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Chef Success SUYB 2011 Class: Share Your Goals!

motivation is to have a successful business and reach my goals as soon as possible. I want to attend my SED/NED's Director retreat this year!
Gold Member
(***This is for people who have signed up for the Chef Success SUYB 2011 Class. The class is now full & I am no longer accepting participants.***)I know that everyone's goals are different. Some may be looking at $500 more per month on their paychecks and some may be looking at Director in 30/90 days. So please post your goals below for this course.
  • Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course?
  • Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?
  • Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2012?
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5 weeks - consitently steady 2-4 shows every month, nor more inactive months and earning the carrot each month
2011- above plus regain my Senior Consultant
2012 - Team Leader with the consistent sales and recruits to keep the title and HO leads
5 WEEKS - either hitting the ground running or already there, 4-6 shows for Sept.
2011 - Consistently 6 shows (or more) a month; approaching Directorship or already there
2011 - Advanced Director

My motivation: Husband is currently unemployed (retired from Air Force) and while technically we are making ends meet, it's barely and we need to get ahead!
5 weeks- 2 more parties booked for August/ 3 more for September/ and 2 for October
2011- consistently having 6 parties or more held each month/ at least one recruit/ first $1,000 Party
2012- Team leader / with a consistently filled calendar
5 weeks - consistently 4-6 shows each month
2011 - probably need to be a Team Leader to meet my next goal
2012 - Director by National Conference and maintain title

Motivation - more money and I love the Pampered Chef products, especially FREE!!
  • Thread starter
  • #6
LOVING the goals! :D
 5 week goal: Have a consistent show schedule with 2 shows per week & be a Team Leader
 Be a Director with at least $1000 paychecks by the end of 2011
 Quit my j.o.b. & move up to Advanced Director by end of 2012
5 week - holding one - two shows per week & maintaining team leader title
end of 2011 - within 1-2 months of directorship, consistently holding 2-3 shows per week, maintaining status and lead eligability
end of 2012 - approaching advance directorship, consistantly holding 2-3 shows per week, earning trip reward at chosen level
5 week goal: To have at least 6-8 bookings that hold per month, specifically cooking shows as I have not had good luck with catalog shows.
End of 2011 goal: To be having at least 6 shows per month with at least 2 recruits.
End of 2012 goal: To continue having cooking shows with a minimum of 8 per month with at least 5 recruits that stay active.
  • #10
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course? A "full" show schedule through October of at least one show per week. Full to me would be 4-6 a month. This would also allow me to promote to Team Leader (by September hopefully!). Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?I would like to promote to director (need more 4 lines min.). I want to attend my SED/NED's Director retreat at Ocean Isle this year! :) Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2012?
I want to be like Sheila!! ;) I would love a full/consistent business, earning everything the company offers (the trips, gifts for sales/recruiting, Excellence Award or two).
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  • #11
5 week goal: Book and hold a minimum of 4 cooking shows a month, more is better.
End of 2011: Book and hold a minimum of 6-8 shows a month and have 2-3 recruits.
End of 2012: Continue the success with bookings and grow a team to be a Director at least.
I would like to be like Sheila too and also have a consistent, steady business.
  • #12
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course?
A full work schedule, balance of time management with real life, make my team strong and keep them all interested in doing the business
End of 2011 goal: Director
End of 2012 goal: Advance Director
  • #13
I agree Sheila...these are great goals! Looking forward to working with everyone to get there. Loving the specifics. For those who did not specify...

When you say a full schedule...it's good to know what that translates to in terms of number of shows and number on the team.

I'll also ask you to define what consistent and successful means to You.

This is going to be awesome!
  • #14
nikked said:
5 WEEKS - either hitting the ground running or already there, 4-6 shows for Sept.
2011 - Consistently 6 shows (or more) a month; approaching Directorship or already there
2011 - Advanced Director

My motivation: Husband is currently unemployed (retired from Air Force) and while technically we are making ends meet, it's barely and we need to get ahead!

Jolie_Paradoxe said:
I agree Sheila...these are great goals! Looking forward to working with everyone to get there. Loving the specifics. For those who did not specify...

When you say a full schedule...it's good to know what that translates to in terms of number of shows and number on the team.

I'll also ask you to define what consistent and successful means to You.

This is going to be awesome!

Consistent to me will be working my business like a business, not a hobby. Doing what I say I will do, when I say I will do it, and not letting life's little irritations get in the way. Setting a schedule as to phone calls, and actually doing it.

