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Handling Booking Conflict: My Dilemma as a PC Consultant

In summary, the situation is that the daughter-in-law is a PC consultant and the host has been asked to give her bookings from a party. The daughter-in-law's director, another clustermate, IM'd the host today to ask if she could give the bookings instead. The host is hesitant to do this because it would mean giving away part of her business, but ultimately decides to because she wants to hit her goal in June.
Here is the situation?? I am doing a show for a lady (whom I met through a friend). Her daughter-in-law will be attending my show. Her daughter-in-law recently decided to become a PC consultant as well. The host found this out after booking with me. She told me this, but insisted that she still wanted me to do the cooking show. Sounds normal... wait... the daughter-in-law's director (fellow clustermate) IM'ed this afternoon and said the new consultant was having a difficult time getting bookings and asked if I would give the bookings from the party to her.

I am really wanting to hit my goal in June, and the show is in the first week of June, I was hoping to get a few more June bookings... What should I do??

I understand that she may be having difficulty getting bookings, but I have been host coaching really well (sent out 50 invites) and hoping it is a big show. I could see if the girl was one of my own recruits, but she isn't...

I don't want to come across as self-centered, but the way I look at it, is that if I give her bookings, that is inevitably giving part of my business (future growth) away as well.

Just give me your opinion... I am can take it!! :(

Okay that is just insane! By no means should you have to give your hard earned bookings away to someone you don't even know! That's just crazy! (I think I already said that!)
The MIL could have canceled w/ you and booked with her DIL if she had chosen - but she chose YOU to do her show! The bookings are yours!
I could go on with the insanity of that request - but I'll stop there!
I agree! You've already put time and money into this. The other director should have never asked you to do this. Sounds like you're not the one being selfish here. Maybe if you get more than two bookings from this show, you can give the 3rd one to the new consultant, but that is all you really owe her.

Can you please be a little clearer with your opinion? I'm a little confused....HAHA!!

Completely agree with Becky...
I agree too...I had a situation where someone had a show booked with another new consultant and would have liked to have one with me, but didn't want to cancel on another new lady. I didn't push her to, I didn't go and ask for bookings. (I was invited to the show, but didn't go). She had a good show and some bookings, but she earned them.

I will get mine of my own work and in due time.

She can have a show with this lady later (if this lady wants) and earn her own bookings...you've worked for these and they are yours!

Looks like that director is looking out for her own downline and own pocketbook in asking...JMHO...or maybe not so humble like Becky. ;)
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I totally agree with Becky!
leslieengott said:
but that is all you really owe her.

Ok, have to comment...this would be a GENEROUS gesture. I don't think she OWES her anything.

MIL could change plans, but people sign at different times and they need to work for what they have not be handed it because they are having "troubles". They need to find a new, better way to get their own work.

Don't we all wish people would "hand" us bookings without the work? Why everyone would be a PC Consultant! It is a job, we do have to earn what we make.

JMHO... :)

I know you're being kind Leslie, but I view it as generosity not obligation.
I agree with what has been said. The director should NEVER put you in this situation. A host has the free will to make the decision of the consultant and she stuck with you. I would take the bookings.

The way I look at it, people there will probably know her and know she is a consultant if they want to book with her they will not book at YOUR show. If they wanted boo with the DIL they would have done it already.
Why don't you suggest to the director that she give her some bookings.
  • #10
luvs2sellit said:
Why don't you suggest to the director that she give her some bookings.

Great idea!!!!
  • #11
luvs2sellit said:
Why don't you suggest to the director that she give her some bookings.

Hey, yeah! Why didn't I think of that? :p Great Idea!;)
  • #12
I agree with everyone else. The MIL could have chosen to cancel with you and go with DIL. You have worked hard for a good show turnout and good sales.

I would suggest to your clustermate that she has her recruitee shadow a show with her and give her the bookings. I know a director that does this.
  • #13
dianevill said:

Can you please be a little clearer with your opinion? I'm a little confused....HAHA!!

Completely agree with Becky...

I'm sorry Diane - should I be a little more direct do you think?:D :eek:
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  • #14
Thank you all so much for your opinions... I am glad that you all see it the same way I do...

ANOTHER QUESTION: Should I mention this to my director (also the director for the girl who asked me to give her recruit the bookings?)
  • #15
pamperedchef_OK_LA_MS said:
Thank you all so much for your opinions... I am glad that you all see it the same way I do...

ANOTHER QUESTION: Should I mention this to my director (also the director for the girl who asked me to give her recruit the bookings?)
I would definately let your director know what is going on.
  • #16
pamperedlinda said:
I would definately let your director know what is going on.

Me too................
  • #17
I would totally want to know if this happened.Another situation that is parallel happened to me and a girl in my downline last summer. We did a booth with a couple other clusters. We were in the 4th shift or so, so many of the people in the booths next to us had been approached by the earlier consultants. My consultant was talking with a guy in the next booth and explained how he could get the cookware at half-off for his wife's birthday. She booked a show and the consultant in the 3rd shift came up and took the lead slip out of her hand and said thanks. She thought that the lead was hers even though she didn't do the work - just because she talked to the guy first. She did NOT talk about the cookware or booking - that was all my consultant. I had a talk with the director of the "stealer" and got the show back.
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  • #18
OK, just talked to my director (same director as the one who asked me to give bookings)

She had already heard the other directors side... and she said basically that she sees both opinions, and neither of them are incorrect.

She sees that the other director asked because it is the MIL, and the DILwould have gotten those bookings if she would have been the one doing the show. (Remember, I asked the MIL, and she still wanted me to do the show...)

