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Chocolate Silk Mousse in Crispy Shells Tip

I'm making it right now- but using prep bowls upside down instead of aluminum foil for baking the crepes. It's working great! But they sort of slide around on the stone, so be careful. It was my husband's idea, I have to give him credit.
Using prep bowls instead of foilNoraDawn,
At conference, I questioned why not use the prep bowls. It was explained that using them on the stone can cause thermal shock due to the different heating of the glass and stones, thus causing breakage to one or both. Although it may have worked, our test kitchens try things many times. I would advise against doing it. (IMO)
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  • #3
Wow! Thanks for letting me know. Glad I got lucky this time!
Need recipe ASAPcan anyone email me the recipe for the Turtle Fudge Skillet Cake found in the All The Best Cookbook on page 108. I left my cookbook at home and I am needing the recipe for a host.

[email protected]
Here you go:
Turtle Fudge Skillet Cake

1 package (18.25 ounces) devil's food cake mix (plus ingredients to make cake)
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
4 squares (1 ounce each) semi-sweet chocolate for baking
1 jar (12.25 ounces) caramel ice cream topping, divided
1/2 cup pecans, chopped
Vanilla ice cream or thawed, frozen whipped topping (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350?F. Prepare cake mix according to package directions in a bowl; beat until smooth. Melt butter in a skillet over medium heat, tilting skillet to coat bottom. Gently pour batter over bottom of skillet, spreading evenly.

2. Bake, uncovered, 30-35 minutes or until cake tester inserted in center comes out clean. Carefully remove to cooling rack. Loosen edges of cake and carefully invert cake onto heat-proof serving plate.

3. Chop chocolate. Combine half of the caramel topping with chocolate in a bowl. Microwave, uncovered, on HIGH 30-60 seconds or until melted. Stir until smooth. Carefully spread caramel fudge glaze over cake.

4. Chop pecans; sprinkle evenly over glaze. Drizzle with remaining caramel sauce, if desired. Serve with vanilla ice cream or whipped topping.

Yield: 12 servings or 24 sample servings

Nutrients per serving: Calories 440, Total Fat 24 g, Saturated Fat 6 g, Cholesterol 85 mg, Carbohydrate 55 g, Protein 6 g, Sodium 490 mg, Fiber 2 g
thanks Debbie...You're a life saver. I was dreading going home to get that recipe and then finding a copier.

Chocolate Silk MousseI made these in wonton wrappers for a cluster meeting and they turned out really well. I pressed them into the mini-muffin pan using the tart shaper, and then I spritzed water on them with the Kitchen Spritzer, lightly dusted them with cinnamon and sugar w/ the shaker, baked for about 10 minutes, cooled, and filled. It was a lot cheaper than crepes and makes a perfect mini-treat!
:) That's a great idea Diane! I LOVE the berries and cream wonton cups so I think the wonton wrappers would work well with this recipe too! I have made these crepes and they do taste really good! The mousse if phenomenal!
I tried this recipe last week. While the crepes were good, I felt they got a little soggy after the mousse was put in them, so I also tried making the wonton cups in the mini muffin pan, and I think that they came out so much better, also when doing this for a show, the little cups will travel easier, just leave them in the pan, cover and go! The other thing I found the crepes were twice as expensive as the wontons, plus one package of wonton wrappers will make 2 batches of cups (at least 48 cups).
  • #10
rwesterpchef said:
At conference, I questioned why not use the prep bowls. It was explained that using them on the stone can cause thermal shock due to the different heating of the glass and stones, thus causing breakage to one or both. Although it may have worked, our test kitchens try things many times. I would advise against doing it. (IMO)
I was going to say the same thing. Most people were wondering at conference why the prep bowls couldn't be used, and that's what they told us. The person I talked to said something about the air trapped under the bowl when you invert it onto the stone and it heating faster because of the contained air and shattering the bowl.
  • #11
Why don't we usethe mini fluted pan to make the crepe cups?

Just an idea - we'd at least be able to show off another use for the stoneware.

  • #12
we could eitherput them in the cups or turn the stone over & "mold" the crepes right to the stoneware pan. The aluminum foil is just a waste & doesn't make sense.

