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Director Consultant Needs Advice on Getting Shows

In summary, the consultant is having trouble selling her products and hosting parties because she is not able to practice her speaking of her business. She recommends following up with orders, hosting a party with local hosts, and hosting a show using e-mail instead of phone calls. She also recommends giving guests 60% off their host flyer if the current host puts them on their show.
One my consultants posted this on our team FB page and I'm hoping some of you can help me with some ideas for her. I'm tapped out today...:(

UGG.. so I need some advice... I keep getting book parties and doing okay with them but I'm not able to practice my speaking of my business and provide the opportunity to most, its so frustrating. I love that people want the products but on the other hand I feel like I'm not able to expand and grow my business. Any idea's?

Is she following up with orders? Essentially they are all outside orders, so she can call them to introduce herself...thank them for their order and offer tips for their purchase. She can do them as MAC calls and still do a fsco over the phone to inform them about all our opportunities: biz, hosting etc.Also, is she exploring kit credit and biz with each catalog host?Just a few quick things that come to mind.
Are these hosts local to her? She can do a host appreciation at her house encourage them to bring guests. At a live cooking show it easier to get people interested in hosting a party.
I've been doing a LOT of catalog shows since the evac in March. Most are overseas, so I'm doing all my contact by e-mail vs. phone calls. I thank them for ordering from the show, tell them what day we are scheduled to close & when I expect that they'll receive their order (based on where they are located in the world) and then explain the past host booking benefit and encourage them to let me know before we close this host's show if they think that they might be interested in hosting an ONLINE show (like the current host), a cooking show, fundraiser or wedding shower in the next 6 months. I make sure to let them know that current host can get something off their host flyer at 60% off, but only if I put them (the guest) in as a booking on this show. I have a whole blurb about starting their own business in my e-mail signature with links to my web page. So far, I've gotten several more catalog shows & one recruit lead with that method.

Hi there! It sounds like you're doing a great job with your book parties, but you're looking for ways to expand and grow your business. One idea could be to offer cooking classes or workshops to your customers and their friends. This would give you the opportunity to showcase your products and also demonstrate how they can be used in different recipes. You could also consider hosting a themed party, such as a holiday cooking party or a healthy eating workshop, to attract new customers and generate interest in your business. Another idea could be to partner with other local businesses or organizations to host joint events or offer special discounts to their members. This can help you reach a wider audience and potentially attract new customers. Lastly, don't forget about the power of social media and word-of-mouth marketing. Share your experiences and products on your personal social media accounts, and encourage your satisfied customers to spread the word to their friends and family. I hope these ideas help, and best of luck with growing your business!

Related to Consultant Needs Advice on Getting Shows

1. How can I get more bookings for my shows as a consultant?

As a consultant, networking is key to getting more bookings for your shows. Attend industry events, conferences, and trade shows to meet potential clients and showcase your expertise. You can also reach out to your existing network and ask for referrals or recommendations. Additionally, utilize social media platforms and online directories to promote your services and attract new clients.

2. What are some effective marketing strategies for consultants to promote their shows?

One effective marketing strategy for consultants is to create a strong online presence. This can include having a professional website, regularly posting on social media, and creating valuable content such as blog posts or videos. Collaborating with other industry experts or influencers can also help expand your reach. Additionally, offering special promotions or discounts can entice potential clients to book your shows.

3. How can I differentiate my shows from other consultants in the industry?

To stand out from other consultants in the industry, focus on highlighting your unique skills and expertise. This could include specialized knowledge or experience, a unique approach or methodology, or a specific niche market that you cater to. Additionally, regularly gathering testimonials and reviews from satisfied clients can help showcase the value and quality of your shows.

4. What should I consider when pricing my shows?

When determining the price for your shows, it's important to consider the time, effort, and resources required to create and deliver them. You should also research the market rates for similar shows in your industry and take into account your target audience's budget and perceived value of your services. Don't undervalue your expertise, but also be mindful of staying competitive.

5. How can I ensure a successful and engaging show for my clients?

To ensure a successful show, it's important to thoroughly understand your clients' needs and expectations. Prior to the show, communicate with them to gather information and tailor your content accordingly. Practice and rehearse your presentation to ensure a smooth delivery. During the show, engage with your audience, encourage participation, and be open to feedback. After the show, follow up with your clients to gather feedback and continue building a strong relationship.

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