But she also sees my opinion, as I have invested time, money, and effort in the host (MIL)

She said that I have made my decision, and I need to stick to it. I made the point that when I first started, nobody gave me bookings... and if the director wanted to herlp her, than she could do a show, and give DIL the bookings...

My only concern is that my fellow clustermate (director who asked) will be upset with me...
  • #19
How crass!! Give your bookings that you've earned to a third party?!?!? Uh, hello, would any of you like to give me your bookings for June and/or July, I'm running a little low...........Nah, didn't think so. We all have to work our own businesses. And the director in questions should've never asked. Kudos to you for handling it so well.
  • #20
If she is upset with you, tell her to give the new consultant the bookings for her first shows. WHATEVER! People as so rude and ridiculous sometimes. You give up your hard earned work and money, but her director would not do the same thing for her???? You already know what kind of person she is, she showed her a@@ by acting like this! Just let it go, hold your head up because you did nothing wrong!
  • #21
I like the way your director handled it. I see the "logic" of someone trying to help out another consultant, but standing by your decision is your director's responsibility - you have a good one there!
  • #22
What nerve! That director had no business asking you to give bookings to her.

Your host knew that the new consultant was starting out and she chose to stay with you and the bookings should stay too. Now if one of the bookings said to you "Mary just started selling and I want to help her get started but I also want to help Sue Host." In that case I would say that she should book a show with Mary and that you will put the booking on Sue's show so she can get credit since the booking stays with the host not the consultant.

I would not otherwise feel any obligation to give bookings away to this new person (of course if the HOST signed under you - that would be another story.)
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  • #23
You all are FABULOUS!! I left my house after the last post and went to visit a friend, and kinda get my mind off of the situation at hand. I just sat down, and read everything that you all have told me, and I appreciate it all!!

I have always been guilty of worrying WAY too much about what people think, and in this business, to an extent, you have to look out for yourself and your own business.

You all are WONDERFUL!!
  • #24
I want to preface this statement by letting you know that I wholeheartedly agree with everything that has been said here: that director was out of line, you did everything right in talking to the MIL about the situation, and your director is awesome to stand by you.

That said, I just wanted to add this: if when you ask someone at the party if she'd like to book a show, she says something to the tune of, "yes, but I think I'm going to book with Suzy's DIL to help her out," I would still submit the booking so that the MIL can still get the benefit. My guess is that that won't happen, but I just thought I'd provide a devil's advocate idea.

I have done this once or twice at parties before when a guest says, "I already have a consultant I work with--can Suzy Host still get the booking benefit if I do my party with her?". It's a rarity that that happens, but when I do what's best for my host (even when it's not what's best for me), it sends a message to my host (and any guests who know about it) that I am a professional, and I have put the best interests of my host above my own. Besides that, it also says to the host and guests that this isn't a cut-throat type of sales company like some others!

Just a thought...
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  • #25
Right... I totally agree with that Brandie!!

I will go along with that, if the guest indeed says that, but I do not agree with that director wanting me to give ALL the bookings to her, considering the host followed the 50 in 5 and 'mixed the crowd' very well!! I send out over 40 invitations!!!
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  • #26
i can't believe her director wanted you to give her your bookings! i know its been said sorry :)
in every other ds company i've been with over the past 14yrs the ONLY time anyone was given bookings was when it was my host signing on. OR if by chance i couldn't for some reason do a show and the host did not want to reschedule. i always gave the show to my downline and if no one could do it then my upline.
maybe the dil should host a show of her own and have her director come be the consultant and give her the bookings. better yet why not train the dil how to get her own bookings
whats that saying?
give a person a fish and they eat for a day
teach a person to fish and they eat for a lifetime

something along those lines anyway lol

and if your clustermate is upset with you oh well she'll get over it and if she doesnt she will be the one carrying the negativity(is that even a word? lol) around with her not you

hope the show goes great and good luck with your bookings!:)
  • #27
pamperedlinda said:
I would definately let your director know what is going on.

I would too. I have yet to see the leads that my director told me she would give me when I started. But I have done fine on my own(with the help of a good friend and all of the wonderful ladies and gents on CS.
I would make a suggestion to the DIL at your show to ask her director for leads.
Good luck Let us know what happens.
  • #28
pamperedchef_OK_LA_MS said:
OK, just talked to my director (same director as the one who asked me to give bookings)

She had already heard the other directors side... and she said basically that she sees both opinions, and neither of them are incorrect.

She sees that the other director asked because it is the MIL, and the DILwould have gotten those bookings if she would have been the one doing the show. (Remember, I asked the MIL, and she still wanted me to do the show...)

But she also sees my opinion, as I have invested time, money, and effort in the host (MIL)

She said that I have made my decision, and I need to stick to it. I made the point that when I first started, nobody gave me bookings... and if the director wanted to herlp her, than she could do a show, and give DIL the bookings...

My only concern is that my fellow clustermate (director who asked) will be upset with me...

It is interesting to me that the other director ALREADY went to your director. She is either pushing hard for what she WANTS or feels guilty in a way about asking you to give up business.

I'm glad your director told you to stick with it. If that fellow clustermate gets mad, let her know you already asked the host if she wanted to book with DIL and she said no, that is her decision. Now, you need to stick with yours and do your show as you always would. Unfortunately, chances are you won't get TONS of bookings if the DIL shows and "announces" her PC business, but who knows, they may still like you better.

Stick with it, do your best, relax... Even if that other lady gets upset (who knows why?) - you have your virtual cluster behind you. If she gets upset, tell her to go host a show for the DIL and give her bookings away not another person's!

Anyway, make it a good show and have fun!

Related to Handling Booking Conflict: My Dilemma as a PC Consultant

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