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How Many of You Work Mult. Home Businesses?

In summary, Kristin is a homeschooling mom who is also a Direct Selling Consultant for Arbonne. She is also signed up as a consultant for Melaleuca. She does not have time to do two businesses, and is not interested in another direct sales company. She does not think Melaleuca is vague or secretive in their advertising, and has mostly positive things to say about the company. Kristin does not plan to accept directorship from Pampered Chef, but she is open to it if it happens.
Gold Member
So I was just curious if anyone on here does more home businesses than just PC. I just with a new one and it has been great!!!
Check it out: www.kristinscash.com
I wish you success with your secondary business but the info on your website doesn't really tell anyone anything and that makes me a little nervous.
I suppose I am a little gun shy because I spent years, $$ and tears trying to be successful in another direct sales company with very little success. It also seems very geared toward just mother's and that leaves out huge segments of society.

I really don't have time to do two businesses. If I did have a second DSA business it would probably be something like Premier Designs or a jewelry line.

I am actually signed up as an Arbonne Consultant but just for the discount - I rarely even buy the stuff because although they claim it is natural I think many of the products have things like parabens and I am trying to get away from any products that can potential cause health problems.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Kathytnt said:
I wish you success with your secondary business but the info on your website doesn't really tell anyone anything and that makes me a little nervous.
I suppose I am a little gun shy because I spent years, $$ and tears trying to be successful in another direct sales company with very little success. It also seems very geared toward just mother's and that leaves out huge segments of society.

I really don't have time to do two businesses. If I did have a second DSA business it would probably be something like Premier Designs or a jewelry line.

I am actually signed up as an Arbonne Consultant but just for the discount - I rarely even buy the stuff because although they claim it is natural I think many of the products have things like parabens and I am trying to get away from any products that can potential cause health problems.
Well sort of like we can't advertise PC I can't advertise this company. I can however advertise my website till I am blue in the face. It is products that are environmentally friendly and will not harm your children or pets.
I am really starting to think more healthy. It is only $1.00 to start until tomorrow then it goes up to $29.00 (it is like a Costco or BJ;s membership).
I tried to look, Kristen, but literally every link takes me to the personal information form - even when I click on the link Learn More About Our Products.

I would never submit my information without knowing what it is first.

For the record, I'm not interested in another business. I have a full time job being a homeschooling mom, work with my existing financial services clients, and do TPC. Plus, I am a Den Leader for Cub Scouts, and active in church!

Wow. No wonder some days I'm really tired :eek:
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  • #5
Oh I really just wanted to see how many of us were working more than one business. I am not trying to get people to sign up. Of course if you want to....:)
It's probably Melaleuca. Melaleuca has secret names for their company, like "the mom team". They are very vague in their advertising and have alternative names for the actual company, which I think is strange. I have lots of customers that try to get me to sign up for that. :rolleyes:

Just so you're aware, if you plan to accept Directorship from Pampered Chef, you will not be allowed to be with another DS company at the same time.
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Pampered Laura said:
It's probably Melaleuca. Melaleuca has secret names for their company, like "the mom team". They are very vague in their advertising and have alternative names for the actual company, which I think is strange. I have lots of customers that try to get me to sign up for that. :rolleyes:

Just so you're aware, if you plan to accept Directorship from Pampered Chef, you will not be allowed to be with another DS company at the same time.
:D I didn't say it.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
I love PC and if it happens then I will drop anything else. I am unemployed right now and just trying to make extra money.
More power to you Kristin I do a fe mystery shopping jobs here and there for the fun of it but it is a lot of paperwork for what you get. I am not big on paperwork!
  • #10
It's Melaleuca! I am with them too. Well I just have a couple people under me from signing up a year or two ago. I don't do it as a business anymore, because I live in the land of Dollars Stores...no kidding, we have about 28 in my city and people here in Alabama aren't as health conscious as some other states. I love the products though, NEED them. People would rather buy some serioulsy toxic cleaners for 1.00 at the dollar store! But I know my family is safe and their products are addiciting!! I go way over my 35 points every month, what about you Kristin? I have been with them for several years!! My sister does the business, and she does VERY well. But she lives in California....lots of healthy people out there! But yes once we accept directorship you can't do another business, but Melaleuca is not a direct sales company, it's a network Marketing Company. Don't know if that makes a difference. And yes, Laura, they use different names called TEAMS. I am on the WIN at Home Team, if I was still doing it as a business. And the websites won't tell you what it is, we are supposed to go in and do "In Homes" which are presentations to tell them all about it. Depending on where you live, Melaleuca really thrives, but....I love PC!!! It wasn't happening here! LOL!!
But the products are AWESOME!! and I will ALWAYS order from them!!
  • #11
I rarely go into dollar stores because frequently people don't really save over waiting for a sale. I work at a Health Food store/Natural market and it is refreshing to see people trying to take better care of themselves.
  • #12
i miss the melaluca products,don't miss the $ per month or has that changed?
  • #13
Only PC ~ I'm a Director...you can only do 1 when you're a Director

