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Is there too much emphasis on recruitment in the direct sales industry?

lot recently. I think it's great that so many people are good at recruitment, but I don't like the emphasis on it. It feels like it takes the company in a different direction, away from the fabulous products that drew me in in the first place. I'm just trying to get more shows in a month and learn to pick up the phone more, but I don't think the recruitment requirement takes away from that. If I ever did want to pursue directorship, I think I could do it with enough hard work and dedication, but I don't want to feel like I'm under pressure to do so.
there is a much greater focus on recruitment then there was just a year ago? I think I've read somewhere here that others feel that way as well. First I want to say that I obviously understand that recruitment is a way to build your team and advance if that is what you want to acheive and it's great that so many are good at it. However, one of the reasons I joined this company is that I liked that the emphasis (or so I precieved) was about the fabulous products. I have lately been feeling so much added pressure to recruit (not from my upline-from HO). I'm really just trying to get more shows in a month and learn to pick up the phone more. Those are my current goals. I went to a conference yesterday and did not leave feeling inspired. I felt very overwhealmed that this is where the empahasis is now. I really thought that maybe if I put my mind to it, I could hit Level 1 this year, but the recruitment requirement bothers me. It's doable, but at the same time it seems like it takes the company in a different direction. I've always been leery of the recruitment element because of a bad experience with andother DS company where it was all about that (lots of upline pressure). I'm not against it, but I'm not exactly comfortable with it either and I really don't like the shift in focus that seems to be happening.

Any thoughts?
I've seen people cringe...it doesn't really bother me, but I'm very much a "do my own thing" type of person. I pick and choose what incentives I want and then shoot for them and the rest I let go by.

Being secure in how you are running your business helps. I don't let my ED or HO pressure me in any way. My ED keeps telling me that I'm great director material and she'd love to see me promote and that she is there when I want to make that my goal. She then doesn't pressure me after that.
I don't personally care for the approach from HO, but I do believe in the opportunity. (I can't imagine going back to the life I had before becoming a consultant and a director!). If the recruiting emails bother you, just delete them....but don't deny someone else the opportunity to consider this business. Be genuine and share what you do like about being a consultant.

I don't think it is greed motivating HO to increase the recruiting push, but simply a matter of numbers. At Leadership, Jean Jonas commmented how great it would be if Pampered Chef products were in every home. We have an awesome collection of products only available thru consultants. There is no way our current number of consultants can support the whole US population...hence the call for more consultants. That's my thoughts anyway.

I don't like 'recruiting', but I do like sharing...both the business and the products. Wouldn't it be great if PC products were in every home? :)
Legacy, that was a good post. Thanks for the perspective. I am not bothered by HO's focus on recruiting because I'd love to do just that.
I don't think there is a "push" for recruiting, there is a focus on helping others achieve their dreams. Leadership 07 was when they announced the new kit, New Consultant Program and 3-2-1. It was all about selling the dream, not the kit. I can't tell you how many times I tried to sell the kit and hope that the new recruit would keep up with the business, or even do the first 4-6 shows. I have an awesome opportunity to work closely with a NED on a monthly/weekly basis. She has 1500 people under her at any time. Last year over 500 people joined her downline. Yes, some leave, some come back, some stay for the long haul, but each one has the opportunity to achieve what they want. Just another perspective.
Yes Kate! That's been my philosophy. We're not recruiting. We're letting others see what a great opportunity the Pampered Chef has to offer. Even if you don't want directorship, who wouldn't want extra % for just helping someone else find their dream. I'm tired of hearing people whine about recruiting. Think about how Pampered Chef has changed your life. Wouldn't you want the same for someone else? and you get 25 free catalogs, points when they qualify and a new friend.
lockhartkitchen said:
and you get.... a new friend.

yes, yes, yes! what a nice change from other business environments!
I've heard this "recruiting push" thing being tossed around a lot since Leadership. And honestly, most of who have complained (I'm not saying ALL, just most) about the recruiting requirement for Level One are ones who have, in the past, come no where near earning the points needed to achieve it in the first place. I'm looking at this as working smarter, not harder! As an FD, when you have 2, you'll earn about $40 more each month with your FD overrides. Most will say, "Well, that's not much." Maybe... but if I saw $40 on the sidewalk, I would pick it up! My first commission check when I promoted to director was DOUBLE what I would have earned as a consultant. Anyone want to trade commission checks with me?Plus, if a consultant is doing enough shows to earn level one without recruiting, (doing the math, it's roughly submitting $2k each month), the statistics show that that consultant would be in front of a lot of people that month, and even if she doesn't share the opportunity, there most likely will be someone who approaches the consultant and says, "I want to do this." Will the consultant turn her away and say, "I don't recruit."? Maybe yes, maybe no...HO is never out to get us... they are always doing what is in our best interest and they are giving us the opportunity (and showing us how!!!) to earn more money? Why is that a bad thing?
I do think it's interesting....I've never seen so many recruiting incentives in my 6 years of being a consultant, as there have been in the past year. I do like them though; because my focus has turned to recruiting. I do hope the main focus stays on the products, and family mealtime.
Leggy & Kate; good posts!
  • #10
I do not like the added recruiting requirement to the incentive levels. If this is my business my way, I should not have to rely ion another person in order to achieve levels...and yet I do. I prefer the way it was, offering reduced points to those who choose to recruit. Now, I am required to recruit to earn the fabulous trips or merchandise. A subtle difference, but it is there.

