and let you know that my show is currently at $1421 :D and I'm wooped! I need to pack for a vendor fair that's from 9-5 tomorrow so I'll post more when I know more!:D
  • #20
Great job, Kristi! You REALLY worked your business & it shows! How many showed up?
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  • #21
pamperedgirl3 said:
Great job, Kristi! You REALLY worked your business & it shows! How many showed up?

43 people showed up and some of them did not place orders. Only 5 of them were family. A couple told me that they would call their orders in so we'll see!
Thanks Pamperedgirl, GOOD LUCK TOMORROW NIGHT!:D
  • #22
Congrats, Kristi, that's awesome!!

I decided to get on the phone this month, too! My commissionable sales are at 3770 and I have another catty show supposed to be closing tomorrow - I'm really hoping to break the $4000 mark for the month.

We have kids the same ages - mine are 6,4,2, and 6 months. :D
  • #23
How AWESOME Kristi:D :D All your hard work definately paid off!!!
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  • #24
pamperedgirl~How did you do tonight?:D
  • #25
Not too good. I didn't have many show up & the show is over $300. Not bad, but not great. I'm disappointed in myself for not getting (making, really) the chance to call. It seemed this week that every time I tried to make a call, the kids would wake up from naps during the day, or we had something else going on at night. Of course, lately that seems to be the story of my life! I've been doing really well the last several months (thank you Belinda Ellsworth!), but I haven't found a way to get much PC work time in at home. I set up business hours for myself, but of course, if my family needs me that has to come first.

Thanks for asking though, Kristi! How did your vendor fair go today?
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  • #26
I'm sorry. :eek: How did you do yours? Did you have it as a mystery host and how did you invite everyone?

I know exactly what you meanwith kids. I'm trying desperately to write this and my 8 month old nephew is whining at my leg.:eek: My 2 year old is saying "Milk please" and my 4 year old is sleeping!:)

My fair was just me at a salon and I left with one order of $120 so that's cool. It's all about exposure and why not on beachside! :D
  • #27
I did mine as a mystery host. I did a short demo of the truffles from last year's SB (I had the truffles made & demoed the toppings). Then I had gift sets set up & other food. The rest of the time was shopping, chatting & eating. Everyone had a good time, but there weren't many of us! I invited 70 people by mail invitations on holiday paper with stickers outside the envelopes & everything. Then I emailed an invite to my address book & sent a reminder in my monthly newsletter on Monday. Oh well, win some & lose some! At least people showed up & I have $300 + in orders!
  • #28
PampMomof3 said:
43 people showed up and some of them did not place orders. Only 5 of them were family. A couple told me that they would call their orders in so we'll see!
Thanks Pamperedgirl, GOOD LUCK TOMORROW NIGHT!:D

Sister Sarducci,

What an awesome result! You've inspired me to be more proactive when I hold my Mystery Host show next summer. I've had a difficult time making myself get on the phone. Need to get back to basics.

My show on the 28th ended up as a $600 show. I was happy with that as more people came than I had anticipated.

This year I had my husband help me make the recipe (Mini Cinnamon Christmas Tree Rolls) and it was a hoot. We were a regular comedy routine and I think my guests (many who know Larry and me) enjoyed it as much as we did!
  • #29
That's a cute idea to have your husband help make the recipe!
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  • #30
:D Great Job Jeanine! My hubby had to work and I'm so sad that he wansn't here to see our house a circus!

Well, I just finished collecting the orders for this show and get this, it's closing at $2221 in sales!!!:D :D :D That's my highest show yet so I'm so excited! Another $800 to go to get my free product!!! :D
  • #31
PampMomof3 said:
:D Another $800 to go to get my free product!!! :D

And 1000 points for next year's trip if this is sales for Dec:)
Way to go! I hope my host appreciation night is half the success yours was!
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  • #32
lacychef said:
And 1000 points for next year's trip if this is sales for Dec:)
Way to go! I hope my host appreciation night is half the success yours was!

It is for December but now I'm wishing I made it a November because I would have made Level 3 in the Sell A Thon. Oh well! I'm just happy that I have made something else besides commission!!!:D

I called the woman who in my first post said she wanted some things (she missed the friday sale) and she placed an $120 order!!! :D

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