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Is This Show Ever Going to Freakin' Close?

In summary, a former consultant asked a friend to host a party for her, but only 2 people showed up. The host said she would call back, but hasn't and the host's husband said she was on the phone making travel plans. The party has a cut off for accepting orders and there is a deadline for the show to be closed.
Silver Member
I am at my witt's end. I did a show on 8/25 for a former consultant and friend. She knows we ar struggling financially and really wanted to help me.

She invited 30 people, 7 said they were coming and 2 showed up. (WTF? Now I know why she struggled as a consultant.) I drove an hour for that. BUT, I did get a booking, which was great! I got an $85 order from the two ladies that were there. The host and I set a time to close that Saturday and it keeps being put off (doesn't return calls,busy, forgot to call me, etc).

I talked to her today. She apologized profusely and she asked me to call her tonight at 8pm. I explained that normally, it wouldn't be an issue but 1) people are waiting for their products, 2) there is a cut off for orders being accepted for the previous month. (I believe the 15th is the cutoff?) I called once and got no answer. I called back. This time her husband told me that she would call me back in a half an hour, that she was on the phone making travel plans. So... its 10:22 and no call.

What makes it worse? She has a recruit lead for me: a friend wants to talk to me about becoming a consultant. I have asked three or four times for her # and says she'll give it to me when we close, that she has to look for it. I just finally got her name.

I don't know what to do.
Leave a message telling her that there is a deadline to receive the August specials. Then tell that you will close the party yourself and choose her free products for her unless she gets back to you by 7 p.m. on Monday evening. Maybe that will light a fire under her.
(((hugs))) I'm frustrated with you girl. I have a host who went TDY (military assignment off the island). Now I'm stuck trying to get the outside orders and the host's wish list from her husband/best friend & get it all submitted by the deadline. Hubby had the folder in his car & thought the best friend was going by their house last night to get it, so he took it out & put it in the house. Now he's at work & doesn't have it. Argh!!! Hubby won't be home until 7PM. Friend's going to be there at 7 to pick it up & bring it to me (she's the past host, so she still has to place her order too). The show was 2 weeks ago. I've encountered a LOT of people who "forget" that they've made purchases because they go off their bank balance online rather than using a register. Pay day is not until midnight on the night of the 15th for these military members. It's VERY common for military people to live paycheck to paycheck and not have any money the last couple of days before payday, so I'm anticipating at least one rejected CC on this order. I've already e-mailed & told the host if that happens that I won't have time to resolve the issues and may end up having to remove any rejected cc orders from her show which would probably effect her host benefits. She said okay.

I've been doing PC for 18 months now & this is a first for me.
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  • #4
Thanks for your responses.

What really stinks is that I see her on FB and I send a chat message and she ignores me and logs off. The problem is that it doesn't even count as a show with sales at $84. I already told her about the deadline. I figure (if the dealine is the 15th) I will send in the one order I have as an individual order and eat the extra shipping. That's all I can do. I feel like a stalker.
That's really sad especially since she's a former consultant!
She's probably avoiding you because she KNOWS she did everything WRONG and didn't even hit the minimum, and now she's embarrassed. What good will it do to get ahold of her anyway? She'd only be able to order individually - there's nothing to "close", so unless she orders something herself to bump up her show, you know she doesn't have any Outside Orders- or she'd have given them to you. (Besides the phone number- which I wouldn't hold out much hope for at this point.)Question about the order you did get- was she getting a free cookbook special? Because since it's not on a qualified show, technically, she won't be able to get that cookbook now.So unless you eat the cost of that too? (Did she order any stones or metal bakeware? Maybe you can put her order in as September and get the 20% price on them - since those can go on Individual Orders too...not just guest orders. That might offset the cookbook that way??)I'm sorry it happened to you. :(
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  • #6
The host has another order, plus her order. I am just stuck!
Post a message on her FB wall. "The deadline to close your show is the 15th! Home Office won't take an August Cooking Show after that. Please give me a call so we can finalize this and get your guests orders in the mail. ;)"You are not mentioning the company name. The guests are probably FB friends & will see your note. And, if you are lucky, the referral might see it too! LOL
Wow, some people! I had a show once that never did close!! Looking back I think the host was trying to scam me. She knew in advance she needed the money for any orders she collected. She gave me the orders over the phone. I then asked her to either mail me a check(s) or use a CC. She said she had to collect from the people and wouldn't see them until Sunday at church. This went on for about 2 months! I got a call from her SIL asking where their products were - she was only 1 of 2 people at the show. I explained nicely I was waiting for the host to close the show. Well she ends up calling the host and complaining. I get a nasty email from the host that she wants to cancel the show! After she already had the show!! Because it was change of seasons I couldn't do individual orders so I just sent refund checks back to the people who ordered. I didn't want to be out any more money anyway!!

I'm getting so discouraged in this economy around here. My own shows have been so low lately in sales. I even had my own Stampin Up party last week. I invited over 40 people and only 1 showed up!! None of the others RSVP'd, I had to call them! It's crazy! Now I feel for my hosts! I had a show last week where she was expecting 7 and only 3 showed up! I did get 2 bookings though.

