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Did Clint's team win on last night's Celebrity Apprentice episode?

In summary, the teams competed in a song contest, with Clint Black and Joan Rivers being the final two. Joan won, and the rest of the contestants were fired.
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Last night I fell asleep before Celebrity Apprentice was even half over. The Furry Guy changed the channel to watch something else, thinking I was taping Apprentice. He got up this morning and asked, "How did Clint do with the song?"

So, Did Clint's team win? I can't imagine that they didn't. How did things go for both teams? Who was fired?

What happened with the Piers interviews?

Who are the final two?

Clint's team lost. His jingle was too country. The final two are.........................are you filled with suspense..........................................

Joan Rivers and the poker player (can't think of her name)

Should be crazy!!!
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  • #3
Wow. The Furry Guy will be disappointed.Thanks.
I can't belive Joan came back..... She gets on my nerves...
Joan may get on my nerves but Annie (the poker player) is a b**** too. She seems too smiley and UGH! to me. Glad Brandi and Jesse are gone. I mean it would have been interesting to see Jesse try and bring in the big bucks but I too didn't see him asking his wife for money.
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  • #6
This is a good example of why you should never just leave your TV after the program you've watched has ended. Twenty minutes later, we were wondering what was going to happen. Now we've watched the stupid thing for 4 weeks. I didn't care for Jesse. He seemed incredibly childish. We liked Clint Black. He at least seems respectful of others. Brandi--if you have to keep telling people you're not a dumb blond, you probably are one. Watching her be manipulated by Annie was almost painful.Joan is Joan. I was a bit surprised when she came back, but when she said she wouldn't make her team suffer because of something personal to her it made sense. I can't say I like her, but she's true to herself.Annie I don't like at all. I think she's a lying, conniving user. That probably serves her well as a professional poker player, but I wouldn't want to have to deal with her. I'd hate to see her win.
I cant stand Annie she is a huge manipulator. I am afraid she is going to win though.
Jessie seemed to have no emotion to me. Joan is Joan.
Brandi cant even spell crap. It is going to be interesting next week
OK, if Trump wanted Sandra on the show why didn't he just ask her? Did anyone else notice he couldn't talk to Jesse without mentioning his wife? I don't recall him ever asking Clint about his wife who is also an actress/singer! In fact I kinda respected the fact that Jesse was determined to do this on his own, not as Mr Sandra Bullock!
It really wasn't Trump that can't stop mentioning Jesse's wife - it's Pierce. Both times he's been on he's like "your married to one of the most beautiful,most successful women in the world but you haven't used her like you should have". Good for Jesse for keeping his private life private.

