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Leaving Things Behind: My Misadventures with Kitchen Utensils

In summary, a cookbook and a large scoop were left behind at a recent show. The cookbook was a case of "feet" and the large scoop was left behind at another show.
I believe I left my cutting board at my last hosts house. She says she has not seen it, but she has alot of Pampered Chef :( Her husband does most of the cooking so there is a chance he put it away. She does not really cook. I always have it in my bag or behind my dish drainboard!!! It's not in either place!!! Ughhh I have a show tomorrow night that I will be doing from a bar board!!!! I misplaced a garlic slicer at a show...I say misplaced kindly, actually I think it grew feet!! LOL!!!! And the best item I left behind once was the 12in skillet, yeah I said that!!! Yikes....the husband said to the wife do you think she left this for us, wife responded, no I don't think so!!! Anyone leave things behind???
I've lost a cookbook and a large scoop. The cookbook I believe was a case of "feet" too.It stinks.
I leave stuff everywhere but I usually notice pretty quickly and tell the hostess that I forgot it there, not that I think I did, bc I know where I keep my stuff and even if I do a show in between I notice when I get to the next one.Ive had hosts tell me "oh i was hoping you would forget lol"but luckily ive always gotten them backthe only thing I didnt notice missing is my forged knife that came with my kit bc I always use my green knives. Next one I get I think i will have engraved with my name ;)
Oh yeah, but for the most part I've gotten everything back. I left my QSP at a show once though that was like 60 miles from my house, one-way. Needless to say I just bought a new one LOL
I leave things alot. I usually get it back. Once it was 6 months later at her next show, she asked her friends if it was theirs then me and I didn't know where I had left it to ask. But I left that same spatula at another show a couple months later and didn't get it until her friend had her show 2 months later, I almost left it again but was careful to take it home that day. I had one host that said I did not leave a knife I new I left and had the sharpener for. I just received my heart trivet in the mail from a host that insisted she return it, I could have just bought another for the cost of shipping.

So yes, I loose things alot.
Just left my kitchen spritzer last week. It happens! The one item that always walks away that I never get back is my mini serving spatula. I think I've replaced that 5 times or more. I think it just gets mixed up with the hosts stuff and they usually have one or more. I left 4 items at a host's house one time when I really wasn't feeling well and probably should have not done the show.

Can you talk with the husband to see if he sees anything extra he's not use to?
I always seem to lose my towels. Lost a striped one - a microfiber, a bamboo ao I have learned to keep a closer eye on them.:p
We all have left things at one time or another . For the last few years I make it a piont after I put everything in my car I go though all the rooms I had been in to see if I left anything really look around . Belive me it really helps
The only time I "misplace" things is when the host starts taking out all her PC stuff, too! Which is nice that she has all that stuff, but I have to be careful to put all my dirty stuff right in my bag as soon as I am done with it. I also never take up a hosts offer to wash my stuff. Then things really get missed/mixed up.

What about the other way around?
One time I ended up with a host's garlic press! :eek: I felt SO awful. I hadn't gotten mine out yet and she took hers out to show a guest and it ended up on my table with all the demo stuff. I was shocked when I got home and had 2 in my bag! The show was over an hour away. Thank goodness I worked with her mom and was able to give it to her mom to get back to her!

