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June Consultant News - Has It Arrived Yet?

In summary, many people have not received their June Consultant News. It is June 14th and there is no sign of CN in their mailbox.
Gold Member
Hi Everyone
Has anyone received their June Consultant News? Thought I would check and see if the mailings have improved. It is June 14th and there is no sign of CN in my mailbox!!:grumpy:
Not yet... only got last months because I called 3 times.
Got mine last Friday.
Got mine today.
I haven't received mine yet, but am able to view it on line.
Just got mine today...and I'm just 40 minutes from the home office!!!
Nope, not yet. Don't expect it till closer to the end of the month though :(
No sign of it here yet either. Hopefully it will come sometime this week.
  • #10
Mine came late last week. They do seem to be getting better. Only a couple of weeks earlier than that did I get the May one!
  • #11
Oh, my goodness.... I received mine on June 3 and I live in Northern Ontario, Canada. It seems to take forever to get supplies and specials but my CNews always arrive before the 5th of the month
  • #12
I'm in Ontario too but havent received mine yet. I had to call last month to have May's CN sent to me.
  • #13
Haven't gotten mine yet...I feel like they come later and later in the month.
  • #14
Received my June Consultant News today.....June 15!
  • Thread starter
  • #15
I got mine today too!! Yahoo!! Finally got it by the 15th without having to call or email HO. This is a happy day!!:balloon:
  • #16
I received mine today too!
  • #17
i got mine yesterday, the 14th.
  • #18
I got mine on Monday 6/14.
  • #19
How can a business do this to us? I just got notification of it being available on line, and yes, they are telling us about the special that ended June 10 in it! This is a big concern to so many of us--we should be getting JULY's issue between June 15 and 30, not June's. Why bother sending us OLD news. I'm sorry, this gets very, very frustrating month after month. Who knows when I'll get my June copy????
  • #21
Truthfully- I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they just stop sending out snail-mail copies of it altogether, knowing that most people have probably already read it online.*Yes- I know that not everyone uses the internet, but honestly- I'd bet MOST people do.*It would save them alot of money- and obviously, they don't have a vendor that can deliver within their timeframes required.
I hope they DON'T, but I won't be surprised if they do....I'm just saying. :D
  • #22
I just got mine yesterday. Not even worth sending it out in my opinion
  • #23
Still haven't gotten mine. It really is dumbfounding.
  • #24
I got my consultant news yesrerday
  • #25
Mine came yesterday too
  • #26
I got mine on Tuesday the 15th I think
  • #27
I just got my copy today- June 19th. I just emailed HO and Complained. I never usually complain about this but COME ON!!!! I agree- no point in sending it since info has past and not worth it. Either send it the first week or nothing at all at this point.
  • #28
I git mine Sat. A waste of money for the company as most of us have already read it online hey?
  • #29
I got mine on Friday. Here's a novel ideal for HO - if a magazine can always get to my house in time but their CN can't? Change the deadlines for print and mailing and send it out earlier. Since it takes forever to get to us, it won't be "too early".

Yes it will take them changing their deadlines for writing and such but its a solution to the problem.
  • Thread starter
  • #31
I totally agree with you Melissa and have been trying to make them aware of this since Feb. I know there are a number of us on here who have made continual contact with HO about the distribution/mailing problems. Let's hope that this is not falling on deaf ears.
  • #32
I live in NY and still haven't gotten mine. Last month I got it the last week of May:(
I agree, a waste of money if everyone can't get them early and at the same time.
It is not that I have been inactive either. To me what is more bothersome is that HO has been notified but seems to put no effort in resolving this on behalf on there consultants.

Related to June Consultant News - Has It Arrived Yet?

1. When will the June Consultant News be arriving?

The June Consultant News typically arrives in the second week of the month, so it should be arriving soon if it hasn't already. If you haven't received it by the end of the second week, please reach out to your team leader or our customer service department for assistance.

2. Has anyone received their June Consultant News yet?

Yes, some consultants may have already received their June Consultant News. However, the timing of mail delivery can vary, so it's possible that some consultants have not received it yet. If you haven't received it by the end of the second week of the month, please contact your team leader or our customer service department.

3. Has the mailings for the June Consultant News improved?

We are constantly working to improve our mailings and ensure timely delivery of the Consultant News. If you have experienced delays or issues with receiving your Consultant News, please let us know so we can address the issue and improve our service.

4. What should I do if I still haven't received my June Consultant News?

If you haven't received your June Consultant News by the end of the second week of the month, please reach out to your team leader or our customer service department for assistance. They can help track your mailing and make sure you receive it.

5. Why is the June Consultant News important?

The Consultant News is an important source of information for all Pampered Chef consultants. It includes updates on new products, promotions, business tips, and other important news and announcements. It's a valuable resource for staying informed and successful in your business.

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