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I Have a Prayer Need (Okay, so I Have 2 Prayer Needs)

In summary, Kacey's sister is having a hearing for her order of protection from her husband for child abuse against their daughter (Kacey's niece). Kacey is asking for prayers for favor with the judge and for a miracle to take place in the court room.
Kitchen Diva
Gold Member
Hey prayer warriors... and positive thinkers, I am in need of some prayer and positive, victorious thoughts for me, and my family.

The first one is for tomorrow- DH and I have obtained some moderate to severe storm damage on our house over the past few years and this past spring our 21 year old roof and 21 year old aluminum siding has had all it can take...we have mold and moss growing on our roof (mold is my #1 allergy so I'm miserable when I'm at home and the wind is blowing) we have extensive hail damage, too.

So we had a Christan contracting company come out and agree that for sure the insurance company will agree to new siding, but technically we have 1-3 more years left on our roof before it will just fall apart- so there is a 75% chance that they'll approve that. We also need a new living room window- ours is so old and damaged that it doesn't even shut...

My prayer is for a good adjuster that is nice and sees things the way we and our contractor see things. 6 years ago when we tried to do what we are doing now- we got denied across the board- (long story) We REALLY need a new roof and new siding- every house in a 2 block radius around us has already been approved for a new roof and siding by their insurance companies over the past 4 years, so to see them get new stuff and we get nothing, is disheartening... the adjuster will be here at 8:00 am.

#2- the hearing for my sister's order for protection from her husband for child abuse against their daughter (my niece) is 7/2/08--- yes it is finally here- we've had this hearing rescheduled about 8 times over the past 4 months. I guess the stuff coming in from the other side is pretty damaging and we need victory.

Aside from my sister letting depression and laziness and a bad situation get the best of her, instead of fighting (like I would) she is still a good mother and a much better option to parent her daughter than her pedophile father would be. I'm asking for prayers for favor with the judge and in short a miracle to take place in that court room.

Sadly although my niece is starting to talk to her counselor, she's not giving him specifics yet, so my testimony will be key as I am one of the only people other than my mom and dad that my niece told everything to... Court rooms make my heart pound and my hands shake... prayers for strength, wisdom, for the Holy Spirit to guide my thoughts and words, for peace and calm and confidence and love to show through...

Thanks everyone!!!
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Prayers coming your way Kacey!!!
it is all in the Lord's hands, girl, and you KNOW how big they are...p;rayers coming your way!
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  • #3
I spoke with my mother a few minutes ago and she said she's having a hard time with fear and praying that God would bind the fear that was attacking her (my mother is a VERY fearful and worrysome person) Me- I'm the opposite- trusting, and I believe what God says, so there are just certain things that never rattle me)

Many things have not gone well when my mom let's fear get the best of her- she falls apart and is basically useless. I kindly told her to stop giving fear all this attention and if she was going to come with the spirit of fear on her vs. the spirit of faith and trust in God to stay home. My sister needs our support and if my mother is going to be a jellyfish she shoudl stay home... I know that sounds harsh but if you only knew what I've had to handle because my mother could not, you would understand. I've been a parent to my mother since about the age of 6... and I still feel like I'm her mother some times...

Hey, Cheg Meg- if you only have 10 pounds to go until you are no longer a circle, I'm willing to bet that you have probably downgraded to an oval :) 10 pounds to go is pretty good, and I bet yer not as circle-eee as you think you are. ;)
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  • #4
thanks, guys!
Prayers and more prayers sent you way, Kacey! :)
I'll be praying.
Prayers heading your way Kacey.
More prayers going up for you and your family. Praying for patience, strength and guidance for your upcoming week.
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  • #9
Thanks a ton, guys! I'll keep you informed for sure!!! I appreciate the prayers you've offered for me and my family over the past 4-5 months---they have really helped us get through quite a bit!!! I love you cheffers!
  • #10
Prayers for it all K......
  • #11
Sista 5 - Prayers your way - I came off the beach for a 30th birthday party tonight and just sneaked on - YOU know I will be thinking of you and all you are going thru - I know it will all work out!
  • #12
Kacey - I was already praying for your family knowing Wednesday was coming fast. I'll add your house stuff to the list though!
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  • #13
Thanks, Janet! We've been trying to get our roof and siding replaced since the year after we moved it... the hail damage and wind damage was bad that spring, and we got hit hard every year after that- we even lost a tree last September because of straight line winds that blew through... So this is more of a need than a want- It 's needed in order to sell our house for a good price when we get ready to move, but it's also from a health standpoint- I'm deathly allergic to mold and the mold on the roof is really giving me trouble... and my siding has more dimples than a golf ball... our chimney has sustained damage and our shingles are curling, etc...

