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Highest, Lowest, and Average Shows...

I think i have wrong expectations about sales. I have been reading other posts where people are saying $500 shows are awesome. I have had 3 shows, 2 were right around there and the 3rd was almost $1,000. I thought that $500 was a decent show but those were only my first two shows.

What are your average shows and what can I expect?

Please post your higest show, lowest show, and show average.

My highest was about $3600 - it was a FR though - my highest regular show was $2200. My lowest have been where there werent' even enough orders to call it a show (under $150). My show average is about $775
Hi Sarah. I have been doing this for about 7 months now I guess and my highest was I think 890 and my lowest were shows I put together for myself which were about 150. I usually average $500-$600 shows.

In my opinion I'm happy with $600 shows but of course would love them to be higher.
I have been doing this since April. My lowest show has been aounrd $200 and my highest has been $967. I would say my average is around $400 or so.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
From the time I've re-started, Ive had just a couple of shows under $200 (usually my own that I throw together). My highest show since Feb is a little over $1300 (I've had multiple $1k shows though). My average show closes around $700-800 in commissionable sales.
I highest show is $720.00 but right now my shows are averaged between 460-560.. so that is pretty good for me... I have been doing this since May... its building slowly!!!
My highest so far was $320 although I'm hoping at least one of my current catalog shows will up that. My average is about $230.
I started in May and my highest show was $809. My lowest was right around $200 but my average has been around $550 or so.
Well the Canadian average is $500. My average (According to PP) is $578.
Trying to get it to $650!
My highest show was about $1700 (not that long ago), my lowest ... are you ready?.... 63.75!! LOLOLOLOLOL.
  • #10
I've done 4 shows so far (just started, I'll be "official" on Friday or Saturday when I submit the 2 shows that are waiting for just a couple of more orders). My first show was just a little catalog thing at $168, the second show was right around $375, third show is currently at $404, 4th show is currently at $285 but she is waiting for 3 orders. My 5th show is this Friday and the host says that there will be between 10-15 people there and is getting as many outside orders as she can (with not much host coaching by me, I might add, since I'm still pretty new to this whole thing) and I told my recruiter that they may have to pick me up off the floor if the show hits $1000 (my host is also a stoneware fanatic and is pushing stoneware to everyone she talks to, so who knows where I'll be with THAT promotion by the time we're done...I told her that I want to close that evening, so she's making sure she has all of her orders on Thursday).
  • #10
I've done 4 shows so far (just started, I'll be "official" on Friday or Saturday when I submit the 2 shows that are waiting for just a couple of more orders). My first show was just a little catalog thing at $168, the second show was right around $375, third show is currently at $404, 4th show is currently at $285 but she is waiting for 3 orders. My 5th show is this Friday and the host says that there will be between 10-15 people there and is getting as many outside orders as she can (with not much host coaching by me, I might add, since I'm still pretty new to this whole thing) and I told my recruiter that they may have to pick me up off the floor if the show hits $1000 (my host is also a stoneware fanatic and is pushing stoneware to everyone she talks to, so who knows where I'll be with THAT promotion by the time we're done...I told her that I want to close that evening, so she's making sure she has all of her orders on Thursday).
  • Thread starter
  • #11
I started in April so here are my numbers -- my highest show is $957, my lowest show is $188 and my show average is $500.
  • #12
I've been doing this for 4 1/2 years; let me tell ya we all have our good & our bad shows:) My average is around 570, my highest was around 1500, my lowest (catalog) just around 150--like others said there's times I just throw a few orders together to make a show. To me, if a show hits 500-600 I'm really happy; if they're over that I"m thrilled!
  • #13
I'm new...September was my SS 1. I had 3 kitchen shows and 2 catalog shows. My kitchen shows were $1,189...$914...and $184 (only 5 people at the show including host and one guest didn't order). My catalogs shows ended at $313 and $909. I was very pleased for my 1st month, the average is around $700 for the 5 shows but I know it will vary every time!
  • #14
I started in February, so I've been in this almost 7 months. My average is $500 - Highes being my very first show $916 - lowest like the rest who have made an entry $150 or so. I'm still waiting for my first $1,000 show!!
  • #15
I think where you live has some impact on show sales. Oh and the longer you are in the business and the more you learn, the higher your show sales will be. I was terrible at host coaching my first year and my show average was $400. I've gotten somewhat better at it, and so far this year, my average show is about $700, my highest this $1253 and my lowest is just about $150.
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  • #16
I started last August, have had 30 something shows with a show average around $600. My highest show is going on right now and is currently at just over $1100 but my lowest was show #2 at $24 and that includes the host order! :eek: It was a horrible but very educational PC experience. I'm glad to say I learned early on such valuable information as if the host refuses to give you a guest list to do the reminder calls you should be very suspicious! I am glad to say nothing like that has ever happened again and now I am almost able to laugh about it!
  • #17
Highest- $1220
Lowest actual show with host- $210
Average cooking- $770
Average catalog- $500
  • #18
I agree that we ALL have the low shows. My highest show was $2800 (a "regular" show, not a FR), but I've definitely had the shows that barely squeak over $150. Luckily not a ton of those. My personal show average is around $600. The last 4-5 months I've had at least one $1000 per month. This month, my highest is probably going to be $928. I do think it's true that the longer you do this, the better you get. I've been doing it 3 1/2 years, so if some of you newer consultants think this isn't attainable, it WILL be. You just get more relaxed and fluid the more shows you do. I've done 213 shows! That's hard to believe!

