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I'm Thinking About Become a Pampered Chef Consultant...

Well SilverCeladon ~ what you have just described sounds like a great recruiting pitch to me!~!! I thinks you have already given yourself several good reasons to give it an honest try. What do you have to lose?:rolleyes: Welcome to the Pampered Chef! I hope you'll join us and have a great time cooking and selling. I've been there and it's a great experience.
and I need some pushing. I am not a chef by any means. I had a show a month ago and did very well ($1100) and got all sorts of free products. I'm now obsessesed :eek: and went to another party last week and bought tons more. I look at my PC items and can't wait to use them!

Anyways, I'm not really into talking in front of people and I'm not a good cook. What I love about PC recipes is the simplicity of it and I know I can make something very easy. I guess what I'm asking is have any of you been like me and now have a successfull business? I'm so on the fence about joining!
Well SilverCeladon ~ what you have just described sounds like a great recruiting pitch to me!~!! I thinks you have already given yourself several good reasons to give it an honest try. What do you have to lose?:rolleyes:

What I mean is - we have all been there rihgt where you are now. Can I get up in front of strangers and talk to them? Will I know what to say? Will I be able to cook food in front of them? What if they ask me something I don't know the answer to?

We have all been there or at some point similar to that....

I have 2 new consultants that did just as you did - they had held shows in the past and did very well at their show sales (sing of a great seller) - they loved all of the FREE product they received (don't we all).

Me - well when I told my sister that I was going to be a Pampered Chef - she hit the floor laughing - you see up to about 2 years ago my idea of a great meal was HungryMan extra serving meals...I'M NOT KIDDING!!!

Now my sister calls ME for recipes - and she is one of my best hosts....

I love my new found friends with PC, I LOVE continuing to earn more & more FREE product, I LOVE wetting my own schedule and I love having my own business.

What can I say ~ for $90.00 you can give it a try. You area only committed to doing 4 shows to complete your agreement with the compant AND they can be catalog shows - you would never have to cook in front of anybody:eek: ...

However, I think you will find that it truly is a blessed business to be a part of and the best direct sales company on the market.

Good Luck in your decision making.....and I am sure y9u will be receiving more advise from this great group of Cheffer's on this site.
Hi SilverCeladon!!
SilverCeladon said:
and I need some pushing. I am not a chef by any means. I had a show a month ago and did very well ($1100) and got all sorts of free products. I'm now obsessesed :eek: and went to another party last week and bought tons more. I look at my PC items and can't wait to use them!

Anyways, I'm not really into talking in front of people and I'm not a good cook. What I love about PC recipes is the simplicity of it and I know I can make something very easy. I guess what I'm asking is have any of you been like me and now have a successfull business? I'm so on the fence about joining!

Has anyone asked you or offered you our GREAT opportuniity yet? I hope your Consultant has, but if she / he hasn't and you want to join, I'll be happy to help your or I"m sure many of the others would too.

I too was nervous about cooking, then I remembered during 4-H I did cooking demonstrations which were similar. Just keep it fun and you can do no wrong!

Welcome and Good Luck :)

I DID NOT COOK!!! Since I joined Pampered Chef I not only cook but everything looks beautiful! My mom even compliments me and that is huge because she knows me! :p

I say give it a try-you have absolutely nothing to loose! We are all here to help you in any way we can. This site is unbelievable and you will find anything you need to know.

Worse case scenario-you do your 4 shows, earn some FREE product, make some extra money and break out of your shell a bit. That sounds like a no brainer to me.

Let me know if you need any help! Good Luck and let us all know if you decide to sign!:D
I like to joke at my shows that my grandmother took my older sister under her wing to teach her all of the secrets of the kitchen and all she could say about my cooking skills was that I was "heavy-handed" with cakes. So, if I could become a Pampered Chef consultant, anyone can! I know that I'm a much more confident cook than before I was a consultant. Go for it - you have absolutely nothing to lose by giving it a try and everything to gain!

