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Exploring the Possibility of Quitting My Job to Pursue Pampered Chef Full-Time

but it's so hard to make the jump.Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI am a full-time working professional with a full-time job and a part-time job with Pampered Chef.Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI have been working PC since I was laid off from my full-time job in June. I have averaged over $1,000 in sales each month since then. I am not currently at a point where I want to just stop working and do PC full time, but it is a goal of mine to eventually do so.Re: How
D Levad
Gold Member
I have a full time job but we are really slow so are only working a few days some weeks and other weeks more. I have noticed that I have been working PC quite a bit more during my time off. What did it take for any of you to decide to quit your job to do PC full time? I am not at that point yet but it is a goal of mine to eventually just do PC full time.
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI am doing PC full time but only because I have been out of work since June 4, 2008 after being laid off of my full-time job. I have had 3 of the last 4 months over $1,000 in Sales! January was the pits but February has been over $1,500. Since this is my only job, I can do more with it. I do all I can to contact people as much as possible, look for fundraiser opportunities, etc.
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI actually work 2 other jobs with Pampered Chef. I am a paraprofessional with our elem school (30 hours a week ) and I work as a banquet server and the time for that varies.
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI work full-time and I'm a Director working PC nearly full-time.
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI work part-time PC and part-time another job. My other job is a telecommunications manager.
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI work full time as a training designer and do PC part-time. I would like to have 2 shows a week but I think realistically I can manage 6 per month. I also have 2 recent recruits whom I try to coach once a week or so.
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joFT case manager here and PT passionate PC :) I only do about 2 shows a month, but would love to do more. Find myself obsessing about PC. I should join a support group, of wait, I already have.....LOL
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joFor me, it's just a hobby. I am truly grateful to be able to say that, too.
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI am a FT Domestic Lifestyle Engineer (at home Mom) and I feel I do PC part time, but after reading these posts maybe I do it full time. I have 6-8 kitchen shows a month and my average sales for the last 6 month would be $2,500.00 per month.
  • #10
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joMy answer would depend on what you consider full time vs. part time?
  • #11
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI work a Full time job at a Telecom business in the accounting department. And I probably would say PT on PC. I have been averaging $3000 months but minimal parties and time spent on it. Just been having luck with my hostess's!!

Since I started PC (2005) I have worked a FT day job and PC PT. I would LOVE to go FT with PC, but I am no where close to what I make at my day job to do so. So I will continue to work and do PC!!
  • #12
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI guess I would say PC full time. I average 6-8 parties a month. I work at Weight Watchers 2 mornings a week, but only 2 hour shifts. Grateful business has been so good with PC.
  • #13
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI have a FT job and do PC. I average 5-8 shows per month.
  • #14
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joChris, I also work FT in the finance department of a telecom company (Credit & Collections, which is just a fancy way of saying A/R, for PCCW Global).

To answer the question, I'm trying to transition from hobby to PT, so maybe in 3 years or so I can be earning enough to do PC full-time. Besides, it's just not right my recruit is doing so much better than me, and we live in the same small town!
  • #15
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI work full time our local health system doctor's offices. I do PC part time...but hope to (one day) do it full time!!!
  • #16
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joas much as I would love to, there just isn't enough population in my rural area to do this full time!
  • #17
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI have a full time day job, a volunteer position for a cat shelter that takes up about 10-15 hours a week and my goal is 3 PC shows a month (with 1 being catalog hopefully!)
  • #18
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI have a full-time job that requires about 50 hours a week, and an elderly father that I go to see as often as possible. I also sell Pampered Chef part-time (more of a hobby, it's something I really enjoy). I suspect once the new rules go into effect requiring $150.00 in sales every month, I will be an inactive PC Consultant.
  • #19
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI have a full-time job and I do PC part-time. I will never leave my full-time job because it has the best benefits. I enjoy doing PC part-time as there is less pressure.
  • #20
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI teach preschool mornings, do PC as a "hobbiest" and am a Director in Qualification with another direct sales company. I'm busy but love it! It's all about organization which I had to learn.
  • Thread starter
  • #21
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI think it would take quite a bit of sales before I could leave my job and be my own boss.
I am getting better organized with everything from making packets to being more organized even at my shows. It just seems a bit crazy some weeks and I figure it has to get to the point where I have some recruits under me before I could even consider leaving my other job. But then again if your sales are high it probably wouldn't matter if you had recruits or not. I have not had much luck in that area of the business.

