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Leadership Countdown: 181 Days Until the Big Event - Friday, July 13, 2007

In summary, the Leadership Summit is a two-day conference where Future Directors and up can attend. The workshops and sessions are more focused and direct than in Conference. You need to be a Future Director or above to attend. This year (2007), you could even register on-site if you walked in with signed kit agreements. Katie- I missed you in Chicago. Darn! I was really looking forward to meeting you in person (and giving you a big nerdy hug!). Katie- I got to meet her ... (doing a happy dance!). And she is just cute as a button and nice, nice, nice!
  • #201
PCGINA said:
Hahhhhhhh!! At least ONE!!!! Heya Annie Banannie....

I was checking out your site and I MUST HAVE the RED bracelet.... can you bring to Cincy with you???

I can pay in cash or bar drinks!!!!!! :D

See you soon.....
I'll set it aside for you. I've got one made with black/clear beads, too, that I just haven't listed yet. And earrings that match that one!
  • #202
chefann said:
I'll set it aside for you. I've got one made with black/clear beads, too, that I just haven't listed yet. And earrings that match that one!


Hmmmmmmmmmmmm ~ No I better stick with RED ~ I love Director RED :D :D :D. Stop tempting me!!! And we both need to get a lfe:eek:

P.S. - like my Turkey Bisquit Avatar ???
  • #203
PCGINA said:

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm ~ No I better stick with RED ~ I love Director RED :D :D :D. Stop tempting me!!! And we both need to get a lfe:eek:

P.S. - like my Turkey Bisquit Avatar ???
Ooh- I never even considered that it was Director red! I'll have to make another that color.

I do like your turkey. :) We're not having biscuits or rolls today - just non-traditional finger foods. I'll probably be disowned.
  • #204
chefann said:
Ooh- I never even considered that it was Director red! I'll have to make another that color.

I do like your turkey. :) We're not having biscuits or rolls today - just non-traditional finger foods. I'll probably be disowned.

YEAH BABY!!! If you ever find Director Chair charms ~ BUY THEM!!!:)
  • #205
Today is Friday, November 23, 2007

Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 48
  • #206
Today is Monday, November 26, 2007Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 45
  • #207
They took out my leadership registration out of my account on Friday. Luckily I registered my new recruit goes inactive if she doesn't submit more orders by Friday.

Ann R.
  • #208
Today is Tuesday, November 27, 2007Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 44
  • #209
Today is Wednesday, November 28, 2007Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 43
  • #210
Today is Thursday, November 29, 2007Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 42
  • #211
Thanks for these updates Ann! When I was on my coaching call yesterday with my director, I told her how excited I am for Leadership and said, "Only 43 more days!" She laughed so hard because I knew the # of days!

Why can't leadership be tomorrow???????????
  • #212
finley1991 said:
Why can't leadership be tomorrow???????????
Because I still have to pack! :D

And a friendly reminder to all who are planning to attend Leadership: complete all 8 online training courses by December 10 and get a special recognition ribbon for your name badge!
  • #213
Today is Friday, November 30, 2007Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 41
  • #214
Today is Sunday, December 2, 2007Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 39Days to complete the online training courses to receive a special ribbon: 8
  • #215
Today is Monday, December 3, 2007Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 38Days to complete the online training courses to receive a special ribbon: 7
  • #216
Today is Tuesday, December 4, 2007Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 37Days to complete the online training courses to receive a special ribbon: 6
  • #217
Do we have to bring the cert.s for the courses or is HO keeping track for us?
  • #218
I'm sure they're keeping track, which would be why they have to be complete by the 10th. But you may want to toss the certificates in your bag, just in case. :)
  • #219
Today is Wednesday, December 5, 2007Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 36Days to complete the online training courses to receive a special ribbon: 5
  • #220
chefann said:
Days to complete the online training courses to receive a special ribbon: 5

