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Maximizing Sales: Tips for a Successful Direct Sales Party with 13-15 Attendees

As I said in other postings, I am in SS1. I did sell PC before and now an trying to restart my business. I talked to the host of my show scheduled for tomarrow night and she has 13-15 people coming! WooHoo! I've never had that big of an attendance for a show, typically it is around 8. I really want to make it a good show, my goal is $1000. I think I've done ok on host coaching but I am worried about messing up the presentation and not getting as good of sales as I can. I am doing wraps so I'll showcase a lot of high end products like the Ultimate Slice & Grate, Chopper, chillzanne server, etc. So that should help, but what other show strategies should I focus on? I also am going to try one of the bingo games posted on this site that forces me to talk about specific items. I want to make it fun so that people will want to book as well. What is left for me to do to make this one great show?
First...breathe in, breathe out!! Be relaxed!! You're going to do great!

Make sure you ask your guests who has been to a show before, so you have an idea of who is in your audience. If you have a "seasoned" group, engage them in conversation at the beginning to talk about their favorite products, so it takes some of the pressure of you from the get go. If more people are new to PC, ask them to discuss their style in the kitchen (I usually give them a scale of one to ten: 1 is all local fast food restaurants on speed dial, 10 is a Rachel Ray wannabe). Again, this is to help you determine their needs so you can "tailor" the presentation to them.

Just be yourself and keep things light...an easy game to do would be the left right game. Do you have it? If not, let me know and I'll post it here.

Let us know how it goes!!
Two people came to my first show, and they both knew infinitely more about Pampered Chef than I do. I ended up just letting them go on about the different products, as I made the recipe, and I ended up with $160 and a booking.
Don't forget to mention the "Spend $50.00 get freebie" bonus!!! I am so excited that this is back this month. I saw a hugh increase in my show totals when it was in place before and saw a definate decline in sales these last few months when it was not. People want to get something for FREE!!! They will spend the $50.

Good Luck!!
Mention the guest special!!Yes, the "Spend $50 get a free Chillzanne mini bowl" deal is great and should really help your upcoming show. Tell them to take advantage of the offer! People love hearing the word "free" ;) . I too, have seen an increase in my show totals so far. Don't you wish they would do this all the time?!? Also, mention the booking benefits and host rewards so you can spark some interest in those potential hosts! Good Luck and have fun with your show!!
Good Luck and have fun. It sounds like they have you covered. I don't do any games, but I'm not a game person. I never was when I went to shows, I usually don't play them. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Find out about the crowd and tailor it to them. Make them feel comfortable. I also talk about replacement parts and customer service and welcome them to my circle of friends. To make them feel comfortable with me I introduce my family from my Booking binder and go though that during the introduction. Have fun, make everyone feel comfortable and they will come back for more.

Good luck again!!! :D
Ditto on the guest specials for the next two months. I wish they had those kind every month.

You mentioned about wanting this to be a $1,000 show. This flyer is a little late but it put things into perspective for planning a $1,000 show.


  • $1000 PC Show Flyer.doc
    22 KB · Views: 934

Related to Maximizing Sales: Tips for a Successful Direct Sales Party with 13-15 Attendees

1. What are some strategies for maximizing sales at a direct sales party with 13-15 attendees?

Some strategies for maximizing sales at a direct sales party with 13-15 attendees include showcasing high-end products, utilizing interactive games or activities to engage guests, and offering special promotions or discounts. It is also important to have a well-prepared and engaging presentation that highlights the features and benefits of the products being sold.

2. How can I make my presentation more effective and avoid mistakes?

To make your presentation more effective and avoid mistakes, it is important to thoroughly prepare beforehand. This includes practicing your presentation, familiarizing yourself with the products, and anticipating any potential questions or objections from guests. It may also be helpful to create a script or outline to follow during the presentation.

3. What other show strategies should I focus on to increase sales?

In addition to showcasing high-end products and utilizing interactive games or activities, other show strategies to focus on include creating a welcoming and inviting atmosphere, providing product demonstrations, and offering personalized recommendations to guests based on their interests and needs. It may also be beneficial to offer incentives for guests to book their own party or to make a purchase at the current party.

4. How can I make the party more fun and engaging for guests?

To make the party more fun and engaging for guests, consider incorporating interactive games or activities, providing snacks or refreshments, and creating a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. You can also encourage guests to interact with each other and share their experiences with the products. Additionally, offering prizes or giveaways can add an element of excitement and make the party more enjoyable for everyone.

5. What can I do to increase the likelihood of guests booking their own party?

To increase the likelihood of guests booking their own party, make sure to mention the benefits of hosting a party, such as earning free or discounted products, and offer incentives for booking on the spot. It is also important to follow up with guests after the party and provide them with information on how to book their own party. Additionally, offering a special discount or promotion for guests who book a party within a certain timeframe can also be effective in encouraging bookings.

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