I think high shows have A LOT to do with host coaching! You really need to encourage her to have a BIG guest list. Sometimes I used to feel weird pushing her to invite tons of people because I didn't want the host to think I was pushy. But, I started telling them from the start of host coaching that my main job is to make suggestions to ensure she has a great show so she can get the optimum benefits, so it's my job to do that! You can tell the hosts who follow your suggestions and who doesn't, but I look at it as it's their loss if they don't.

Good luck to everybody!:D I also used to think the trips wouldn't be attainable for me, but I've learned that it really IS possible. If you're close to earning one of the levels, crank it up over the next three months. I did it last year after realizing in September that MAYBE I could earn level 2 last year. It was my bad for not tracking this all year. It's not too late!!
  • #19
I am in my SS1 month and trying my hardest to gather $75 of orders so I can reach the 1250 mark. Well, everyone I know has already ordered and I have been looking for more orders for a week and can't get them. I have shows coming up, but I can not get a $400 show. I want my average to be around $500. I thought I was doing my best at host coaching, it's like they didn't listen. One show had 12 people with four outside orders and it was right at $300. URG!! How do you get higher sales w/o sounding way pushy. I thought I was doing a really good job!
  • #20
mbh06 said:
I am in my SS1 month and trying my hardest to gather $75 of orders so I can reach the 1250 mark. Well, everyone I know has already ordered and I have been looking for more orders for a week and can't get them. I have shows coming up, but I can not get a $400 show. I want my average to be around $500. I thought I was doing my best at host coaching, it's like they didn't listen. One show had 12 people with four outside orders and it was right at $300. URG!! How do you get higher sales w/o sounding way pushy. I thought I was doing a really good job!
It is frustrating when hosts don't follow suggestions you provide them. There's no way they ALL will listen but it will feel REALLy good when you get a host who does all the steps she's supposed to.:) You KNOW that's a really good host....and she'd make a good consultant too! Hang in there. It'll get easier and you'll learn more and more the things to highlight and how to work with those resistant hosts. Have you sent out emails highlighting the glazed stoneware sale this month?? You never know, it may help to send out one last email blitz to EVERYONE you can think of. Tell them how great stoneware is, the wonderful benefits of using any of those glazed bakers and you may get some orders. I'm attaching a stoneware facts list that I emailed to everyone who came to my stoneware workshop last week. You may want to pull parts of it and put it in an email. Especially the easy recipes! Good luck!! I hope you get $75 more in orders!!! Most of all....hang in there!! Not that this job is rocket science, but you'll definitely learn more the longer you are a consultant!! There's SO much to absorb!!:D


  • stoneware_facts[1].doc
    28.5 KB · Views: 316
  • #21
Lowest: $187 (2nd show I ever did)
Highest: $1586
Average my first 3 months: $473
Average this past year: $763

How did I increase this average? MAILING OUT INVITES MYSELF!! (This way I know how many are getting invited and can head off a problem with low attendance very early on. Plus, I know FOR SURE that the invites get mailed at least 2 weeks before the show. I am certain that more than one host lied to me and never actually mailed any invites out at all.) And better host coaching. I have been with PC for 3 years now, and I agree with Cat- it gets easier and better with practice, knowledge, and experience!

BTW, I have had FIVE $1,000 shows so far this year. Only happened twice before I started mailing out the invitations. Coincidence? I don't think so! :)
  • #22
well I just mailed out an e-mail w/ that stoneware info and the new traditions flyer and told them how far away I was so hopefully it will work out! I am trying really hard so hopefully it will all work out. I am having my second baby in Jan. and am a full time college student so this is what I am doing for extra income. I want to make about $400 a month, but the $250 I will make this month is better than nothing! I will probably try mailing out invites from now on to make sure they are all going out.
Thanks everyone!
  • #23
mbh06 said:
I will probably try mailing out invites from now on to make sure they are all going out.
Thanks everyone!

Don't forget to also use the website (if you have one) to do follow-up invites as well as sorry you couldn't make it and did you know you can place an order through the web? Push to get names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
  • #24
Good luck mbh06! Try your hardest! You are so close!! Make sure that you call the people that you e-mail. Just say "I really need help filling this show, did you get my e-mail about the stoneware? Is there anything that you want or want to buy someone for the holidays. Stoneware makes a great housewarming gift!" I gaurantee you that if you FOLLOW UP with the people that you e-mailed you will get something out of it!

Related to Highest, Lowest, and Average Shows...

What are your average shows and what can I expect?

The average show amount can vary greatly depending on the type of products being sold, the location of the show, and the target audience. As a scientist, I cannot provide a specific average show amount, but I can say that it is important to set realistic expectations and not compare your results to others.

Please post your highest show, lowest show, and show average.

I am unable to provide my personal show amounts as it is not relevant to my role as a scientist. However, it is important to keep track of your show results and use them to make informed decisions for future shows.

What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "Highest, Lowest, and Average Shows...I think i have wrong expectations about sales.

1. How do I determine a good show amount?2. What should I consider when setting expectations for show sales?3. Is it normal for show sales to vary greatly?4. What are some strategies for increasing show sales?5. How can I use my show results to improve future sales?

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