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Fun with Catchphrases: Share Your Favorite (or Most Annoying) Ones Now!

In summary, some Catchphrases that the author hates are "I told him, I said....", "I have no clue...", "Simmer down" and "I'm fixin' to...". Other catchphrases that the author finds annoying are "Happy, Happy, Happy", "I don't do IV drugs" and "irregardless". The author also hates when patients lie to health care workers and say that they had nothing to eat or drink or that they drank all their oral contrast.
Gold Member
I figured since we have been having so much fun with the Random Thoughts thread, I'd start one about Catchphrases that you love to use or annoy the heck out of you!!

One of my favorites is "Was that REALLY necessary?"
(usually in response to a silly email my boss sends out)

One that I can't stand is "Simmer down"

What catchphrases to do you use? Or that just crack you up? Or that makes your skin crawl?
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How about "Truthfully and Honestly", that one kills me. Sometimes I want to say no just lie to me today.
My neighbor always says "I'll be honest with you..." , like she is lying about everything else. I think it's funny.

And when I was travelling, someone pointed out that we New Yorkers say "I told him, I said...." during conversation. Now I make a point NOT to say it!

Another one I HATE -- "I have no clue...", like there were clues all along (like a game)...
  • Thread starter
  • #4
laurichef said:
And when I was travelling, someone pointed out that we New Yorkers say "I told him, I said...." during conversation. Now I make a point NOT to say it!


I stopped myself from saying "I'm fixin' to..." after I realized it's such a Texas thing and I try to avoid talking like a stereotypical "Texan".

I have this co-worker who constantly says "Happy, Happy, Happy"........it annoys me to the point I feel like kicking something. Ironic it makes me feel like that when he's saying "Happy" :rolleyes:
I HATE when I'm starting an IV and the patient says "I hate needles" hhmm really because normal people love them?? I stick myself with them unnecessarily ALL the time. Is that opposed to "I love needles". Please don't get it right the first time so you can stick me again??? Oh and let me see if I can see a vein below that huge TATOO you have. Did they do that without a needle? And for FREE? And let me guess it was medically necessary and your doctor wrote you an order for that tatoo.
pampcheflisa said:
I stopped myself from saying "I'm fixin' to..." after I realized it's such a Texas thing and I try to avoid talking like a stereotypical "Texan".


Oh sorry Lisa, I hate when people say that too it always sounds so improper and trailer trashy to me. The word is FIXING number one and secondly it makes no sense to me to say your going to FIX to do something. You might plan or prepare to do it but you don't "FIX" to do it.
This is Off Topic, but Tammy will like it. I was working in ICU with a patient that had been very ill, but was better off the vent and doing fairly good. After a few days on a vent and all a patients veins become very limited. I was trying to restart an IV as well as the attending Dr (weird huh a Dr actually helping) when the patient grabs the IV cannula and starts it himself.

The Dr shook his head and asked the patient "your not going to do anymore IV drugs are you"? The patient said "I don't do IV drugs". The Dr and I about died later, we know the only way a patient can start his own IV is if he is an IV drug user.
LOL Oh yes, love the patients that say "my veins are shot" and then they look down after I put the tourniquet on and start pointing at the ones I should try.

Yes when a patient says "I hate needles" I've been known to reply "guess you'd make a lousy IV drug user"

I will never understand why people aren't honest with health care workers. I love when they say they had nothing to eat or drink and we can see the food in their stomach, or they say they drank all their oral contrast and theirs nothing in their bowels. If someone is trying to help you why would you lie to them?
how about "what can I do you for" Isn't it, "What can I do for you?" The other way sounds like a sleazy come-on. ;)
  • #10
I can't when people say "I could care less..." That's not the phrase; it's "I COULDN'T care less." :)

Also, "irregardless" is a big pet peeve of mine. It's "regardless". If you look up "irregardless" in the dictionary, it actually denotes that it's a misspoken word often said by the less educated. haha!
  • #11
TammyStar said:
I HATE when I'm starting an IV and the patient says "I hate needles"

I hope you're never my nurse b/c I say that a lot b/c I an unsually scared of them after a traumatic child hood experience!! HAHA!

