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Have I Mentioned My Crazy Sister?

In summary, my sister is a nut case who has competed in 7 Ironman triathlons. She is participating in a marathon today up Pike's Peak in Colorado.
Gold Member
My sister is a nut case.

My twin sister (who is VERY different from me, as those who have met me can attest) is very athletic. She ran track and swam in high school, then attended the Air Force Academy for 2 years. When she and BIL lived in Arizona, they got into cycling, frequently racing events on a racing tandem. Then they were stationed in Germany (BIL is Air Force) and BIL got it in his head that they needed to start doing triathlons.

Not just any triathlons, either - Ironman triathlons. That's 2.4 miles swimming, 112 miles cycling, and 26.2 mile running. All in one day.

My sister has done 7 (I think) Ironman tris. Last summer she and BIL took part in a relay run (well over 100 miles, in fact it might have been 200 and one of the women on their team was an Olympic-hopeful marathoner) over the continental divide in the Rockies. But today she's participating in a very different event, which she's been trying to get into for several years. It's called The Ascent. And it's a marathon (26.2 miles) up Pike's Peak.

My BIL just sent out an email that it's 50 degrees at the base of the mountain today, and pouring rain. It's probably snowing at the peak.

In honor of her expending so much energy today, I'm going to conserve mine and just watch the Olympics on TV all day. :)
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  • #2
Here's the start of the race. My sister is in the lavender/pink in the middle of the pack.

Wow!! I agree with you I will conserve my energy as well for your sister and watch the Olympics!!

I am not a twin, but my sister and I are also VERY different...and she is a nutcase too...she isn't a physical person, but she is so so strange.
I'm with you Ann! It might take both of us conserving energy.

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  • #5
Oops- I had an error in my first post. It's a half marathon - only 13.1 miles. Still crazy. :rolleyes:

The official site has the following (hilarious) description:

The Pikes Peak Ascent® and Pikes Peak Marathon® will redefine what you call running. Sure, they start out like a lot of races on Any Street, USA. But your first left turn will have you turning in the direction of up! During the next 10 miles, as you gain almost 6,000 vertical feet, your legs, lungs, heart and mind will be worn to a ragged nothingness. But it won’t be until your last three miles, with still over 2,000' of vertical to go, that you will realize where the Marathon got its moniker—America’s Ultimate Challenge.

There’s a reason trees don’t bother growing above 12,000' on Pikes Peak. They can’t! Makes one wonder if trees are smarter than runners. Above treeline most runners take 30 minutes or more, some much more, just to cover a mile. What little air remains can’t satisfy the endless stream of zombies hoping only to survive their next step—a death march right out of a scene from Dawn of the Dead. Adding insult to injury, it might start to snow!

Then, if you are on the deluxe tour, you run back down for the second half of the Marathon. Along the way protruding rocks are waiting to send you crashing to the ground mangling flesh and only temporarily masking the pain of blood filled blisters. Meanwhile, the temperature has often risen by more than 30 degrees since the race start. After all, it’s always best to cook raw meat.
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  • #6
ChefBeckyD said:
I'm with you Ann! It might take both of us conserving energy.


I got a Blockbuster card at my cluster meeting this week. I'm tempted to go rent a chick flick that I can watch without DH complaining about it, since he's in OH for a car show. And I got a microwave popcorn bucket at the meeting, too. I might just pop that and add some of the Mocha Hazlenut sprinkles to it.
chefann said:

I got a Blockbuster card at my cluster meeting this week. I'm tempted to go rent a chick flick that I can watch without DH complaining about it, since he's in OH for a car show. And I got a microwave popcorn bucket at the meeting, too. I might just pop that and add some of the Mocha Hazlenut sprinkles to it.

That'll show her!

And - after reading that description of the race.....I think I'd throw a pizza in there too, and maybe a root beer float!:D

I'm tired just reading it. Why do people think that sounds like something a human being should be attempting? I don't get it.:confused:
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  • #8
Exactly! She's insane!!hmm... I think I have some Sprecher's in the basement. Root Beer Float, here I come!
Oh bless, she can run a mile or two for me too!!! :)
  • #10
ChefBeckyD said:
That'll show her!