If my shows continue to be low I'm going to find a part-time job and give up on PC. This is the first time I've said it. I just put so much time into it for how little I'm getting right now. I'm at a loss for the year right now with the money I've spent on supplies, samples and going to conference. I went to conference to get motivated again, which it did right before I worked a booth - but I got hardly anyone interested while working the booth! I did get 3 bookings, but I should have had more after working the booth for 4 days!

I'm sorry I'm not much help on your downer mood. I just wanted you to know others know how you feel!
You guys have made me feel like I am not alone this morning. Thanks
  • #10
I am trying to close my August 21 show ... I totally feel your pain.
  • #11
Any luck yet???
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  • #12
I didn't bother to call her today. I have called her almost everyday and I am so over it. I will try her one more time tomorrow. If I don't hear from her by 1130p my time, I'm sending in an individual order. I know you can order on the website and get the special, so hopefully I won't have to pay for that, too. The worst part is she did this to help me out financially and it has cost me money, not counting the extra shipping cost I will have to cover. If it wasn't for the recruit lead and the fact I know the host wants cookware, I would have ended this long before now.
  • #13
Hosts who do things to help US or do us a FAVOR- I could do without favors like that. :)
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  • #14
esavvymom said:
Hosts who do things to help US or do us a FAVOR- I could do without favors like that. :)

  • #15
Sorry girl!!! Maybe the customer will end up hosting a show down the line & I will be a $1,000 show!!! :)
  • #16
That stinks that you are going through that! Hope it gets resolved.

I am dealing with a host right now who has been dragging her show out for 2 weeks so that she can get more orders. I was concerned because the very first show I did for this lady I had ordered some tastefully simple off of her friend (it was an open house type of thing) and did not receive it for like 5 months! So, since she put that on the consultant at the time I didn't want her putting this on me too. So, I very nicely sent a letter to everyone who's email address I had (including host) and said that we hadn't forgotten them, *host* was just trying to collect a few more order to boost her show sales and as soon as this is done we'll be closing the show. It will be in by the 15th though, so don't worry!... two days later, host called to close up.
  • #17
chefcharity said:
...I very nicely sent a letter to everyone who's email address I had (including host) and said that we hadn't forgotten them, *host* was just trying to collect a few more order to boost her show sales and as soon as this is done we'll be closing the show. It will be in by the 15th though, so don't worry!... two days later, host called to close up.


Sneaky AND funny! :D
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  • #18
chefcharity said:
So, I very nicely sent a letter to everyone who's email address I had (including host) and said that we hadn't forgotten them, *host* was just trying to collect a few more order to boost her show sales and as soon as this is done we'll be closing the show. It will be in by the 15th though, so don't worry!... two days later, host called to close up.

Well, if it ever happens again, I will do that! I sent an email to the one customer, just didn't copy the host.

So, WE FINALLY CLOSED IT! It was an all day event, me getting bits and pieces of orders. The show comes to $160 and I had to tack on an outside order I had to count it as a show. I am so happy to move on. I didn't get the recruit info, but I think I saw her post on her FB page. So, I don't know what to say if anything. I am just glad the show is done.
  • #19
I'm so glad you were able to get it closed!!! :D
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  • #20
Me too!!!!!!!!
  • #21
I'm glad you finally got it closed too!!

The Aug. show I had a hard time closing, I finally closed it last night too, but had it shipped to my house, since I'm still missing two (small) payments. And, of course, there is a declined card.........Grrrrrr!!!
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  • #22
I should have had this sent to my house, and I didn't think of it. I think I'm short $30. So if she wants to rip me off, go ahead. But, I don't think she will. I know she started a new job as an asst Pastor, but the regular guy is out for 6 weeks. So, I know its been tough for her, but still!
  • #23
I am just getting ready to sign up to sell PC and now I'm getting scared!!!!
  • #24
Kim, please take the stories here with a grain of salt. The group here represents a mere fraction of all consultants, and the bad shows are a teeny fraction of the shows that we have. People are quick to jump on this kind of thread both to vent and to commisserate with the original poster. But really, those shows only happen once in a blue moon.
  • #25
Kim, absolutely what Ann said is correct!!!
PC is a wonderful company and if you love the products, you will LOVE this opportunity!!
Every now and again you get a difficult show or customer and luckily, we have this place to get it off our chest and....bless and release!!!
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  • #26
PCGirl77 said:
I am just getting ready to sign up to sell PC and now I'm getting scared!!!!

Kim, I have been a consultant for over 4 years and have done 100+ shows. This is my first problem. So, sure you my run into something like this. But also take into consideration I have a bit of history with the host. Don't let my one freak thing turn you off to the wonderful changes PC can bring to your life. I have never once even thought of quitting! I LOVE PC THAT MUCH! (and hope you will, too!)
  • #27
chefann said:
Kim, please take the stories here with a grain of salt. The group here represents a mere fraction of all consultants, and the bad shows are a teeny fraction of the shows that we have. People are quick to jump on this kind of thread both to vent and to commisserate with the original poster. But really, those shows only happen once in a blue moon.