This thread is pointing out a lot of things I say. Most of mine come from being Southern and growing up with it.:D
  • #12
"Sure enough" , "it's over yonder".
  • #13
My MIL says "warsh", as in WASH, and "umberella", as in UMBRELLA....seems stupid, but it drives me up the wall!!

Here's another .... "same difference" as in "it's the same thing"...I use this one! :eek:

Or, "suck it up, Princess!"

Or, the known Canadian favourite .... "eh?" LOL...couldn't resist....:D

"It's about yea big and about yea long".....
  • #14
Marie I agree with the "Warsh" it is wash for me, but not the rest of my house.

I say "Crick" for "Creek" and I don't know why.
  • #15
One that really bothers me is when people say "with" without completing the phrase. As in, "I'm going to the movies. Do you want to go with?" With what, a knife? You? Malice aforethought?DH and I use a bunch of catchphrases, but they're mostly obscure references to quotes from The Simpsons, some of which have been shorthanded. Like "blah blah blah 5 bucks" is our shorthand for "5 bucks?!? Where'd you get 5 bucks? I want 5 bucks!" And "blah blah blah 3 minutes earlier" is short for "We wouldn't be in this situation if she had started dinner 3 minutes earlier" and means "You should have started that task earlier than you did.'
  • #16
pampcheflisa said:
I stopped myself from saying "I'm fixin' to..." after I realized it's such a Texas thing and I try to avoid talking like a stereotypical "Texan".

I have this co-worker who constantly says "Happy, Happy, Happy"........it annoys me to the point I feel like kicking something. Ironic it makes me feel like that when he's saying "Happy" :rolleyes:

They say "fixin'" here in NC too - but not in WI.

When we first moved to NC my 2nd and 4th grade sons were determined not to "speak southern". Just a few months later my 2nd grader came up to me and said: "Dad's fixin' to buy me a laptop." I stopped him and asked him to say that again. He repeated exactly the same sentence. I then replied: "First of all dad is not getting you a laptop and second, ..."fixin'"?" He was appauled that he said that! We thought it was so funny.:D
  • #17
BethCooks4U said:
They say "fixin'" here in NC too - but not in WI.

When we first moved to NC my 2nd and 4th grade sons were determined not to "speak southern". Just a few months later my 2nd grader came up to me and said: "Dad's fixin' to buy me a laptop." I stopped him and asked him to say that again. He repeated exactly the same sentence. I then replied: "First of all dad is not getting you a laptop and second, ..."fixin'"?" He was appauled that he said that! We thought it was so funny.:D

Isn't it funny how the dialect just kind of sneaks up on you? I stayed in Tennesse for less than a week and found myself developing a drawl :)
  • #18
I was so glad when my teenagers got over the "Whatever" period. It became the answer to everything for a while. I started saying since its whatever that means no.
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  • #19
Oh, I just thought of another one......I (ashamedly) still use "Seriously" a lot. But, it's like a replacement curse word for me. If someone cuts me off in traffic, then I mutter "Seriously" to myself.
I know that Grey's Anatomy has ruined that for a lot of people and I recognize it annoys a lot of my friends, but it's still better than cursing, right??
  • #20
LOL!! I use it too, Lisa......Seriously, I do!! ;)
  • #21
I hate when Rachel Ray says YUM-O !!!
I can't even watch her anymore because it sounds so stupid to me for some unknown reason it just drives me crazy.

Okay now you got me started I hate the word T-I-T or T-I-T-T-I-E-S. I did mammograms for 16 years and when I'm at work, its a breast. So when patients say the above word or words I cringe. It sounds trashy and cheap (when I'm home it's boob or boobie)

One more word I think is super gross is LOU-GEE, LUGEE?? I tried to look it up on dictionary.com to figure out how to spell it and I can't find it anywhere. It sounds like something you would want to spit out! Anyone know how to spell it?
  • #22
TammyStar said:
I hate when Rachel Ray says YUM-O !!!
I can't even watch her anymore because it sounds so stupid to me for some unknown reason it just drives me crazy.
Me, too! I can't watch her at all.