And - after reading that description of the race.....I think I'd throw a pizza in there too, and maybe a root beer float!:D

I'm tired just reading it. Why do people think that sounds like something a human being should be attempting? I don't get it.:confused:

Ann...that description was priceless! I think she's a bit looney, too...
  • #11
My brother, three years younger, is also my opposite. He likes living in downtown Indianapolis and can't understand why I would want to live out here in the boonies. He also enjoys the odd hobby of running mini-marathons. Like a couple of you, I don't get it. The funny thing is that, while he is definitely thinner than I, he's not actually as healthy as I am. He has all kinds of back and knee trouble.I keep telling him that you don't get those injuries cooking Taffy Apple Tartlets. LOL!
  • #12
Wow, I've been up Pikes Peak in a truck and there is no way I would run up it!!! I could hardly breath on the top when I was 13 let alone trying to run up there as an adult! Funny thing is my Dad asked me to go to the truck and get the camera when we were up there. When I started running back to him he said, "No, you don't want to run up here - there isn't enough oxygen." I'll have to tell him about this marathon now!

I have a dear friend who is into marathon running. She has done the NY, Boston, etc. Now she is getting into the triathlons too. Must be part of the illness:)!

I was watching a show last night about women body builders. A psychologist on there actually said it is an illness, but it is a good way to channel it.
  • #13
I have a brother that is 3 & 1/2 years older. We are SO different!

Runners boggle my mind. I've never had any desire to just run! Sure I get it if you're playing football or tennis or something (not that I'm a big fan of playing those either). But just to run and run and run... I don't understand.

I thought about doing a marathon just to help me get into shape but when I started doing research about them almost everything I found said that it wasn't good for your body... you're better off walking than running as far as your joints go, and it's just too much strain on your body to train that hard. That was enough for me to just keep walking :p
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  • #14
Here's the note I just got from sis:
Hi, all!
Jim said he sent out pics from the start of today's run. As it turns out, I ran a long way -- 7 miles longer than intended, but I didn't officially finish the ascent. I didn't turn back of my own volition; the officials shut the race down just before I reached the tree line because of deteriorating weather conditions on the top. I ran to what's called the A-frame and was there within my time frame -- I think I would have finished between 4:15 and 4:30. It wasn't meant to be! Oh well. There was no transportation from the point where they turned us back (3 miles from the summit), so I ran a total of 20.6 miles. I did the ascent because long steep downhill running and I don't get along, but I wound up descending anyway. Being a "newbie" to the event I was a little too far back in the pack when we started and I had to pass a lot of people on the way up, in fact I was still passing people as I approached the A-frame. I just keep thinking if I'd had fewer people to get by on the narrow trail I might have been 5-10 minutes ahead and gotten past A-frame before they shut down the race (that's how close I was). Oh well, it may be better that I didn't -- runners who did make it to the top said it was horrific -- rain most of the way up ( I ran up and down in that) and then snow and strong winds that froze clothing above the tree line. So, thought you might want to know.
So basically she made it to the 10-mile mark at the treeline and got turned back. And had to run all the way back down. :yuck:
  • #15
Oh, what a bummer for her, but still exciting. It's hard enough to run a marathon or 1/2 marathon on flat land, let alone up a mountain. Runs should be easy for her after this. I ran a marathon about 3 years ago, and the next year I ran a 1/2 marathon. The 1/2 was nothing after doing a full. I am a terrible swimmer, so a triathalon doesn't sound like a good idea for me.

I haven't been watching Olympics all day, but I am watching now. I did golf 8 holes (skipped one because the ladies in front of us were horrible and very slow). I'm up for sitting a lot for the rest of the day in honor of Ann's sister.
  • #16
chefann said:
Here's the note I just got from sis:

So basically she made it to the 10-mile mark at the treeline and got turned back. And had to run all the way back down. :yuck:

that'll teach her, huh?:rolleyes:
  • #17
Well - you know what they say................EVERY family has one..........sometimes two!
  • #18
oh, mine has several on any given day.........people tell me I should write a book when they hear stories about my siblings.....I have considered it, but I think I might have a lawsuit on my hands if I did!
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  • #19
Hey! I resemble that!:D
  • #20
funny thing Ann, is that even in that picture where you can hardly see her, she looks like you! Are you identical or fraternal twins?
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  • #21
We're fraternal. She and our younger sister actually look much more alike. In fact, Kit, this sister's middle child, thought that those 2 were the twins in the family. :)I know I have a pic someplace with a better shot of her face...edited..OK, this is a profile. But it's crazy sis getting ready for the swim leg at the Ironman in Madison, WI last September.

