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How Are You Doing With the New "Lead System"

In summary, many people are dissatisfied with the new lead system, as it does not seem to be generating leads fairly. Despite meeting all the requirements, many people have not received any leads since the new system was put in place, and customers now have to select a consultant from a list of 5 names, which may be causing them to walk away from placing orders.
  • #51
Ginger428 said:
Also, I have not had a HO Lead since May! I have worked for 6 1/2 years to get to Director & keep my Sales high enough to qualify every month & recruit every 3-4 months to keep my leads, just to have them taken away really Stinks!! Something is VERY wrong with the NEW system! Stepping off the soap box.... ;)

I agree. I still do not like the new requirements. Not trying to offend anyone, but you need to submit more than $1250 in sales to get leads.
  • #52
I should clarify my post about the zip code thing- some customers were getting results for consultants 200-300 miles away. Clearly that is not right.
  • #53
I got a call from a lady yesterday who found my name after doing a search on the website. She said 6 names came up. She didn't know where anyone lived & contacted me. Ends up she is over 70 miles away & wants to do a catalog show, so we are working on that. I don't know why she picked me over anyone else. I did a search using her address and my name never came up.
  • #54
I have only received one online sale since May...and it's a regular customer who orders online! I am not impressed with the lead system at all...my online sales have been decent up until now. I hope Home Office will reconsider going back to the old way of dividing them up. At least I would get some shows and consultant leads once in a while with the old system! Very frustrating!!!
  • #55
Besides the change in who gets leads, I wonder if there is something about the new system (it's a harder process?) that is making customers less likely to follow through -- thus fewer leads for everyone. If that's the case, then there is yet another part of the "wonder system" that needs to be changed.
  • Thread starter
  • #56
Well, here it is almost the last day of the month and I have not received one online order for any sales...anyone else for August?
  • #57
I got one. I've gotten roughly one a month since May. The real test will be these upcoming months when we would have been getting daily "leads" and online orders. I know personally last year I got about $1000 in random online orders over the holiday season.
  • #58
I was qualified, but did not get any orders or leads.
  • #59
I didn't do a total of $1250 in June & July COMBINED (rough summer), but got 5 orders on my website from customers whom I don't recognize. Are they leads? Are they folks seeing my name come up and picking me? I have no idea. I haven't gotten any leads for shows or recruits.
  • #60
Haven't received any leads to follow up with, but have received a couple of small orders from names I don't recognize.....so I'm just assuming they are HO leads....however, the 2 orders I have received have been under $10......last year during the holidays they were much better. Hoping that happens again this year!
  • #61
Well this pretty much sums it up it stinks we need to be telling home office this also.
  • #62
Yep -- got an order for a replacement lid for the batter bowl from someone I didn't know. I am picking up the shipping, so I'm going backwards on that one. :( Hopefully it will lead to more orders down the road. No leads for shows or interest in the biz since mid-April. UNusual.

  • #63
I had a host tell me that earlier this month she was trying to find the show I put in for her. (She went to the beta site thinking it would be better). She said she put in information and she got a message that a consultant would be contacting her. She didn't want one to contact her, but she didn't want that and planned to tell them sorry she had a consultant but noone has called. Probably because no one knew they were supposed to.
  • #64
trps said:
I had a host tell me that earlier this month she was trying to find the show I put in for her. (She went to the beta site thinking it would be better). She said she put in information and she got a message that a consultant would be contacting her. She didn't want one to contact her, but she didn't want that and planned to tell them sorry she had a consultant but noone has called. Probably because no one knew they were supposed to.

Lovely. :/

I did get a lead last week or so. She wanted a large round stone. That is my only lead since April or May. I have gotten one or two online orders each month but way less than before.
  • #65
What exactly are the new requirements for the lead system? Just $1250 in the last month? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
  • #66
jcsmilez said:
What exactly are the new requirements for the lead system? Just $1250 in the last month? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

yes. that is currently it.
  • #67
Just had to share that I got my first lead a couple weeks ago. I had someone email me to do a vendor event. At the event today I asked her how she got a hold of me (sometimes my upline will send people to me since I like to do these events). She said she went to the website and put in the zip code and I was the closest one. I'll take it!
  • #68
It just keeps getting better and better :grumpy: I got a "lead" sent to my website for an order that was CANCELLED! WHAT!!!:eek: So now I get to wait until my 9/22 commission statement to see if I get to have $33 deducted from my sales for a cancellation "sent to my website". HO doesn't know, couldn't even find it in the system.
  • Thread starter
  • #69
pchockeymom said:
It just keeps getting better and better :grumpy: I got a "lead" sent to my website for an order that was CANCELLED! WHAT!!!:eek: So now I get to wait until my 9/22 commission statement to see if I get to have $33 deducted from my sales for a cancellation "sent to my website". HO doesn't know, couldn't even find it in the system.

I can't imagine that you would be punished for an order that was sent to your site, and wasn't on a party, but please keep us posted on that one!
  • #70
How does this system work exactly? I am finally eligible for leads but just to try it out I went to the site, clicked find a consultant and put in my street name and zip code and I didn't even show up - but a girl I know 15 miles away did! How does that help anybody? And are you automatically subscribed to eBizTools or is that something you have to pay extra for? I know it's part of the new system and I'm not part of that yet because I'm not new or a director. It says you have to be an eBizTools subscriber to be eligible for leads.
  • Thread starter
  • #71
pcsharon1 said:
How does this system work exactly? I am finally eligible for leads but just to try it out I went to the site, clicked find a consultant and put in my street name and zip code and I didn't even show up - but a girl I know 15 miles away did! How does that help anybody? And are you automatically subscribed to eBizTools or is that something you have to pay extra for? I know it's part of the new system and I'm not part of that yet because I'm not new or a director. It says you have to be an eBizTools subscriber to be eligible for leads.

