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Did My First Show End in Disaster?!

In this particular case, Anne, you were probably trying not to let anyone see that you were bleeding, so it was more embarrassing when it was noticed. However, it is over now and you can just rest assured that no one will ever know. You did the right thing by stopping and putting a bandaid on. Be thankful that it wasn't worse. Have a great day,Sandy
Well, it was kind of a disaster... sales were JUST at $150. anyway, I actually CUT my self!!! I was trying not to let anyone see it was bleeding but it was too bad. So anyway,,, I was SOOOO embarrassed. Thank goodness it was people I knew. My neighbour though sat closest and probably noticed... man is she going to give me a hard time tomorrow.

Oh well...its over and I just need some rest! Yikes.

I REALLY need to reherse more and keep a sheet more at hand. I guess you learn from your first show and probably other shows.

I cant believe I CUT MYSELF!! UGH!

It Happens...Don't feel so bad. I know exactly how you feel about cutting yourself --- really klutzy!! I KNOW because I did the same thing at a show last spring. I was slicing open the bread ring for the Savory Sandwich Ring with my hand on the inside of the ring and I cut my finger. It bled, too, so I had to borrow a bandaid from my host. How embarrassing! But I didn't want it to drip on anything. I was mortified. Since then, when I make that recipe I bake it at home and slice it open before I take it to the show.

Don't knock yourself out about it. If cutting yourself is the worse thing you ever do at a show, you'll be OK.

Just Shake It OffI've been there too, only instead of a cut it was a burn. I took the pizza stone out of the oven using the rack. I then left the rack on the counter to cool, and transferred the stone to the round wovenware. Anyways, 2 seconds after doing that, I turned back around and grabbed the hot rack with my bare hands!!! I could hear the skin sizzle. Out of instinct I threw the rack across the counter - everyone jumped and the dog yelped! I said I was fine, but I really wasn't, the burn was blistering. Since I didn't want to draw anymore attention to myself I decided to clutch a wet cloth the remainer of the show, using the cover that I was wiping my hands...
We've all done it.Anne don't be discouraged. We have all had shows that barely qualify and a year ago, doing my first sole festival, while unpacking my display items, I reached into my crate grabbed the apple wedger. Let me tell you, I personally know why PC began making the protective cover last spring!

My thumb was cut so bad, it bled for at least four hours - the first 2 of which I did not have a bandage. In the booth alone and my mother had to walk the 2-3 miles across town to the Longs, and back to bring me one. When no one was around I held my thumb above my heart, but once the festival opened I used the underside of my apron as the bandage and applied pressure! It was impossible to shake hands, write receipts, or anything. As soon as I would release the pressure, it would start gushing again.

Don't let it get you down, you have the diaster behind you and you have FABULOUS shows ahead!
It happened to me, tooActually, the skin on my hands just "broke" apart during my first show...I have really "girly" hands and sometimes this happens when my knuckles get too dry. It taught me a valuable lesson....ALWAYS BRING GLOVES WITH YOU!!! I don't think anyone would care if you had to stop to put a bandaid on, but I think it makes them feel better if you put gloves on over it. If there's nothing wrong with my hands, I don't wear them...but I'll always have them from now on, just in case. :)

Have a great day,
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Thanks for all your kind words :) I did actually stop and put a bandaid on..I also put some gloves on over it. Thank goodness I had them :) I joked later on when using the food chopper that I dont even think "I" could get hurt using it. lol.

I also switched to a duller knife when I continued.. I think Iwas too nervous to go back to that one...not to mention it is probably a good idea to not use a knife that just sliced my finger to prepare the rest of the food. lol YOu could REALLY tell the difference in how well the knives cut the tomatoes.

Anyway, thanks for the encouragement!

Boo-boo's of all kinds at shows!I think all of us have (or will) nick ourselves at one time or another during our careers. We are used to working on counter-high bartops at our houses; but at shows we work on unfamiliar levels, we're talking and looking at the guests rather than always at the food, it's easy to do. (I should know ;) ). I have cut or nicked myself at shows on the knifes, the apple wedger, who knows what else.
I wouldn't be able to share your joke about the chopper being "harmless". YES, I have cut myself on the chopper. I was unloading it from the dishwasher, it slipped & I tried to catch it. The blades went across two of my fingers. The first time I tried to use the US&G, I did so without the guard. Need I say more! To make it worse, I was cutting lemons and the acid was not cut-fingers friendly!
As for switching to the dull the knives...I make a comment in my shows that you WANT to use sharp knives. More cuts and injuries occur due to using dull knives. They slip easier because of the required pressure you try to use to make them cut effectively. Good sharp knives will glide easier through the food, making it much safer for your fingers.
Lastly, I always keep two bandaids in my tool-turn-about....just in case. (I seem to cut two fingers at a time when I do injure myself)
youre not aloneI can feel all of your pain. so far i havent cut or burned myself at a show. my place is at myhome. the first time i used my chopper i was trying to be all proper and scrub everything perfectly...you know what i mean. well lets just say i cut my middle finger pretty bad. the whole time i was bleeding i was laughing and my husband thought i had lost my mind. i just told him to be glad it wasnt a show. i did have to go to the show with a big bandaid on my finger though. and just a few nights ago i was making grilled cheese sandwiches and the butter popped up on my hand. now i have a horrible burn mark all the way up my index finger again. dont know what it is about that finer!!! i have a show next week....should be interesting explaining that one. after all we are such professional chefs right? lol
Thank goodness my bad cut was right after the show. I was transferring the left over taffy apple pizza onto a paper plate with the slice and serve. The server slipped and sliced down my finger and my nail--it was bad! It bled horribly. I almost passed out. I waited til it quit and finished packing up. On my way home I called my sister and told her about it so she was waiting for me when I got home-a 30 minute drive. When I unwrapped it she thought I could have used stiches but I opted not to. Then here came my mom and step dad to help out. My step dad was helping clean it up and I felt very faint but held on. I even had to wear a plastic splint so I wouldnt hit it or knock it on something. It took a long time to heal but didnt lose my nail, as others thought I would. So even though the slice and serve doesnt look dangerous..IT IS!!!

Related to Did My First Show End in Disaster?!

1. How can I prevent a first show disaster?

To prevent a first show disaster, it's important to plan and prepare ahead of time. Make sure you have all necessary supplies and ingredients, and practice any recipes you plan to demonstrate. Also, make sure to communicate with the host and guests to ensure everyone is on the same page.

2. What should I do if something goes wrong during my first show?

If something goes wrong during your first show, stay calm and try to find a solution. If a recipe doesn't turn out as expected, have a backup option or improvise with the ingredients you have. Remember to keep a positive attitude and keep the show going.

3. How do I handle a difficult or uninterested audience during my first show?

If you encounter a difficult or uninterested audience during your first show, remember to stay positive and engaging. Ask for their input and involve them in the demonstration. Also, try to connect with them on a personal level and showcase the benefits of the products in a relatable way.

4. What should I do if I forget a step or ingredient during my first show?

If you forget a step or ingredient during your first show, don't panic. Simply acknowledge the mistake and move on. You can even turn it into a teaching moment, showing the audience how to recover from a mistake in the kitchen. Remember to stay confident and have fun with it.

5. How can I make my first show a success?

To make your first show a success, it's important to be well-prepared, engaging, and personable. Practice your recipes and demonstration beforehand, and make sure to communicate effectively with the host and guests. Be enthusiastic and showcase the benefits and features of the products in an interactive and fun way.

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