And that's BIL's wet suit she's zipping up. ;)
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  • #22
Found another. Ignore the silly expression. She was reading a book to the nieces.http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb315/chefann1138/DSCI0003-2.jpg
  • #23
I wish I had half her energy!
  • #24
I am the youngest of 8, so I have more than a couple crazy's!!
I wish I could be that disciplined with something physical!! I get tired chasing my kids around, so I don't think I'd make it 20+ miles straight up!!:eek:
  • #25
Seriously, are we really going to have to watch a marathon? I guess it's back to what ChefAnn said in the first post. We aren't just watching the Olympics, though, we are watching the women's marathon in the Olympics.
  • #26
Ann, you should have told your wombmate to wait at the A frame for a few minutes - she could have done a Franz Klammer down the hill.
  • #27
Kudos to your sister! I've always admired those who do and longed to do a triathalon with DH! Too bad he'd never consider it with me! :(
  • #28
JAE said:
Seriously, are we really going to have to watch a marathon? I guess it's back to what ChefAnn said in the first post. We aren't just watching the Olympics, though, we are watching the women's marathon in the Olympics.

man o man I was thinking the same thing! I cannot believe that we are having to watch all of the marathon! Can't NBC throw some track & field in there for us? Ya know, break it up a bit???
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  • #29
There wouldn't be any other track and field events going on right now, since the marathon will end in the Bird's Nest. But they could show something else.Ugh- I just blipped over to see what CBC is showing, and they're currently showing commercials. ;)
  • #30
chefmeg said:
man o man I was thinking the same thing! I cannot believe that we are having to watch all of the marathon! Can't NBC throw some track & field in there for us? Ya know, break it up a bit???
Or volleyball from earlier that we missed. Maybe we haven't missed any. I love watching volleyball.
  • #31
woooohoooo track & field is on!
  • #32
Much more exciting to see sprinting than a marathon. Though, I'm in awe of anyone who can run a marathon that fast.
  • #33
did you see how thin those marathom runners are? they must have 0 body fat....amazing how in shape they are.....then again, did you see the picture of crazy sister posted above.....same thing...0 body fat!
  • #34
Okay - we just got home and saw the end of the marathon...that part at least was exciting...now - on to Dara. GO DARA!
  • #35
My sister (who, by the way, is named Dara), this year got me into 5k's. I can't run more than a couple of minutes at a time, so my best was 44:something in July. Today she started talking to a woman from my church, and it looks like now Julia is going to be training us both for triathalons.

Oh, by the way, I'm 43, 5'6", and weigh 237 pounds. It's going to take just a bit of training for me to complete a triathalon!! :blushing: ;)
  • #36
I admire anyone who can run that far - regardless of my joking about it - the only way I can get into Marathon is by driving to Wausau (like the insurance.)Why?Wausau is in Marathon County. (Also the largest producer of high quality ginseng in the world.)
  • #37
I only run if something large and scary is chasing me. Even then, I'd have to give it some serious consideration. I do, however, admire the dedication of anyone who chooses to do what hurts in order to do better.
  • #38
raebates said:
I only run if something large and scary is chasing me. Even then, I'd have to give it some serious consideration. I do, however, admire the dedication of anyone who chooses to do what hurts in order to do better.

I snorted!!! Too funny Rae, but I am with you!!!
  • #39
pampchefsarah said:
My sister (who, by the way, is named Dara), this year got me into 5k's. I can't run more than a couple of minutes at a time, so my best was 44:something in July. Today she started talking to a woman from my church, and it looks like now Julia is going to be training us both for triathalons.

Oh, by the way, I'm 43, 5'6", and weigh 237 pounds. It's going to take just a bit of training for me to complete a triathalon!! :blushing: ;)

Sarah!~I did my first 5K in May-the Susan G Komen in honor of my BFF and in memory of my MIL~it was amazing! We have alot in common as far as age and physical make up are concerned, so I am really proud of you for committing to this! I am doing an 8K in November and hope to do a 10K next spring!
  • #40
Hi Meg! Don't forget we're both VA gals!!!!

I did my first in April, so not far ahead of you. I'm planning on doing the Turkey Trot in Remington on Thanksgiving Day. I also just found out about the Old Towne 5k in Warrenton, which is supposed to be a tough course. Want to come up and join me??
  • #41
when is the one in Warrenton?
I need to get back on track for training and knowing that I have an upcoming event gets me motivated.....

the Komen race was a 5K and was flat UNTIL the last mile which is mostly up the 2nd St hill in Richmond.....that was rough, but the rush when I finished was amazing!

Related to Have I Mentioned My Crazy Sister?

1. "How many Ironman triathlons has your sister done?"

My sister has completed a total of 7 Ironman triathlons.

2. "What is the Ascent and how long is it?"

The Ascent is a marathon up Pike's Peak, which is 26.2 miles long.

3. "Is your sister a member of the military?"

Yes, my sister attended the Air Force Academy for 2 years and her husband is currently in the Air Force.

4. "What other endurance events has your sister participated in?"

In addition to Ironman triathlons and the Ascent marathon, my sister has also participated in a relay run over the continental divide and multiple cycling races.

5. "Will you be participating in any events with your sister?"

No, I will be conserving my energy and watching the Olympics on TV while my sister takes on the Ascent marathon today.

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