This has been the complaint, about putting in find a consultant, and your name not coming up, I did this with my mother, who lives next door to me, and my name never showed up! I don't know, I think it's screwy, and I hope they change it to how it used to be. That seemed much more fair. I think you are subscribed to ebiz with your website...as long as you have a website you should be able to get "leads"...
  • #72
This year I got $12 in online orders in December, $80 in November, both from people I know. Not a single lead order even though I qualify. I used to bust my butt to make sure I qualified for leads, but now there isn't really any benefit from doing that. I don't know who is getting the leads, but its not me or anyone on my team. I've heard there is a new guy consultant in the area -- he is probably getting them. I haven't gotten a recruit lead since the new system went in place.

  • #73
It has been a very long time since I've received leads--very long. What is ebiz? Did I miss something?
  • #74
Doe's anyone think they will announce they are changing the lead system at Spring Launch?
  • #75
I called HO yesterday about the leads (I've been eligible every month but receive none). I am from a small town, and anyone in our town who puts in their address receives 5 names of people from an hour away, and possibly more. I think there should be a disclaimer stating that this is NOT A COMPLETE LIST of consultants in their area. I am sure people think some of us are no longer with Pampered Chef, as several do fall by the wayside. I've been with the company for 6 years! My name is at the end of the alphabet--does that matter? Does the fact I don't post my picture (as noted by an earlier post) make it so they may choose someone whose picture they like? How fair is any of this??? Very, very frustrating. I don't hear anyone on here say they are receiving the leads at all like they used to. HO needs to make some changes.
  • #76
I don't think the lack of picture disqualifies you. I did a search for my area and three of the five didn't have a picture.
  • #77
sailorsarah said:
I don't think the lack of picture disqualifies you. I did a search for my area and three of the five didn't have a picture.

I was just saying that as one person on here noted she had her picture and the others didn't that came up on the search and the lady said that is why she picked her.
  • #78
Just got a pretty decent online order. No contact info and I did not know her. So, I cannot thank her or contact her.
The order was nice; had she called I would have put it on one of the shows that are too low right now.
  • #79
I know- I loved the olden days- when we got to call them. But it's nice to hear some good news!
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  • #80
HATE IT. nothing in a year, I used to get a couple hundred a month in online sales from leads
  • #81
pclinskie said:
HATE IT. nothing in a year, I used to get a couple hundred a month in online sales from leads

I never use to get anything. I've gotten maybe 4 in the past year; one was a huge show which led to another pretty good show. So I cannot complain.
  • #82
DebPC said:
Doe's anyone think they will announce they are changing the lead system at Spring Launch?

I sure hope so because I've had NOTHING this whole past year and I've had $1250+ every single month.
  • #83
I have never received anything from leads. I typed my moms address in 1 day just to see what came up for our small little town. Not me. It's kind of upsetting just for the fact that at Christmas time I happen to be out at the mail box when the mailman pulled up and his back seat was full of packages from pampered chef that day and not 1 order had come from me :(
<h2>1. What is the new lead system for Pampered Chef?</h2><p>The new lead system for Pampered Chef is a new way for customers to choose their preferred consultant for their orders. Instead of a lottery system, customers now have the option to select a specific consultant to work with.</p><h2>2. How has the new lead system affected your business as a Team Leader?</h2><p>As a Team Leader, I have not received any leads since the new system was implemented. However, I am happy for consultants who were previously unable to reach Team Leader status and can now receive leads through the new system.</p><h2>3. How do customers choose their preferred consultant under the new lead system?</h2><p>Customers can choose their preferred consultant by either entering their name or ID number at the time of purchase. They also have the option to search for consultants in their area and select one based on their profile and reviews.</p><h2>4. Do you prefer the new lead system or the previous lottery system?</h2><p>As a consultant, I preferred the previous lottery system as it gave all consultants an equal chance to receive leads. However, I understand the benefits of the new lead system for both customers and consultants.</p><h2>5. How has the new lead system been received by customers?</h2><p>The new lead system has received mixed reactions from customers. Some appreciate the ability to choose a specific consultant, while others preferred the convenience of the previous lottery system. Overall, it seems to be a positive change for the company.</p>

Related to How Are You Doing With the New "Lead System"

1. What is the new lead system for Pampered Chef?

The new lead system for Pampered Chef is a new way for customers to choose their preferred consultant for their orders. Instead of a lottery system, customers now have the option to select a specific consultant to work with.

2. How has the new lead system affected your business as a Team Leader?

As a Team Leader, I have not received any leads since the new system was implemented. However, I am happy for consultants who were previously unable to reach Team Leader status and can now receive leads through the new system.

3. How do customers choose their preferred consultant under the new lead system?

Customers can choose their preferred consultant by either entering their name or ID number at the time of purchase. They also have the option to search for consultants in their area and select one based on their profile and reviews.

4. Do you prefer the new lead system or the previous lottery system?

As a consultant, I preferred the previous lottery system as it gave all consultants an equal chance to receive leads. However, I understand the benefits of the new lead system for both customers and consultants.

5. How has the new lead system been received by customers?

The new lead system has received mixed reactions from customers. Some appreciate the ability to choose a specific consultant, while others preferred the convenience of the previous lottery system. Overall, it seems to be a positive change for the company.

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