My prep bowl suppy always seems to dwindle. For me, those are what gets mixed up most with the host's stuff.
  • #10
I have has more mini spatulas walk away that I no longer even take one to a show. Someone always says thye love it and sell it to the other guests.
  • #11
I left my DCB once.. I've had a few things grow feet...
  • #12
I have a lost a cookbook which I am almost postive(grew feet), an oven mit(at the same party) and a dish towel. I started telling my hosts that I will just use my stuff so we do not get them mixed up. I accidentally took a mini serving spatula from one of my hosts last year. IT had the little chicken on it, so I knew it was not mine once I got it home.
  • #13
I leave at least one thing behind at every show. LOL! But I've gotten everything back!
  • #14
I've had spices that wonder off...and of course the host doesn't see them at her house. I guess I should be more aware but it's hard to watch everything when you're doing check out in another room!
  • #15
I left behind my large turner ... the host wanted it and bought me a new one! And I THOUGHT I left my 2 cup measuring cup but ended up finding it.
  • #16
I've left behind: decorator bottle (too far to go to get it back), bamboo spoons, and a scraper that I've never gotten back. Have gotten back a chef's tool spoon and probably another thing or two. Right now I can't find my green santoku. I can't decide if I misplaced it, though I've cleaned out all of my supplies and still haven't found it, if it "walked" at a booth or I left it at a show or it "walked" there. I've thought I left my RUFTH trivet somewhere but finally found it in a tote bag. The tote bags can become a black hole for me, esp. if I use one for a booth or a show that I don't normally use. If I don't stick my hand in every pocket it can be months before I find something. Even left my black calculator in a tote bag from a booth and didn't have it with me at a show b/c it's dark in the bottom of those bags. Maybe I need to start shining a flashlight in them.

Best solution is to be a Director so you get 2 sets of everything!
  • #17
Becca_in_MD said:
Best solution is to be a Director so you get 2 sets of everything!

Whoop! Whoop!

Currently, a host has my recipe file with my free recipes I give away during shows and another has my small mix'n scraper. Sometimes it is easier to just buy a new one, save the gas, and bless the host with a new(er) item!
  • #18
colegrovet said:
I left my DCB once.. I've had a few things grow feet...

Now, the DCB is the FIRST thing I put back so I KNOW I wont forget it!
This seems to be a running joke with me and my husband. It is INEVITABLE that I leave things at EVERY show. (and send him out to retrieve the items!) The only thing that I haven't gotten back are my chef's tongs one time when I was making fajitas. I know sometimes I leave things in their sink as I am rinsing things off. The last thing I left was my garlic press cleaner which she gave back to me 2 months later at a show I had last week. LOL I leave prep bowls, scrapers, bamboo spoons, oh and one time I left my salad spinner! :rolleyes:
  • #19
kam said:
The only time I "misplace" things is when the host starts taking out all her PC stuff, too! Which is nice that she has all that stuff, but I have to be careful to put all my dirty stuff right in my bag as soon as I am done with it. I also never take up a hosts offer to wash my stuff. Then things really get missed/mixed up.

What about the other way around?One time I ended up with a host's garlic press! :eek: I felt SO awful. I hadn't gotten mine out yet and she took hers out to show a guest and it ended up on my table with all the demo stuff. I was shocked when I got home and had 2 in my bag! The show was over an hour away. Thank goodness I worked with her mom and was able to give it to her mom to get back to her!

My prep bowl suppy always seems to dwindle. For me, those are what gets mixed up most with the host's stuff.

Yes! It happened to me to. I did a show for a close friend who lives 5 hrs away and when I got back home I noticed I had an extra batter bowl :eek: I called her right away...she hadn't even noticed it. I didn't want to ship it back so I just ordered one a new one for her.:D
  • #20
I left my stackable cooling rack at a recent show...but it worked out nicely because the host's husband loved "my rack" and they ordered one (and I got mine back). In addition we got the have the joke about her husband loving my rack! :D
  • #21
minirottie said:
I left my stackable cooling rack at a recent show...but it worked out nicely because the host's husband loved "my rack" and they ordered one (and I got mine back). In addition we got the have the joke about her husband loving my rack! :D

LOVE it!!!
  • #22
Most of the time it's for a repeat group so I usually see the host soon after that to get my stuff. Once I had the host ship the items to me and I reimbursed her for the shipping costs.
  • #23
I got a great tip to take one of our reusable shopping bags and put a small trash can inside to put our dirty tools into the "dishwasher."
The only place I have ever washed my dishes is at my Mother's house. I have never left anything behind at a hosts home, but have forgoten to grab something and run back home to get it!
  • #24
I've never in 6 years taken dirty dishes home with me. Most of the time, the host has everything washed and dried by the time I'm done doing my check out. I hate to have dirty dishes that still need to be taken care of when you get home. This way, I get home, enter my show and done. (Until I get that blessed laptop).
  • #25
yankfan24 said:
I've never in 6 years taken dirty dishes home with me. Most of the time, the host has everything washed and dried by the time I'm done doing my check out. I hate to have dirty dishes that still need to be taken care of when you get home. This way, I get home, enter my show and done. (Until I get that blessed laptop).