TammyStar said:
Okay now you got me started I hate the word T-I-T or T-I-T-T-I-E-S. I did mammograms for 16 years and when I'm at work, its a breast. So when patients say the above word or words I cringe. It sounds trashy and cheap (when I'm home it's boob or boobie)
The last 2 you mentioned sound cheap to me, too (I can't even stand to type them). I actually asked someone at a social event to please refrain from using those terms in front of me because I found them offensive. He was shocked that someone would say something like that to him, although he's the first person to complain when he thinks something is offensive.
TammyStar said:
One more word I think is super gross is LOU-GEE, LUGEE?? I tried to look it up on dictionary.com to figure out how to spell it and I can't find it anywhere. It sounds like something you would want to spit out! Anyone know how to spell it?
It is something you want to spit out! I don't usually write it down, but I picture it in my head as loogie. ;)
  • #23
TammyStar said:
I hate when Rachel Ray says YUM-O !!!
I can't even watch her anymore because it sounds so stupid to me for some unknown reason it just drives me crazy.

I also hate it when she says "sammy" for sandwich. Drives me absolutely crazy. I can't watch her either.

I DO NOT like it when you tell someone something amazing or unbelievable and their response is "SHUT UP" or "GET OUT OF HERE".

Neither of those are appropriate responses. When I here either of those, it makes me want to do what they've said and just end the conversation.
  • #24
I have to admit that whenever someone says, "To make a long story short . . ." I mentally respond, "Too late!" I've never said it out loud, though.Talkers don't generally bother me unless they can't seem to read the I-want-to-leave body language. The funny part is that I'm definitely someone who will use 187 words when 3 will do. (Like you've never noticed. ;))
  • #25
ChefBeckyD said:
I also hate it when she says "sammy" for sandwich. Drives me absolutely crazy. I can't watch her either.

I DO NOT like it when you tell someone something amazing or unbelievable and their response is "SHUT UP" or "GET OUT OF HERE".

Neither of those are appropriate responses. When I here either of those, it makes me want to do what they've said and just end the conversation.

Those two are pretty close to "are you serious" or "are you kidding me" I'm in my head thinking why would I be telling you this if I wasn't serious and if I'm joking about something I add "Just joking" at the end of what I've said.
  • #26
I've been thinking about your original question. I'm sure if you asked people who are forced to spend large amounts of time with me they'd tell you I have a few catch phrases. I'm not aware of any, though. I guess I just don't listen that closely to what I'm saying.
  • #27
raebates said:
I've been thinking about your original question. I'm sure if you asked people who are forced to spend large amounts of time with me they'd tell you I have a few catch phrases. I'm not aware of any, though. I guess I just don't listen that closely to what I'm saying.

LOL - I had thought the same thing Rae! I couldn't think of any that I use - but I know they are in there, just waiting for me to open my mouth!
  • Thread starter
  • #28
I bet all of us that have children have sayings that we use that we aren't aware of. Bet the kids could answer that one for us!!

Probably by nature, we are more attuned to those sayings that other people around us say that annoy us, than ones we use on a daily basis that become unconscious.
  • #29
My husband used to HATE it when I said "...'til the cows come home", as in "You can scream until the cows come home, but it's won't change anything." Apparently I used the phrase excessively and it really grated at him :)
  • #30
My co-worker has a phrase that makes me laugh...when her desk is covered with projects or we have a lot going on in the office she will say, "who's on first?" My husband favorite phrase..."git r dun."
  • #31
TammyStar said:
I hate when Rachel Ray says YUM-O !!!
I can't even watch her anymore because it sounds so stupid to me for some unknown reason it just drives me crazy.

Rachel Ray has many phrases that bother me and this is one.