I was not a great cook when I started either, but practicing PC recipes has really helped my cooking skills & broadened my amount of recipes I can cook! (plus it helps when you have these awesome tools to work with!) I am more confident to try new things now too.
Also, I used to be a shy person & didn't like speaking in front of people at all. PC has soooo helped me with that! I have so much more self-confidence now. The more shows I've done, the more confident I am to be up there in front of people. One of my favorite things is after a show, when someone tells me that they learned things; that makes me feel great:)
This truly is an awsome company; I just celebrated my 5th anniversary with PC, & have no regrets! I would suggest calling your consultant; you really have nothing to lose! I feel that if you have a love for the products, that's all you really need! This is a wonderful site to come to for help; we're all here for each other. Good luck with your decision-making:D
I look at my PC items and can't wait to use them!
Take them out of the box and start using them! There are awesome recipes on each "Use and Care" card - or we will be glad to assist you here with some easy starter recipes. I was a cook when I started but our products make it so much easier and fun! I love to talk - but standing in front of a bunch of people and talking scared me to death! I had a good friend host my first party - in her kitchen around her island - 20 people there - once I started talking it all came naturally and if I goofed - so what - I just laughed it off. Your guests need to see that you are not perfect and we all make mistakes. That makes for a fun and relaxed party.

It is surely worth a try. If you dont like it you can stop but I have a feeling you will love it - be amazed at how easy it is to bring home a paycheck all the while making new friends and having fun! And the support from these boards is amazing. Let me know if you need any help and Good Luck!
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I was afraid to talk in front of people too but now I have fun...:) As you know that the products sell it's self...

All I have to say is, just TRY IT!!

Where are you from?

Good Luck!!!!!!!!
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SilverCeladon said:
and I need some pushing. I am not a chef by any means. I had a show a month ago and did very well ($1100) and got all sorts of free products. I'm now obsessesed :eek: and went to another party last week and bought tons more. I look at my PC items and can't wait to use them!

Anyways, I'm not really into talking in front of people and I'm not a good cook. What I love about PC recipes is the simplicity of it and I know I can make something very easy. I guess what I'm asking is have any of you been like me and now have a successfull business? I'm so on the fence about joining!

I remember that feeling of being obsessed and thinking "I can sell these items to my friends and family and other people I come across and not only get the FREE stuff but also get paid!!"
I am not a shy person so preparing meals in front of people was no big deal to me, but I do still get a little nervous because I want everything to come out tasting good and do you know what???
It always does, even if I forget to say something, add something or if I add too much of something, it always comes out tasting great. My guests don't know what's going on, and everything is just so delicious to them.
These PC recipes are fabulous, and easy! Two big pluses.
Remember start out with friends and family so you will be comfortable and then try friends of friends and friends of the family. IT will get easier and it is so much fun. You will be amazed at how much fun you will be having and since you love the products that will come out in the way you describe them and use them. Someone else on here said get them out of the box and use them. That is so true. I had to slowly get rid of things I had been using for years and switch to PC. PC is much better but I had the old tools on the counter or in the drawers and my clean tools in my crate. After putting them in the kitchen, I can't do without them and I can honestly tell people at my shows what I use them for and it comes natural to me.
Good luck. And keep us posted!! Where are you from? Have you got a consultant to sign up under already? The lady that hosted your show??

Debbie :D :D
  • #10
I have always been one that hated to go talk to people I would sit in a back corner wanting to go and introduce myself to someone new. This has helped me out a ton I have meet a lot of awsome people and the recipes are really easy to cook. I hope you decide to do this all you need to do is try it with 4 shows or 1250 in sales and if you dont like it you have 350 dollars worth of great stuff plus a great paycheck but I am sure you will be hooked
  • #11
It sounds like you would be a great Consultant with how well you did with your own show and how much you love the product!

My Biggest FEAR with starting my PC business was the idea of public speaking (live demos)! I was deathly afraid of it but I told myself I needed to at least try it because I would always wonder if I did not! So 1 year later I am loving what I do! I enjoy the shows, have fun at them and I am soo glad I gave it a chance!

Like what has been mentioned above, you have nothing to lose and soo much to gain! If you decide after 4 shows you are not happy with it then you are done! Keep the commission, any free products and your starter kit! I say go for it and if you have ??? just ask away! I found this site while doing my PC research and found this to be the BEST source to get my answers from! I think I had about a million questions and everyone was soo helpful here! I even found my Director while on this site and I know if I had not asked more about TPC I never would have joined!

