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My So-Called [Crazy] Life...update

In summary, Nikki's husband is going to be away for a year and she is going to have to manage TPC all by herself. She is hoping to stay active during this time.
Gold Member
Well, life here is going really well with Little Man Asa. Another beautiful, peaceful baby has been brought forth from my womb, and we couldn't be happier about that!


Asa was born on Friday, March 9. We came home from the hospital on Monday, March 12. On the next day (Tuesday), my DH was called into his office and given notification that he is off to war. He will be leaving right after July 4 for a year.

This was a major shocker for us. His squadron does not deploy. He is with a Special Ops training wing. But, back in 2005, the AF was beginning to have troubles filling special duty slots in Iraq. So, they started pulling non-volunteers. In 2005, there were 200 career fields affected...now, there are 1200! Of course, we always knew/know that deployment was a possibility, but because the squadron didn't deploy, we thought we were pretty safe.

He will NOT be running around tracking down insurgents, or on a convoy. I know these are necessary jobs, but am so relieved! He will be teaching the Iraqis to do his job. Teaching is something he fell in love with while at Sheppard AFB (Wichita Falls, Texas) from 1998 to 2003, and I am very glad that he will be able to return to a position he so enjoys.

So, the kids and I will be moving from Albuquerque to Northern AZ, where my mom and his folks live. We also have a lot of other family in the area, including my dad and brother in Phoenix.

After a great fall/early winter with my cluster, we have really floundered, mainly because I can't seem to focus on more than one thing at a time. We had the move, then baby, and now deployment and another move. I am in my third month of relinquishment, with only 3 active consultants now. A recruiting star I am not. I rarely seem to be able to close the deal, which has way more to do with my own hang-ups than the people I am trying to recruit.

I'm posting this long, drawn out story so that:

  1. When you see my signature change to Ind. Consultant, y'all will know why; and
  2. To unashamedly ask for prayer in this time.

Our 15 year old seems to be handling everything pretty well, but our six year old, who is our "odd little duck", I know will have some difficulty. Big sister, trying to be helpful, told the six year old that daddy was leaving and we were moving WAY BEFORE we were ready to tell her, so it has been a very emotional time.

It never seems to end for us, but I know that God has in His ever watchful eye, and is holding us in His very gentle hands. We just have to trust...

Thanks so much!
Wow, that is a lot to have going on. May you find the strength to survive the move with all that is going on and still be sane. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Congrats on the baby! They make everything good.

My prayers are definitely with you and your family, especially your dh. Thank him for me! I know it's hard on you all and I hope you can take strength in the fact that so many are praying every day for all those in service to our country.

I wish you the best in the move and in everything you are going through! You will have the strength you will need.

Just do one thing at a time and do what you have strength for. Your PC business could be a welcome distraction and you can build it back up when you are able.

Take care!!
Nikki - wow - that is rough - REALLY praying for you and sad for your husband that he will miss some precious moments with Asa. Take lots of video for him and enjoy your time until then.

Be sure to keep HO up-to-date with your situation - I think you should get some leniency with your situation.

...and don't feel ashamed to ask for prayer support!
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  • #5
Oh, yeah...As far as TPC goes, I am really hoping to be able to stay active during this time. I am only $6000 away from $50,000 in career sales, and I would hate to loose it all at this point, after 3 years this coming July.

I don't know what level I'll be able to maintain my business as a "single mom" of four for a year, but that's what I'm hoping to do. My DH is such an integral part of my business, I know I can't continue at the level I've been doing without him. But, hopefully, I'll be able to maintain my activity.

I am so sorry! I will add you to my prayers and also your husband. You have to get a Cam for your PC so Asa can visit Daddy online. At least you will be moving to be around family and won't be alone. Maybe business will be better in AZ too. What plans god has in store, I am sure it will all work out.
I will be praying for you and your family!!
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  • #8
janetupnorth said:
...sad for your husband that he will miss some precious moments with Asa. Take lots of video for him and enjoy your time until then....

That's the hardest part for me, I think. Tony is an awesome father, and I will miss him being a part of the day-to-day stuff with all the kids, but especially Asa. They change so fast at this young age!
Nikki - if it gets tough - don't be afraid to ask for a waiver to be able to still keep your career sales! I would think they'd work out SOMETHING for you.
  • #10
Oh Nikki - what a full ful plate you have righ tnow. You are in my prayers!! Maybe you coul denlist his and your families in Albequerque to help you out in running and building your business while up there?
  • #11

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God only closes doors when he has another one open for us...He already knows what's going to happen with your move, your family, and your business- just trust in him! And never feel like you shouldn't be asking for prayer! That is one of the ways we are able to support one another!

Good luck with everything and stay "in the moment" especially with your new little guy!
  • #12

Wow, you have your hands full. You already accomplished something with your post - making me feel better about my crazy life (LOL):)!

Congratulations on your new little one. My youngest is 12 so I'm starting to miss the "little" age. It goes so fast as you know!

I agree w/Kelly God knows what He has planned for all of you. It's just so hard for us to see. Just trust in him.

