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Informal Poll- Nancy Post Cards? Yea or Nay?

In summary, Carolyn thinks the postcards are a great way to keep in touch with her host without calling them constantly, they are great reminders, and she believes they help. She has found an increase in attendance and says that the postcards are a quick way to let her hosts know they are on her mind. She also has a file box set up to send the postcards, and has never lost money by sending them.
These postcards are so cute, do you use them? Do you really think they help and are worth the investment (and stamps)? I'm so torn about spending my money on another cute spontaneous purchase in the name of business. :)

Your input will help please. :)
I just started using them! I feel like its a great way to keep in touch with your host without calling them constantly. They are great reminders!
I love her (and her staff) and I love her postcards! For the money, they are totally cute and personal! Love em!
The first thing I did when I promoted to director (well...after I yelped and hooted and danced) was to order a set of postcards from Nancy...then I bought a hanging shoe bag and I have them organized on the back of my office door. I will attach the picture so you can see how I have it set up.

Nevermind, can't attach it - it's too big
Yep, I use them and I think they're great.

I had a show this weekend. The host and I never connected to do the host coaching calls, but I kept sending her postcards and she ended up having a great show! Over $500, 4 bookings, and 2 recruit leads!
dannyzmom said:
The first thing I did when I promoted to director (well...after I yelped and hooted and danced) was to order a set of postcards from Nancy...then I bought a hanging shoe bag and I have them organized on the back of my office door. I will attach the picture so you can see how I have it set up.

Nevermind, can't attach it - it's too big

What a good idea Carolyn!! :rolleyes: I don't even need a pix - your description is very good and I "get teh picture". I will definetly keep this in moind when I promote...
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  • #7
PCGINA said:
What a good idea Carolyn!! :rolleyes: I don't even need a pix - your description is very good and I "get teh picture". I will definetly keep this in moind when I promote...

So you send them and you believe they are reading them? And doing what they say. Does this eliminate the call for you?

Have you seen an increase in attendance?
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  • #8
Which ones do you like best?
I know they read them! I will often arrive at a host's home, and they have no idea where their host packet is, but the postcards I sent are hanging on the refrigerator!
I send one the day after they book confirming the booking, and then about 3 weeks before their show, I send them the reminder one with the dates they need to remember for their show - show date, when I need their guest list, and when I will arrive...., and then 5 days before the show, I send them the reminder card to call their guests....and then after the show, I send them the "Anyway You Slice it, You're Great!" post card!
I have found that even when I have a hard time connecting by phone w/ hosts, they feel like I am keeping in contact with them, and care about their show, because they are getting mail from me on a regular basis!
One tip = I have a file box set up by date, and as soon as I book the show, I put the date that the cards need to be mailed in the stamp corner of the cards, and address them, and file them, then it's easy to just pull them out, stamp and fill them out (I don't put in dates until I actually have their address list) and mail them!
  • #10
I plan to send the holiday ones to my customers not on email. I'll probably send an e-greeting to my regular online subscribers. I think I'm already up to like 200 customers after 3 mos!
  • #11
I have used Nancy's from the beginning, they are a quick way to let them know they are on your mind. I keep mine organized in a LB basket and to save time & make sure I get them all mailed I "cheat"!!
After I have booked their show they get the confirmation postcard I take all the ones I'll be sending them (I think i have 6).I sit down with 6 different colored pens and 6 different address labels (the ones you receive from charities in the mail). I address & write a short note & add the address label then all I need is a stamp when I need to mail it. I used to use a tickler file but now I write the date where the stamp goes.
I have probably only had 3 cancelations all year so I don't worry about addressing them and losing $$ if they cancel. Typically they keep their date. Partly because I think they get a card every few days it holds them accountable (& I do send the invites & pay postage have for nearly 6 years).
They are very inexpensive & a great way to keep in touch.
Phone messages are easy to avoid (child or DH erased it, too busy etc. With caller ID they can not answer if they don't want to talk but a postcard they have to carry in from the mailbox (one may get lost in the mail but, more are on their way they can't not get all of them & after the 3rd one they know I INTEND to be there so they'd better keep the date.
If $$ is an obstacle share the cost wih another cluster member and see if they improve your business, before buying several.

  • #12
I love mine! I think they defin. help with host coaching. It's great because I am in Denver and they are in the springs and I get my order either the next day or at the latest 2 days after placing it!

Related to Informal Poll- Nancy Post Cards? Yea or Nay?

1. What is an "Informal Poll- Nancy Post Cards?"

An "Informal Poll- Nancy Post Cards" is a postcard sent out by our company, Pampered Chef, featuring a new product or promotion. We ask for our customers' opinions and feedback on the postcard, and it serves as a way for us to interact with our customers and gather valuable insights.

2. How often do you send out "Informal Poll- Nancy Post Cards?"

We typically send out "Informal Poll- Nancy Post Cards" a few times a year, depending on the release of new products or promotions. We want to ensure that we are not overwhelming our customers with too many postcards, but also that we are staying connected with them regularly.

3. Is participating in the "Informal Poll- Nancy Post Cards" mandatory?

No, participating in the "Informal Poll- Nancy Post Cards" is completely optional. We value our customers' opinions and appreciate any feedback they provide, but it is not required for them to participate in the poll.

4. How do you use the feedback collected from the "Informal Poll- Nancy Post Cards?"

The feedback we receive from the "Informal Poll- Nancy Post Cards" is extremely valuable to us. We use it to improve our products and services, as well as to make decisions on future releases and promotions. Your opinions and suggestions truly make a difference in our company.

5. Can I opt out of receiving "Informal Poll- Nancy Post Cards"?

Yes, you can opt out of receiving "Informal Poll- Nancy Post Cards" at any time. Simply contact our customer service team and let them know that you no longer wish to receive these postcards. However, we do encourage our customers to participate in the polls as it helps us to better serve their needs.

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