  • #14
DH and I used to have another, but we were inactive by the time I started PC - mostly placing one order a year for our own stuff. My Longaberger lady keeps trying to recruit me. :)
  • #15
I have thought about also selling Gold Canyon Candles, but I don't know if I will do it or not.
  • #16
I just work PC - as a director that's all we're allowed.
When I first started PC my goal was to have several businesses (PC, SLaH, Body Shop, Avon, MK, etc...) and then do big all-inclusive parties -- I saw a gal doing this once and thought I could make big $ doing it. I called her when I wanted to start other businesses in addition to PC (about 1 month into my PC biz) and she told me all her businesses flopped and she had chosen one company and stuck with it. She said that she was unable to give enough time to any ONE of the businesses to make it thrive - she was spread too thin. So, while in theory - it seems like a great idea - it just can't work. To make big $ at any home business, you need to choose one business and put your all into it.
  • Thread starter
  • #17
I agree with you Carolyn! But I am really just trying to make extra money. Also my son doesn't think twice about picking up a bottle of cleaner and spraying it--EERRGGHH!! If he does that I at least want to be safe. Yes it is Melaleuca and I think I am going to love the products! If nothing else I can always just be a member to buy the stuff. PC is my #1 baby.
  • #18
Yes I also have another home-based business www.travel-dreamz.com....... as you can tell it has to do with travel...........the discounts and perks are awesome....................
  • #19
Veggie TalesI briefly thought about starting Veggie Tales Moms when they first started and I would have been a "charter" member. I knew I didn't have the time to make 2 companies successful and VT is a limited market. I just love that silly cucumber!
  • #20
Hey Kristin, if you're really concerned about health stuff and cleaners... you can make most household cleaners out of food items. i.e. vinegar, lemon juice, salt, etc.
  • #21
Pampered Laura said:
Hey Kristin, if you're really concerned about health stuff and cleaners... you can make most household cleaners out of food items. i.e. vinegar, lemon juice, salt, etc.

I have a friend whose son has autism. She is a HUGE spokesperson for all the autism groups around here and she always tells me that I can use vinegar in place of most cleaners. I add 1/4c of vinegar to my laundry (plus detergent) every time and my clothes are fresh and soft!
  • #22
I use vinegar, water and Dr Bronner's Peppermint Castille soap for my cleaning. Smells so nice and fresh and I've saved oodles on cleaners.
  • #23
brendaivette said:
Yes I also have another home-based business www.travel-dreamz.com....... as you can tell it has to do with travel...........the discounts and perks are awesome....................

So are you just a rep and if so what does that entail, exactly? I have been looking into finding computer-homeoffice work along side of TPC until the kids are in school (3 more years) to go.
Thanks for any info!
  • Thread starter
  • #24
Heather if you want any onfo on Melaleuca, let me know. There is no selling involved. You just refer people to get a membership.
  • #25
www.travel-dreamz.com is my travel site.............

there are a few different ways of making money in this business............the travel side (rta) and the referral side (rep) there are more ways...............

check out this site www.thehip.biz --- step 3 is the company overview

  • #26
I am also a consultant for Close To My Heart, a scrapbooking a stamping company. A lot of FUN!

I was previously an Avon rep for 14 or 15 years. I signed up right after I turned 18. I'm not a a rep anymore but I really enjoyed it.

  • #27
SummerG said:
I am also a consultant for Close To My Heart, a scrapbooking a stamping company. A lot of FUN!

I was previously an Avon rep for 14 or 15 years. I signed up right after I turned 18. I'm not a a rep anymore but I really enjoyed it.

