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How Effective Is Incidental Marketing for Boosting Sales?

In summary,The consultant I am working with (and is who I would signup under) had a fold-out chair at our kid's baseball game and my wife asked "I assume you sell Pampered Chef?" and it went from there.Naturally she had a catalog handy.The chair = marketing and those that like the products will approach.Naturally, she had a catalog handy.However, if you want to sell more, you need to put more effort into marketing yourself.One suggestion the consultant gave was to put up a catalog on the outside of your cube, wear a jacket with the logo, etc. Another suggestion was to pin up a catalog on the outside of
How much incidental sales do you get and how? The consultant I am working with (and is who I would signup under) had a fold-out chair at our kid's baseball game and my wife asked "I assume you sell Pampered Chef?" and it went from there. The chair = marketing and those that like the products will approach. Naturally she had a catalog handy.

How about pinning up a catalog on the outside of your cube, wearing a jacket with the logo, etc.

How much of that have your found effective?
I just got a customer by selling a PS2 on E-bay. She was meeting me locally to pick it up, called my cell phone and heard my message and said, "please bring me a catalog..."It goes in streaks for me...but it happens!
It is incredibly successful and effective WonderMonkey. You are your own main form of advertising. If you wife had not seen the chair she would've went in search of another consultant or went through the PC website, in which case it is unlikely you would be with your current Director. You must put it out there that you are a PC consultant. No one else will (well, if you do a good job they will start talking - the reverse is also true).
The more marketing you do...the better your % of chance that it will "hit" the right person at the right time. I usually have a purse, a shirt, and my car all sporting PC logos.
I wear PC logo when I am out & about, I am getting the yoga mat from Merrill for my yoga class, I take dessert on PC to potlucks, signs on car, DH wears a PC ball cap, He took my car to work one day, and his co-workers saw my decal, and I got a customer that way. Also, slip a business card in bills you pay- someone has to open the envelope. Something else that I always do when shopping in the Mall. Take a PC bag, the ones that come with the guest orders, and put your other shopping bags in that- and people will stop you to ask where the Pampered Chef store is !!!!! make sure you have cards ready!!!!!
Wear or carry something with PC on it. Put it on your phone message if you can. Carry business cards. Take a PC cookbook with you to the grocery store. It works!

People will stop you and ask. The key then is to get THEIR info. Giving out a book without getting their info brings very little business to you.

I no longer carry catalogs. I carry business cards or the mini-catalog. I tell them if they give me their info (including phone) I will get them a catalog. I also ask for email and tell them that I send out a monthly newsletter with the sales and recipes.
I get some sales and bookings every once in a while, mostly by wearing my logowear!
Logowear is where it's at.
mrssyvo said:
I Something else that I always do when shopping in the Mall. Take a PC bag, the ones that come with the guest orders, and put your other shopping bags in that- and people will stop you to ask where the Pampered Chef store is !!!!! make sure you have cards ready!!!!!

That's a great idea. :thumbup: I don't shop much at malls but I'll tuck that one away!
  • #10
I have had catalog shows from my catalog tote bag (the first time I carried it out) and from my checkbook cover. I also have my voicemail to say I'm a PC consultant, even though I haven't got anything from it.
  • #11
mrssyvo said:
I wear PC logo when I am out & about, I am getting the yoga mat from Merrill for my yoga class, I take dessert on PC to potlucks, signs on car, DH wears a PC ball cap, He took my car to work one day, and his co-workers saw my decal, and I got a customer that way. Also, slip a business card in bills you pay- someone has to open the envelope. Something else that I always do when shopping in the Mall. Take a PC bag, the ones that come with the guest orders, and put your other shopping bags in that- and people will stop you to ask where the Pampered Chef store is !!!!! make sure you have cards ready!!!!!

Thanks for posting this! I have done this in the past but had forgotten it! Now to put a few bags in the car...

...I am also going to use them to put groceries in - I have a couple of mesh bags but PC bags would be better! - and my store gives us "points" for using our own bags (or reusing theirs).
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  • #12
I am a youth coach as well as just a parent in the crowd depending on the season. I am in front of a bunch of people weekly, mostly moms and dads so I think my exposure would be high.
  • #13
I have a HWC windbreaker I wear all day everyday. I have a PC ribbon tote/purse I carry everyday. I use PC pens at my business. The middle of Feb I had 2 vinyl cling window decals made for my side windows. My first call from those was the first day of April. Two people called me on the same day. One of those ladies has a PC budget & calls me every few weeks to order more items on her PC list. The end of April I bought the Merril window decal w/my info & took the side clings off. I am going to put a small PC sticker on my back side windows too.
  • #14
mrssyvo said:
Take a PC bag, the ones that come with the guest orders, and put your other shopping bags in that- and people will stop you to ask where the Pampered Chef store is !!!!! make sure you have cards ready!!!!!