And sometimes we use it as an outlet for when we do have those occasional issues, just as we use it for celebrating the successes. It's nice to have a place to go- for reassurance, advice, and understanding! :)

Good luck!
  • #28
I am having this exact problem with a show host from 2 weeks ago. I work with this host's mother at my "day job" and she was actually a booking off of her mom's show. She was a reschedule from October and as if her reschedule wasn't shady enough as she took forever to return my phone calls to confirm the October show, then to finally tell me that her son had a ball game that night and although she had already collected some outside orders and had about 7 people coming she wanted to reschedule for November 12th. The show actually went very well, given that the sales were only barely enough to qualify as a show because I got 3 bookings and 1 VERY strong recruit lead, so i thought. The shadiness all started when I made my follow up call to my potential recruit 3 days later at her request because she was working 3rd shift at a hospital all weekend. This recruit,whom I spent 45 minutes discussing the business with after the show seemed extremely interested and I had invited her to come to new consultant training meeting at my Director's house the following monday night. She acted so interested that she talked as if she may even sign on Monday before the meeting.

Once I called...it went to voicemail, so I left a very enthusiastic mesg regarding if she's had time to think about it and still wanted to attend the meeting with me. I called 1 more time, thinking she just missed it and seeing as how I really and truely thought I wasn't gonna have to beg this girl, as she was that interested, I didn't think I was "bothering" her by just following up as expected to make sure she didn't miss the meeting if she wanted to attend. No return phone calls. So I found her on facebook and sent her a friend request and a mesg on her wall about how I'd love to talk to her more about it. She accepted my friend request and yet NEVER responded to my voice mails, or mesg on FB. I've called once again and had to leave another mesg because she was actually 1 of the 3 bookings if she didn't choose to sign and her sister and mother were the other 2 and I told her if she signed to help get her started I'd give her those shows, so I needed to know before I closed the show (thinking this was gonna happen no problem)...and still, nothing.

Back to the host, she had told me at her Thursday show that she would come by her mom's work (mine too) to close on Monday and I told her that although I was planning on taking off work all that week to move into my new house that I would come to work just for that. She didn't show!!!!! So I called that evening and left mesg's on both home and cell, same on tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday. Finally she called me back and said "sorry, I've been having horrible headaches and may have to have a hysterectomy. She went on to say that the problem is that some who've placed orders who haven't yet given her checks and that she's gonna give it the weekend (she works at hospital) to give them until monday. She told me that she, again, would come by my work on the following monday to close, but that I should call her to tell her when I'm available and that she should answer her phone and be easily accessible all day. I called a bit after lunch and no answer...on both her home and cell. Left mesg's on both with no response. Here it is a week later tomorrow and I still haven't heard from her and I've left yet 2 more mesg's and tonight when I called it sounded as if someone picked up the phone and hung up on me without saying a word.

Seriously, how do I handle this. I have 2 outside orders that I have personally tacked onto her show from co-workers because her mom could easily deliver them to work...the one lady placed an order for the stoneware fluted pan and wanted based on host closing her show as scheduled the following monday after her Thursday show, I assured co-worker that her order would be in in time for her to use her pan for thanksgiving. So when we established that show hadn't yet been closed, i offered to let her borrow mine to make her thanksgiving cakes so that she wouldn't just cancel her order. She took it and still has it.

Nightmare, nightmare, nightmare is all I'm saying. I'm gonna have to atleast ask her mom tomorrow at work what I'm supposed to do about it, because she even placed a $60 order herself.

Any advice would be appreciated and mostly.....i just needed to get it off my shoulders because I am SO F-R-U-S-T-R-A-T-E-D!!!!!

Amber Lacey
Senior Consultant
Knoxville, TN
  • #29
Amber, I had a host procrastinating closing her show & I e-mailed her & politely told her that I couldn't hold the orders I had added, that if she wanted the extra credit for those $120 in orders that she would have to close by ______ time/date. She jumped through hoops & did it to get my two outside orders & the next level. ;)

Give her 24 hours notice. If she fails to respond, submit your outside orders as outside orders so that those customers can have their stuff!

Related to Is This Show Ever Going to Freakin' Close?

1. How long is the average Pampered Chef show?

The average Pampered Chef show typically lasts about two hours.

2. Is there a minimum amount of sales required to close a show?

Yes, there is a minimum sales requirement of $200 to close a show.

3. Can I still earn host rewards if my show doesn't reach the minimum sales requirement?

Unfortunately, if your show does not reach the minimum sales requirement, you will not be eligible for host rewards.

4. What happens if my show doesn't close within the allotted time frame?

If your show does not close within the allotted time frame, your consultant will work with you to find a new date that works for both of you to ensure the show is closed successfully.

5. Can I still place orders after a show has closed?

Yes, you can still place orders after a show has closed. However, they will not count towards the show total and you will not be eligible for host rewards.

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