  • #13
I tried them in crepe cups in the regular muffin pan... Like someone said already, they get really soggy. I am going to do them in pie crust cups, still in the regular muffin pan. That way you still get to show stoneware. The baked wontons are Great !!!
  • #14
Where do you find crepes, and wontons?? How do you fix the wontons?
I am unfamiliar with both of these, so I am kinda lost. SOrry, I'm just a country girl that loves meat/potatoes/veggies. Thanks
  • #15
proudmama02 said:
Where do you find crepes, and wontons?? How do you fix the wontons?
I am unfamiliar with both of these, so I am kinda lost. SOrry, I'm just a country girl that loves meat/potatoes/veggies. Thanks

You should be able to find both crepes and wontons at your local grocery store. If you can't find them, ask for assistance and maybe where else you might be able to find them.

I haven't tried this recipe yet, but when I saw in the pictures of the huge ball of foil being used as a mold I automatically thought "what a waste". Glad to hear everyone else thought that too and are trying to think of some new ways to substitute a roll of foil! I can see how the wontons would work better too. The good ole trial and error method is great way to figure this stuff out!
  • #16
Maybe you could use tin foil that you would have normally thrown away, save it in a ball... this may take a while to save up a few. Just a thought.

I have also hear that using tin foil on the stone isn't a good idea, that it could crack the stone while in the oven with tin foil on it. Anyone else heard something like this?

Anyone tried the potstickers? At conference I was so excited about them, but lazy me hasn't tried them yet!
  • #17
Crispy ShellsI was wondering aren't egg roll wrappers the same as won tons only bigger? Could we use the egg roll wrappers in the stoneware muffin pan or are they still to small? Maybe they could even be overlapped. That's what my sister-in- law does when she makes eggrolls. They are still very crispy but she fries those. What do you think?
  • #18
you could use the eggroll wrappers, just cut them in half (to almost a square shape) then use them in the mini muffin tin.
  • #19
We made the Chocolate Silk Mousse in Crispy Shells yesterday at our meeting. We tried putting them over the prep bowls (bowls upside down). The problem we had was the crepes cracked as we tried to cut them. The cracked no matter what we tried. We put them on the foil and the prep bowls. We ended up cutting them into smaller pieces and putting them in the mini muffin pan. We cut them with the bread tube. It worked better, but the crepes wanted to pop out of the mini muffin pan. They still looked great when cooked flat.
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  • #20
I did a demo of this recipe at our meeting yesterday, too! I'm curious about the cracking crepes. Did the crepes crack before they were baked, or after? I've made it twice now, and haven't had anything like that happen. Maybe it was a different kind of crepe? I think the brand we have here is called Melissa's.
  • #21
They cracked as we were trying to cut them. We made sure not to fold the crepes (we had squares, not circles). Water will not "mend" them.
  • Thread starter
  • #22
And it wasn't phyllo dough, right? Phyllo dough cracks really easily- it's a beast to work with. But the crepes we used were really easy, forgiving.
  • #23
I tried them for our last cluster mtg. Our store didn't have crepes (!) so I made some. They were flexible, but I couldn't get them to stay in the mini-muffin pan, either. I ended up putting uncooked rice in each to weight them down. The filling was great, but the crepes were yucky! Probably my recipe...
  • Thread starter
  • #24
My store doesn't have them, either! My director found them at Wal-Mart, but I avoid that place like the plague. Kudos for making your own. If my director hadn't found them, I was going to use the "phyllo nest" variation, but I wasn't excited about that, since phyllo is so tricky.
  • #25
I went to Publix (a south thing) and asked the man in the produce section. Well at the same time, the store mgr was walking by and asked if they carried them. He said no but called another store for me and found them for me that second! I told him that I sell PC and told him that I needed the crepes for this recipe (I had the recipe card with me) and he said no problem. He said starting tomorrow, he would make sure that he always had them in stock for me! I told him that I wouldn't be needing them until September but he insisted and they are there now~! I think that any store can be accomodating as long as you ask! :)
  • #26
Crackin crepesI made the silk mouse for a show on friday night, and I also found that they cracked very easily. I found that if you leave the plastic paper on one side of the crepe and fold it gently not putting too much pressure on the folds it did not crack as easily.