Just curious if you made any real money with avon after that long? I tried it for 6 months and didn't make a thing and didn't like all the leg work envolved!
  • #28
I have a friend that is a Longaberger consultant that is trying to recruit me as well. But, I'm not sure just yet...
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  • #29
I did Avon for a few month too. I bought more for myself than anything.
  • #30
Man, I didn't even know Melalueca was still around! My parents were in that years ago, but never made any money.
My dh joined Livinity a year ago; mostly because they have a neat payout plan, and great products. Plus we personally know the couple that started the company, and it is based here in our town.
  • #31
I've tried doing multiple home businesses myself, but honestly I learned my lesson... I either build a career with one and join the other for their discounts, but to want to build a career with multiple companies is very overwhelming. Besides, there is absolutely no other company as generous as The Pampered Chef and I did not want to be known as the Jack of all trades.
  • #32
Its good to hear the comparison of other people "trying" other DS companies and then ranking TPC highest! :)
If I were to sign up for other companies it would only be for the personal discounts only! I love TPC and couldn't imagine trying to work anything else!
  • #33
I signed with Arbonne last week, just for the discount, I'm not leaving PC (they do have a great program though). I guess 'technically' I am a consultant for them. I will probably just buy things for friends and family using the discount ($29 to join and then 35% discount and one FREE product when you join....well worth it). I love their products.

My DH is a consultant for Nikken, which is a health & wellness company out of Japan. They have great products too. He doesn't really work his biz though, mostly just buys stuff for us and family. He does have good intentions though!
  • #34
Funny Linda, I too thought about signing with Arbonne just for their products and personal discount since they are kind of pricey!
  • #35
I think they are a little on the pricey side too, but once you get that 35% discount it makes them much more reasonable. Have you tried their Awaken Scrub? Love it!
  • #36
Our Arbonne lady tried to recruit me...I thought of doing that $29.00 to get the discount because they are VERY pricey, but realized, I wouldn't use the stuff that much and buy that much in a year.

I also did a lot of investigation into their company, story, etc., and wasn't pleased at all with what I found out.

I'd rather do only PC where I know their history and what they stand for and that they aren't trying to deceive anyone to make a buck.
  • #37
janetupnorth said:
Our Arbonne lady tried to recruit me...I thought of doing that $29.00 to get the discount because they are VERY pricey, but realized, I wouldn't use the stuff that much and buy that much in a year.

I also did a lot of investigation into their company, story, etc., and wasn't pleased at all with what I found out.

I'd rather do only PC where I know their history and what they stand for and that they aren't trying to deceive anyone to make a buck.

I have a friend who is with Arbonne & she says she does something with them that doesn't sell the cosmetics. She doesn't do "make up parties" or whatever they are called. She just recruits people, it sounds like a pyramid scheme thing to me. I like PC because of the product & the pay back. If I work it I make it if I don't I don't, no schemes no gimmicks nothing hidden.
  • #38
janetupnorth said:
Arbonne ...
I also did a lot of investigation into their company, story, etc., and wasn't pleased at all with what I found out.
I vaguely remember something being posted here a couple months ago about thir "all-botanical" spiel being incorrect. I was at a vendor fair this weekend and the Arbonne consultant yesterday made some very unrealistic-sounding claims about their products. I didn't want to look like a jerk, so I didn't say anything to her challenging it. Looking at the ingredients list on the lip gloss I bought, there are some multi-syllable names that sure don't sound natural and "direct from the earth" to me. ;)
  • #39
I am part of several other companies for the personal discount..
one is a spa and beauti product company, another is a homemade candle company(which I use as door prizes) and then I also have my own retail business in the making full of trendy gift items although currently italian charm bracelets are the only thing I offer.And I can not tell you how important it is to pick one company as your "career" or you will never make money and will always be spreading yourself thin..I call myself the queen of DS b/c I have tried all the "big name" companies but overall PC is the best fit for me as a career, the rest are just great for a personal discount.
  • #40
pamperedlinda said:
I signed with Arbonne last week, just for the discount, I'm not leaving PC (they do have a great program though). I guess 'technically' I am a consultant for them. I will probably just buy things for friends and family using the discount ($29 to join and then 35% discount and one FREE product when you join....well worth it). I love their products.