Oooh...I REALLY like this one! Great idea!
  • #15
I just signed a gal yesterday morning because of my jacket. It works! I have had people chase me down in the parking lot for a catalog and others book $800+ shows in the grocery store line.
  • #16
WonderMonkey said:
I am a youth coach as well as just a parent in the crowd depending on the season. I am in front of a bunch of people weekly, mostly moms and dads so I think my exposure would be high.

Make sure you get a PC baseball cap to wear while you are outside. Don't forget a PC tshirt, windbreaker, visor, yoga pants...whatever you can get away with! You never know who is looking.:p
  • #17
I purchased the Unisex Windshirt in Burgundy when I was at NC. I have been very happy with the quality.

WonderMonkey, this would be perfect to wear to sporting events, out casually and it's great at the golf course.
  • #18
I had my PC bag with me at disneyland this last week and I gave away a few business cards sitting in line.
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  • #19
Chef Kearns said:
Make sure you get a PC baseball cap to wear while you are outside. Don't forget a PC tshirt, windbreaker, visor, yoga pants...whatever you can get away with! You never know who is looking.:p

PC tattoo on my rump in case I'm out streaking some day? HA HA!
  • #20
WonderMonkey said:
PC tattoo on my rump in case I'm out streaking some day? HA HA!

LOL! That may get you some orders...but for what?

I have found that the longer I am in this business - the more "incidental" orders I get. I get referral phone calls and emails (and bookings) from people saying "I was looking for a PC consultant, and my friend gave me your number"....and people are used to seeing me in my PC wear...so even when I don't have it on(which is rare), I'll still have people ask me PC questions.
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  • #21
I've heard the saying "Chance favors a prepared mind.". In addition to having the mind prepared to recognize opportunity and act upon it, creating brand recognition (you and PC) in front of enough people enough times can bring you "luck".
  • #22
mrssyvo said:
I wear PC logo when I am out & about, I am getting the yoga mat from Merrill for my yoga class, I take dessert on PC to potlucks, signs on car, DH wears a PC ball cap, He took my car to work one day, and his co-workers saw my decal, and I got a customer that way. Also, slip a business card in bills you pay- someone has to open the envelope. Something else that I always do when shopping in the Mall. Take a PC bag, the ones that come with the guest orders, and put your other shopping bags in that- and people will stop you to ask where the Pampered Chef store is !!!!! make sure you have cards ready!!!!!

Thanks for the reminder. My DH was just saying the other day he needs a new bb cap, because his from work is getting too ratty, so I just ordered one for him off Merrill, along with my window decals!!
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  • #23
How can I view what is on this Merrill store? Do I need the super secret password that I don't have yet?
  • #24
WonderMonkey said:
How can I view what is on this Merrill store? Do I need the super secret password that I don't have yet?

Yes, you do need a super secret password. :) You can't get to the site unless your are a Consultant.
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  • #25
How many of you have PC stuff at your desks, hanging outside of your cube, in the breakroom, etc.? To me having it there passively is no issue, but actively taking up work time would be a problem.
  • #26
I heat up my soup in a PC Micro Cooker at work and have sold one because of it.
  • #27
Now whenever I get a sales or survey call at home, I tell them that I'll listen to them if they listen to me.
  • #28
I wear my PC t-shirt whenever I go out shopping. I got my first Recruit who is signing on November 7th that way. She said she saw my t-shirt first and my catalog bag second!
  • #29
I got a recruit because someone left my catalog in their breakroom. I have also gotten bookings just from carrying my purse or wearing my PC visor out and about.

It's not on a regular basis, but enough to make it all worth it.

Related to How Effective Is Incidental Marketing for Boosting Sales?

1. How can I incorporate incidental marketing into my Pampered Chef business?

There are many ways to incorporate incidental marketing into your Pampered Chef business. Some ideas include hosting cooking classes or demonstrations, participating in local fairs or events, offering free samples to potential customers, and utilizing social media to showcase your products.

2. What are some effective tips for increasing sales through incidental marketing?

Some effective tips for increasing sales through incidental marketing include consistently networking and making connections with potential customers, offering special deals or promotions, creating visually appealing displays, and utilizing word-of-mouth marketing by asking satisfied customers to refer you to their friends and family.

3. How can I use social media to boost my sales with incidental marketing?

Social media is a great tool for incidental marketing. You can use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to showcase your products, share recipes and cooking tips, and engage with potential customers through giveaways and interactive posts. You can also join local Facebook groups or utilize hashtags to reach a wider audience.

4. How do I know which events or fairs to participate in for maximum sales?

It's important to do some research before participating in any events or fairs. Look for events that have a similar target audience as your Pampered Chef products, and consider the size and location of the event. You can also ask fellow consultants for recommendations or reach out to event organizers to inquire about their expected attendance and demographics.

5. What are some ways to make my displays more eye-catching to potential customers?

There are several ways to make your displays more eye-catching. Consider using bright colors and incorporating height variations to create visual interest. Use props and decorations that align with your brand and products. You can also offer free samples or small giveaways to attract potential customers to your display.

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