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Gimme Some Cheese With This Whine

In summary, the speaker has been feeling tired and disinterested in their Pampered Chef business, despite having success with it. They are not enjoying the shows and the constant questions from their recruits. However, they appreciate the camaraderie and the money that comes with the business. They are hoping that attending a conference will re-energize them and they have committed to giving their business 110% for at least one year. They are also seeking advice on how to handle their negative recruits.
So, I usually don't like these "woe is me" posts, but I needed a bit of a sounding board from people who might know where I'm coming from.

The problem? I'm kinda tired of Pampered Chef! I shouldn't be, as I've only been doing this since February, but I am. It's not like I'm doing poorly at it, either. But my whole attitude right now about it is just kinda "whatever".

So here's what I don't like about it:

1. The Shows
They're just not as much fun as I thought they would be. The teacher in me doesn't like when people don't seem to be listening, and it's getting old having to schlep my stuff all over the northern VA area, then having to do the dishes afterwards. Most of my shows have been 30-60 minutes away and that's getting kind of old too. And I'm not really keen on "convincing" people they should have a show. It's either you do or you don't.

2. My recruits
I have 4 recruits (yeah I know -- go me!) and two of them are great. The other two suck the life out of me with their constant questions and acting like they don't have an ounce of positivity nor sense in them. Yeah, I know I'm whining in this post but I'm only doing this once. I work all day (except not now since it's summer) encouraging kids to not be negative, I don't enjoy having to do it with adults who are older than me.

What I do enjoy about it:

1. The camaraderie
I love my cluster and our twice-monthly cluster meetings and the social camaraderie I've gotten out of it. I've met a lot of wonderful new people and that's been fulfilling.

2. The money
Who wouldn't? Let's face it -- it's just good money. Though I don't like the fact that it's not guaranteed money -- the amount will fluctuate each month. But still, it's darn good for the amount of work actually done.

So yeah, my thoughts have gone to quitting but I do think it's way too soon to do that. Plus, I need the extra money. I'm hoping I'll be re-energized like nobody's business after conference! If I'm not, then I guess there's a bigger problem, eh?

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. Re-reading this I think I sound like a bit of a horrible person, but I'm really not! :)
Keith - use a few bucks of your commission and hire a kid to do your dishes after shows this summer! :)Keep that list of why you like it and what you've bought with the money in front of you.For the things you don't like...change them! It's your business, make it fit you! You're OBVIOUSLY doing many things right with 4 recruits in 4 months!
P.S. On the recruits sucking your life out of you, enlist your director's help on how to handle the situations. Teach them to go to consultant's corner for things or come here for help and tell them to read their policies and procedures manual again.
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  • #4
janetupnorth said:
P.S. On the recruits sucking your life out of you, enlist your director's help on how to handle the situations. Teach them to go to consultant's corner for things or come here for help and tell them to read their policies and procedures manual again.

Thanks for the tips -- and I agree with you. But how to tell someone that without making it sound like "Hey I don't really care to hear from you now because I've told you this same thing about 5 times already?" :)

So, you ARE going to conference? That should be the kick in the pants that you need! You will be amazed at what you can learn, and how "anyone" can succeed in this business!

Your whines sound legit...we all get tired of those things, since they aren't the FUN things in our business!

One thing I did in the beginning (with my DH's help...) was commit to selling PC and giving it 110% for a MINIMUM OF ONE YEAR! I knew (and DH did too) that once I hit that marker that I would either know it was for me, and have a pretty large customer base, or we would know that it just wasn't working for our family.

Do you have someone that you can make an agreement with so you REALLY COMMIT? Even wait till after conference so you can see the big picture and you can come away with your new plan/goals for your business!

Obviously, you are doing something RIGHT to have 4 recruits in such a short period of time! Keep it up!

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  • #6
KellyTheChef said:

So, you ARE going to conference? That should be the kick in the pants that you need! You will be amazed at what you can learn, and how "anyone" can succeed in this business!

