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My Team E-Mail: "Recruiting - Is It Something You Want to Do?"

In summary, Ann forwarded an e-mail to her daughter's group explaining the differences in pay for career sales and Home Office leads, and showed how she was able to generate two leads through iContact. Sheila shared her experience as a recruiter and how she offers the business opportunity to her team members without pressuring them. Ruthie shared that she is struggling to find motivation in her team, and offered to join Ann's group to help her with recruitment.
Gold Member
Three of you asked to see the e-mail & I forwarded it. For the rest, I sent out an e-mail detailing what it takes to promote, talked about Home Office Leads & then showed the difference in my pay for the last 6 months ... what I would have made as a Consultant with $15,000 in Career Sales & then what I did make with HO Leads & Director overrides. I did it through iContact so I could track who opened it.

I figured I'd give an update. 22 of the 39 opened it & two have asked for help in building their teams & promoting! One says she has someone who's wanting to sign on the 15th (Military Payday). I have the first call at 8PM tonight (3.5 hours from now) and just sent an e-mail to the 2nd one to see if she wants 9PM.

I'd have loved to see 30 of them request help, but I'm happy with two! :D Oh, they would both be 2nd line Directors which is what I'll need in the next few months to promote to SD. I'm already looking at having 2 in my 1st line promote on April 1st (if not before) and another one who's super close to promoting under the revised career plan. So I really expect to have 3 1st line directors by summer. If I can get these two 2nd line consultant's teams growing over the next few months, I'm hoping I can see one or both of them promote to Director by summer too! :D
Sheila, can you post it as a file, perhaps? I would like to see it as well [email protected] Thanks! And good luck.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Ann, I tried copying it over to a word document, and it's all distorted. So I just forwarded the e-mail. My daughter's having a rough time trying to go down for the night and I'm waiting on a cluster member to call back too. So I just forwarded the e-mail in lieu of trying to fight with the formating issue. ;)
Sheila, could you email me your email, pretty please?! I love the way you word things! One of these days soon, i would love to give you a call and pick your brain about some stuff. Would you be available for that?

[email protected]
  • Thread starter
  • #5
I just sent it to you!

And yes, feel free to call any time! My Texas number is in my e-mail signature. It's through Skype, so it's like calling any number in Texas for you - but it rings my computer in Japan. ;)
  • #10
Sheila, you are amazing!!! I am going to put my info in there and see how it adds up. I hope mine is as eye opening as yours;). Thanks you so much for being so willing to share with everyone. I have a hard time wording things and it comes so naturally to you! I really appreciate your input, as well as others input on here too! Thanks again and I will be calling you :)
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  • #11
Okay ladies, I grouped you last 4 into one e-mail & just sent it to all of you.

Ruthie, I'm so glad that you like it & that I could help you figure out what to say to your team. I do believe that SEEING the difference that the overrides can make laid out like that can make a huge difference. Love my recruiter and how supportive she was of me when I first signed. I told her I was just in it for the discount and didn't have a desire to recruit or be super active. Because she supported me in that decision is the only reason that I'm still with Pampered Chef. Had she been pushy or trying to get me to recruit from day 1, I'm sure I'd have quit a LONG time ago. But in retrospect, I'm sad that it took me so long to realize that recruiting isn't being "pushy" and that I can actually HELP others when I offer the business opportunity to them! ;) So although I never want my team to feel pressured into recruiting, I do want them to make an informed decision with ALL the facts. :D
  • #12
I had one team member last night at a meeting. The meeting turned into a one on one. She is good and catches on fast, but she has no goals, won't make them. Recruiting is like...if it comes, it comes. There seems to be no motivation. I have 10 others like this...and that is my personal team. So March can not come fast enough!

One of my SC that I have put in shows for...put a party in under one of her consultants...so if I have to buy a party to keep my title or money, I will be so bold as to ask her for the commission she makes on the party I submitted.

Then today, I find out that one of my downline registered her back to business meeting...and put on her registration that she was partnering with me...and although we talked briefly...we made NO decision. So will call HO.