Okay now you got me started I hate the word T-I-T or T-I-T-T-I-E-S. I did mammograms for 16 years and when I'm at work, its a breast. So when patients say the above word or words I cringe. It sounds trashy and cheap (when I'm home it's boob or boobie)

I'm bothered by all of these. Never understood why it's difficult for people to use the word breast.

The one that really drives me crazy?

When I say "thank you", please say "you're welcome".
"No problem" is NOT the proper response!!!!! Please, please teach your children this one. :)
  • #32
chefjeanine said:
The one that really drives me crazy? When I say "thank you", please say "you're welcome".
"No problem" is NOT the proper response!!!!! Please, please teach your children this one. :)
Warning: Complete left turn ahead.So many people say "No problem" because "You're welcome" doesn't really seem to fit. One of my success references suggests using "It's my pleasure" in response to "Thank you."I now return you to the thread in progress. Remember, two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do. ;)
  • #33
TammyStar said:
Okay now you got me started I hate the word T-I-T or T-I-T-T-I-E-S. I did mammograms for 16 years and when I'm at work, its a breast. So when patients say the above word or words I cringe. It sounds trashy and cheap (when I'm home it's boob or boobie)

I do not like that word either. I agree that boobs sound better.

I do not like the word ( p or d )for a certain male part either. Especially if your 4 year old is saying it! HA!
  • #34
pampcheflisa said:
I bet all of us that have children have sayings that we use that we aren't aware of. Bet the kids could answer that one for us!!

Luke has said many that I realize I say: "Whatever" and "crap" have always been my two words but I am trying to at leat break myself from "crap." Although it is not a bd word, it does not sound good when a 4 yr old says it.

I say "actually" a lot, and he has picked that up.

I have noticed lately using "just" a lot and am trying to break myself of that.
  • #35
PChefPEI said:
My MIL says "warsh", as in WASH, and "umberella", as in UMBRELLA....seems stupid, but it drives me up the wall!!

Oh that is soooo funny. My gramma used to sing Jesus Shaves all the time. I still giggle when I think of it.
My MIL always says brat for brachwurst.

The ones that drive me nuts are
Oh no you didn't(or whatever pronoun you want to add)
talk to the hand
and everything being So Awesome (like fer sure dude)

I also hate it when my boys call me dude. Not a dude. I have the T-I-T-T-I-E-S to prove it. (just wanted to make some of you nuts:D)
  • #36
I too don't understand why we can't say "breast" when referring to the female anatomy. We have no trouble saying "breast exam" or "I'd like a breast" (when talking about chicken).

I don't like the use of "weiner" for the male part either. That's something you put on a hot dog bun.
  • #37
It drives me crazy how many people use the word "umm" as a filler when talking. These people obviously didn't think about what they were going to say before they said it. I once worked with a speech pathologist who would use "um" between each word. And you are teaching our kids how to speak??????
  • #38
One that I've found myself saying a LOT is "It's all good"...and it's actually starting to bug me! :yuck: Now, how to stop myself from saying it.

I've been learning to "speak Southern" since I moved to NC 3 years ago...one thing I've learned that cracks me up is you can say anything about anyone, as long as you finish it with "Bless your heart" (i.e., "He's such an idiot, bless his heart!"). :D
  • #39
Walmart does NOT have an "S" at the end either!!!:grumpy:
  • #40
Chefstover2 said:
One that I've found myself saying a LOT is "It's all good"...and it's actually starting to bug me! :yuck: Now, how to stop myself from saying it.

I've been learning to "speak Southern" since I moved to NC 3 years ago...one thing I've learned that cracks me up is you can say anything about anyone, as long as you finish it with "Bless your heart" (i.e., "He's such an idiot, bless his heart!"). :D

Oh that is so true!
  • #41
Well, I personally have "bosoms" (even though I know there's no "s" in the word and I know it actually means "chest").:D

My coworkers hate it when I say "knock yourself out" (similar in meaning to "help yourself" or "go ahead"). I once used the phrase "...if it harelips the governor." (I know, that's not very nice, literally speaking) One of my coworkers had never heard that old expression and he used it later as "...if it harelips the MAYOR."!!