Your whines sound legit...we all get tired of those things, since they aren't the FUN things in our business!

One thing I did in the beginning (with my DH's help...) was commit to selling PC and giving it 110% for a MINIMUM OF ONE YEAR! I knew (and DH did too) that once I hit that marker that I would either know it was for me, and have a pretty large customer base, or we would know that it just wasn't working for our family.

Do you have someone that you can make an agreement with so you REALLY COMMIT? Even wait till after conference so you can see the big picture and you can come away with your new plan/goals for your business!

Obviously, you are doing something RIGHT to have 4 recruits in such a short period of time! Keep it up!


Yeah, i couldn't not go to conference. Then I'd feel like I was left out of something and that is just unacceptable in my book. My director does a good job of keeping me on track -- we talk a few times a week and are close. I do think I need to give it at least a year. Even with the things I don't like -- it's not like it's a lot of work. I just want to enjoy it again so I can be all gung-ho and kick some major boo-tay.
We can all get in those slumps! I think you need to refocus on why you started with PC and go from there. If you don't like driving 60 minutes to a show, schedule those on weekends or encourage catalog shows. I will only drive 45 minutes on a work night so that I'm not home too late. Do you demo during your show or before. I found that if I do the recipe before hand and then talk about the products during the show, it gives me enough time to wash the dishes before the show instead of taking the time afterwards.

By the way, you are not a horrible person for posting this! You've come to the right place for some encouragement and advice.
As I read your posts I thought "yeah, that sucks, yeah that sucks too." I agree with everyone else though, make it work. You seem to be really close to becoming a Director and then there are even MORE reasons to be excited. For one thing that #2 reason is even better, sometimes it means double what I would make not being a Director. I just got a guy to join my team last month and I'm excited about that. You need to stick around and share your expertise with us as your grow your biz. You're doing great, keep it up and focus on the things you like and are good at.
As for your recruits, do you feel you are babying them too much? It is their business, you are not their "boss"..maybe they are confused as to what role you actually play to them...you are not their "director" (yet), so as someone else mentioned, if it gets too much for you, lead those recruits to your director, maybe she can gently coax them into going into it on their own.

I agree about "talking hosts into" having a show, sometimes though, you might have to make it clearer as to WHY they should. I think in the hosts mind, they know they want to, it looks interesting, but they may not understand it, what it's all about, and that is where you come in...

I also agree about the driving distance...although you can write off the mileage, which is great, you have to wait until Jan to do so! I have really considered how far I will go for a show, and then if I feel it is too far, the host NEEDS to have some outside orders and REALLY feel they can get guests there to make it worth your time. If you are talking this person into it, it might be in your best interest to have them do a catalog show.

As for the perks of PC, the people you meet, the money you make and the discount on the products cannot be beat! Go to conference, your attitude WILL change!
BTW, what wave are you in?
  • #10
I got this tip from a very wise Director - when someone on your team asks you a question that they should know (for instance, it's covered in the policies), ask them, "What did the policies say about that?" or "What are you doing to improve that?" Let them tell you what they're doing - most of the time, they'll realize that they have nothing to tell you because they aren't actually working.And, if you can't change your team, change your team! If the consultants on your team won't/don't learn and keep sucking the life from you, add some new blood to your team. You'll feel better for having successfully recruited, and your team will get an infusion of new blood. Which is sometimes all it takes to give them a kick in the patoot.
  • #11
How about introducing your team to this site so they can ask questions here or find answers?
  • #12
Make a list of their most-frequent questions and make a quickie answer email or document to send them each time. I also suggest you let the go-getters on your team help answer the others' questions. They might enjoy "making it a team effort" to get everyone on the same page!

Trish in Texas
Independent Consultant
  • #13
Set office hours and tell them to leave a message on your phone or send an email with their questions. Tell them to SAY what they are asking about so that you can be ready with the answer to save time for both of you.