Will confess that I am getting burned out, PMSing and frazzled. Time to breathe deep..after I have my temper tantrum, however!!!:rolleyes:
  • #13
{{{HUGS}}} Ann!It's taken me a LONG time to learn how to bless and release those on my team who just want their businesses to be as they are. I have some like you who won't set goals... are okay with 1 show every few months. I spent many many years being driven CRAZY over it.That all changed when they announced the Career Plan in 2009. When they made the announcement, I thought, "Awesome! I will promote to AD in a flash!" What ended up happening was my demotion to TL. And at that point, I was able to *release*. The *bless* part didn't come for a while.At the time of being TL, in my indignation, I thought, "Screw them... if I'm not a D, they I won't do the job of a D." I didn't hold meetings, I didn't make calls... all I did was focus on MY biz. And with the decision to focus on my biz came a few things... No one quit... no one hated me. And their businesses didn't change. They didn't do more and they didn't do less. My business changed... I doubled my monthly sales and my recruiting increased. Last spring I started back up with meetings when I repromoted to D and have been paid as a D since. I decided that I wasn't going to kill myself for their businesses, even if it meant being paid as a TL. It was what it was.Now that I have more on my team (29 total with about 12-16 active any given month) it's not as much of a struggle to be a D, but it still is. Come March, that won't be an issue! YAY!With this change, hopefully all will be good. I don't have the energy to stalk them to see if they are working and if the structure will be in place. I've been putting that energy into my business. If someone doesn't want to set goals and promote, that's fine... I'll just keep recruiting until I find someone who does.The one change that I'm working on making, especially for those who don't want to recruit is to train them that at shows, our #1 job is to find new consultants, #2 is bookings and #3 is sales. The sales will come no matter what. But they need to be looking for the first two because IT'S OUR JOB to share the opportunity and bookings ensure we are employed for another night. They are slowly coming around...Hope this helps a little!
  • #14
Thanks, Colleen so much!! It is hard for me to determine sometimes if they are afraid of being uncomfortable or if they really don't want more. Gotta run to my work :yuck:
  • #15
baychef said:
Thanks, Colleen so much!! It is hard for me to determine sometimes if they are afraid of being uncomfortable or if they really don't want more. Gotta run to my work :yuck:

It can be a case of both. One of my TL's brought one of her recruits to Director Express last spring. The TL had *sold* this girl on all of the benefits of being a D and the girl thought it sounded really good. At DE, she realized that she definitely doesn't want to be a D because of all of the work involved. And that's fine. It doesn't take away her part of the job that is sharing our opportunity. That's what we need to drive home! They have to do it!

Some I know won't share because they think it will take business and bookings away from them. And in the end, we can't run their businesses for them or make them do something they won't... so we just keep recruiting until we find that ones who GET IT!!!!! :)

I once spoke to Jillian Grant about her success and she said hands-down that's it's all a numbers game. She said that I wouldn't believe how many people she's talk to about the opportunity and she literally does ask everyone. I know I don't and my numbers reflect that!!!!!

Hope you have a good day at work! Stay warm!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #17
Anne, I just sent it to you. ;)

Ann & Colleen, I totally understand people who are doing this as a hobby, since I had no desire to hit the ground running when I first started, I was just in it for the discount. I started in March '08 & just looked ... I've only been inactive 1 month ever ... Dec '08. All the other months I did what I needed to do to make sure that my upline can count me in their stats. Knowledge is powerful! My recruiter told me from the beginning that I was her #5, and she was getting a promotion by me signing. So knowing that she couldn't afford for any of us to be inactive, I did my best to stay active. :D

I have that same theory with overrides. I'm glad she wasn't pushy, but had she shown me the difference in pay in '08, I think I'd have been motivated to recruit before one just fell in my lap in Sept '09. I absolutely LOVE getting paid more for the same work. If I can open the eyes of just 1 or 2 members on my team by showing them the difference in my pay, then it's worth it to me! And the best thing is that my sales have been so low recently (since our move to Tokyo). That really helps to put it in perspective for my downline that you don't have to do $4,000 or $6,000 per month to be a Director! I'm pretty much staying active on HO Leads & Catalog Shows. I've done TWO Cooking Shows since I arrived in July!!! My 3rd was given to the host because she signed 2 days before her show. So I was just there for support & actually let her do the show.

I have to get my show schedule going!!! LOL
  • #18
Sheila- will you send your email to me as well? The information goes out in my monthly newsletter .. month by month... but I love the 6 months approach also.
[email protected]
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  • #19
You have MAIL!!!! LOL
  • #20
Wow!! You are fast!!
I love it! Thank you!
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  • #21
It's 4AM here. My son woke up at 2:30 crying. I rolled him over, covered him up & he went right back down. But I can't go back to sleep. So here I sit on the computer. LOL
  • #22
Oh bless your heart. I remember those days. My youngest son ( Thing 2) didn't sleep for the first 6 months of his life. His twin sister could sleep through it, but he had a tendency to wake up my older son and daughter, so I would just stay up with him. Oh the joy.
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  • #23
Daughter came out of her room at 4:20! Um, no!!! I put her bum right back in the bed!!!