I totally agree with you! And usually when I leave something, it's not because I washed it. I usually leave something like cookbooks, my booking slide, hot pads, kitchen spritzer, etc. Plus I know 110% for sure that if I take them home to get washed they never will get done. And my car is always packed and ready for the next show.
  • #26
I've only taken items home twice to wash, and it is a real pain. I don't give the host the option--I just put the items in the sink and start washing them. Most times the host or a friend washes for me. I keep all the knife covers with me and match them up before I leave and pack up. I've heard some consultants give the host or whoever does the dishes either free shipping or Season's Best.
  • #27
I lose things at host's houses. To keep track of my things I have the old red crate next to where I am working. I put the dirty items into this when I am done using them. I no longer do my dishes at the host's house. I am usually eager to get home, her sink is full with the dishes from the party and I try to make my business look easy. Washes dishes at the host's house is a good way for me to lose something.

I tend to lose things when it is the guest special. So I am very specific when i tell them they get a free cookbook, etc, with their order. "Not my cookbooks that I have here, you want a nice clean cookbook! It will come with your order. Just mark what you want on your order form." Last night a women started reaching for my dirty small batter bowl because she thought she could take it home!
  • #28
I've had people take rubs home when they were the guest special! And they were already opened!!
  • #29
I left my laptop at my last show. Got home and realized it, so went back and got it at 10 pm. Thank heavens her friends had stuck around so I could get it that night and she was still awake!
  • #30
I've had people take rubs home when they were the guest special! And they were already opened!!

Yup I had the same thing happen the last time we had the rubs! In fact it was the last guest that came through because it was the two rubs she wanted! I wonder the look on her face when she got the actual rubs after taking my open ones.
  • #31
Hunter Mom said:
I left my laptop at my last show. Got home and realized it, so went back and got it at 10 pm. Thank heavens her friends had stuck around so I could get it that night and she was still awake!

I left my power cord at a host's house that was just over an hour away! Luckily she's my sister's best friend and her husband works past the town I live in so he was able to meet me after work to give it back!

Related to Leaving Things Behind: My Misadventures with Kitchen Utensils

1. "How often do you leave things behind while traveling?"

As a scientist, I am always on the move and often find myself leaving things behind while traveling. It can be easy to misplace items, especially when staying in different locations and using various kitchen utensils.

2. "Why do you think you left your cutting board at your last host's house?"

There could be a few reasons why I left my cutting board at my last host's house. It could have been accidentally left behind while packing or it may have been misplaced during the chaos of traveling. It's also possible that I simply forgot to check for it before leaving.

3. "What are some tips for keeping track of kitchen utensils while traveling?"

One tip for keeping track of kitchen utensils while traveling is to have a designated spot for each item. This way, you will always know where to find them and where to put them back. Another tip is to double check your belongings before leaving a location to ensure you have all your items with you.

4. "Have you ever had to improvise with a different kitchen utensil while on the road?"

Yes, I have had to improvise with different kitchen utensils while on the road. In the case of the missing garlic slicer, I had to use a different tool to slice the garlic. It may not be the most efficient or ideal option, but it can get the job done in a pinch.

5. "What is the most surprising item you have left behind while traveling?"

The most surprising item I have left behind while traveling was a 12-inch skillet. It was a larger item, so I thought I would surely remember to pack it. However, in the chaos of packing and moving from one place to another, I completely forgot about it. It was definitely a lesson learned to double check all my belongings before leaving a location.

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