I have had people ask me, "Do you have to recruit to earn the trips?" Before, I could honestly say, "No, and that is great about this company. I can choose how to run my business."

Now, no one get on me about how I can still choose to not emphasize recruiting, I know that. It is just for all the exclaiming "Your business, your way", they just took one of the ways out.

  • #11
I will admit that it's tough for me as a new consultant to get on the recruiting bandwagon just yet. I don't think it's fair that I have to have someone under me to earn this year. Will it happen? Probably, but I think it's a bit unfair that I need to do it to earn Level 1.

And I know I'm new here, but I'm a bit surprised that some of the people here aren't realizing that a new recruit = $$$ to HO. Sure, I know that they do care about helping people realize their dreams, but bottom line is they're around to make money (as is any company, it's not a dig on PC) and that's they're main goal.

I'm sure I'll get some backlash, but I wanted to throw in my 2 cents as a new-ish Consultant.
  • #12
finley1991 said:
I've heard this "recruiting push" thing being tossed around a lot since Leadership. And honestly, most of who have complained (I'm not saying ALL, just most) about the recruiting requirement for Level One are ones who have, in the past, come no where near earning the points needed to achieve it in the first place.

I'm looking at this as working smarter, not harder! As an FD, when you have 2, you'll earn about $40 more each month with your FD overrides. Most will say, "Well, that's not much." Maybe... but if I saw $40 on the sidewalk, I would pick it up! My first commission check when I promoted to director was DOUBLE what I would have earned as a consultant. Anyone want to trade commission checks with me?

Plus, if a consultant is doing enough shows to earn level one without recruiting, (doing the math, it's roughly submitting $2k each month), the statistics show that that consultant would be in front of a lot of people that month, and even if she doesn't share the opportunity, there most likely will be someone who approaches the consultant and says, "I want to do this." Will the consultant turn her away and say, "I don't recruit."? Maybe yes, maybe no...

HO is never out to get us... they are always doing what is in our best interest and they are giving us the opportunity (and showing us how!!!) to earn more money? Why is that a bad thing?
I think that's a rather naively idealistic statement. TPC is now owned by a bottom-line driven conglomerate and management doesn't do anything that isn't in the best interest of the bottom line for the company. In fact, I would bet the push for recruiting did not come from TPC but from some consultant at Berkshire-Hathaway.

Now, in most cases, what's good for consultants is good for the company but vice-versa is not always so. I've been pointing out since NC that the push on recruiting is eerily similar to Amway and a little scary, IMHO.

Yes, recruiting is a way to build a team and you are correct, it is also a way to increase a consultant's income. Is that a bad thing? In some cases, it might just be.

We all have different reasons for joining and belonging, and we all have different goals and desires. Not everyone aspires to be a director and a "one size fits all" philosophy just isn't a good idea, at least, in the long run.

Some people are not comfortable recruiting, and maybe they will not be comfortable being a manager. If forced to recruit without the real desire to do so, the result could be disillusioned recruits who leave as potential detractors to the opportunity.

I think there is a way to make this work, though. I'd like to see a way for someone to recruit and earn the perks that go with it, but then have the ability to pass the recruit to a director who loves to be a manager. The result could be a win-win deal for the recruiter, the director and the company, but more importantly, to the recruit.