Then don't answer the phone unless it's during the times you published. Answer at your convenience. If you control your business your business will not control you.
  • #14
Hi Keith:

I've been doing this for 8.5 years, and I just wanted to encourage you that what you are going through is very normal--just give yourself permission to hang in there, because you WILL get your enthusiasm back. It's summer, too, which in my experience definitely affects my attitude. Any job you have is going to have its "geez, this is a drag--why am I doing this again?" aspects to it--don't throw the baby out with the bathwater yet! At least this way you have more control than answering to someone else. Shoot, my boss is the nicest lady I know, LOL.

As for your team members, yes, there are those that will do that. Just like kids. But as they grow they will become less dependent on you (just like kids). Encourage them to find their own answers and solutions as well as you can, and encourage them to NETWORK with each other! It builds cammaraderie and makes it easier on you!

As for the travel time, I use that sometimes to make phone calls (gotta love Bluetooth) in the car, and sometimes I just put on my Ipod or radio and chill out. Consider it time to yourself.

Hang in there, you will love conference! What wave are you?

  • #15
Conference will do wonders! You'll have so much fun!
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  • #16
Nanisu said:
Hi Keith:

I've been doing this for 8.5 years, and I just wanted to encourage you that what you are going through is very normal--just give yourself permission to hang in there, because you WILL get your enthusiasm back. It's summer, too, which in my experience definitely affects my attitude. Any job you have is going to have its "geez, this is a drag--why am I doing this again?" aspects to it--don't throw the baby out with the bathwater yet! At least this way you have more control than answering to someone else. Shoot, my boss is the nicest lady I know, LOL.

As for your team members, yes, there are those that will do that. Just like kids. But as they grow they will become less dependent on you (just like kids). Encourage them to find their own answers and solutions as well as you can, and encourage them to NETWORK with each other! It builds cammaraderie and makes it easier on you!

As for the travel time, I use that sometimes to make phone calls (gotta love Bluetooth) in the car, and sometimes I just put on my Ipod or radio and chill out. Consider it time to yourself.

Hang in there, you will love conference! What wave are you?


Thanks a bunch, Nancy! I like the idea of setting hours. Of course they all know I have no life ;)

I am in Wave 3...if you're there you can easily spot me by looking for the hot bearded guy. :love:
  • #17
leftymac said:
Thanks a bunch, Nancy! I like the idea of setting hours. Of course they all know I have no life ;)

I am in Wave 3...if you're there you can easily spot me by looking for the hot bearded guy. :love:

Drats, I'm in wave 1..oh well!
You will have SO MUCH FUN!
Last year I was burnt out and then while I was at conference I started booking shows for the fall...it was very motivational!
  • #18
Ditto what everyone else has said. Stick with it, you'll be glad you did.

Re: the guest talking---I have a consultant on my team who is a former teacher/now stay at home mom. She really struggles with this at her shows. You just have to remember, the guest are there to see the host and have a good time. I agree, it is frustrating when they don't listen--but if they are having a great time that is all that matters.

I think my host/guest enjoy the relaxed environment. If you listen close while they are talking, you can learn more about them & a lot of the time it's Pampered Chef products they are talking about. Which just means more sales in the end for you.

Hang in there!
  • #19
leftymac said:
Thanks a bunch, Nancy! I like the idea of setting hours. Of course they all know I have no life ;)

I am in Wave 3...if you're there you can easily spot me by looking for the hot bearded guy. :love:
Yes but just because you don't have any personal life, doesn't mean they can run all over it!

