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Improve Time Management and Productivity Strategies for Your Business"

In summary, Kathy is taking steps to be more productive and reduce the amount of time she spends on her computer. She is also setting business hours and reorganizing her office.
I will be spending less time on Chef Success but am definately not leaving. I just have to discipline myself so I can be more products. I keep coming int 50 times a day and hitting the New Posts button. How is that helping my business?

I took the Getting it Together: Time management and Organization This morning I am going through my 4 e-mail accounts and trying to brutally delete and unsubscribe to the things that are not productive to me. Less e-mail to sort through. The instructor (Robbie Van Nortwick) of the class says she only spend 15 minutes a day on e-mail. I am not sure att his time that I can reach that goal but I do need to be more productive. I am also cleaning my desk. I have to be at my job in less than 2 hours so these are doable task this a.m.

What are you doing today to help your business in the long run?
Good for you Kathy! I know I spend way too much time on the computer and it is not all productive work! I also need to go through my emails and purge, as well as do the same to my desk!
That sounds like a great plan Kathy. You'll be missed but its great to see that you are taking yet more steps to reach your goals while having more time for a life.
I am ditto'ing you Kathy!
I took the same class and will be spending less time on the computer & re-evaluating my time and what is making me $$ or productivity.
DO you have notes from the class??
I got home from conference and did an overhaul on my desk and in my office. I got a new long table to put my printer on and a things "to do" pile with other sheets of paper that used to occupy my main desk.

I was proud that I had 2 trash bags of paper from my tyding up.

I am also setting business hours to do certain duties of my business on certain days. I am changing my answering machine everyday so people who call me will know this is a "real" business I am doing and not a hobby and answering my work phone more professional than "hi."

Thanks for asking!!!
Time Management and Organization with Robbie VanNortwick and Mary Beth KnowlesI was also in that class and I LOVED Robbie, she gave me so much info. and I've already went and bought my binders and will be working on them this weekend, I've also gone and bought my shredder.

Notes are all typed up.

I'll try and attach what I took.

I spoke with her another day and said about doing a binder (#6) for taxes (as I put in my notes) and she thought it would work good. She said, I'd have to try and see what worked for me. Right now, tax time is horrible as I've got a little here, a little there, so this will hopefully help streamline things.


  • Time Management and Organization - Conference 2007.doc
    32 KB · Views: 585
Lisa, Thank you for sharing your notes. Sounds like it was a REALLY good workshop. I have had REAL problems with this area this year. Have been in the "it is so out of control that I walk away from it" frame of mine.:(
Your notes along with The Power of Focus will hopefully jar me in the right direction before the fall hits. Chose to attend other workshops this year (going along with the I give up mode!!).
Thanks again!
Kathytnt said:
I will be spending less time on Chef Success but am definately not leaving. I just have to discipline myself so I can be more products. I keep coming int 50 times a day and hitting the New Posts button. How is that helping my business?

I took the Getting it Together: Time management and Organization This morning I am going through my 4 e-mail accounts and trying to brutally delete and unsubscribe to the things that are not productive to me. Less e-mail to sort through. The instructor (Robbie Van Nortwick) of the class says she only spend 15 minutes a day on e-mail. I am not sure att his time that I can reach that goal but I do need to be more productive. I am also cleaning my desk. I have to be at my job in less than 2 hours so these are doable task this a.m.

What are you doing today to help your business in the long run?
Kathy, Happy for you! I have been having a problem with it too. Once we find Paige, I need to use my time on her very carefully. Pat yourself on the back!
  • #10
Great notes Lisa! Thank you so much. Will put these to use as I'm gearing up for a great fall season and I want to make the best use of my time and energy.

  • #11
THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! This is wonderful!
  • #12
Thanks for posting the notes.

Ann R.
  • #13
:D Thanks
  • #14
baychef said:
Kathy, Happy for you! I have been having a problem with it too. Once we find Paige, I need to use my time on her very carefully. Pat yourself on the back!

That's exactly where I'm at Ann. I know me watching for news doesn't change anything or any outcome, but I want to know as quickly as possible for some reason.

This is a great subject (time management). I need to be more diligent about my time, especially since we will be starting school soon (we homeschool). And paperwork is my nemisis! It is burying me alive!

How do you guys store your paperwork, catalogs, etc? Do you find you need to store you flyers and such flat so they don't curl? I'd love to hear how your offices are set up.
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Great notes - I am note leaving Chef Success I just need to discipline the amount of time and what threads I am reading

I loved the Getting it Together class - I even ended up on the same bus with Robbie on Day 3 back to the hotel and got more time to talk to her and we also ran into each other in the airport. We were both stranded soI got more infor from her.

Too Cool!!

  • Thread starter
  • #16
If you choose to use the Binder system - Don't forget to get an extra binder for the Theme show information that will come in your Changeover kit
  • #17
I applaud your decision to focus on your priorities. When I was working the temp job where I had 3 hours of work but had to be there for 8 hours, I was here a lot. Once that assignment ended, I made the decision that, with a few exceptions, I would only be here in the morning when I check email, with a time limit for CS, and in the evening after I've made all of my CCCs and completed the rest of my work. This became a reward for completing my work. People respond to either the carrot or the stick. I'm a carrot person.

Thanks for posting your notes. I didn't take this workshop, but I reorganized my office as soon as I got back from NC. I feel better about the way the paper flows now.
  • #18
Kathytnt said:
Great notes - I am note leaving Chef Success I just need to discipline the amount of time and what threads I am reading

I loved the Getting it Together class - I even ended up on the same bus with Robbie on Day 3 back to the hotel and got more time to talk to her and we also ran into each other in the airport. We were both stranded soI got more infor from her.