Just my viewpoint.
  • #13
I made level 1 last year in my first year of business. I wouldn't have made it if they had the recruiting requirement. I have had a few fence sitters but no one wanted to sign up yet. I was upset with the new requirement at first because it makes you have to recruit and I know plenty of consultant who don't want to recruit. But if it's part of the requirement you bet I'm going to recruit this year. I will not get enough points to qualify and not earn any level because I couldn't recruit.
  • #14
i definitely feel there is a strong push from HO to recruit. for me personally - it doesn't bother me for the sheer fact that i am not actively recruiting nor am i trying to reach certain goals for trips and rewards - so i don't feel the crunch so to speak. BUT i do not like how all our monthly meetings have been focused on recruiting. they used to be inspiring and interesting and useful - now the focus is getting recruits. i have stopped going to my meetings which is sad - but it just felt like a waste of time. if i were into recruiting - then this would be helpful - but i am not. i just love the products and cooking and talking about how to use pc - so that is what i will continue to do and hope that pc does not get a pushy reputation that affects the greater good of it.
  • #15
Maybe I am naive. I have a pretty successful business so does being naive really matter? I guess I'm just not the paranoid type. And yes, HO is out to make money, but in the same respect, aren't we doing this to make money as well? I know people do this for lots of different reasons, but would we really do this if we weren't compensated for it?Either way it doesn't matter I guess. Everyone is going to feel the way they feel regardless.
  • #16
I do feel that PC has pushed recruiting more lately. Does it bother me? No. I think that the way that PC does it is nice. It isn't in our face and not overbearing.

I know that last week I went to another DS meeting. OMG!! is all I have to say. The way they are upfront and pushy about recruiting really drove me away, not just from the DS opportunity but from the product as well. As soon as everyone found out I was a PC consultant everyone and I mean everyone was on me like a bee on honey (Consultants and directors!) about their opportunity and how it was so much better than PC. It made my head spin!!! I was not the only guest at this meeting either and I thought it was even more tacky that they were trying to get us to purchase their product while we were there.

I know this much about PC, we are not overly pushy, we are NOT in people's faces, and we are NOT tacky.

Sorry just needed to add my two cents. :chef:
  • #17
I feel that I have enough trouble booking my own shows, and making sure they're successfull at that. Now in order to even earn Level 1 I have to depend on someone else and encourage them to book and be successful. I would love to earn level 1,2,3 and so on, but I have to do this at my own pace without giving in to some sort of pressure that isn't me.
  • #18
heather223 said:
I know that last week I went to another DS meeting.

What is DS?
  • #19
daniellemorgan said:
What is DS?

DS is Direct Selling. Sorry should have clarified that! :)
  • #20
heather223 said:
DS is Direct Selling. Sorry should have clarified that! :)

That's okay. I don't know what most of the abbreviations people use on here mean:) For instance, DD, DS, DH ???? :confused:
  • #21
I think those are all "dear" or "darling" husband, son and daughter...i think
  • #22
daniellemorgan said:
That's okay. I don't know what most of the abbreviations people use on here mean:) For instance, DD, DS, DH ???? :confused:

Dear Daughter/Son/Husband
  • #23
It's no secret I'm against the recruiting requirement. Not because I don't, haven't or can't recruit but simply because it gives those who don't, for whatever reason, no chance to earn anything. There is absolutely nothing for the hobby or part time consultant to work towards. For established consultants who have a customer base, it may or may not be that big a deal. For new consultants just coming into this business, it's extremely hard to get that incentive. There are alot of ifs when you first start and it's not something where you can just immediately sell a couple of thousand a month. Especially with the economy right now, sales are hard. People are cancelling shows. Some won't say it but my guess is it's partly because of income. When you have to decide between housing, food and gas, PC products don't stand a chance. HO basically left us newbies out in the cold with this one. Whether they're in it to make money, help us or whatever, it's discouraging to be told you can run it your own way and then be given incentives you have little chance of achieving. When I was recruited I was told about all the great trips and other incentives. No recruiting was required. I felt like it was something that was reasonably attainable. Now that recruiting is required, it almost makes you feel like you were mislead. I won't give up on it because I love it and the products but this has a tendency to curb your enthusiasm. JMO
  • #24
daniellemorgan said:
That's okay. I don't know what most of the abbreviations people use on here mean:) For instance, DD, DS, DH ???? :confused:
Here ya go. I just bumped The Acronym Thread for you.

Now you can find out what an Easy Accident Decorator is.
  • #25
redsoxgirl said:
I will admit that it's tough for me as a new consultant to get on the recruiting bandwagon just yet. I don't think it's fair that I have to have someone under me to earn this year. Will it happen? Probably, but I think it's a bit unfair that I need to do it to earn Level 1.

And I know I'm new here, but I'm a bit surprised that some of the people here aren't realizing that a new recruit = $$$ to HO. Sure, I know that they do care about helping people realize their dreams, but bottom line is they're around to make money (as is any company, it's not a dig on PC) and that's they're main goal.