I'm in Wave 3, I'll have to look for you!
  • #20
leftymac said:
Thanks a bunch, Nancy! I like the idea of setting hours. Of course they all know I have no life ;)

I am in Wave 3...if you're there you can easily spot me by looking for the hot bearded guy. :love:

Reminds me of that Chippendales Pampered Chef show e-mail that was floating around! LOL See you can really milk that and increase sales! I tried to talk my husband into doing recipe and a show but he didn't go for it. :)
  • #21
flemings99 said:
Re: the guest talking---I have a consultant on my team who is a former teacher/now stay at home mom. She really struggles with this at her shows. You just have to remember, the guest are there to see the host and have a good time. I agree, it is frustrating when they don't listen--but if they are having a great time that is all that matters.
A fairly large group of my regular customers are teachers, and ironically, they're the worst offenders when it comes to talking during the show. :rolleyes:

I do find that the simplest (and least offensive) way to control that is to get their attention, and let them know that you want their attention for 10 minutes - and then get the really important bits you want to cover out there. As you continue your demo, the people who are really interested will ask you questions, and may even shush the other guests so they can hear better.
  • #22
Conference will definately give you the boost you need! You'll come home & be on fire---hang in there....looks like the positive things out-weigh the negatives on your list.:)
  • #23
and 99.9% of the time TEACHERS forget to put their name on the order form so I always jokingly laugh & say you know how you take 10 points off your student's homework when they forget to write their name and they always smile and shake their head yes that's their biggest pet peeve I say well when you are a teacher and forget your name I add a $10 product to your order.... It's so funny how they forget
  • #24
flemings99 said:
Re: the guest talking---I have a consultant on my team who is a former teacher/now stay at home mom. She really struggles with this at her shows. You just have to remember, the guest are there to see the host and have a good time. I agree, it is frustrating when they don't listen--but if they are having a great time that is all that matters.

I had a lot of issues myself with getting people's attention (and yes, the teachers seem to be the worst). A couple of quick tricks for those that you just can't get to pipe down: Walk over and stand really close to them while you're talking to the rest of the guests...they'll automatically start paying attention.

I've noticed a lot more paying attention to what I'm saying since I've started doing the interactive shows, so get the talkative guests involved and up to help you if you aren't doing the interactive show.

HTH! Sorry I won't be in Wave 3, but hang in there and post when you get back on whether you've gotten your mojo back!
  • #25
there is a reason that Conference is in the summer...and Leadership is in the winter! I think all of us at one time or another, experience the down side of our business. Conference will perk you right up! You are probably going to be very overwhelmed as it is your 1st time there, so take away 1 or 2 things that you can implement as soon as you get home to change your business...for example:
one year, I heard about sending the invitations for my hosts and decided that would be the one thing I would concentrate on starting first. I went back to my notes about a month after Conference and found another idea to work on because I had gotten the hang of sending the inviations and could take on another challenge.
You are going to be fine!

Related to Gimme Some Cheese With This Whine

1. What is "Gimme Some Cheese With This Whine"?

"Gimme Some Cheese With This Whine" is a popular Pampered Chef recipe that combines creamy melted cheese with your favorite type of wine for a delicious and indulgent dip.

2. What ingredients do I need to make "Gimme Some Cheese With This Whine"?

To make "Gimme Some Cheese With This Whine," you will need 8 ounces of cream cheese, 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese, 1/4 cup of dry white wine, 1/4 cup of chopped scallions, and 1/4 cup of chopped bacon.

3. Can I use a different type of cheese or wine for this recipe?

Absolutely! While the recipe calls for cream cheese and cheddar cheese, you can use any type of cheese that melts well. As for the wine, any dry white or red wine will work. Feel free to experiment with different combinations to find your favorite!

4. How do I serve "Gimme Some Cheese With This Whine"?

"Gimme Some Cheese With This Whine" can be served as a dip with crackers, chips, or bread. You can also use it as a spread for sandwiches or to top off a baked potato. The possibilities are endless!

5. Can I make "Gimme Some Cheese With This Whine" ahead of time?

Yes, you can make the dip ahead of time and refrigerate it until ready to serve. Just be sure to let it come to room temperature before serving for the best flavor and texture.

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