I hope you consider taking the plunge, it will be so worth it!
  • #12
OK--so are you signing or what?!?!?! I'm dyin' here!
  • #13
I know the feeling of not being able to talk in front of others and not being a great cook. I was the same way when I started PC at the beginning of the year. My husband did all the cooking, so he is thrilled now that I am doing most of it. HOnestly, the PC recipes have made it so easy. And I get so excited about the products that I can't wait to use them and then tell people about them. I try not to think of my shows as me getting up and lecturing people on the benefits of our stuff, but as one friend telling another about something that they really love. Whenever I try out a new product or recipe, I can't wait to tell others about it. The excitement I have makes it so much easier to talk to others about it.

You can also try doing a show more like an open house with things already prepared so that you don't have actually "cook" in front of others. I know a lot of people like that type of show because it means they get to eat right away. Then you can just have the products used there to give them an "air demonstration" (kind of like an "air band") so they get the idea about how the products work.

You can also do catalog shows. I did all catalog shows for November since I was 9 months pregnant and it was hard to get out to do shows. I ended up with over $1500 in sales! So try not to worry too much.

It really sounds like you are excited about the company and it's products, so I think you would make a great rep. Good luck!

  • #14
Whenever I have a potential recruit that is scared to talk in front of others I take her to a show. She sits in the audience and all I ask her to do is to watch what I do and feel free to make comments about the products or recipe. When we are done, I sit down with her and tell her that she just did what a consultant does. If she does not feel comfortable making a recipe in front of people she can do one of three things. 1. make the recipe ahead of time and demo some tools using potatoes and limes, 2. have the guests make the recipe, or 3. make an extremely easy recipe like dips using our seasonings.Some of my best shows are ones where the food was already prepared and I sat with the guests and let them talk about the products while I interjected little known ways to use the products and/or warranty and/or kit info. It was so much fun!
  • #15
Me too I am new to PC opportunityI have never gone to a show and stumbled across the opportunity. With my 15 years in food service I figure I can cook. The product is something I can believe in. I have heard it said that what ever the mind of people can think and believe in then you can achieve. I am going to sign after the holiday season. So I say if you feel it is for you try it. Can hardly wait to get the information being sent to me. Good luck on your decision.
  • Thread starter
  • #16
You ladies have been so helpful! I told my husband tonight and he said "go for it". I think I'll email my consultant tonight-she does such a great job-it's almost like watching an infomercial (that's probably why she's an independent director and makes tons of $$ at this). I know I won't ever be that good but I really love the products. It's so sad that I got so excited over a missing can strainer that came today in the mail and it's not even for me!

I think I'll also join after the holidays-maybe for February so people can recoup $$ from Christmas.

Thanks and I'll definitely let you know what she says!!
  • #17
Right now you can sign up and have February as your Super Starter month 1. That gives you from now until the end of February to get the $1250 in sales for SS1 bonus. Also, there are awesome consultant incentives going on now, so why not start now!!!
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  • #18
You're talking Greek to me Kate! You're saying that I can get the sales now and wait to submit them in February? What does the Super Starter and SS1 bonus mean?

Also, I see in a lot of signatures "Wave 1 or Wave 2" What is that?

You are really helping me out and I thank you immensely!
  • #19
Your first Super Starter month consists of an introductory period where you can submit sales that will count towards your Super Starter bonuses. For example, if you were to sign now and submit sales in December and January, they would be looked at as MONTH 1 of Super Starter. You wouldn't wait to submit them, but they would keep adding to your total. I had a consultant who qualified before her first official month which was July. She submitted $1250 in sales in June AND July which earned her SS1 as well as a Bonus.Waves are about National Conference. We have such a huge number of consultants that go to National that we have to split it into 3 conferences.
  • #20
Just thought of another perk to signing right now...tax write offs!!!
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  • #21
I love the tax write off! So, I would write off the $90 and any other business items that I would need? I never even though about the tax advantages!

So, there are 3 waves and each conference is in another place? What does "Walking in Dallas" mean? You can tell me to "get bent" if I'm asking too many questions..:)
  • #22
The conference in Dallas is leadership and it is for Future directors and above and it changes every year future director is 2 or more recruits
Walking in Dallas that you are currently seeing is the consultants who hae become directors since National Conference. and they walk across the stage
The big Conference that everyone can go to is National Conference in July and that is always held in Chicago I still have yet to go due to having a baby and the yr before just signing up and that is also always in July
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  • #23
I love to help you e-mail me! and see what we can do!
  • #24
poohritz said:
I have never gone to a show and stumbled across the opportunity. With my 15 years in food service I figure I can cook. The product is something I can believe in. I have heard it said that what ever the mind of people can think and believe in then you can achieve. I am going to sign after the holiday season. So I say if you feel it is for you try it. Can hardly wait to get the information being sent to me. Good luck on your decision.

