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Have to Share My First Hosted Show!!!!!!

if it's that short for me, it should be shorter for my guests!Making a recipe and not using all the products is an option, but it wouldn't be as fun for them. They would still get to see all the products I use in the recipe.
Silver Member
OK so I have done My own 4 opening shows before tonights actual Hosted show and have qualified, will get my sign on bonus plus my ss1 counted before tonights show. But this by far has been the best! I am soo stoked right now! I just input the orders for the guests and so far it's at $864.25 commissionable sales! My sister still has two outside orders to collect and she still has to do her shopping so I'm looking at -at least a $900 show I'm prettty sure!! Yipeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There were 12 guests, 4 outside orders before the show and now I am just waiting on the last two and her order!!! How sweet is that!

No penciled in bookings but 5 maybes after the holidays they said! Everyone said I did well for my first techincal show! So it should only get easier with each show!!! I feel this is my calling, I swear! I had a gut feeling before I signed this would be right for me and so far the shoe is fitting rather nicely!

Unfortunately it ran alot longer than I wanted! I got there at 5pm to make my dips before hand (Sip n Dip party) . I did not get to my moms until 9:20! Baby was, hungry, upset and tired! I am hoping it will get shorter with experience! Express is the way to go! ( making the food beforehand then doing the amazing potato demo for 15-20 min. and then talking about my other fave products like stoneware and other product I cannot use on the potato.)

Just had to share my fantastic news! :D
  • Thread starter
  • #2
bump- so excited to share! Show is now at $1035 with 2 more outside orders to input plus the hosts order! As soon as I transmit this show I will have made all 3 bonuses for the month!! Yipeeee!
That is great, keep up the good work. You are doing an awesome job and it can only get better from here.
Amanda :D
Heather--Was this the TAPAS SHOW?! That is GREAT! Congrats! Stay on that momentum and keep booking shows, even if they're catalog shows (last catalog show I submitted was over $500!), and remember that even individual sales work too! Remind all the show guests that they can order up until the 22nd or 23rd (I can't remember which!) of Dec and still get it in time for Christmas! (Name another company that guarantees their stuff with that short notice!!) Any individual orders from now til then can be put together as a show with you as the host--and then you can get the free products to increase your biz stock.
I'm so happy for you!

God bless!
the deadline is 3pm on the 23rd. Additional shipping charges apply.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
no it was a sip and dip theme!Just did two dips and margarita slushies and quick stir cosmos. The ladies had a good time! The tapas were for a Desperate housewives show I am doing at the end of the month.
wow, it sounds like a lot of fun (though I'm not a drinker myself).. congrats again, and keep up the good work!

God bless!
CosmosWhat are quick stir cosmos? Can you please post the recipe? Thanks.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
quick stir cosmosusing the mixer, measure, pourer combine 3shots vodka, 2shots triple sec and 1-2 cups of cranberry, twist of lime.
  • #10
Sounds like you had fun... I might even encourage her to $1000!
I would make one cautionary statement... the reason Pampered Chef shows are successful and people enjoy them has a lot to do with the recipe and the food... if you are just going to do potato shows, you may not get bookings.

You can find many recipe's that can be condenced into 20-30 minutes. My shows are never longer than 30 minutes and I always do a recipe.

Let me know if you need suggestions!
  • Thread starter
  • #11
demoing a recipe-PC believersince I have yet to do a show while demoing a recipe. How do you do it exactly in 30 min or less?
With the potato demo I showcase 10 featured products then go over stoneware, cookware and a few other fave products I have in 15-20 min. So When you do a recipe and you're not doing the Garden ranch pizza recipe(which uses almost all your super starter products) do you make your recipe then talk about all the other products you did not use? How do you squeeze making a recipe and then try to talk about other products in a short period of time?
Time is of the essence for me right now with a nursing baby. I did my own opening show in 1.5 hours total so the express (making it before hand really works for me). I figured once the baby is weaned or not soley breast feeding I can take more time at my shows then be able to demo recipes at that time but for now it's not really possible. Unless you have some amazing recipes you would like to share which show case a ton of product!

  • #11
Melody, what recipes do you do that are 30 min or less?
  • #12
heat123 said:
Unfortunately it ran alot longer than I wanted! I got there at 5pm to make my dips before hand (Sip n Dip party) . I did not get to my moms until 9:20! Baby was, hungry, upset and tired! I am hoping it will get shorter with experience! Express is the way to go! ( making the food beforehand then doing the amazing potato demo for 15-20 min. and then talking about my other fave products like stoneware and other product I cannot use on the potato.)

Just had to share my fantastic news! :D

You did GREAT! Wow & way to go!!!! What kinds of dips did you make and how did you present them?

Thanks for sharing! I need to peek at the potato show again. :)
  • #13
heat123 said:
quick stir cosmos


using the mixer, measure, pourer combine 3shots vodka, 2shots triple sec and 1-2 cups of cranberry, twist of lime.

Is that per drink or does it make a pitcher? Could you make a pitcher? :)

Inquiring minds want to know!
Susan :)
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  • #14
heat123 said:
( making the food beforehand then doing the amazing potato demo for 15-20 min. and then talking about my other fave products like stoneware and other product I cannot use on the potato.)

Just had to share my fantastic news! :D

Congrats! My first show is coming up and I want to have the same success!

I have to ask...What is the potato demo? I know I am really new, so bear with me! :)
  • #15
I did a search up in the "search" option of the tool bar and typed in "amazing potato" and many hits came up. I'll try to paste the link to one thread where it's explained really well. I hope this works! If not, just try the search yourself and you'll find all kinds of stuff.

Congrats for joining such a great company! That's so exciting. Good luck in your new business. You're going to have a blast! :)

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  • #16
cosmosthe measure, mixer, pourer only makes 2 drinks per batch. I am sure you could use the quick stir pitchers you just have to double or quadruble the ingreditents.

Related to Have to Share My First Hosted Show!!!!!!

1. How do I become a host for a Pampered Chef show?

To become a host for a Pampered Chef show, you can reach out to a Pampered Chef consultant or visit our website to find a consultant near you. They will guide you through the process of hosting a show and provide you with all the necessary information and materials.

2. What are the benefits of hosting a Pampered Chef show?

Hosting a Pampered Chef show comes with many benefits, including earning free and discounted products, exclusive host specials, and the opportunity to try out new products. You will also get to spend time with your friends and family while learning new cooking tips and techniques.

3. How many guests do I need to have for a successful show?

There is no minimum number of guests required for a successful show. However, we recommend inviting at least 10-12 guests to ensure a fun and interactive experience. You can also ask your consultant for tips on how to increase guest attendance.

4. What types of products will be featured in my hosted show?

Your hosted show will feature a variety of Pampered Chef products, including kitchen tools, cookware, bakeware, and food items. Your consultant will work with you to customize the show based on your preferences and needs.

5. Can I earn rewards for hosting multiple shows?

Yes, you can earn rewards for hosting multiple shows. Our host rewards program allows you to earn even more free and discounted products when you host three or more shows within a year. Your consultant will provide you with more information about this program during your first hosted show.

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