Also you ave to be very delicate when you lay them over the foil.

I also found the if I left them in for more than 3 minutes they got a little too dark for my liking.

I must say that they were a great hit, everyone loved it and could not stop raving about how amazing and "fancy" it all looked. I did not have any (too many calories ;) ) so I don't know if they got soft or not, but I think the guests ate it so fast it did not have a chance to get soft. :D

Hope this helps you guys.

  • #27
Has anyone tried the Chocolate Mousse Recipe with real whipped cream?I am going to try it, but I thought I would throw that out as an option if someone doesn't like the Cool Whip idea. Let me know.
  • #28
I've made the MiniCrepes cups with the mini muffin pan. I havn't had a problem with cracking so far, and having them premade for the show means there are lots, so can do 2 fillings (with one EA Decorator prefilled, and demo making the other filling.) I still demo cutting the crepes to the big size, and it seems to work for me. I demo the large cups draped over an upside down mini fluted pan. I haven't had any problems of soggy crepes as someone mentioned above, perhaps it is the brand (Freida's) that I've found at Zehrs & Loblaws here in Canada.

  • #29
I made these for a family get together this weekend, and did my own little variation...
I found pre-baked little cups right with the frozen pie crusts and biscuits (they didn't have crepes, either) and they worked PERFECTLY! They stayed crispy after the mousse had been in the for over an hour (in the ref). I topped them each with a fresh raspberry and it was perfect! I think, for a show, the smaller version would be a better option...and SO much easier!!
  • #30
Crepes AdviceGosh, where to I begin? Okay first: [NoraDawn, so nice to hear you share the same plague syndrome as me when it comes to HellMart! ProudMama02, I too am a country girl. Had a very hard time finding the crepes (checked Albertsons, Tom Thumb, HEB, Kroger, HellMart). Finally found at Central Market (an upscale grocer). Some Albertsons and Tom Thumbs will carry for sure, just depends on the areas of town that their store is in. (I used to work in the grocery industry). Pampered Ginger, don't use your prep bowls. (See message below).

FINDING CREPES: The crepes are located in the PRODUCE section. Contact your grocer and talk to the Produce Manager. Many grocers will order and keep on hand for you if they know you'll be utilizing. Now for the issue with that, and cracking.

CRACKING OF THE CREPES have a lot to do with their freshness. Crepes are very perishable, which also accounts for their cost. Be sure to look for an expiration date or freshness date on the package. I had an initial problem with cracking. I lightly sprayed both sides with olive oil in the kitchen spritzer, then molded to cut my heart tops. It does help a bit.

USING PREP BOWLS OR STONES IN PLACE OF FOIL - Although I cannot speak for using the mini-fluted pan, I wonder if they would be as "bowl" shaped as what I made mine with the foil. DO NOT USE THE PREP BOWLS ON THE STONE to replace the foil. I checked on this at conference. They explained that the uneven heating from glass to stone, and the heat that gets trapped underneath the upside down prep bowls, can potentially cause the stone and/or prep bowls to break.

USE FOIL - don't tightly ball up the foil and you won't use as much. I use only about 2 yards to get 6 balls (same as I use when wrapping 6 baking potatoes). Buy the cheap stuff, it's much cheaper to waste 20 cents worth of foil than to take the chance of BREAKING YOUR STONES OR PREP BOWLS - OH NO!!!

Sorry for the long note. I spent quite a bit of time talking to HO and trying these myself, so thought I could save you folks some headache moments!
  • #31
How far in advance do you think I could make the shells out of the crepes? I want to have all of the shells done for a show on Wednesday night and would like to make them tomorrow...do you think they would be crummy a day later? If I can't do them in advance like that, then I will try it with the wonton skins as I know those would keep just fine for a day.

I can't wait to try these out!
  • #32
I don't know about making them yourself. All I know is that they are very good! :cool:
  • #33
cheesehead said:
How far in advance do you think I could make the shells out of the crepes? I want to have all of the shells done for a show on Wednesday night and would like to make them tomorrow...do you think they would be crummy a day later? If I can't do them in advance like that, then I will try it with the wonton skins as I know those would keep just fine for a day.

I can't wait to try these out!
I did them one day in advance. They were still fine the next evening.

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