My DH is a consultant for Nikken, which is a health & wellness company out of Japan. They have great products too. He doesn't really work his biz though, mostly just buys stuff for us and family. He does have good intentions though!
What FREE (limit) product value is it up to do you know when you sign? I love the Orange colored facial system wich is like $299 or something insane! I forgot the name of it but it has like 6-7 different things in the kit for day and night use. I'd strictly be buying for myself not even family I don't think, do they allow that? Or to only buy the samples for this kit since my original sample kit has lasted me like 3 weeks! I may have to sign up if I can do this, as my sample is almost gone and I love it!
  • #41
heat123 said:
What FREE (limit) product value is it up to do you know when you sign? I love the Orange colored facial system wich is like $299 or something insane! I forgot the name of it but it has like 6-7 different things in the kit for day and night use. I'd strictly be buying for myself not even family I don't think, do they allow that? Or to only buy the samples for this kit since my original sample kit has lasted me like 3 weeks! I may have to sign up if I can do this, as my sample is almost gone and I love it!
I "use" Arbonne and really love that RE9 system (the orange bottles like you're talking about Heather). The only reason I started on this regimen is because my Arbonne consultant was giving a HUGE discount and supposedly donating her commission to a breast cancer fundraiser herself. I have to say that I don't use it much because I'm not good with those multi-step regimens. I go to bed SOOO late as it is, that I just use my regular stand-by cleanser I've used for years (Cetaphil) and go to bed. So, because of that, my stuff from ARbonne lasts forever! She's tried to get me to sign for that $29 fee and the 35% discount, but technically that would be signing as a consultant with them and as a Director, I'm not allowed. I don't even want to because that does sound kinda fishy to me. And I don't even really use the products consistently.

AND with my last order of the day cream ($53 or something crazy like that) she was telling me the prices of the RE9 stuff was going to be going UP!!! So, I doubt I'll be ordering more down the road. I do have to say that my skin feels great when I do use it consistently for a couple days in a row and I can tell a difference.

Anyway, just thought I'd add my .02!!:)
  • #42
heat123 said:
What FREE (limit) product value is it up to do you know when you sign? I love the Orange colored facial system wich is like $299 or something insane! I forgot the name of it but it has like 6-7 different things in the kit for day and night use. I'd strictly be buying for myself not even family I don't think, do they allow that? Or to only buy the samples for this kit since my original sample kit has lasted me like 3 weeks! I may have to sign up if I can do this, as my sample is almost gone and I love it!
You can't get a set as the free item. I chose the RE9 night cream (that's in the orange set) - it's regular price is $79.
  • #43
I couldn't imagine doing more than one, but I know some do it successfully.
  • #44
strtngnw said:
I have a friend who is with Arbonne & she says she does something with them that doesn't sell the cosmetics. She doesn't do "make up parties" or whatever they are called. She just recruits people, it sounds like a pyramid scheme thing to me. I like PC because of the product & the pay back. If I work it I make it if I don't I don't, no schemes no gimmicks nothing hidden.

Arbonne is a pyramid! I have 2 friends that joined, one to actually sell it and one for the discount. That one that joined for the discount showed me the "consultant only" part of the website and they go on and on talking about how they are NOT a pyramid and then when they show you how you get paid there is literally a picture of a people pyramid!! But nope they aren't a scam! They get paid like 4% commission and when they start making their money is when they have like 20 people recruited. What Arbonne reps do is buy the product at the 35% discount and then re-sell it for retail price. Needless to say my friend that joined to sell is also selling Avon. I tried to get her to start with Pampered Chef but she didn't want to put the money into it! She says she will make more in the long run with Arbonne. I tried really hard not to laugh!!
  • #45
Chef_2_Four said:
Arbonne is a pyramid! I have 2 friends that joined, one to actually sell it and one for the discount. That one that joined for the discount showed me the "consultant only" part of the website and they go on and on talking about how they are NOT a pyramid and then when they show you how you get paid there is literally a picture of a people pyramid!! But nope they aren't a scam! They get paid like 4% commission and when they start making their money is when they have like 20 people recruited. What Arbonne reps do is buy the product at the 35% discount and then re-sell it for retail price. Needless to say my friend that joined to sell is also selling Avon. I tried to get her to start with Pampered Chef but she didn't want to put the money into it! She says she will make more in the long run with Arbonne. I tried really hard not to laugh!!