5:15 AM & I just went down for a bag of Cheetos & a Diet Coke. I guess I'm up for the day. :(
  • #24
harumph! At least you are being productive! :)
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  • #25
Too bad the Diet Coke doesn't counter act the fat in the Cheetos! LOL
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  • #26
My Grandfather used to say that Ice Cream would freeze the fat off of you. I tried it. It didn't work! LOL
  • #27
Sheila said:
My Grandfather used to say that Ice Cream would freeze the fat off of you. I tried it. It didn't work! LOL

I really like the concept though!!
  • Thread starter
  • #28
It was definitely a fun theory to test! ;)
  • #29
Hi Sheila

Firstly thank you so much for all your sharing - you've got a huge heart! I'd love a copy of your email please as it sounds like something that might help me launch my 2011 leadership programme.

Thanks in advance

[email protected]
  • Thread starter
  • #30
I just sent it. ;)
  • #31
I would love to see this too!Can you add me to the email please? [email protected]

Sheila said:
Three of you asked to see the e-mail & I forwarded it. For the rest, I sent out an e-mail detailing what it takes to promote, talked about Home Office Leads & then showed the difference in my pay for the last 6 months ... what I would have made as a Consultant with $15,000 in Career Sales & then what I did make with HO Leads & Director overrides. I did it through iContact so I could track who opened it.

I figured I'd give an update. 22 of the 39 opened it & two have asked for help in building their teams & promoting! One says she has someone who's wanting to sign on the 15th (Military Payday). I have the first call at 8PM tonight (3.5 hours from now) and just sent an e-mail to the 2nd one to see if she wants 9PM.

I'd have loved to see 30 of them request help, but I'm happy with two! :D Oh, they would both be 2nd line Directors which is what I'll need in the next few months to promote to SD. I'm already looking at having 2 in my 1st line promote on April 1st (if not before) and another one who's super close to promoting under the revised career plan. So I really expect to have 3 1st line directors by summer. If I can get these two 2nd line consultant's teams growing over the next few months, I'm hoping I can see one or both of them promote to Director by summer too! :D
  • Thread starter
  • #32
Just sent it to you Julia!
  • #33
I would love a copy as well Shelia! Thank you so much for being willing to share with everyone all the time. Ive noticed its a habit of yours while reading through all of the posts. Im a newly promoted Director and was thinking of doing the something similar. I seem to have a large variety of ladies on my Team and would love to inspire some of them with $$ signs. I also have a new girl in Misawa, Japan. Is that near you?
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  • #34
I need your e-mail address to forward the e-mail. I just answered your other post about Misawa too. ;)
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  • #35
I just saw your e-mail address on another post & forwarded this to your e-mail. ;)
  • #36
Hello Sheila,

I would love to see the e-mail as well. I have been "out of the loop" since Oct. with a broken elbow and really need to kick it into high gear. I also have a goal of being a Senior Director by Conference and GOLD Level. Thanks for being willing to share!

Brenda Kempton [email protected]
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  • #37
I just sent it to you. But it's from Nov 2010, so it's the OLD CAREER PLAN! Don't copy, paste & send to your team!!! You'll need to make the appropriate changes to reflect the current Career Plan that took effect March 1, 2011. ;)
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  • #39
I just forwarded it to you too Beckie. Again, it's from Nov '10, so you can't just copy & paste as it has the OLD Career Plan info not the current Career Plan info. ;)

Related to My Team E-Mail: "Recruiting - Is It Something You Want to Do?"

1. What is the purpose of the e-mail about recruiting for Pampered Chef?

The purpose of the e-mail is to inform team members about the potential benefits of recruiting new consultants and building a team in Pampered Chef. It also shares personal success and earnings as an incentive for others to consider recruiting.

2. Can you provide more details about what the e-mail includes?

The e-mail details what it takes to promote within Pampered Chef, mentions the availability of Home Office Leads, and compares earnings as a consultant with $15,000 in career sales to earnings with Home Office Leads and Director overrides. It was sent through iContact to track who opened it.

3. How many team members opened the e-mail and what has been the response so far?

Out of 39 team members, 22 opened the e-mail. Two have asked for help with building their teams and promoting, and one has a potential recruit who may sign on the 15th. The sender also has a scheduled call with a team member and is waiting for a response from another for a potential call.

4. What are the expected results from the e-mail?

The sender hopes to see more team members request help with building their teams and promoting. They also expect to have at least 3 first-line directors and potentially 2 second-line directors by the summer if they can successfully grow the teams of the two consultants who responded to the e-mail.

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