okay- I'm sure that's more than you all wanted to know about my house! :) LOL
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  • #14
Once they approve it, I'll upload a picture of our house and you can help me choose the siding color! :)
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  • #15
bumping for those that didn't see this last night-

Thanks again for keeping me/us/family in your prayers! :)
  • #16
My prayers are coming your way too! That hearts are opened to approve the repairs you need and especially that your niece's best interest and safety is protected.
  • #17
You are covered, Diva!

  • #19
Hang in there Kacey; let us know how it all goes!
  • #20
Prayers your way Kacey.

I can also write to the hail damage issue. We had the most incredible hail storm I have ever seen this last March. Our roof was replaced by the insurance company. They paid for the entire replacement (minus the deductible) even though the roof was 15 years old.

A few home owners are having problems getting approved because of the company they are with. This company is doing quite a few denials. However, my understanding is there is an appeals process. If the insurance company will not work with you, contact your State Insurance Commissioner.

Good luck and best wishes!
  • #21
Prayers for you, Kacey. You know we got you covered!

My own hail/siding story - it was in 1998 when my ex & I bought our house. We signed on it at 3:00, took the check to the insurance agent at 3:30 and at 5:30, we had a hail storm that ruined the roof. It took tons of arguing with them to get them to cover it. My conversation with the claims rep on the phone:

Rep: When was the damage?
Me: May 1st.
Rep: M'am, I need the date of damage, not the date the policy started.
Me: Yes, May 1st.
Rep: How do we know that the damage didn't take place before you bought the house?
Me: Your Claim Adjuster approved the roof before we bought it & said it was fine.
Rep: I'll send someone out tomorrow. <sigh>
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  • #22
The contractor asked DH if I'd been praying over the house because they've NEVER seen an adjuster give them EVERYTHING they've asked for AND complete everything so quickly! So everything was approved! Our roof, siding, facia, deck, ceiling in my bedroom...and they're giving us a new window at cost!!! whoo-hoo! I'm so excited I could slap my momma!!!

PRAISE THE LORD! Thanks for praying for favor guys- and the blessings of the Lord are sooo sweet!!!!!

Okay, back to work- I'll check back on later tonight- I'm swamped here but had to share the good news!
  • #23
Very happy for you!
  • #24
Kitchen Diva said:
..... I'm so excited I could slap my momma!!!.....

I've never understood this saying...it just sounds like something you'd do in anger, not happiness. Can anyone explain it to me?

Congrats on the repairs.
  • #25
Sliding in from North Carolina with prayers and a BIG glass of Sweet Iced Tea! :)
Love you!

OH!!!!!!!!! Just read above about the adjuster!!!!! YOU GO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  • #26
GOD is so GOOD!

That is so awesome, Kacey!! I just knew blessings would be coming your way soon (new job, house stuff, what's next?) :D
  • #27
AWESOME news! Glad I checked in here this a.m.!
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  • #28
pamperedlinda said:
I've never understood this saying...it just sounds like something you'd do in anger, not happiness. Can anyone explain it to me?

Congrats on the repairs.

I got it from here- someone was making a slap your mama margarita...it made me laugh. How about I'm so happy I could spit... or scream, or faint, or shout? :)
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  • #29
Yes this is all very exciting!!! :) DH is at my office meeting with some people for a future job with this company in Philly...
  • #30
Kacey, I am thinking about you and sending good, positive thoughts your way :)
Let us know how everything turns out :)
hugs :)
  • #31
"Every blessing you pour out,
I turn back to praise""Blessed be your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's all as it should be
Blessed be your name"Yeah for abundant blessings this week for you guys!
  • #32
Kitchen Diva said:
I got it from here- someone was making a slap your mama margarita...it made me laugh. How about I'm so happy I could spit... or scream, or faint, or shout? :)

Yeah, I don't get those either! Now, I've been so mad I could spit, shout or scream and so scared I could faint. But never so happy I could slap my mama (or anyone else's mama).
  • #33
I seeing this post a little late but hope that everything goes smooth with the nice friendly adjuster---

Specifically praying for you and your family tomorrow that the hearing takes place. And that the judge understands your pain, and feels for your neice.