Yikes! I completely forgot about the courses! (Uh, maybe moving is a bit of a distraction?:rolleyes: ) Thanks for including the reminder, Ann. Will get on it!
  • #221
That's exactly why I included that info, Leggy. If I recall, it was mentioned once a while back. I happened to log on to the online training center to check something last week and saw the graphic about it.
  • #222
Thanks from me too Ann... I don't ever recall seeing info about it.. .without you many of us would be ribbonless!!!!!! :)
  • #223
Today is Thursday, December 6, 2007

Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 35

Days to complete the online training courses to receive a special ribbon: 4
  • #224
I'm signed for Leadership!
Plane Ticket bought...
now I need some winter clothes!!!!!! LOL
  • #225
Today is Friday, December 7, 2007Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 34Days to complete the online training courses to receive a special ribbon: 3
  • #226
What ribbon are you talking about?

Oh...Ok, I'm with ya...I completed the online courses...usually asap...so i'm good!
Last edited:
  • #227
You can get a ribbon on your name badge for completing all 8 online training courses by Dec. 10. There was a little blurb in one of the company communications, but I don't remember if it was the newsletter or Weekly Bites.
  • #228
Ok, I have my ride to conference (yippeee, I can't wait to meet you Ann) now I need a roomie or 3. No one from my team or my hospitality directors team are going. I don't want to have to ask my director. I only talk to her once a year at conference- and I am not comfortable with her. Any kind people here looking for a non-smoking, non-drinking, 35 year old, 10 years with PC Canada, roomie/bedmate? I am used to sleeping with a dh, baby and cat- I don't take up much space.
  • #229
Ann,Thanks for the ribbon reminder I finished my last online training course last night!
  • #230
Today is Saturday, December 8, 2007Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 33Days to complete the online training courses to receive a special ribbon: 2
  • #231
OH... I 'm SO glad you do this everyday... I've GOT to go do my last class right now!
  • #232
Today is Sunday, December 9, 2007Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 32Days to complete the online training courses to receive a special ribbon: 1
  • #233
Ack!! I have one course left- I better do it RIGHT NOW!!!!
  • #234
Today is Monday, December 10, 2007Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 31 - ONE MONTH!!Days to complete the online training courses to receive a special ribbon: 0
  • #235
AAAAHHH!!! I'm getting so excited to go!!
Who cares that there's still Christmas to get through!

I've got my button, my car pool to get down there, and my roommates. I'm all set!

(There are other threads about a meet 'n' greet and schedules. Please post your schedule and socializing preference. I'll post the master schedule and plans for the MNG at the end of the month in the appropriate threads.)
  • #236
I AM TOO!!!!

I so don't care about Christmas/Birthday! Just want to get to Leadership!!!!!!
  • #237
Is it your b'day later this month, Colleen? That's funny- the little do-dad I found for you will be perfect! :D
  • #238
I am a Christmas baby... every year on my birthday my 5 siblings remind me, "We remember the year YOU were born... that was the year mom wasn't home for Christmas!"

You'd think in 39 years they'd have gotten over it! :D

PS: Little do they know that that was my rotten little plan...:cool:
  • #239
<giggle> Now I'll have to re-wrap your Christmas present in B'day paper! :D

Say- weren't you going to get your new computer today?
  • #240
We now return to your regularly scheduled countdown...Today is Tuesday, December 11, 2007Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 30
  • #241
I'm off to the apple store today to get the computer! I'm sure I'll be PMing you all afternoon! :)
  • #242
OK- except that I'm at work today (bleah...) and I have a show tonight that I still have to pack for. :eek:
  • #243
Anyone remember Europe's "Final Countdown" song from the 80's big hair days?
That's in my head now because of this thread's title!!!

  • #244
Great. Thanks a lot, Nicole. :rolleyes:

stupid song stuck in my head now... mumble...
  • #245


Hey...I asked if Merrill was going to be at Leadership??? Does anyone know?
I don't see where or if anyone answered...just wanna get some things for my 'team' ! ! !