I'm sure I'll get some backlash, but I wanted to throw in my 2 cents as a new-ish Consultant.
Isn't your bottom line to make money or earn product (same thing as making money)? I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't need some money and had enough money to just buy the Pampered Chef products I want. Ultimately, that's why I do shows. If I was only doing it for fun or to be around people, I would just attend as many shows as I could find. KWIM? Not a slam, just an observation. Haven't read past your post, so maybe this has already been stated.
  • #26
RebelChef said:
It's no secret I'm against the recruiting requirement. Not because I don't, haven't or can't recruit but simply because it gives those who don't, for whatever reason, no chance to earn anything. There is absolutely nothing for the hobby or part time consultant to work towards. ... Especially with the economy right now, sales are hard. People are cancelling shows. Some won't say it but my guess is it's partly because of income. When you have to decide between housing, food and gas, PC products don't stand a chance.

I agree 100% with Rebel Chef. I have done PC as a fun hobby for two years now. I have a full-time job and another part-time job. I had a pretty full calendar until the end of 2007 ... and now I get no nibbles, bites, nada. I put forth myself, send out newsletters, etc. Hosts who have set dates with me this year have either postponed or cancelled.

In my area, it is really hard to recruit. I have had someone sitting on the fence to join me for almost a year. She is having a hard time getting money for the kit, even with a $40 kit credit she earned on having a show. My director and other directors in the area just can't seem to recruit people, or keep them if they do. At least four directors in Central Arkansas have lost their directorships in the last six months because of this. My director, cluster, is holding on by a thread.

In our state (Arkansas) we don't have huge incomes. The whole population of the state could fit in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex in Texas. People here hold onto their money. They need to feed their families, pay for gas, etc. We even feel the crunch in my household ... My husband and I together make about 60k a year (no kids) and we still feel the pinches with mortgage, car, credit card and utilities. So if we are making decent money for the area, the people who I do shows for are in the same boat. Who can afford to spend $155 on a new business ... which will really cost you close to double that to get started anyway?

If you do PC full or part time in an area that has tons of people, higher income, etc., this biz is booming. However I am totally feeling the strain of the huge effort it takes to just keep the business afloat and stay active, than trying to call and call people to see if they want to join the business. All this push to recruit leaves a bad taste in my mouth sometimes, and I certainly dont feel like it is "my business, my way." I don't see lots of support for consultants who are having a hard time or keep us motivated to keep going.

They want to focus on getting new people and selling those starter kits, great. Count me out. I'm just struggling to stay active.
  • #27
Not judging you or against you in anyway, but if it's just a hobby then why does it bother you that you have to recruit to earn an incentive? You can still earn product, and you are still earning commission. You don't have to recruit to stay active. $200 every two months to stay active is not too much to ask from HO. And, you can still submit anytime w/in a year to reactivate if the $200 becomes too hard. Focus on your goals. HO is giving us incentives to reach higher goals if we want to set them.
  • #28
JAE said:
Isn't your bottom line to make money or earn product (same thing as making money)? I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't need some money and had enough money to just buy the Pampered Chef products I want. Ultimately, that's why I do shows. If I was only doing it for fun or to be around people, I would just attend as many shows as I could find. KWIM? Not a slam, just an observation. Haven't read past your post, so maybe this has already been stated.
The worst sales manager I ever had to work for was a guy who had consistently been the number one salesman in his company. He must have slept through his basic psychology courses in school because he had no clue of what motivates people. His sales philosophy was make as much money as you can by screwing anyone you can as much as you can. In his world, anyone who wasn't motivated by the same thing he was just wasn't worth his time. When I got fired by him, it saved me the trouble of quitting. (The operation folded up about 9 months later as all the good people left and the customers all got wise. So much for a marketing degree.)

The point is that a "one size fits all" philosophy is not a viable solution. I hope TPC can find a way to build recruiting incentives into the plan but without forcing people, who have no interest in recruiting, to recruit.

There has a be a better plan than this one.
  • #29
JAE said:
Not judging you or against you in anyway, but if it's just a hobby then why does it bother you that you have to recruit to earn an incentive? You can still earn product, and you are still earning commission. You don't have to recruit to stay active. $200 every two months to stay active is not too much to ask from HO. And, you can still submit anytime w/in a year to reactivate if the $200 becomes too hard. Focus on your goals. HO is giving us incentives to reach higher goals if we want to set them.
Okay, then lets find a way for the hobbyist to earn the incentive but to then pass the recruit to someone who wants to develop them. A hobbyist doesn't want to be a director and it's the recruit who will suffer the most.
  • #30
if it's just a hobby then why does it bother you that you have to recruit to earn an incentive?