As for Annie - one of her teammates needed to just up and smack her one of those times she said "I did more work than anybody" which she said every week.
  • #10
I only just watched last weeks episode today, so I still need to watch this Sunday's and get caught up...but here's some of my thoughts so far...I like this show, but Donald just bugs me sometimes. I hate how he invited people to do the show, only to belittle them that they don't know good enough people to get donations from. He expects everyone's contacts to just shell out all this money. It's the expectation that drives me nuts. I know a lot of the famous people have money, but sometimes it just comes across so tacky. Like people are only worthwhile if they have good connections and only connections with a high price tag.I can't stand Annie, but I think Donald loves her (or at least her type). He likes people who can stand up to others, bring in money, be super confident. He hates losers and when people show signs of weakness. His ego is so incredibly huge. I hate how he'll ask a question, only to cut the person off and then make side comments or rhetorical questions to his daughter/other business confidant/etc and leave the person just hanging there trying to figure out how to defend themselves or answer.Clint bugged me at times, but most of the times I felt like people were unfair to him. Some weeks I think they were right (the little people episode), but others he was seriously trying to help and did listen to others. Jesse was upset that Clint didn't love his magazine ideas, and I think Clint should have listened a little more, or thought through that idea more with Jesse, but they way he came across I think offended Jesse and that's what set him off. But he shouldn't have been silent the whole time only to go off at the final hour.And what was up with Melissa's extreme blow up at all the filming crew and such? I know she was ticked off, but that was just crazy rude. Very much a drama queen. I do think she was talented and agreed with a lot of her observations, but she was acting in such ways that I think made matters worse for herself. Did they ever say what Donald wrote on the paper to Jim? I think he was offended when Melissa interrupted him and said "Will you let me just finish!" (as tempting as that is to say sometimes, it was a bit rude to the host/boss)
  • #11
Did anyone watch the finale on Sunday? I just watched it last night (thanks to the DVR!)Any thoughts?
  • #12
Yes, didn't like either choice.I really don't like Annie but I wanted to see her beat Joan only because I was sick of her co-dependent relationship with her daughter that no one wanted to touch...You wonder why they aren't married...Hmm...I can name a few reasons.Annie could have been more graceful in not repeating the story, but she was screwed because of Joan and no one was willing to bring the truth out in that one and they just brushed it under the rug. Annie waited patiently each time to defend herself and speak while Joan threw a temper tantrum.I actually would have liked to see Jesse against Clint in the end...that would have made an interesting game. Some don't like Jesse, but I do...he is a hard worker and got where he is by working, not by name-dropping. He was one of the most down-to-earth people there (in the end)...I would have liked to have seen Claudia and Scott Hamilton get further. But in celebrity apprentice it is about the money more than anything, that was obvious.I do give kudos to Jesse for giving Dennis a kick in the butt...I hope someday he sees that Jesse was looking out for him.
  • #13
I felt bad that Annie never was taken seriously about the designers quitting due to Joan. That bugged me how instantly Joan and Melissa called her a liar and made it out that Annie was conspiring. I do think Annie was a game player through this and probably was a bit 2 faced at times, but I think Joan and Melissa went a bit too far in the name calling. I really did feel bad that Annie got picked on so bad toward the end. She was so strong, it actually was sad how much she was reduced to with them all ganging up on her and Donald cutting her off.It was very interesting. I think Tom was right about telling Annie that Joan is a comedian and that things are inflamed from her due to that trait. I agree. Remember how she was so nasty about Clint, but then after having a good experience w/ him at a challenge she took back what she had said. I think she goes off on a tantrum and builds things up 20x bigger, just because that's what she's like. Joan is used to getting her way and is a drama queen. I could understand why the designer quit. She did belittle him and make reference to him working with a friend of hers. She kept questioning him and making nasty noises and faces in reaction to his ideas, but didn't help steer him where she was wanting. I agree that he didn't seem to have great ideas, but she was a bit harsh with him. (IMHO, anyway)I thought it was so funny when Dennis called Annie on his cell phone right behind her. She was quite high strung and really into micro-managing, but with something this important to her, I guess I could understand that...I'd probably be the same way. :)
  • #14
Yes, we cracked up about Dennis and the cell phone too!
  • #15
My DD said she wondered if the designers quitting was planned all along! I mean really...they needed yellow and red for Kodak and Joan's designer kept saying white....

Related to Did Clint's team win on last night's Celebrity Apprentice episode?

1. What is the premise of "Celebrity Apprentice?"

"Celebrity Apprentice" is a reality television show where a group of celebrities compete against each other in business-related tasks to win money for their chosen charities.

2. Who are the current hosts of "Celebrity Apprentice?"

The current hosts of "Celebrity Apprentice" are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tyra Banks.

3. How do celebrities get eliminated on "Celebrity Apprentice?"

Celebrities can get eliminated on "Celebrity Apprentice" by either performing poorly in a task or by being fired by the host for not living up to expectations or causing conflicts within the group.

4. Are the tasks on "Celebrity Apprentice" real business challenges?

Yes, the tasks on "Celebrity Apprentice" are real business challenges that are designed to test the contestants' skills in areas such as marketing, sales, and project management.

5. How do charities benefit from "Celebrity Apprentice?"

Charities benefit from "Celebrity Apprentice" by receiving donations from the winning team's project and from any additional funds raised throughout the season. The winning celebrity also donates a portion of their prize money to their chosen charity.

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