I was having a really stressful day at work and I said "if that don't make you wanna holler 'hidie-ho!'" (spelling??) The same coworker as referenced above laughed til he cried. He said he would have been swearing and certainly wasn't expecting that expression.
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  • #42
Wow! I certainly killed that conversation! :(
  • #43
What can I say? You call Heidi a ho and we're outta there!
  • #44
raebates said:
What can I say? You call Heidi a ho and we're outta there!


Gotta think on my catch phrases and DH's phrases...
  • #45
When either of us (DH or I) get frustrated, we say "Aww, come on!" (You need to hear the emphasis and how we say it....) We never really paid attention till Evan (3) said it a few months ago when he was frustrated with one of his toys. I thought I would die laughing!

I also say "for the love of Pete" or "oh, for Pete's sake!" or "for cryin out loud!" when I get frustrated.

If someone is going slow in front of me I will say "pedal on the right" or "Punch it, Margaret!" (DSD once asked me how I knew her name was Margaret when she was about 7 years old! lol)
  • #46
When I hear Heidi Ho I think of Wilson from Tool Time or Steve Urkel! Definitly not something you hear around this house too often!

Funny thing now that my 2 1/2 year old Grandson repeats everything you say we are realizing all the bad improper things we say daily. I say "oh CRAP" all the time and then I hear an echo "OH CWAP GWAMMA" and then oh SH*T and my daughter says MOM
I can't help myself. SO I can't say "stupid, dumb a$$ idiot, moron, die, dead" his vocabulary is increasing as mine is decreasing!
  • #47
I have been known to say, "Yeah, and I'm the queen of England" when I doubted somebody's story.My nephew when he was little remarked, "You're the queen of England?"
  • #48
I did not realize I said a certain word too much, when I was with my brother and young nieces (they were 7 and 9 at the time) and I was telling them a story, and the 7 year old leaned over to her sister and said, out loud in a stage whisper, " I bet she says "phenonmenal" Uh-Oh!!! I started catching myself saying it after that. I also hate when someone says" "I really, really..... " and also when someone says, "know what I'm saying...."
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  • #49
I can't STAND when someone tells me to relax! Like I'm going to automatically listen and be able to do so? My DH knows nothing gets me more angry than saying that to me.

I find myself saying 'ya think?' alot when someone states something obvious
  • #50
One of the phrases I hate is ...."Ya know what I mean?". How often do we know what someone truly means when they are talking about something we know nothing about.
<H2>What catchphrases do you use?</H2><p>As a Pampered Chef consultant, some of the catchphrases I use include "Let's get cooking!" and "Food tastes better when it's made with love."</p><H2>What catchphrases crack you up?</H2><p>I find "That's what she said" and "You had one job" to be pretty hilarious in the right context.</p><H2>What catchphrases make your skin crawl?</H2><p>I personally can't stand the phrase "It is what it is." It just feels so nonchalant and dismissive to me.</p><H2>What are the most frequently asked questions about "Fun with Catchphrases"?</H2><p>1. What is the purpose of this thread?<br>2. Can I share multiple catchphrases?<br>3. Are there any rules for which catchphrases can be shared?<br>4. How often will this thread be updated?<br>5. Can I suggest a catchphrase for others to use or avoid?</p>

Related to Fun with Catchphrases: Share Your Favorite (or Most Annoying) Ones Now!

What catchphrases do you use?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, some of the catchphrases I use include "Let's get cooking!" and "Food tastes better when it's made with love."

What catchphrases crack you up?

I find "That's what she said" and "You had one job" to be pretty hilarious in the right context.

What catchphrases make your skin crawl?

I personally can't stand the phrase "It is what it is." It just feels so nonchalant and dismissive to me.

What are the most frequently asked questions about "Fun with Catchphrases"?

1. What is the purpose of this thread?
2. Can I share multiple catchphrases?
3. Are there any rules for which catchphrases can be shared?
4. How often will this thread be updated?
5. Can I suggest a catchphrase for others to use or avoid?

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