Welcome aboard DAVE!! Wow, you never been to a pampered chef show before? How did you stumble across this wonderful opportunity? I would love to have you on my team, that's if you don't have someone already.
  • #24
My Biggest FEAR with starting my PC business was the idea of public speaking (live demos)! I was deathly afraid of it but I told myself I needed to at least try it because I would always wonder if I did not! So 1 year later I am loving what I do! I enjoy the shows, have fun at them and I am soo glad I gave it a chance!

I love it! I am having problems with my shows on what to say at this point in my shows!! I am going to borrow this and give it a try.
Thank you.
  • #25
heat123 said:
My Biggest FEAR with starting my PC business was the idea of public speaking (live demos)! I was deathly afraid of it but I told myself I needed to at least try it because I would always wonder if I did not! So 1 year later I am loving what I do! I enjoy the shows, have fun at them and I am soo glad I gave it a chance!

I love it! I am having problems with my shows on what to say at this point in my shows!! I am going to borrow this and give it a try.
Thank you.
  • #26
SilverCeladon said:
I love the tax write off! So, I would write off the $90 and any other business items that I would need? I never even though about the tax advantages!

So, there are 3 waves and each conference is in another place? What does "Walking in Dallas" mean? You can tell me to "get bent" if I'm asking too many questions..:)

Don't worry about asking too many questions...that's what we are here for!

Yes, the $90 is a tax write off as well as any business expenses - mileage, groceries (I love getting new recipes to try out because I can feed my family AND claim the groceries!), copies, pens, PAMPERED CHEF PRODUCTS, etc. Anything that you use for your business is a write off.

In fact, I just purchased a family Christmas present which will mainly be used for my business...a color laser printer :D ...I'm pretty much the only one who prints stuff.
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  • #27
Oh wow! I'm so looking forward to getting started now! I am taking the advice and using my PC products today. I've been scouring my cupboards and PC cookbooks for some recipes. Today I'm going to make those little pretty cakes using the Silicone Floral Cake Pan.

Are you not allowed to submit pics here? I don't see any in the signatures.

I've only been here a couple of days and I've learned so much! Thank so much for answering my questions!
  • #28
Hello SilverCeladon,

Do you have a name??

Go to the top of this page and LOOK fo photos - you will find a large range in types of pictures that cheffers post.

GOOD DECISION ~ and welcome aboard....
  • #29
Welcome to the Pampered Chef family! I know you will love it! Your recruiter has found a gem in you - your posts already show that!

Good luck!
  • #30
Considering the opportunity is a wonderful, terrible time. My suggestion is - just make a decision. You'll feel better being "off the fence", and you can always change your mind later.

So - you decide not to do it right now (as I did 11 years ago at my wife's party), if it is right for you, the opportunity will come back. I valiantly chased down that consultant (now a senior director) but couldn't find her, so went online to PC.com and became a home office lead. I just passed 22K in career sales in 3 years, and am dedicated to making whatever trip is presented for next year.

If you decide to jump in now, do so - with both feet. Something that can help you decide, is to go to a unit meeting (we call them cluster meetings) and checkout who and how the other folks are, that are doing this business. How are they being successful? How similar are their lives to yours?

Good luck with your decision. There is lots of support here, on MSN, some on Yahoo, and a lot on the PC website "inside" - an area called Consultant's Corner, that includes online and periodic telephone classes.

There are lots of fantastic people in The Pampered Chef. I wish you confidence in your decision, and good luck in your future!
  • #31
Well said, Scott!
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  • #32
Definitely well said! I decided to take the plunge and I did contact my director. I'll ask her about the cluster meetings and ask to attend one. I'm really excited about this!

Thanks everybody for your help. It was your comments that helped me take the leap!!
  • #33
Well said Scott, I couldnt' have said it better myself!! This is so much fun .. lots of work and pacients but it's worth it!! Especially when you start earning things for free!!

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