Success will be when I can reap the rewards of my labor, and the results of my consistent efforts in my paycheck and future downline!
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Awe, you girls are sweet! But you have to remember I've been living in limbo since March! I'm no where NEAR earning a trip this year, but planning to kick it into high gear & at least try to hit bronze before the end of the year! ;)
  • #16
My goals -
End of 5 weeks: Be more consistent with my biz - have 2-4 shows per month, provide great customer service (this means following up with guest and hosts after the shows), and be consistent at making at least 3 contacta a day.
End of 2011: Be more comfortable with recruiting and become a senior consultant.
End of 2012: Be at least a team leader, have a busy calendar (4-6 shows) every single month.These are my goals :D I know that these must seem too little for some, but I am a hobby consultant and work full time (and love my work). BUT....I LOVE PC too and I love all the perks and the extra money I can earn every month. I'm really looking forward for this so I can learn from Sheila and Laurie and frorm everyone else.Thank you!
  • #17
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course?
I have a busy show schedule, my goal is to keep it filled and keep the hosts excited. I plan to work more on my communication skills with my hosts, my clients, my new consultants and my team.
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?
I would like to be an Advanced Director working on Senior Director. I am hunting for folks who not only want to be a consultant but who want to be a leader. The beauty of our biz is it is for everyone...I am looking for diamonds in the rough!
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2012?
Definitely Senior Director and who knows maybe more?? :)My good friend is my director and AD. She has been with PC for 11 years. She has been through so much, ups and downs, and I am excited to help her actually get beyond the plateau.One of my big goals is to actually be a helper to my team...a stepping stone to their success. I would like to continue to develop the skills that would encourage and motivate them to reach their goals, perhaps even their dreams.
  • #18
ilovpc said:
My goals -
End of 5 weeks: Be more consistent with my biz - have 2-4 shows per month, provide great customer service (this means following up with guest and hosts after the shows), and be consistent at making at least 3 contacta a day.
End of 2011: Be more comfortable with recruiting and become a senior consultant.
End of 2012: Be at least a team leader, have a busy calendar (4-6 shows) every single month.

These are my goals :D I know that these must seem too little for some, but I am a hobby consultant and work full time (and love my work). BUT....I LOVE PC too and I love all the perks and the extra money I can earn every month. I'm really looking forward for this so I can learn from Sheila and Laurie and frorm everyone else.

Thank you!

as another hobby/part-timer my goals are very similar. They are NOT small. To you and me, they are as big as the goals others have of doing at least 2 shows a week. The beauty of this business is that it is OUR business and we can tailor it to our needs. I am right there with you regarding specific goals.

And Laurie, for me consistency is NOT going inactive (which happens 2-3 times a year but never to the point of losing career sales) and having the ability to earn the sales promo EVERY month which I usually don't. I earn them probably 2-3 times a year right now. Once I get those under control, the rest will follow.
  • #19
* Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course?
I would like to DO what I've been saying I WANT to do for a long time now! (actions, actions, actions!) I want to hold and submit at least 6 cooking shows/month. I would also like to improve my host coaching for catalog shows as well as learn HOW to recruit and train new recruits successfully. I have recruited two, and they have really no desire anymore. * Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?
I would like to regain at minimum, my senior consultant title. My real goal is to be a director by Christmas, earning at least $1000 a month. * Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2012?
After going to my first National Conference, I told my SD that I was going to be walking across that stage next year! I want a sash and a tiara for the celebration! So, guess what?? I want the recognition! Oh, and I want to be in a position to quit my full time job and make TPC my full time career when my youngest daughter graduates from High School in 2013.
  • #20
That's the great thing about this biz: you can work it any way you want and no one is going to look down their nose at you! I've been doing just a couple shows per month but have been wanting to ramp it up for the past several years - just haven't got my butt in gear and done it. Now is the time to do it & be able to quit the j.o.b. that is just a paycheck for me since I don't enjoy it any longer & be able to spend more time with my 87-year-old Dad. As a bonus, once I'm where I want to be in my PC biz, I can take off in the middle of the week to hit the beach if I want! That's the real goal! :-D
  • #21
Laurie, Consistent for me has many meanings as someone else stated as does my own success. I have heard several people here put it into lovely words and all I can say is I couldn't have said it any better!
I so look forward to this group, this class and working hard on jumping out of this rut and running into the light!
  • #22
And here are mine:

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course? Developing Leaders and able to provide the training and support needed to reach those goals.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011? I'd like to have promoted to Senior Director. I just need to find those on my personal team who are interested in growing their teams, and helping them along the way to leadership. I am currently working with 4 teammates who are in the organization, but I am in need of finding some on my personal team as well. :D

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2012?
I'd like to be well on my way to ED. Again, the key is to locate and assist those personal teammembers interested in promoting.
  • #23
ilovpc said:
My goals -
I know that these must seem too little for some, but I am a hobby consultant and work full time (and love my work). BUT....I LOVE PC too and I love all the perks and the extra money I can earn every month. I'm really looking forward for this so I can learn from Sheila and Laurie and frorm everyone else.

Thank you!

Fanny, never belittle your goals. Nor feel you need to defend them. :D Success is defined by you. The beauty of the business is that YOU get to define the direction and goals of your business. Everyone is on the same journey with the Pampered Chef, but at different speeds with different needs. We should never compare ourselves to others because our wants, needs and willingness all vary.