Too Cool!!

It sounds like this was really meant to be. You were able to talk with Robbie two times after the workshop. When does that happen? On your way to Director!
  • Thread starter
  • #19
I just got back from the store with all my binders and materials WOHOO!
  • #20
Lisa/ChefBear said:
I was also in that class and I LOVED Robbie, she gave me so much info. and I've already went and bought my binders and will be working on them this weekend, I've also gone and bought my shredder.

Notes are all typed up.

I'll try and attach what I took.

I spoke with her another day and said about doing a binder (#6) for taxes (as I put in my notes) and she thought it would work good. She said, I'd have to try and see what worked for me. Right now, tax time is horrible as I've got a little here, a little there, so this will hopefully help streamline things.

Thanks for your notes... I took the class in Wave 1, but like the notes from your class better...
Hamster Days.... ROFLMBO!!! I LOVE that description. I think I'm gonna go buy a hamster wheel and put it on my desk to remind me of what NOT to do!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #21
I am working on weeding out e-mail I have 4 accounts with two that were extremely full (300+ e-mails) I actually got one down to a single message yesterday
  • Thread starter
  • #22
It's been brutal but all but my cooking with kathy email have been pared down considerably

I have been creating my folders gradually and taking a break to finish unpacking. I am finally feeling close to normal (or as close as I get to normal :eek: ) after the lack of sleep from Conference and the airport overnight layover.

I feel like I have accomplished alot and feel a it fortunate that my work schedule is light this week so I can develop time to my Mission Organzation project.
  • #23
That is great Kathy. Way to go.
  • #24
I got my binders, and am working on them. One thing I'm trying to figure out.......do I start from now forward, or do I try and go back and put my almost 200 shows and contacts in???

Any suggestions??


  • #25
I have attempted to get more organized for some time. I have printed the notes from the class along with some that were posted on a website. I, too, have had some problems with focus. I feel like I need to stand up and say

Hi, my name is Kim and I have an addiction. I need to quit spending so much time on CS and get my organization done and only be on here as a reward to myself. You can't tell the number of hours I spend on here based on my message count but I do spend a lot of time reading. I don't normally post if it seems to be a repeat of what others have said.

Here is to changing my time spent and increasing bookings, sales and recruiting.
  • Thread starter
  • #26
I think I would do a mix - Contact some people as you are working on the binders. I have so many leads that if I just worked on that I would not get anything done for a week. I am currently going through business cards and inviting people (via e-mail) to join a local networking group. Plus I have host and such to contact this week. You might block out certain times to do different things. Work on binder system for 30 minutes - Call potential hosts for 30 minutes etc.

I would love to just work on the binders until it is done but that will take me quite a while.

I attached the front cover I put on my binders - I printed a second copy and trimmed the heading for the spine. It is by no means fancy but is functional



  • Binder Pages.doc
    23 KB · Views: 558
  • #27
Thanks for posting the notes. I need to get more organized.
  • Thread starter
  • #28
I have been throwing tons of stuff out - I get a lot of free magazine at work. So I am thinning those out seriously. Then working on the binders. Talking with hosts etc. I am hoping to have the majority of the contact binder info done by Thursday - If it is not done then I am going to start my 3-2-1 that day anyway and that will be my permanent schedule. I don't know about 2 cooking shows a week but combo of cooking and catalog shows together will work for me. If I could averge 4-6 cooking shows a month with outside catalog shows I think it would definately help with leads to get recruits etc.

I got another show booked for August today!

How is everyone else doing with their Extreme office makeovers???
  • Thread starter
  • #29
Oh my - This is going to take a lot of time - At least for me. I have done so many craft fairs and bridal shows I have a zillion leads. I did a test on P3 and I have over 500 contacts that are listed.

I have thrown away tons of mags - Robbie doesn't keep more than 2 months of show info and shreds and credit card info. She actually has shredding parties with the kids

I have already been up and working about 2 hours already this morning - I am going to do a few more and then jumping on my bicycle for some exercise

I know it going to be a tough process but I know I will be so happy when I have completed the organization process. It is vital for my future business.

How is everyone else doing??

Related to Improve Time Management and Productivity Strategies for Your Business"

1. How can I effectively prioritize tasks to improve time management?

Prioritizing tasks is crucial for effective time management. One strategy is to categorize tasks based on urgency and importance. This can be done using a priority matrix or simply by labeling tasks as high, medium, or low priority. It's also helpful to consider the impact of each task on your overall goals and objectives.

2. What are some tips for avoiding distractions and staying focused?

Distractions can greatly hinder productivity and time management. To avoid them, try setting specific blocks of time for certain tasks and eliminating any unnecessary interruptions during those times. Additionally, find a quiet and clutter-free workspace, and use tools such as noise-cancelling headphones or website blockers to minimize distractions.

3. How can I better manage my time when working on multiple projects?

When working on multiple projects, it's important to prioritize and allocate your time accordingly. Consider using a project management tool to track progress and deadlines. It's also helpful to break down larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks and set realistic timelines for each. This will help you stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

4. Are there any tools or techniques that can help with time management and productivity?

Yes, there are many tools and techniques that can aid in time management and productivity. Some popular ones include time tracking apps, task management software, and the Pomodoro technique which involves working in focused bursts with short breaks in between. Experiment with different tools and techniques to find what works best for you.

5. How can I effectively delegate tasks to improve time management?

Delegating tasks is essential for effective time management, especially for business owners or managers. To delegate effectively, clearly communicate expectations and deadlines, and assign tasks based on each team member's strengths and workload. Regularly check in on progress and provide feedback, but also trust your team to complete the tasks efficiently.

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