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Lesson Learned: Slowing Down Saves Money

In summary, the conversation revolves around a common problem of making errors while trying to work quickly. The speaker shares a recent experience of forgetting to add shipping and tax costs which ended up costing them $27. They also mention a helpful tip of having customers read their order form to avoid oversights. Another person adds the suggestion of inputting show information before the actual event to avoid last-minute mistakes. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of being careful and thorough in order to avoid costly errors.
Humble Beginnings
Ok this has been a ongoing problem with me since I can remember. I try to do my job quick and in the end there are errors. Last night I had an awesome party, great people, fun, host wants to sign just everything was right. Then I sit down to take orders, 1 lady came right up and I put her in, give total, she writes a check then I realized I didnt' have the host address in there and forgot the shipping and tax. At that point I just figured I would absorb the cost, (not sure why I didn't just fess up) big flaw with me. Either way, that was that, then this morning I go to double check orders and find 2 people wanted 2 of something I only charged for 1, and then I put host's zip in but PP3 pulled the wrong city so when I changed it, tax went up .75%...... all of this cost me $27.00 UGH!!! I'm so mad at myself, I need to be more careful. This was only my 4th show but it was over 600.00, so worth my time, and within 24 hours I blow 1/3 of it for just not slowing down. Lesson learned!
I feel for you. I wish I would have just ate $8 from oneof my shows (on another thread) since now the customer says it caused her checking account to bounce, and bounce, and bounce! I added it to her debit card and forgot to call her!
One thing you can do to help with that - and it also helps you give each person one-on-one attention at check out - is to have the guest read their order form to you....

That way, if they want 2 of an item, they are telling you they want two, and you aren't overlooking it, and you can make sure you are suggesting other things to go with their purchase (like the small cooks spatula to go with the 8" saute pan) - and you can reconfirm their zip code, etc....

I've done this a couple times for shows...and it works out really well - I need to start doing it consistently!
great advice becky...it's hard not to rush when there's a line of people waiting to place their orders, and you also have recruiting and booking on your mind too.
ChefBeckyD said:
One thing you can do to help with that - and it also helps you give each person one-on-one attention at check out - is to have the guest read their order form to you....

That way, if they want 2 of an item, they are telling you they want two, and you aren't overlooking it, and you can make sure you are suggesting other things to go with their purchase (like the small cooks spatula to go with the 8" saute pan)

I like to have them read me their information. Especially credit card numbers. . .you know how hard it is to read those cards. I'm usually working in really poor light.

Now that you've had this experience I'm sure you're going to change one other thing. Make sure that adding a show to your computer is part of pre-show preparation. Get the show set up early (and if you're on P3, where you have internet access) and that's one less thing to worry about.

I don't add customer information, other than the name, at the show unless they are paying with credit card. When they are using a CC I make sure I also input their phone number.
Outstanding advice Becky! I love the idea of them reading me the order....
Humble Beginnings said:
Ok this has been a ongoing problem with me since I can remember. I try to do my job quick and in the end there are errors. Last night I had an awesome party, great people, fun, host wants to sign just everything was right. Then I sit down to take orders, 1 lady came right up and I put her in, give total, she writes a check then I realized I didnt' have the host address in there and forgot the shipping and tax. At that point I just figured I would absorb the cost, (not sure why I didn't just fess up) big flaw with me. Either way, that was that, then this morning I go to double check orders and find 2 people wanted 2 of something I only charged for 1, and then I put host's zip in but PP3 pulled the wrong city so when I changed it, tax went up .75%...... all of this cost me $27.00 UGH!!! I'm so mad at myself, I need to be more careful. This was only my 4th show but it was over 600.00, so worth my time, and within 24 hours I blow 1/3 of it for just not slowing down. Lesson learned!

I too have done this same thing...I didn't fess up either! I just ate it...
If any of those guests paid by CC, I would call them and tell them you made a mistake adn you can adjust their totals. For the people that wanted multiples, call them too and you can work out payment (get a CC/DC over the phone to pay the difference if they paid by check). Everyone will understand--really!
DebbieJ said:
If any of those guests paid by CC, I would call them and tell them you made a mistake adn you can adjust their totals. For the people that wanted multiples, call them too and you can work out payment (get a CC/DC over the phone to pay the difference if they paid by check). Everyone will understand--really!

I agree. I wouldn't spend an additional $27 for the difference. Just call those that ordered & explain. They will understand.
  • #10
You've gotten a lot of good advice here. I too think that you should contact these people and try to get the additional money. I would also tell them that you are new at this and appreciate their understanding. It just could get you extra business! You know what you need to do in the future. Just think you could have overcharged someone too so go over all of the orders and make sure before you call them you are prepared.

It is easy to get carried away with excitement and sounds like you had a great show. I am sure everything will work out in the end! I wish you continued success!
  • #11
Also, another thing I do with my show's in P3 before I go is enter everyone's information (name, address & phone number) before I go to the show, so all I have do is click on their nameand enter their order. I also verify the information with them when I put their order in. I get this information from the host giving the names and addresses for invitations. Then before I send the order in, I delete those who didn't make it.

Related to Lesson Learned: Slowing Down Saves Money

What are some ways that slowing down can save money in the kitchen?

Slowing down in the kitchen can save money in a few different ways. First, taking the time to plan out meals and create a grocery list can help avoid impulse purchases and reduce food waste. Additionally, cooking at a slower pace can help prevent burning or overcooking food, which can lead to having to throw out ingredients. Finally, utilizing leftovers and repurposing them into new meals can save money on buying additional ingredients.

How can meal prepping help save money?

Meal prepping involves preparing multiple meals or portions of meals in advance, which can save money in a few ways. It can help prevent last-minute takeout or restaurant meals, which can be more expensive. It also allows for buying ingredients in bulk, which is often more cost-effective. Additionally, meal prepping can help reduce food waste by using up ingredients before they spoil.

What are some tips for slowing down while grocery shopping to save money?

One tip for slowing down while grocery shopping is to stick to a list and avoid impulse purchases. Another is to take the time to compare prices and look for deals or coupons. Additionally, shopping with a full stomach can help prevent buying unnecessary items. Lastly, consider buying generic or store brand products, which are often cheaper than name brands.

How can slowing down while cooking lead to healthier eating habits?

Slowing down while cooking can lead to healthier eating habits in a few ways. First, it allows for more time to plan and prepare balanced meals with a variety of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. It also gives time for mindful eating, which can help with portion control and avoiding overeating. Additionally, cooking at a slower pace can lead to more appreciation and enjoyment of the food being prepared.

What are some other benefits of slowing down in the kitchen besides saving money?

Slowing down in the kitchen can have other benefits besides saving money. It can reduce stress and create a more enjoyable cooking experience. It also allows for more time to experiment with new recipes and cooking techniques. Furthermore, cooking at a slower pace can be a creative outlet and provide a sense of accomplishment. Finally, slowing down in the kitchen can lead to healthier eating habits and overall wellness.

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