Maybe because it's that carrot being dangled. Do this and you'll get this. No wait, just a little more then you'll get it. Oops, sorry, you have to do this, too. lol

For me, it's just the point of the matter. IMO, this totally goes against the apron sizes thing. Sure you can do it part time or as a hobby, just don't expect to earn any extra incentives. If I earn it, fine, free trip. If not, I'll make my money and pay for it if I want it that badly. Yes, it gives you something to reach for but not everyone has the same opportunity. Like Tena stated, it really depends on where you live and the unemployment and economy in that area. If the money's not there, it just isn't. For my area, it isn't either. I concentrate on the Houston area although I have to drive 2 hours or more each way for a show.
  • #31
Think of it this way in a typical job that you work part time or less you would only get some of the benefits. You don't usually get health insurance or paid vacations, etc. This is the same thing. Not all the incentives can be attainable by all.
Everyone can try to earn new products and items to show. 1 Recruit is not going to make anyone a director. Since it is the directors job to train and help the recruits, then 1 recruit isn't going to majorly burden anyone.
If someone really wants a trip then they will do what it takes to get the trip. I'm not saying if someone doesn't get it, that they didn't try hard enough, just that it wasn't enough. I would love to talk to the really positive people on this board that have actively tried to get a recruit, and failed. I bet there are not very many. One knows truthfully if they do not want to recruit or are hesitant about it, the people they are trying to recruit will notice it too.Just another way to look at it.
  • #32
JAE said:
Not judging you or against you in anyway, but if it's just a hobby then why does it bother you that you have to recruit to earn an incentive? You can still earn product, and you are still earning commission. You don't have to recruit to stay active. $200 every two months to stay active is not too much to ask from HO. And, you can still submit anytime w/in a year to reactivate if the $200 becomes too hard. Focus on your goals. HO is giving us incentives to reach higher goals if we want to set them.

Just b/c a person is a hobbyist doesn't mean they don't want (or deserve) the opportunity to possibly earn a level. It means that they are not considering their PC business a significant source of income. Life may not allow them to consider their PC business any thing else right now. I have heard of several hobbyists who's businesses began to boom and they were able to take it to the next level or levels.

I think that the requirement to recruit may come back to bite HO. I'm afraid that there will be consultants who will meet the selling requirements that will not have the recruiting numbers. I know that if I'm going to make the money that I need to continue to be able to be a SAHM, I will make level one and level 2 is not an impossibllity, but since I'm new and still learning the products and business, I'm not sure how recruiting is going to go. Don't get me wrong, I plan on offering the opportunity, but I can't force anyone to sign.

I think it's short minded of people to discount hobbyists - they are a valuable part of PC. I'm not saying anything against this post, but throughout this debate I keep seeing people say - if you're just a hobbyist or PT, then why are you worried about the recruiting requirement? That reads to me - you aren't going to acheive the level anyway, so don't worry yourself about it. Let those who will stress about it.

I apologize if this last part is not as diplomatic as it could be, but I'm going on less than 4 hours of sleep, compounded by insomnia the last couple of days, so the filter between my head and mouth (or in this case hands) is probably not working as effeciently.

  • #33
climbercanoe3 said:
Think of it this way in a typical job that you work part time or less you would only get some of the benefits. You don't usually get health insurance or paid vacations, etc. This is the same thing. Not all the incentives can be attainable by all.
Everyone can try to earn new products and items to show.

1 Recruit is not going to make anyone a director. Since it is the directors job to train and help the recruits, then 1 recruit isn't going to majorly burden anyone.
If someone really wants a trip then they will do what it takes to get the trip. I'm not saying if someone doesn't get it, that they didn't try hard enough, just that it wasn't enough.

I would love to talk to the really positive people on this board that have actively tried to get a recruit, and failed. I bet there are not very many. One knows truthfully if they do not want to recruit or are hesitant about it, the people they are trying to recruit will notice it too.

Just another way to look at it.

There are several super postive, energetic, and knowledgeable people on this board who have several fence-sitters or people that acknowledge it's not the right time. Just b/c they are actively and enthusiastically recruiting doesn't mean that they will have people "bite". Quite often it's not the right time, the money or time is just not there, or they need to let the thought "percolate".

I'm just playing devil's advocate today. :) I'm excited about what the opportunities that PC is offering me and I'm looking forward to sharing that opportunity with others. :chef:
  • #34
Joy I think you get feisty when you lack sleep.:D
  • #35
climbercanoe3 said:
Think of it this way in a typical job that you work part time or less you would only get some of the benefits. You don't usually get health insurance or paid vacations, etc. This is the same thing. Not all the incentives can be attainable by all.
Everyone can try to earn new products and items to show.

1 Recruit is not going to make anyone a director. Since it is the directors job to train and help the recruits, then 1 recruit isn't going to majorly burden anyone.
If someone really wants a trip then they will do what it takes to get the trip. I'm not saying if someone doesn't get it, that they didn't try hard enough, just that it wasn't enough.

