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Meet the True Heroes: Winners Who Never Give Up on Their Dreams

In summary, "Free Rice" is a game site where for each word defined correctly, 10 grains of rice are donated to those in need. It has become addicting for many users who have found it to be a fun and educational way to donate to a good cause. Some users have been able to donate thousands of grains of rice in one sitting. There is also a leaderboard that shows the total amount of rice donated each day.
Staff member
WINNERS!Winners are everyday heroes. Winners take their dreamsWINNERS!
Winners are everyday heroes. Winners take their dreams seriously. Winners never give up and won’t let you give up either. Winners have attitude. Winners care in their sleep. Winners make big things happen a little at a time. Winners say “Yes” to freedom and change. Winners go with the flow. Winners see the beginning in every ending. Winners expect the best. Winners inspire the best in others. Winners are the richest people in the world when it comes to experience, laughter, and love.
Admin Greg said:

A game site where for each word defined correctly donates 10 grains of rice! Fun!

i got to 120 grains! I missed one and it lets you continue!
I donated 300 grains - this could get addicting.
probably a thread we should keep bumping???
Ok I kept going until I got to 2000 grains!!
JaimeQ said:
Ok I kept going until I got to 2000 grains!!

Awesome Jaime!
I did about 830 grains. I will do more later as it is addicting.
  • #10
I got 200 the first time.....I felt smart for a moment! LOL!!
I'll be back to get more later!!
  • #11
Ok 2400 today is enough.... phew!
  • #12
Boy, you're right it's addicting! 3,300 for me!

Back to work, . . .

--Jenny L
  • #13
2810 today.
  • #14
LOL are we racing??? I don't think I can beat that!
  • #15
Wow that's an addicting game!
  • #16
It's cool to learn more words and to realize I know more words already than I thought. If I stop and think about them!

--Jenny L
  • #17
OK.... :rolleyes: I am so done with that! Talk about addicting! I did 4000 TODAY! Ughhhh!
  • #18
ya... taking a break for today from this! Phew!
Just bumping!
  • #19
I blogged about this link on my myspace page too... and it's spreading like wildfire! One of my friends blogged about it and lots more folks are getting addicted to it too. It's a good addiction to have, I'd say. LOL
  • #20
Okay, I've had my fix for the day!

--Jenny L
  • #21
  • #22
710 today, some better than none!
  • #23
Get me away from here! I'm over 4 grand for today!

What vocabulary levels are you reaching? I'm usually between 35-40. sometimes higher, sometimes lower.

--Jenny L
  • #24
jlevernier said:
Get me away from here! I'm over 4 grand for today!

What vocabulary levels are you reaching? I'm usually between 35-40. sometimes higher, sometimes lower.

--Jenny L

I haven't been to 40 yet but mid to upper 30's and 4000 is when I called it quits now I do a little now and again... I got bored when I hit 4K so now I just play to feed LOL :D
  • #25
Carissidy said:
I haven't been to 40 yet but mid to upper 30's and 4000 is when I called it quits now I do a little now and again... I got bored when I hit 4K so now I just play to feed LOL :D

Since I seem to always be in the 30's I'm hitting the same words. Today I made mistakes to drop me to a lower level, someplace in the early twenties. It was nice to see some unfamiliar words. Some of them weren't neccessarily any easier than the higher vocabulary numbers!

--Jenny L
  • #26
jlevernier said:
Since I seem to always be in the 30's I'm hitting the same words. Today I made mistakes to drop me to a lower level, someplace in the early twenties. It was nice to see some unfamiliar words. Some of them weren't neccessarily any easier than the higher vocabulary numbers!

--Jenny L

It is sooo true! I have found a lot of doubles... and I thought I was the only one who dropped myself down on purpose LOL

P.S. I am following you! LOL No one else is here and I am sooo bored!
  • #27
Carissidy said:
It is sooo true! I have found a lot of doubles... and I thought I was the only one who dropped myself down on purpose LOL

P.S. I am following you! LOL No one else is here and I am sooo bored!

