Silver Member
- 550
I've seen many other people vent and now i finally have a reason to. i did two shows the last week of july. neither one of them want to close there shows yet because they dont have all the money collected yet despite the fact that i call them a few days in advance and tell them when i will be there. i even go to church with one of the girls so she has alot more opportunities to get the money to me. i did a show for my best friend and she had a good show. probably the best one i had. but she is now mad at me because the last person that was going to order decided she wanted to do a catalog show and earn her own free stuff instead of ordering on my friends show. what can i say? no you cant do a show? i have bent over backwards for my best friend to help her have a good show. i know this isnt as bad as some of the posts i have read but it is really frustrating to me because i am not getting paid this month (those were my only shows last month) and it is taking alot of my time i could be doing other shows or preparing shows instead of running the streets lookin for them. if they wouldnt have had so many orders i wouldve deleted the really...but it sounded good. anyways just needed to get that out of my system. it seems like every show i do it gets messed up in one way or another. makes me wonder if i am cut out for this. anyways thanks for listening.
Monica Sweet
Monica Sweet