I would love to talk to the really positive people on this board that have actively tried to get a recruit, and failed. I bet there are not very many. One knows truthfully if they do not want to recruit or are hesitant about it, the people they are trying to recruit will notice it too.

Just another way to look at it.

Ask away... What questions do you have for someone who has tried recruiting for over a year and has a lot of fence sitters and not one recruit? I was the top sales in my cluster for 2007 having just signed in November 2006 (over $25,000 in my first full year). Earned most incentives last year including Level 1 $300 conference cash. Had two of my best months $4000 and $5300. All while working full time, working my business and having a life. Why can I not get someone to recruit? I really couldn't answer that for you. I work with them, keep in touch with them, talk to my director about them but not one has signed yet. I am going to have to try harder this year if I want to hit Level 1 again since I need to have 1 recruit but will not be very happy if I get the sales requirements but still cannot get 1 person to sign.
  • #36
I haven't read all the posts. So I my be repeating.
But I've been in PC 8 years and feel every conference and incentive has focused on recruiting. This is the first time it is required for a trip.
Every other direct sales company requires recruiting to earn trips.
One company requires you to have your first 6 shows in 2 weeks.
I understand not everyone wants to build a team, took me 6 years to get on that band wagon., but it is working smarter.
  • #37
One of my recruit leads I thought was in the perfect situation: lived in a town that was loosing it's biggest manufacturing company. What a better way to help others save money or earn money. But she saw it as a negative because she figured people wouldn't want to spend money and she was worried about people booking. It was in her mindset that this wasn't going to work for her. I tried to give her every recruiting line I've ever heard with the excuses she came up with. Nothing has worked yet.

One of the things I want to do this year is to send all my recruit leads the new recruiting incentive and follow up with them all. This week is pretty slow for me so I need to get them out the door tomorrow. Wish me luck.
  • #38
climbercanoe3 said:
Joy I think you get feisty when you lack sleep.:D

Keri-Lyn - you have no idea! :D

I'm glad you realized there was no malicious intent...
  • #39
I probably shouldn't talk for others, but I don't think the main complaint here is the actual concept of recruiting. I think many people feel that it just clashes with the "My business, my way" phrase that PC uses. Probably many consultants themselves were recruited based on information about the free trips, etc. As a new recruit myself, I can see where this would bug people, especially newer consultants because they were told about the opportunity for a free trip, told about the requirement, and now that they have the chance to earn it, the requirements have changed. I don't think people are against recruiting, I just think that they may feel as if they were a little mislead when they signed on (like I said...this mostly applies to newer consultants.)
  • #40
heather223 said:
I know this much about PC, we are not overly pushy, we are NOT in people's faces, and we are NOT tacky.

I beg to differ...

I want you to know that I won the title of "Miss Tacky" that evening...it was a 'tacky party" (Thought this thread could use a little levity!)
Last edited:
  • #41
legacypc46 said:
I beg to differ...

I want you to know that I won the title of "Miss Tacky" that evening (Thought this thread could use a little levity!)

Wow! You are just Beeeyoooteeefulll!
  • #42
Are you going to let the world know your secret Leggy?
  • #43
I have been with PC for almost 7 years. I have 1 recruit who barely stays active...I have to remind her that she needs to submit xx amount of $$ in order to stay active. I knew this when I recruited her. She just wants to earn a discount nothing else. I HAD a new recruit last spring. She signed in April and was so excited. She loved PC had lots of products and was wanting to do this full time because she stayed home with her boys. She was actually a HO lead for my hospitality director but lived to far away for her to travel. So, she emailed me, I contacted the customer who told me she not only wanted to have a show, but wanted to sign. GREAT!! I will now be a FD. So, she signed had 4 shows to qualify...not even 1250 in sales. She earned lots of stuff and then said "I am tired of pushing my family to have parties. I am taking a full time job as a teacher and won't have time for PC". No amount of talking could change her mind. I gave her all of the reasons why/how she could work PT and still teach. NO WAY NO HOW!! I always talk about the opportunity at my shows. I share my story and talk to every guest. In almost 7 years these are the 2 people I have been able to recruit.

It doesn't bother me that PC is pushing to recruit. I will still continue to work my business how I want...PT. My personal oppinion is that level 1 should not require a recruit. I can see a trip requiring a recruit, but level 1 is rediculous. But, obviously that is not my decision.

I am not trying to be negative in any way. But, I personally feel that since PC is now owned by a corporate minded person the focus has shifted from helping people to helping the company. As a business owner I understand this. This is how society is these days. It is the world view...big companies make all the money and the little companies get squeezed out. I just hope our company doesn't become just like the other DS companies...such as Amway. I joined PC because it was different than all the other companies I had looked into.