Holy Cow! that came out wrong... I just mean it's just you and me baby! Everyone else is off doing something I am sitting bedside to put my children to bed!
  • #28
Carissidy said:
Holy Cow! that came out wrong... I just mean it's just you and me baby! Everyone else is off doing something I am sitting bedside to put my children to bed!

I got what you meant! For me, it's that 'work avoidence' thing I was mentioning in another thread.

--Jenny L
  • #29
Carissidy said:
I haven't been to 40 yet but mid to upper 30's and 4000 is when I called it quits now I do a little now and again... I got bored when I hit 4K so now I just play to feed LOL :D

Have you checked the totals over the past few days? It seems like the numbers creep upwards, then there is a sharp drop for a few days before they start going up again. I guess others are realizing what a chunk of time you can spend.

--Jenny L
  • #30
I haven't paid attention... I dont even know what you are talking about...
  • #31
Carissidy said:
I haven't paid attention... I dont even know what you are talking about...

Go to the top of the page and click on "totals". It shows how many grains of rice have been donated each day. Are you aware the site is less than a month old?

--Jenny L


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  • #32
jlevernier said:
Go to the top of the page and click on "totals". It shows how many grains of rice have been donated each day. Are you aware the site is less than a month old?

--Jenny L

WOW no kidding! I try to do a little everday!

bumpity... bump... bump... bump!
  • #33

Come on Ladies! Have a Heart! LOL
  • #34
Fed a hungry person... did you? LOL
  • #35
I did!
  • #36
You got me. I am going to try it right now.
  • #37
It's just too addicting.

I mean come on~ Do they actually count out the rice or what?
  • #38
Christ Follower said:
It's just too addicting.

I mean come on~ Do they actually count out the rice or what?

They most likely weigh it out.

I did my 1,000 for today so just bumping the thread. Have you noticed the totals are getting larger every day?

--Jenny L
  • #39
bump time!
  • #40
help feed the hungry!
  • #41
Carissidy, you are single handedly feeding many, many children! Good for you!

--Jenny L
  • #42
jlevernier said:
Carissidy, you are single handedly feeding many, many children! Good for you!

--Jenny L

I am trying, I wish others would too, it takes mins if you only want to a little!
  • #43
Carissidy said:
help feed the hungry!

Doin' it honey, doin' it, . . .

--Jenny L
  • #44
  • #45
bumping again!
Jenny are you still doing this????
  • #46
I am bored out of my mind and thought, aw heck, I'll sit here and feed a hungry person some rice. But the site says I have to come back later! Boy, nobody wants me tonight... lol
  • #47
Carissidy said:
bumping again!
Jenny are you still doing this????

Of course, and telling others about it.

When I asked one friend what level she had gotten up to she said, "I've only gotten up to 50 so far." I asked if she had read that fifty is the highest level, she said she was rather good with vocabulary words. Yeah, right!

Do you want a number posted? Something so we could say, this site donatesd so much rice?

--Jenny L
  • #48
ok, anyone still doing this BUMP!!!
  • #49
  • #50
havent done this a while.... wow

Related to Meet the True Heroes: Winners Who Never Give Up on Their Dreams

1. What does it mean to be a "winner"?

Being a winner means taking your dreams seriously, never giving up, and having a positive attitude. It also means caring, making things happen, and embracing change.

2. How do winners inspire others?

Winners inspire others by setting a good example, being positive, and showing determination and perseverance in achieving their goals. They also encourage others to do the same and support them along the way.

3. How do winners handle setbacks and failures?

Winners see the beginning in every ending and expect the best. They use setbacks and failures as learning experiences and opportunities for growth. They also don't let these obstacles discourage them from pursuing their dreams.

4. What makes winners "the richest people in the world"?

Winners may not have the most material possessions, but they have the most valuable things in life - experience, laughter, and love. They appreciate the journey and the people around them, making them truly rich in life.

5. How can we become winners in our own lives?

We can become winners by taking our dreams seriously, never giving up, and having a positive attitude. We can also care for ourselves and others, embrace change, and expect the best. It's also important to inspire and support others in their own journeys.

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