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Recruiting for Future Director: What's Worked and What Hasn't?

In summary, Debbie posted an ad in the newspaper, is planning to hold a game to attract recruits, and is looking for ways to leverage her door prize slip to get more recruits.
I'm trying really hard to recruit, I would like to be Future Director by the end of August. What does everyone do to try to recruit? Has anyone placed an ad in the Newspaper for recruiting? I was thinking about doing this for business opportunity and hosting a show, but I would like to know if anyone has tried for recruiting and if they had any success with it. I pretty much have the bookings down but would like to work a little harder on recruiting.

Thanks in advance,
Debbie :) :)
I just today posted a news paper ad. With the new recruiting promo i figured why not give it a shot ! I have heard mixed reviews on placing ads . Iam also going to try a game I learned about on this web site. Iam not sure which post it was in but it was great !At the end of your demo you have a decent door prize example a mini spatula something people are going to want you have 10 tickets in your hand and say for every question you ask me about my buisness you get a tcket when iam all out of tickets we will draw one name and you will win this prize. By the questions they ask you can kind of tell if someone is interested in learning more ! I will let ya know how it all turns out !! ;)
recruitLast night our cluster met and we are all really hiped about recruiting... One thing to do... go through your contact managment and have your own phone blitzing party.... come up with a script... this could be a win win situation... get a recruit or bookings...

Look for those key statements... i got an email from a friend who said she is looking for a job... but likes the her freedom as well... SIRENS WENT OFF THOSE words sounded the alarm... i shot an email back at her offering her a job of owning her own business.

Then this morning... i knew this girl i work with was anxiously awaiting the sneak peak i promised her of the new products... she fell in love with the roaster... i told her she could get it for free... she asked how.. and i asked if she ever thought about doing what i do.... she is seriously considering right now...

studies show that 1 out of 10 will sign. make a list 1-10 as they say no... you should be getting excited the closer you get to #10 cause the odds are in your favor then.. (taken from director at my cluster)

Remember though recruiting does not (but can) happen immediatley. IF YOU DON'T RECRUIT SOMEONE ELSE WILL!

don't throw away your door prize slips... they are leads... i noticed on one of mine.. i was focusing on shows... and missed the fact that she said she would have a show if her hostess became a consultant.... you can use that as leverage into your conversation.

Hope that helps.... I am also shooting to become future by the end of august i just need 1 more. I'm rooting for you (sp?)
I guess my main piece of advice is that it never hurts to ask...anyone!! Even think back through various contacts you've had with people...acquaintances, friends, friends of friends, someone who waited on you at a store or restaurant. Basically anyone who stood out in your mind and could benefit from PC. The biggest thing I heard through the various workshops about recruiting is that you need to provide information about PC to them FOR them, not for you. If you think about recruiting only about how it's going to benefit you, then it won't be as successful. Making that shift in my own mind a year or so ago really helps. I really keep in my mind how much PC has changed MY life and given me so much more than I ever expected it to. Then I think how many others there are out there who could benefit in much the same way...so it's really about them, not me. Sure, it's nice to have the perks as a director and I hope to get there someday, but when people sense that you're sharing the opportunity with them FOR them and how it'll benefit them, that's when you may start getting more interest.

Just the other day I was remembering a cashier who helped me at the grocery store probably well over a month ago. We somehow got on the subject of Rachael Ray from the Food Network and how much we both love her. I told her I sell PC, but I couldn't chat for too long since she had other customers behind me in line. Well, I saw her again today and was thinking that she should look into PC on the side. PLUS, she's in culinary school to top it off. I had a little packet of opportunity info with me and I gave it to her with a catalog and I got her name and number. I'm going to call her tomorrow! I was quite proud of myself :) just for branching out and going outside my comfort zone. We'll see if something comes out of it.

The other thing I do at my shows is stress that I'm not a Pampered Chef stalker. I love to share information about the oppty with people. But if they request some info or show the littlest bit of interested, that they shouldn't worrry that I'll be knocking on their door every week asking them to join. I stress that it's just information I"m giving them and yes, I will follow up, but that I don't automatically assume they'll sign on. I think it helps them even just ask for some extra info. If they're anything like me, I would be afraid if I showed some curiosity as a prospective consultant that it would give them permission to hound me forever. :) I hope that rambling all made sense!
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Thanks!!!Thanks everyone so much. I had a Conference Call last night with my Cluster also, and we talked about recruiting so I got some ideas from that . Thanks so much for your input. I love this site, everyone is so helpful.

Debbie :) :) :)

Related to Recruiting for Future Director: What's Worked and What Hasn't?

What is the purpose of recruiting for a future director?

The purpose of recruiting for a future director is to identify and attract potential candidates who possess the skills, experience, and qualities necessary for the role. This ensures that the organization has strong leadership in place for the future.

What strategies have been successful in recruiting for a future director?

Some successful strategies for recruiting a future director include networking, utilizing industry connections, and promoting the opportunity through various channels such as job postings and social media. Engaging with potential candidates and showcasing the benefits and opportunities of the position can also be effective.

What are some common challenges faced in recruiting for a future director?

Some common challenges in recruiting for a future director include finding qualified and experienced candidates, competition from other organizations, and the time and resources required for the recruitment process. Additionally, ensuring a good cultural fit and aligning with the organization's values can also be a challenge.

What qualities should be considered when selecting a future director?

When selecting a future director, qualities such as leadership skills, strategic thinking, adaptability, and a strong understanding of the organization's mission and goals should be considered. It's also important to evaluate the candidate's experience, qualifications, and potential for growth within the role.

How can an organization ensure a successful recruitment process for a future director?

To ensure a successful recruitment process for a future director, an organization should have a clear understanding of their needs and expectations for the role, as well as a well-defined selection criteria. They should also have a thorough and efficient recruitment process in place, provide support and resources for candidates, and have a transparent and fair evaluation process.

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