Thanks for your responses.
  • #22
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI work full-time plus at a hospital in the Construction Department.

I work my PC biz part time 6 - 8 shows a month. My goal is to be full-time PC within two years, so when my youngest start's school I will be home with all three of my boy's. :)
  • #23
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI take care of my 3 grandsons (4 and under) 9 hours a day and used to have about 2 parties/month, and that is now creeping up to about 4 or 5 a month. My business seems to just be growing on me -- can't complain. I am also a PC junky. LOVE IT!!
  • #24
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time jo
D Levad said:
I think it would take quite a bit of sales before I could leave my job and be my own boss.
I am getting better organized with everything from making packets to being more organized even at my shows. It just seems a bit crazy some weeks and I figure it has to get to the point where I have some recruits under me before I could even consider leaving my other job. But then again if your sales are high it probably wouldn't matter if you had recruits or not. I have not had much luck in that area of the business.

Thanks for your responses.

I hear you on organization. That's a biggie for me too. I'm trying to get organized myself. I want to make PC more of a priority but it's hard to do. I work FT at a bank, pt at a subb shop (3 days a week about 15 hrs or less) and do PC. I need to get on the phone and get some shows, recruits, etc. I'm having a spring open house on the 14th and hoping that will generate some good show leads at least. I should at least get some orders if nothing else.
  • Thread starter
  • #25
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time jo
kcmckay said:
I hear you on organization. That's a biggie for me too. I'm trying to get organized myself. I want to make PC more of a priority but it's hard to do. I work FT at a bank, pt at a subb shop (3 days a week about 15 hrs or less) and do PC. I need to get on the phone and get some shows, recruits, etc. I'm having a spring open house on the 14th and hoping that will generate some good show leads at least. I should at least get some orders if nothing else.

Wow you are busy!!!!! I am too old I guess to do three jobs. I went to staples and got a book that has about 8 folders in it. I put all of my recruiting info in one and all of my packet making papers in the other. Now when I am making packets I can just flip through the book and have a packet made in no time.. That has really helped me right now.
  • #26
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI am a full time Personal Banker 40 hrs a week, mother of 3 & wife. When I first started PC I was also attending school for my bachelors degree (graduated DEC. 08)! Orginally I was holding 2 cooking shows a month, my goal for 2009 is 5 a month. I too hope that I can do PC full time!
  • #27
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI work semi-full time as a journalist and 1-2 shows with PC. Honestly ... cannot physically handle more than 4.

I've often giving thought to taking a part-time job to supplement my earnings, since PC is not working out to be a good source of secondary income.
  • #28
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI work Full time as a teacher. My husband is self employed so I carry the family health insurance. I love pampered chef, but need to keep my day job. I do 1-2 shows a month and am really happy with that. I hope to do 4-6 a month in the summer when I am off work. We will see if I can book enough. If it is something you really want, you will find a way to make it work. Good Luck!
  • #29
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joLynda,

