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Get Your Opinion on My Email: Sending to 400 Addresses for Maximum Response!

does a lot of cold calling. She has a script that she follows, and she has found that it is the best way to go about it. She is very confident in her product and her ability to sell it. She also tries to make a connection with the person she is speaking to. She is not afraid to ask them questions and get to know them. She has found that it is the best way to get the best results.
Before I send this out, I thought I'd get your opinion on it.. What do you think? I have almost 400 email addresses that I'm going to send it to.. maybe I'll get a few bites! :p The odds should be in my favor, right? :D It's a tweaked version of something I found on here the other day, so thank you to the original creator of it.


  • Letter to Friends.doc
    29.5 KB · Views: 1,022
  • 2 Month Host Specials Flyer.doc
    371.5 KB · Views: 430
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That is a very nice letter. The only thing I will say about it is...when you send a letter to see if anyone wants to host a show..it is an easy out for them to not reply compaired to if you talked to them personally they are more apt to commit. If you decide to go ahead and send it..I have never done a PC show from beginning to end in only an hour so you might want to change the time. You may be faster than I have been in 8 years but heres a break down. If it starts at 7 you dont get everyone quiet and ready till about 7:10...then have introductions, then talk about a few of the products,7:25 then demonstrate and make something7:40, someone else comes to the door, pop it in the oven from 10 min - 30 min, then answer questions (before, during, after) serve the product, clean up a little before you start taking orders, schedule a few shows, hand out a couple packets. Wayyyy past 8:00 by this time I am afraid. But other than that...good luck if you do send out the email. Let all of us know how it goes. You do have a nice selection of emails...I may be suprised.
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Okay I fixed it :)Okay, I fixed the letter and added the host specials flyer that I'm going to send along with it. (Look up to the original posting for them) I know that I'll be flying by the seat of my pants here, hoping for bites from just emails, but I don't have phone numbers for 99% of these contacts. It's just one of those last ditch efforts in trying to get some bookings, as I've called all my past customers/hosts and my list of 100 and everyone has said no.. So, I'm back to the drawing board, stuck at home with no car, and figure I might as well try this instead of doing nothing. Even if I get one person interested out of all the emails I send out, I'll break into a new circle of contacts and be better off than I am right now! :D Besides, almost every one of these people would only be able to have a catalog show for me, and right now I'm hoping to get some of those going b/c my schedule is up in the air while I'm waiting on whether I can go visit my parents or not (I can't wait to see my dad--I haven't seen him since the accident!).. so I'm praying that this really opens things up a bit for some catalog shows, so that I can go up there when the opportunity opens up.
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Looks good and like I said before....Good Luck, you never know till ya try!
follow-upI would also make a follow up phone call (I know 400 is a lot), best option. OR send a follow up email about a week later.
Kudos for "going for it"!Great energy to get your business launched! Yes, send out the 400. On the letter, try for some less verbiage. Maybe less-large font - work for more white space on the page. About 20% white space is good.

The mailing alone is nearly worthless. But follow it up with a phone call and/or email, and you have a powerful business launch. Don't hide behind a stamp - get out there and make those personal contacts. Doris didn't only send info out, she called friends and shook hands and connected with people. Ours is not a sales job - it is a connection job. Connecting people with products, connecting interested people with training and a phenomenal job opportunity (with free 12" Executive Cookware) and an amazing rewarding enterprise.

Good luck. Maybe send it out in waves - 50 at a time. That is more manageable for you to follow-up. Have your host packets ready - you are going to get bookings!! :)
Wow Scott!!
Your post is very motivating!!!!


Do any of you approach people outside your 'warm' market? And if so, what approach do you take?


Related to Get Your Opinion on My Email: Sending to 400 Addresses for Maximum Response!

1. Can I personalize the email for each recipient?

Yes, you can use the mail merge feature to insert individual names or other personalized information into each email.

2. How do I ensure maximum deliverability of my email?

Make sure to avoid using spam trigger words, use a clear and concise subject line, and regularly clean your email list to remove inactive or invalid addresses.

3. Should I include images or attachments in my email?

It is best to avoid using images or attachments in your email as they may increase the chances of the email being marked as spam. Instead, use a well-designed and visually appealing email template.

4. Can I schedule the email to be sent at a specific time?

Yes, you can schedule the email to be sent at a specific date and time using the email marketing platform's scheduling feature.

5. How do I track the success of my email campaign?

You can track the success of your email campaign by analyzing the open and click-through rates, as well as monitoring any responses or inquiries from recipients. The email marketing platform will also provide analytics and reports to track the campaign's performance.

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