I'm signing my 4th after Christmas..she's so excited and her husband is too! She has her first show Jan 4th ...I gave her host package to her yesterday! So ...now just looking for number 5!

I also want to know from those who've been to LS before...since my cousin lives in town, I plan on going out to eat with him and his family at least once...there is time for this right? sorta like NC...we go out with our cluster mates at night?
My cousin says he works 2 minutes from Duke Energy Center!

I'm staying at the Westin...anyone else???

And if any of you are in the McDonald Cluster...give me a shout!
  • #246
I have a ton to do today as well... I just thought that today was the day I had the most time to get over there and wait if I have to!

Still have to get to office depot to pick up windows xp... I'm sure I'll pick your brain on Sunday. My shows are all wrapped up (except for tomorrow's personal shopping appointment and one I need to close) so I figured I'd have more time this week to get my feet wet with it.

I'll let you know what happens!

Good luck at your show tonight! :)
  • #247
Colleen- don't forget to have the Genius partition your drive. Tell him (or her) that you're going to be setting up Boot Camp, and they'll know what to do.

Nic- Yes, Merrill will be there. And we'll have time to go out. Thursday (day 1) evening is free, unless you're an upper level director (that's their dinner). Check out the agenda online on CC for more details.
  • #248
Today is Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Days until Leadership Summit 2008: 29
  • #249
OOOOOOoooooo, I am so excited! I have a ride. I have a ride to MEET my ride. I have a room with a roommate. Now all I have to do is tap my toe and wait!!
  • #250
Ok- this thread is starting to look like the "carpooling with Ann" thread. :D (Alison, Colleen and I are driving down together.) Any special requests for car snacks? Of course, there will be donuts, since we're meeting at Timmy's.

days until Ann's cheffermobile is on the road packed with Cheffers: 28
<h2>1. When and where is the Leadership Countdown event taking place?</h2><p>The Leadership Countdown event is scheduled for Friday, July 13, 2007 and will be held at a location to be announced by Pampered Chef.</p><h2>2. Who is eligible to attend the Leadership Countdown event?</h2><p>The Leadership Countdown event is open to all current Pampered Chef consultants who have met the qualifications to attend.</p><h2>3. What can attendees expect from the Leadership Countdown event?</h2><p>The Leadership Countdown event will offer a variety of training sessions, networking opportunities, and exciting announcements about upcoming products and promotions. It is also a chance for consultants to celebrate their successes and be inspired by fellow consultants and company leaders.</p><h2>4. How can I register for the Leadership Countdown event?</h2><p>Consultants can register for the Leadership Countdown event through their consultant website or by contacting their consultant support team. Registration typically opens a few months before the event date.</p><h2>5. Are there any special accommodations or discounts available for the Leadership Countdown event?</h2><p>Pampered Chef offers discounted hotel rates for attendees and may also offer special accommodations for those with disabilities or dietary restrictions. Please contact your consultant support team for more information.</p>

Related to Leadership Countdown: 181 Days Until the Big Event - Friday, July 13, 2007

1. When and where is the Leadership Countdown event taking place?

The Leadership Countdown event is scheduled for Friday, July 13, 2007 and will be held at a location to be announced by Pampered Chef.

2. Who is eligible to attend the Leadership Countdown event?

The Leadership Countdown event is open to all current Pampered Chef consultants who have met the qualifications to attend.

3. What can attendees expect from the Leadership Countdown event?

The Leadership Countdown event will offer a variety of training sessions, networking opportunities, and exciting announcements about upcoming products and promotions. It is also a chance for consultants to celebrate their successes and be inspired by fellow consultants and company leaders.

4. How can I register for the Leadership Countdown event?

Consultants can register for the Leadership Countdown event through their consultant website or by contacting their consultant support team. Registration typically opens a few months before the event date.

5. Are there any special accommodations or discounts available for the Leadership Countdown event?

Pampered Chef offers discounted hotel rates for attendees and may also offer special accommodations for those with disabilities or dietary restrictions. Please contact your consultant support team for more information.

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