We will all be praying for you!
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  • #13
Thanks to all of you for your kind words of support...I know we will survive through this year. My prayer is that we will THRIVE!
  • #14
Nikki, you and your family will be in my prayers. Please accept my thanks to you and your DH for the sacrifices you are making for us.
  • #15
You can make it work. My Dh left for Iraq when my two girls were 16mo. and 3mo. old. We didn't have the option of moving close to family (we closed on our house 3days before he left) It was a rough year for us, but it really showed me what I strong person I am. It taught me so much about myself. I can change a lightbulb and climb a ladder to put up Christmas lights. (not that changing a lightbulb is hard, but I had a ladder fear) and I can cope with two screaming babies all night for a week and still smile when Dh finally had the chance to call or email.
Dh is going back sometime between jan + feb next year and we now have 3 kids. (word of caution---if you don't want the 5th child---beware of the first night your DH is back home. My son was conceived that night!) We are thinking of renting our home out and moving down by his family (mostly so I can continue my business and school) One thing that kept me going while he was gone was planning a big vacation for just the two of us. When ever I felt lonely, I just pulled out my vacation folder and started planning.
Good luck, I will keep you and your DH in my prayers. Will he be gone for 6 mo. or longer? DH was gone 18mo. and this time he will be gone for 12 mo (unless congress has their way--then he will be home earlier) Sorry for the long post.
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  • #16
Not a problem (with the "long" post)...mine was super long! I appreciate any words of advice from those who have gone before us.

He is scheduled to be gone for one year. It's a little confusion how it's classified. The Iraqi and Afgani governments don't want a "permanent" presence in their countries, so no one is allowed to actually be "assigned" there. So, it's considered an "extended deployment", or a one-year TDY. But, it has all the benefits of a short-tour, including choice of follow-on (providing it's available, of course). It's definitely different than those who are in the streets doing the actual fighting. He's part of setting things up for when "we" leave.

We're just starting to spread the word to friends and family regarding this. The big shocker for most people is that Tony could have chosen to retire instead of going. But, that is so not in his nature. When I married him almost twelve years ago (April 5), I knew that he would never turn down a call to duty. That's one of the reasons I love him. Those "stupid ethics" (as we lovingly call them sometimes) can get in the way sometimes, but they are so worth following!

Thanks again...any other words of wisdom from those who have been through this?
  • #17
Just wanted to add you to our prayers as well. we have a prayer box at church we put our requests in and we pray over it every service....your faimly will be put in it. I have family members in the army and it is a hard time but the war wont last.....take this time to grow as an individual. You have all of us here for support and a shoulder to cry on when it gets to bad....hang in there!!
  • #18
I will be praying for you and your family.... BIG (((((((HUGS))))))
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  • #19
Just keeps getting crazier!So, I know there are larger and more urgent issues going on in the world, but things just keep happening here!

Saturday, I was rear-ended with my 15 year old and Little Man Asa in the car. Everyone seemed to be okay. We ended up taking the 15 year old into Urgent Care because of bruising from the seatbelt and generalized stiffness, but she's okay.

I, on the other hand, felt amazingly okay, but my right wrist was bothering me more and more, and wasn't resolving. Saw the Ortho doc this a.m., and I have what's called a "Chaufer's Fracture" (not sure of spelling). It happens when the wrist is jammed on the stearing wheel.

Luckily, it seems to be minor, so they are letting me try a brace rather than a cast. Of course, it's my right hand, which is making life with Asa and the 2 1/2 year old interesting. I'm discovering that typing is a pain as well!

So, one more thing to add to your prayer list...thanks!
  • #20
Oh no!! Get well soon NIkki!!!
  • #21
Coming from a fellow military wife, you can get through this..with the help of your family and friends. my hubby has been on 2 one-yr deployments to Iraq...the first during the initial invasion..our son was 3 mo old..and i stayed back at ft campbell as i was set in my job as an RN working 12 hour shifts at night. Looking back, I wonder how I did it all...it really didn't phase me back then..I was just so concentrated on our son...and also worrying about him. His unit lost 2 helicopters during that year...8 soldiers in all....maybe more. This second time around, he left in '05...we had lived apart for 6 months prior to him leaving (long story...LOL...it wasn't like a marriage separation or anything like that) so then he comes back after a year, and we still had to live apart so he could go to school to change his MOS.....to this day, we're still living apart...going on 2 yrs..but we'll be together in a few weeks...and on our way to Germany. It has been difficult....and very trying at times....but we made it through. Us military wives are strong...but don't let your pride get in the way of asking family/friends for help. I will certainly be praying for your husband..and you and your family as well. I know there's several of us military wives here who can give you support...Take care hun, and congrats on the new lil boy!!
  • #22
Nicole, I'm not the most religious person, but you will be in my prayers. It's hard to get through rough times, but the only way I have been able to do it is knowing that God would not give us more than we can handle. As struggling in my faith as I have been recently, knowing this is a very soothing thing. It sounds like you will have a great support network and don't hesitate to ask them for anything, as a year without telling anyone how you are really doing will not be good for anyone. Good luck!
  • #23
You are a better woman than me, I dont know what I would do. You and your family are definately in my prayers, I hope that things start to change for you. Good luck.
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  • #24
Thanks, y'all! It's great to have a place like this to come and vent and wine...hmmm...maybe there's a theme show in there...A vent and wine show?

  • #25
Nikki - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Related to My So-Called [Crazy] Life...update

1. What is "My So-Called [Crazy] Life...update" about?

"My So-Called [Crazy] Life...update" is a personal blog written by a woman named Sarah who shares her experiences and thoughts on navigating life as a busy working mom. She covers topics such as parenting, marriage, career, and self-care.

2. How often does Sarah post on her blog?

Sarah posts on her blog about once a week. However, she may also share occasional updates or thoughts on social media.

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Yes, you can submit topic suggestions or questions for Sarah to cover on her blog. She loves to hear from her readers and may choose to write about your suggestion in a future post.

4. Is "My So-Called [Crazy] Life...update" only for moms?

No, while Sarah is a mom and many of her posts revolve around motherhood, her blog is for anyone who is looking for relatable and honest content about navigating the ups and downs of life.

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