As far as people "whining about recruiting"...you can whine to me all you want. I don't think you are whining. You are welcome to voice your opinions and concerns to me at any time. That is what we are here for...to help each other and listen to each other.
  • #44
legacypc46 said:
I beg to differ...

I want you to know that I won the title of "Miss Tacky" that evening...it was a 'tacky party" (Thought this thread could use a little levity!)

WOW!! I have been proven wrong!! Sometimes we are tacky!!! LOL!!!! :chef:
  • #45
I agree there has been a change in focus..........I am still new compared to others out there (almost 1 year). When I joined, recruiting wasn't talked about as much - we now have a "Directorship Training" class every 2nd week, an Opportunity Talk/coffee every week, a weekly check-in from our D, Conference Calls (1-2 times a month) on recruiting, emails from HO, Recruiting Incentives, Trips requiring Recruiting to be able to qualify/earn, and Recruiting Challenges (our newest one is from our D to talk to EVERY guest at 3 Shows this month)......these challenges and opportunity talks were not around last year.

I am looking forward to begin sharing the business opportunity with others because it is a fear that I want to conquer...I am the same as many out there that takes the answer 'no' personally and therefore shys away from asking 'the horrible question' of the business opportunity. It is a personal challenge to myself to get over it.

As far as recruiting being pushed into our faces - I need a break from it (and I am someone who is looking forward to recruiting and sharing -- I can't imagine how those who are not ready to recruit are feeling!!!) And I told my D that this morning. I am up to the challenge of recruiting and sharing - but I want to do it at my own pace WITHOUT constant harrassment (that is how I feel it is sometimes) about it ALL the time - every email, phone call, new promo!! BUt, as my D said, 'recruiting is a problem for me NOW because I am almost a year into my business and I should have been doing it all along -- you share your love for the products, as you do your love for the business. I agree....but I just need a little less pressure so I can do my thing..... :)
  • #46
psMy daughter likes your pic (she is 2), she thought you look 'pretty'. LOL. Oh yeah, and she asked for a piece of gum (she knew that were blowing a bubble, but doesn't under the 'gum' part). :) :)
  • #47
I am very fortunate to have 2 wonderful directors who help me. My director calls me every so often and gives me encouragement but she does not pressure me in any way. She has always said that my business is about me and I need to work it the way that is comfortable to me. I also have a FABULOUS hospitality director who treats me like I am one of her own personal recruits. She gives me lots of encouragement but she does not pressure me. She never pressures her girls in any way. She encourages them. She is one of the reasons I have stayed with PC for this long. I have been in other DS companies and the constant push to recruit and purchase more sales aids/training aids drove me away. PC is so much better.
  • #48
In my humble opinionWow, :eek: is all I have to say. After not being on Chef Success for awhile, I was disappointed as I started to read this thread.

The Pampered Chef is offering you perks for doing your job, and some of you complain. How many other jobs do you get to earn trips, diamonds, free products, spa trips?? Are we never happy?

Sharing the opportunity is part of our job. And why wouldn't I want other people to do what I do? Since I have started with the Pampered Chef I have stayed home with my children, bought a new house, bought a new car, have a sense of accomplishment, reach goals I never thought possible, get away from my children :p , have taught my children that hard work does pay, have taught my children to goal set (even at 3 and 5), have helped others to realize their dreams, met some of my best friends, have helped hundreds of hosts get free products, and I have traveled the world.

You don't know who needs what you have.

Recruiting is not an option, promoting is.

Sharing the opportunity is part of our job! That would be like going to work for McDonalds as a cashier and saying I'm sorry, I don't feel comfortable dealing with cash??!!??? HUH?:confused:

As I said, this is just my humble opinion and you may not care, but I couldn't stay silent when you are bashing The Pampered Chef.

I was coming back on to check out the posts so I could let my team know about this website; however, due to the negativity I will not recommend this site to my team and I am disappointed. :( :eek:
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  • #49
i agreeThere are different Ds out there with different goals - my D and her D want to promote by August......so recruiting is THEIR focus right now.

I just need a minute to breathe (and not be so smothered with Recruiting)

Shawna, I am glad your D recognizes YOUR goals - my D is the same, but also shares HER goal and wishes for me..........

  • #50
Nobody is bashing PC. I love PC and everyone has made it very clear that they love PC. People are just stating their opinions and lack of enthusiasm for the recruiting requirement for incentives. As I stated earlier, I talk about the opportunity at every show and with everyone I meet, but I have only been able to recruit 2 people and 1 quit as soon as she qualified.