God Bless Kacey!
  • #34
Wooo hooo! Thank you, Heavenly Father!
  • #35
Delighted at how this turned out for you Kacey!
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  • #36
crystalscookingnow said:
Prayers for you, Kacey. You know we got you covered!

My own hail/siding story - it was in 1998 when my ex & I bought our house. We signed on it at 3:00, took the check to the insurance agent at 3:30 and at 5:30, we had a hail storm that ruined the roof. It took tons of arguing with them to get them to cover it. My conversation with the claims rep on the phone:

Rep: When was the damage?
Me: May 1st.
Rep: M'am, I need the date of damage, not the date the policy started.
Me: Yes, May 1st.
Rep: How do we know that the damage didn't take place before you bought the house?
Me: Your Claim Adjuster approved the roof before we bought it & said it was fine.
Rep: I'll send someone out tomorrow. <sigh>

Yeah, our conversation was similar

John: (dh)- Hi I'd like to file a wind and hail damage claim
Rep:- What type of damage do you have?
DH: Um...wind and hail
Rep: Where is this damage?
DH: ahhh, it's on our house...our roof, our deck, the siding,
Rep: When was your date of loss?
DH:Memorial Day weekend
Rep: so which day?
DH: It stormed for 3 days, and we had hail each day, so I can't narrow it down to one day
Rep: When did you incur the damage?
DH: Memorial Day weekend
Rep----This is where DH just told her to pick a date, because we got hit on the 24th, 25th and teh 26th...
She got upset and said she'd enter the 25th but was noting that we didn't have an actual firm date.
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  • #37
pamperedlinda said:
Yeah, I don't get those either! Now, I've been so mad I could spit, shout or scream and so scared I could faint. But never so happy I could slap my mama (or anyone else's mama).

Okay, how about I am so happy I could skip? Sorry hon, I'm at a loss to let y'all know how happy I am. So maybe you could come up with a kinder and gentler happy saying? :)
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  • #38
vwpamperedchef said:
I seeing this post a little late but hope that everything goes smooth with the nice friendly adjuster---

Specifically praying for you and your family tomorrow that the hearing takes place. And that the judge understands your pain, and feels for your neice.

God Bless Kacey!

Thanks Vanessa! I will rush back home to tell you all how it went. The hearing starts at 1:00 in the afternoon Central Standard Time...
  • #39
Yeah Kacey! I am so glad the adjuster is OKing it to be fixed!! Thank you, Lord, for answered prayers!

Now...we pray for calmness and peace today at the hearing, and that God would be directing your words. I pray also that the heart of the judge would be touched by your honesty and that he would see through any lies that the other side trys to say!
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  • #40
KellyTheChef said:
Yeah Kacey! I am so glad the adjuster is OKing it to be fixed!! Thank you, Lord, for answered prayers!

Now...we pray for calmness and peace today at the hearing, and that God would be directing your words. I pray also that the heart of the judge would be touched by your honesty and that he would see through any lies that the other side trys to say!

AMEN!! (I started another thread so people wouldn't have to sift through this one to hear the hearing update)

(I'm praying for you, too!!!)

Related to I Have a Prayer Need (Okay, so I Have 2 Prayer Needs)

1. What is the current situation with your home?

The roof and siding are in need of replacement due to storm damage and mold. The living room window also needs to be replaced.

2. What are you hoping for from the insurance company?

Approval for new siding and a new roof, as well as a new living room window. A good adjuster who will see things the same way as the homeowner and contractor is also desired.

3. How long has this issue been going on?

The home has been experiencing storm damage for the past few years, but the roof and siding are 21 years old.

4. What is the prayer request for the upcoming adjuster meeting?

Prayer for a good adjuster who will approve the necessary replacements and for fairness in the insurance process.

5. When is the hearing for your sister's order of protection?

The hearing is scheduled for 7/2/08 after being rescheduled multiple times over the past 4 months.

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