Let her "long run" run it's course.....then show her a couple of your paychecks, and talk about how you don't have to carry inventory, etc.....
  • #46
I told her that on avg I make $100 a show but she just kept saying well you make more upfront with Pampered Chef and blah blah. She is one of those that does anything NOT to work. So probably according to her we put to much effort into it!
  • #47
Chef_2_Four said:
I told her that on avg I make $100 a show but she just kept saying well you make more upfront with Pampered Chef and blah blah. She is one of those that does anything NOT to work. So probably according to her we put to much effort into it!

Oh - one of "those"!:rolleyes: Someone looking for a "get rich quick" deal, not a legitimate "work-from-home" career!
  • #48
That is right!! I have known her for several years and has had several jobs!! She and her husband used to rent from my MIL, my MIL went out there and told her to get a job! She was so mad! They moved out owing over $5000 in rent b/c she wasn't working but spending money like she had it! Oh well one of these days she will grow up!
  • #49
I just contacted a freind who signed up with Arbonne two months ago, I inquired about signing up just for getting samples and am waiting to hear back from her!?
  • #50
heat123 said:
I just contacted a freind who signed up with Arbonne two months ago, I inquired about signing up just for getting samples and am waiting to hear back from her!?

I went to my friends "open house/party" thing and all her director did was try to recruit me and a friend of mine. Oh and she tried to sell me the anti-aging stuff....I'm 28 and people think I'm 20....don't think I need to spend the money on that. I told her that and she kept saying well you should start now blah blah!
<h2>1. How do you balance multiple home businesses?</h2><p>Balancing multiple home businesses requires good time management skills and a clear understanding of priorities. It's important to set aside dedicated time for each business and prioritize tasks based on importance and deadlines. Utilizing tools like calendars and to-do lists can also help with organization.</p><h2>2. Do you find it challenging to stay motivated with multiple home businesses?</h2><p>It can be challenging to stay motivated with multiple home businesses, especially when you have a lot on your plate. To combat this, it's important to set realistic goals and celebrate small victories. It's also helpful to have a support system, whether it's a business partner or a group of fellow entrepreneurs, to keep you motivated and accountable.</p><h2>3. How do you handle the financial aspect of managing multiple home businesses?</h2><p>Managing the finances of multiple home businesses can be tricky. It's important to keep detailed records and separate finances for each business. Consider hiring a professional accountant or using accounting software to help keep track of income and expenses for each business.</p><h2>4. What are the benefits of having multiple home businesses?</h2><p>Having multiple home businesses can provide a diverse stream of income and allow for flexibility in terms of work schedule and responsibilities. It also allows you to explore different passions and interests, and can provide a sense of fulfillment and personal growth.</p><h2>5. How can I get started with a second home business?</h2><p>To get started with a second home business, first identify your strengths and interests. Research the market and competition to ensure there is a demand for your product or service. Create a business plan and set a realistic budget. Utilize online resources and social media to promote your business and connect with potential customers. And most importantly, be patient and persistent in growing your second home business.</p>

Related to How Many of You Work Mult. Home Businesses?

1. How do you balance multiple home businesses?

Balancing multiple home businesses requires good time management skills and a clear understanding of priorities. It's important to set aside dedicated time for each business and prioritize tasks based on importance and deadlines. Utilizing tools like calendars and to-do lists can also help with organization.

2. Do you find it challenging to stay motivated with multiple home businesses?

It can be challenging to stay motivated with multiple home businesses, especially when you have a lot on your plate. To combat this, it's important to set realistic goals and celebrate small victories. It's also helpful to have a support system, whether it's a business partner or a group of fellow entrepreneurs, to keep you motivated and accountable.

3. How do you handle the financial aspect of managing multiple home businesses?

Managing the finances of multiple home businesses can be tricky. It's important to keep detailed records and separate finances for each business. Consider hiring a professional accountant or using accounting software to help keep track of income and expenses for each business.

4. What are the benefits of having multiple home businesses?

Having multiple home businesses can provide a diverse stream of income and allow for flexibility in terms of work schedule and responsibilities. It also allows you to explore different passions and interests, and can provide a sense of fulfillment and personal growth.

5. How can I get started with a second home business?

To get started with a second home business, first identify your strengths and interests. Research the market and competition to ensure there is a demand for your product or service. Create a business plan and set a realistic budget. Utilize online resources and social media to promote your business and connect with potential customers. And most importantly, be patient and persistent in growing your second home business.

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