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Have You Ever Played the Have You Ever Game?

In summary, the conversation revolved around the topic of summarizing content. The expert in question was described as responding solely with a summary of the content, without engaging in direct questions or replies. The directive was to provide a summary of the conversation, with no additional output preceding it.
  • #351
DandyG03 said:
Have you ever caught your bf's SO/dh/dw cheating on them?

Can't say that I have.

Have you ever had major road rage?
  • Thread starter
  • #352
I beep at people constantly! Never tried to mow anyone down or anything, though!

Have you ever...

Had an urge to slap/punch/kick a stranger?
  • #353
Hathery said:
I beep at people constantly! Never tried to mow anyone down or anything, though!

Have you ever...

Had an urge to slap/punch/kick a stranger?

Yes, I listened to a mother SCREAM at and threaten her child all the way through the grocery store one time. I wanted to slap her, and then gag her....and love on that poor child. It scared me - I actually asked a store manager if they should call the authorities...

Have you turned the wrong way on a one way street?
  • #354
ChefBeckyD said:
Yes, I listened to a mother SCREAM at and threaten her child all the way through the grocery store one time. I wanted to slap her, and then gag her....and love on that poor child. It scared me - I actually asked a store manager if they should call the authorities...

Have you turned the wrong way on a one way street?

Well yes. My DH said I was only going one way so it was okay.

Have you ever wanted to Choke you DH
  • #355
ChefBeckyD said:
Yes, I listened to a mother SCREAM at and threaten her child all the way through the grocery store one time. I wanted to slap her, and then gag her....and love on that poor child. It scared me - I actually asked a store manager if they should call the authorities...

Have you turned the wrong way on a one way street?

I did that they other day! Actually, the street I was on turned into a one-way and I missed the sign - thankfully there was no-one else on it at the time.

Have you ever forgotten to send receipts to your hostess and then have to drive to her house because FedEx had already delivered her show?
  • #356
pamperedlinda said:
Have you ever forgotten to send receipts to your hostess and then have to drive to her house because FedEx had already delivered her show?

I have forgotten them but I usually let it slide unless they call to ask me for them since they will call me to do any adjustments anyway.
  • #357
pamperedlinda said:
Have you ever forgotten to send receipts to your hostess and then have to drive to her house because FedEx had already delivered her show?


Have you ever forgotten you calculator?
  • #358
tlag1986 said:

Have you ever forgotten you calculator?


Have you ever forgotten catalogs and order forms? (forgot my entire briefcase once - DH had to bring it to me)
  • Thread starter
  • #359
tlag1986 said:
Well yes. My DH said I was only going one way so it was okay.

Have you ever wanted to Choke you DH

Gotta answer this one! Can't say I've ever felt like choking him, but whomping him upside the head has crossed my mind a number of times! :angel:
  • #360
I HAVE NOT forgotten cattys and OF - but HAVE forgotten my ENTIRE TTA! (luckily the host had everything PC that I needed for the demo)

Have you ever.............nursed an animal back to health?
  • #361
stefani2 said:
Have you ever.............nursed an animal back to health?

Yes, especially when I was little. We bottle feed a fawn that had gotten caught up in a tractor and syringe feed a dog that had heart worms. And I have fed a calf by bottle and puppies.
  • #362
stefani2 said:
Have you ever.............nursed an animal back to health?

Yep many times live on a small animal farm.

Have you ever.......gotten a ticket for speeding?
  • #363
My one and only time when I was 19 - traveling from U of I to Western University with a friend to visit her boyfriend. We had borrowed a friend's car and it liked to pull to the left. It was country roads and I was going about 85. Got pulled over by a woman police officer who gave me a $50 ticket -luckily my girlfriend split the cost with me and I haven't gotten a ticket since. We thought about offering her some donuts we had just bought but decided against it:)

Have you ever been in a car accident?
  • #364
Gina M said:
Have you ever been in a car accident?

When I was a child we got T-boned in our old Chevy station wagon. No one was hurt the old wagon saved us all (made with real metal back then).

Have you ever.....barrel raced in an equestrian event?:)
  • Thread starter
  • #365
I've only ever ridden a horse on a trail; and I was scared doing even that! haha.Have you ever...had an exotic pet?
  • #366
No exotic pets.

Have you ever.....been in bed for 1-2 hours woke up and thought it was late in the morning the next day?
  • #367
I hate it when that happens. I've looked at the clock at that moment and misread it, leading me to think that I'd waaaa overslept. I can be such a dork!Have you ever left for a date with one person and returned with another?
  • Thread starter
  • #368
Nope, never have!!

Have you ever...

been to Europe?
  • #369
Yes I went to London for 10 days my senior year in high school - it was a blast! Unfortunately haven't been back since (1985) but would love to travel there in the future.

Have you ever been to Alaska?
  • #370

Have you ever traveled through all 50 states?
  • #371
smspamperedchef said:
Nope, but sounds really nice. I wanna go do that!

