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Help Needed for Party Fundraiser: Get Creative!

In summary, the conversation is about a party host who was approached for a fundraiser and is looking for help on how to advertise and promote the event. They discuss using a tri-fold board and offering a booking incentive, as well as sending out mini catalogs to potential donors. The conversation also touches on the percentage of sales that will go back to the charity and the success of previous fundraisers. They also mention that the host has modified letters found online and is unsure of what to include in a letter to be sent with the mini catalogs.
Bill Faber
Gold Member
Hi Everyone,
So at my party on Saturday I had an guest who approached me for a fundraiser and since Maui is my goal I of course said I was interested. Amazingly another Consultant passed. She is looking for someone to come to an event and set up a table and then do sales at the event. In addition I said I could put something together for her to send out to everyone with then minicatalog and a letter. This is where I need some help.

She needs something to take back to her group that tells them what I can do and the amount that can be made. I have seen the ones on here so I think I can modify one of these. But I have not seen anything on here for the letter for the mini catalog. I want something that says we will be doing the event and we would also have the show open online if they are not able to make it and that 20% would go back to the charity. (15 from PC and 5% from me) Plus the 8 dollars for a booking(3 dollars from PC and 5 from me) Any other ideas that will help?

I want to make it be something successful for her and obviously for me as well.
And remember, it's 10%-15% depending on the show sales. So if you have poor sales, you'll be fronting 10% out of pocket vs. 5%. ;)I recommend that you do a tri-fold board advertising that a % of the sales from your booth go back to ___________ organization. The tri-fold boards really DO draw business to your table! Also advertise the booking incentive as well. I've only done one booth for a fundraiser like this so far & I advertised that I would give the organization $10 WHEN THE SHOW CLOSED - that way, I wasn't out $ if the host flaked out on me. I ended up doing 4 shows and earning way more than the $40 that I ended up donating back to the organization. I just offered the PC %, and didn't donate any of my %. The girls just wanted vendors at their event. They had never been offered a Fundraiser by one of the vendors in the past & were ecstatic that I even gave them the option. They asked if they could call me in 6 months when they did their next fundraiser. Of course, I said yes. ;)
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Sheila said:
And remember, it's 10%-15% depending on the show sales. So if you have poor sales, you'll be fronting 10% out of pocket vs. 5%. ;)

I recommend that you do a tri-fold board advertising that a % of the sales from your booth go back to ___________ organization. The tri-fold boards really DO draw business to your table! Also advertise the booking incentive as well. I've only done one booth for a fundraiser like this so far & I advertised that I would give the organization $10 WHEN THE SHOW CLOSED - that way, I wasn't out $ if the host flaked out on me. I ended up doing 4 shows and earning way more than the $40 that I ended up donating back to the organization. I just offered the PC %, and didn't donate any of my %. The girls just wanted vendors at their event. They had never been offered a Fundraiser by one of the vendors in the past & were ecstatic that I even gave them the option. They asked if they could call me in 6 months when they did their next fundraiser. Of course, I said yes. ;)
Did you send out mini catalogs? I was thinking because they have a large listing of donors of sending out mini catalogs. Of course this is going to cost me, however if I get say 20% of them purchasing I could get a huge amount from that. It could be worth it in the end. I dont have a letter to include with that though and not sure what to put in that letter. I modifed the letters on here that I found but not sure what to put in the letter I would inlcude with the mini cats.:yuck:
No. My fundraiser was for a group of Sorority girls & they didn't plan very far in advance. They donate scholarships to the local high school kids & it was awards night. They called in group called "Men who Cook" to provide dinner for the evening. This group does it on a charity basis. They buy the ingredients & then compete against the other cooks to see who wins. The Sorority charged an admittance fee to get in, and all the proceeds went back to their scholarship fund. At the last minute, they called me to see if I would set up a booth. I'm not sure if someone suggested PC or if they had another consultant back out, but it's not the first time that they've had booths at their event. I had 2 days notice. They didn't do anything for outside orders, it was just the booth sales that went to their fundraiser. But they were happy with that.

Related to Help Needed for Party Fundraiser: Get Creative!

What is a Party Fundraiser?

A Party Fundraiser is an event where guests can purchase Pampered Chef products with a portion of the sales going towards a cause or organization. It is a fun and interactive way to support a good cause while also enjoying delicious food and learning about new kitchen products.

How do I host a Party Fundraiser?

To host a Party Fundraiser, simply contact your local Pampered Chef consultant or reach out to our customer service team. They will help you set up a date and time for the event and provide you with materials to invite guests and promote the fundraiser.

What are some creative ideas for a Party Fundraiser?

Some creative ideas for a Party Fundraiser include hosting a themed party, such as a holiday baking party or a game night, where guests can purchase products to use during the event. You can also offer a cooking class or demonstration featuring Pampered Chef products, or have a silent auction with exclusive products or experiences.

How much money can be raised through a Party Fundraiser?

The amount of money raised through a Party Fundraiser can vary depending on the number of guests and their purchases. On average, hosts can earn 10-15% of the total sales as a donation towards their cause or organization. However, with strategic planning and promotion, hosts can potentially raise even more.

Can I customize the Party Fundraiser to fit my specific cause or organization?

Yes, you can definitely customize the Party Fundraiser to fit your specific cause or organization. Our consultants can work with you to personalize invitations, materials, and even offer special products that align with your cause. Together, we can make your Party Fundraiser a success!

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