Why is it that nobody can disagree with PC in any way without being labeled a basher? Nobody likes everything about their job. I am 40 years old and have never worked for a company...even my husbands business...that I agreed 100% with everything. That does not mean that I did not love my job or the company I worked for. I personally think all the negativity that so many talk about comes into the picture when people begin to get so defensive because someone disagrees with something...anything...HO does.

We are suppose to be hear to help each other, listen to each other, and encourage each other. This site is not just about getting great flyers that some wonderfully talented person is willing to share with us. It is a community...just like your neighborhood. Do you agree with everything your neighbor does? If you say you disagree does that mean you are bashing your neighbor? NO. We don't have to agree with everything each other does/thinks and we don't have to agree with everything PC does. If it gets to the point we can't stand it anymore we have the option to not work for PC. But simply stating that you are uncomfortable with, disagree with, DON'T LIKE, something about the company does not mean you are bashing the company. If for example someone is upset about something and I personally think they are just being a baby do I have to post "Stop being such a baby"? No, I can choose to let them work it out or I can offer them something encouraging. If I post that they are being a baby then that just starts an arguement and then everything becomes negative. We don't have to say evereything we think. It is possible to read the first few posts and figure out what the thread is all about. If I don't agree then I shouldn't read anymore and I don't have to post my disagreement and start a fight.
<h2>1. Why is there so much emphasis on recruitment in the direct sales industry?</h2><p>In the direct sales industry, recruitment is seen as a way to build a strong team and advance in the company. It is also a way to increase sales and reach a larger customer base. Many companies place a lot of emphasis on recruitment because it is a key factor in the success of the business.</p><h2>2. Has there been an increase in the focus on recruitment in the past year?</h2><p>Yes, there has been a noticeable increase in the focus on recruitment in the past year. This could be due to the growing popularity of direct sales and the competition among companies to recruit top-performing consultants. Additionally, with the rise of social media and online marketing, it has become easier for companies to reach potential recruits.</p><h2>3. What is the main reason for joining a direct sales company?</h2><p>The main reason for joining a direct sales company varies for each individual. However, many people are drawn to direct sales because of the opportunity to sell and promote products they are passionate about, as well as the potential to earn income and build a successful business. Recruitment is also a factor for those who are interested in building a team and advancing in the company.</p><h2>4. How do recruitment requirements affect consultants' goals?</h2><p>Recruitment requirements can affect consultants' goals in different ways. For some, it may provide motivation to build their team and achieve higher levels in the company. However, for others who may not feel comfortable with recruitment or prefer to focus on other aspects of their business, it can be a source of added pressure and may divert their attention away from their original goals.</p><h2>5. What are your thoughts on the shift in focus towards recruitment?</h2><p>As a consultant, it is understandable that you may have mixed feelings about the shift in focus towards recruitment. While it can be beneficial for the growth of the company and individual consultants, it can also be overwhelming and may take away from the original emphasis on promoting and selling products. It is important to find a balance and focus on what works best for you and your business goals.</p>

Related to Is there too much emphasis on recruitment in the direct sales industry?

1. Why is there so much emphasis on recruitment in the direct sales industry?

In the direct sales industry, recruitment is seen as a way to build a strong team and advance in the company. It is also a way to increase sales and reach a larger customer base. Many companies place a lot of emphasis on recruitment because it is a key factor in the success of the business.

2. Has there been an increase in the focus on recruitment in the past year?

Yes, there has been a noticeable increase in the focus on recruitment in the past year. This could be due to the growing popularity of direct sales and the competition among companies to recruit top-performing consultants. Additionally, with the rise of social media and online marketing, it has become easier for companies to reach potential recruits.

3. What is the main reason for joining a direct sales company?

The main reason for joining a direct sales company varies for each individual. However, many people are drawn to direct sales because of the opportunity to sell and promote products they are passionate about, as well as the potential to earn income and build a successful business. Recruitment is also a factor for those who are interested in building a team and advancing in the company.

4. How do recruitment requirements affect consultants' goals?

Recruitment requirements can affect consultants' goals in different ways. For some, it may provide motivation to build their team and achieve higher levels in the company. However, for others who may not feel comfortable with recruitment or prefer to focus on other aspects of their business, it can be a source of added pressure and may divert their attention away from their original goals.

5. What are your thoughts on the shift in focus towards recruitment?

As a consultant, it is understandable that you may have mixed feelings about the shift in focus towards recruitment. While it can be beneficial for the growth of the company and individual consultants, it can also be overwhelming and may take away from the original emphasis on promoting and selling products. It is important to find a balance and focus on what works best for you and your business goals.

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