You sound like me. I work full time as a teacher, and my husband is self-employed. I'm where I am, to have our health insurance. We have a diabetic son and can't imagine life w/o the insurance. We have over $300 for him a month as it is, with insurance. I'm trying to do PC full-time. 8 shows a month preferred, but I've only been 4 shows a month lately.
  • #30
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joMy FT job is being a wife & mom ...
PC is a hobby for me & I am also a labor doula ... both are just things I enjoy & like to help others out and share what I love ~ cooking & birthing babies naturally :)
  • #31
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joLynda & Julie you two sound like me, a PTimer. I've always said my 'goal' is 2 shows a month and some months that does not happen. There are times I think it is really not worth it because I put more $ into this business than make and I don't really reap the benefit of the discounts too often because I don't have the extra cash. I love my day job though, teach art is my passion.
  • #32
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI work at a financial institution full-time, and do PC part-time. 2-4 shows a month is my max. I started PC when I was home with my kids and did 4-6 shows a month then, but our family situation changed (hubby works from home, no benefits), so I had to go back to work for the benefits, but still needed my FT income plus my PC income (and I love it, too!). I don't know how I do it, but I do both jobs, plus the hardest job of all, MOM! :)
  • #33
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI work full time in a local goverment office, I also contract my time out part time to other local offices in our county doing part time work for them. PC right now I'm going to say is hobby. I hold 1-2 shows a month, although I would like closer to 4 cooking shows with some catalogs thrown in there. For a while I was working full time with 2 part time jobs, plus some contracting work, that was before PC though. I was finding that I was not able to take on all of the hours and still be able to take care of things at home. My BF sometimes works 60-80 hours a week between his full time job and his business. It was easier for me to give up my 2 part time jobs to beable to be home with the kids. Besides, he makes way more money then I do LOL!
  • #34
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI work full time as a staff pharmacist at our local hospital. I'm also a PC Director. I've learned that I cannot physically do shows back-to-back (eg. Mon and Tues), but in my previous life I thought 2 shows per week would be great. (BTW, my Sr Dr says 2 shows/wk is considered full time with PC)

Now, being by myself for the first time ever, I'm trying to decide just how many shows I really want to do. I'm really enjoying the solitude of free evenings and the spiritual growth that seems to be springing from them. But that would go in another thread, wouldn't it!

With my recent move, I haven't had a live show since October, except for my Open House I had last week. I'm just about ready to leave my new cocoon and venture out again.
  • #35
Re: How many of you are full time with Pampered Chef or part time with a full time joI have a FT job and work PC 6-8 shows average per month.

Related to Exploring the Possibility of Quitting My Job to Pursue Pampered Chef Full-Time

1. What made you decide to quit your job and pursue Pampered Chef full-time?

For many of us, it was a combination of factors. Some of us were unhappy with our current jobs and were looking for a change. Others saw the potential for growth and success with Pampered Chef and wanted to focus all of our energy on it. Ultimately, it came down to being passionate about the products and the company, and believing that we could make a successful career out of it.

2. How did you know it was the right time to quit your job and focus on Pampered Chef?

There is no one answer to this question as it varies for each person. Some of us had been building our Pampered Chef business on the side while working full-time, and once we saw our income from PC surpassing our full-time job, we knew it was time to make the switch. Others had personal or financial circumstances that made it necessary to leave their job and focus on PC. It ultimately comes down to when you feel ready and confident in your ability to make a successful career with Pampered Chef.

3. What challenges did you face when transitioning to full-time with Pampered Chef?

Transitioning to full-time with Pampered Chef can certainly have its challenges. Some of us had to adjust to being self-employed and managing our own schedules and finances. Others had to overcome the fear of leaving a steady job for something new and unknown. There can also be financial challenges in the beginning as you build your business, but with dedication and hard work, these challenges can be overcome.

4. What advice do you have for someone considering quitting their job to pursue Pampered Chef full-time?

First and foremost, make sure you have a solid plan in place. Set realistic goals and have a clear understanding of the financial commitment and potential challenges that come with being self-employed. It's also important to have a supportive network of friends, family, and fellow Pampered Chef consultants to offer guidance and encouragement. Don't be afraid to take risks and trust in your abilities to make a successful career with Pampered Chef.

5. What do you love most about working for Pampered Chef full-time?

There are so many things to love about working for Pampered Chef full-time. For many of us, it's the freedom and flexibility to work on our own terms and be our own boss. We also love the sense of community and support within the company, and the ability to make a positive impact on people's lives through the products we sell. And of course, we love being able to share our passion for cooking and entertaining with others while earning a living.

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