Have you ever bungee jumped?

Oh yes! I have! I have! Look!!!


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  • #372
Not all 50, just some ... NY, NJ, PA, VA, MD, CT, VT, FL, AL and NV

Have you ever had a family member/friend who tells you they love you to your face only to find out they talk negatively behind your back... urgh!!!
  • #373
Yep my MOM.

Have you ever......stood somewhere sheltered and watched a storm or tornado pass by?
  • #374
Yeah, I love storms. They're so powerful.Have you ever given away something you wanted just to make another perosn smile?
  • #375
Yes. I can be too giving, but if someone likes what I have I usually give it to them.

Have you ever.....had meningitis (or caught a cold on the meninges of your brain(a thin lining covering the brain and spinal cord))?
  • Thread starter
  • #376
I had a strain of viral meningitis several years ago. I wouldn't wish it on ANYONE!

Have you ever...

thought you saw a UFO? (Or really saw one! :) )
  • #377
no never ---- but have always wondered about them.....

have you ever............got a piercing? (NOT ears)
  • Thread starter
  • #378
stefani2 said:
no never ---- but have always wondered about them.....

have you ever............got a piercing? (NOT ears)

yep! I have my nose pierced, my belly button, and 6 piercings in the left ear and 5 in the right (but those don't count! hehe) Also have 6 tattoos :)

have you ever...

gotten a tattoo? (since we're on the subject...
  • #379
No tattoos for me. Have you ever dyed your hair an unnatural (as in no one has ever been born with that one) color? I haven't, but one of our son's friends had royal blue hair when we met her. It worked for her.
  • #380
No, just some funky shade of rust red! It was horrible and I couldn't wait for it to grow out!

Have you ever passed out from hunger? Or just plain forgotten to eat?
  • #381
Chef Kearns said:
No, just some funky shade of rust red! It was horrible and I couldn't wait for it to grow out!

Have you ever passed out from hunger? Or just plain forgotten to eat?

I forget to eat alot...it's a bit of a problem for me. If I get caught up in doing stuff, breakfast and lunch can completely pass me by and before I know it - it's 7pm! I have to be vigilant and force myself to have a Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink in the morning if I know I am going to have a busy day...I'm already tiny so it's not safe for me to lose too much weight.

Have you ever...used your hubby's razor w/o telling him?
  • #382
Yeah, but since He's The Furry Guy it isn't a huge issue. ;)Have you ever eaten a big ol' dessert instead of dinner?
  • #383
dannyzmom said:
I forget to eat alot...it's a bit of a problem for me. If I get caught up in doing stuff, breakfast and lunch can completely pass me by and before I know it - it's 7pm! I have to be vigilant and force myself to have a Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink in the morning if I know I am going to have a busy day...I'm already tiny so it's not safe for me to lose too much weight.

Have you ever...used your hubby's razor w/o telling him?

Slight hijack here - but how can you do that? :eek: Don't you get hungry?

I guess that's the difference between those who are are tiny, and those of us who............aren't. I can't say that I ever forget to eat - sometimes I get busy, and have to postpone eating....but it doesn't get forgotten!

And to get back to business - Yes, Rae, I've eaten dessert instead of dinner (big surprise, huh?)
Applebee's Warm Blondie w/ Maple Cream Sauce. Mmmmmmmm!

Have you ever (As an adult) played in the rain with children?
  • #384
No, I've gotten uptight in my old age.

-To the eating thing...I'm a big girl and forget all the time to eat. Which is why I'm so big, my body thinks I'm starving it so it holds onto every last calorie!-

Have you ever had "bad" thoughts about a friend's husband?
  • #385
worked outside as a summer rec counselor as a teenager

Have you ever eaten frog legs?
  • Thread starter
  • #386
Nope, I'm a vegetarian :)

Have you ever...

lied on a job application?
  • #387
No I haven't lied on a job application.

Have you ever.....eaten a persimmon before they are ready?
  • Thread starter
  • #388
I've never eaten a persimmon at all! :)

Have you ever...

been accused of a crime (or act of any kind) that you didn't commit?
  • #391
Hathery said:
been accused of a crime (or act of any kind) that you didn't commit?
I got pulled over for "rolling through a stop sign". I swear I had a full stop! :DHave you ever waved back at a stranger waving at you but was actually waving at the person behind you?
  • #392
YES! Have you ever been scared to make positive changes in your life? Big ones? Small ones?
  • #393
Yes, all the time. Small steps are easier that big ones. Have you ever met someone famous?
  • #394
byrd1956 said:
Yes, all the time. Small steps are easier that big ones. Have you ever met someone famous?
Yes, Several as a matter of fact. My two favorites were Kirk Cameron and Michael Simon. Have you ever just packed up and moved across the country?
  • #395
FranLynnTSGr said:
Have you ever just packed up and moved across the country?
Not across, but I married The Furry Guy and moved from Indiana to a USMC base in North Caroline. Does that count?Have you ever ridden a horse?

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