I think your goals are concrete, specific and most excellent! The key is consistency and working through the challenges. ;) Hopefully, you'll find this series helpful and you'll be hitting those goals sooner than later!
  • #24
lt1jane said:
as another hobby/part-timer my goals are very similar. They are NOT small. To you and me, they are as big as the goals others have of doing at least 2 shows a week. The beauty of this business is that it is OUR business and we can tailor it to our needs. I am right there with you regarding specific goals.


lt1jane said:
And Laurie, for me consistency is NOT going inactive (which happens 2-3 times a year but never to the point of losing career sales) and having the ability to earn the sales promo EVERY month which I usually don't. I earn them probably 2-3 times a year right now. Once I get those under control, the rest will follow.

Thanks for taking the time Jane. I agree with you. Consistency is key to a healthy and thriving business. So, it seems like you want to have a minimum of 2 shows a month? In order to get the free monthly incentive and also avoid that inactivity. Got it. Let me know if I'm off the mark. :)
  • #25
Great goals everyone. Looking forward to working together and in celebrating our successes along the way!
  • #26
smart2cook said:
Laurie, Consistent for me has many meanings as someone else stated as does my own success. I have heard several people here put it into lovely words and all I can say is I couldn't have said it any better!
I so look forward to this group, this class and working hard on jumping out of this rut and running into the light!

Yes, the definition of consistency and success varies with each and everyone. Which was why I wanted to start a discussion and ask what that means specifically for each of us. Someone may think in terms of $$, others in terms of shows or X time. It helps me understand what and where we are each heading.

I don't want to be asking someone to do 20 shows when the desire is only for 1. I don't want to ask someone to push for the Gold Trip when they simple want to work just to be able to pay for a monthly family activity. :)

Here's to the light blasting around you! :D
  • #27
Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course?
I want to get over my phone and recruiting phobias and work on growing my business.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?
I want to have 6-8 shows on my calendar every month between now and end of year with at least 1 recruit per month. I want to know I am setting myself up to earn the 2012 incentive trip and anything else the home office offers me.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2012?
I would like to be a director working on becoming debt free and leaving my full-time day job.
  • #28
* Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course? I would like to have a full calendar with repeat customers and referrals.
* Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011? I would like to have a few more recruits and on my way to Director.
* Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2012? I would like to be an Advanced Director by the end of 2012 or higher with full calendar, loyal, happy, and repeat customers and referrals. I would also like to have had a few fundraisers under my belt to help out with the community and also be 'THE' known PC lady in my area. ;)
  • #29
5 week: be active and have 8 shows a month
end of 2011: Be a Team Leader and have 8 shows every month
End of 2012: Be a director and win a trip on destinations
  • #30
Jolie_Paradoxe said:
Fanny, never belittle your goals. Nor feel you need to defend them. :D Success is defined by you. The beauty of the business is that YOU get to define the direction and goals of your business. Everyone is on the same journey with the Pampered Chef, but at different speeds with different needs. We should never compare ourselves to others because our wants, needs and willingness all vary.

I think your goals are concrete, specific and most excellent! The key is consistency and working through the challenges. ;) Hopefully, you'll find this series helpful and you'll be hitting those goals sooner than later!

Thanks Laurie!! I am very happy that I'll be working with you and Sheila.

You probably don't remember me, but I met you last year at conference at the Hispanic reception. I don't think we talked much, but I did hear your story and your success at this business. Glad to be able to get some knowledge from you!!:chef:
  • #31
End of 5 weeks: 2 new recruits
end of 2011: Team of 8 with $1250 sales monthly
end of 2012: Walk as a Director- paid as a Director
  • #32
Hi Fanny....thanks for the kind words and am super happy we'll get to know each other better along the way! :)
  • #33
::deep breath::

Where do I want to be by the end of the course?
* I will be consistently making my 3 contacts a day, every day
* I will have 4 shows booked for August, 4 shows booked for September, and 2 shows booked for October
* I will treat my business as a business, making sure I have time scheduled for work along with family time/play time/other scheduled appointments

Where do I want to be by the end of 2011?
* I will re-promote to TL, this time keeping my status AND qualifying for HO leads (this means consistent sales of $750 or more each month)

Where do I want to be by the end of 2012?
* I will walk as Director!

(my team consists of 1 active recruit at this time; I'd like to inspire her, as well!)
  • #34
5 Weeks--Consistently work my biz w/4-6 (holding) shows per month.
2011--Director w/a strong team & full calendar each month.
2012--Maintain Directoship status to walk on stage @ NC & earn first incentive trip!:)
  • #35
lt1jane said:
as another hobby/part-timer my goals are very similar. They are NOT small. To you and me, they are as big as the goals others have of doing at least 2 shows a week. The beauty of this business is that it is OUR business and we can tailor it to our needs. I am right there with you regarding specific goals.

Hi Jane, glad to know that there's someone else with similar goals as mines in this class ;)

Related to Chef Success SUYB 2011 Class: Share Your Goals!

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of this 5 week course?

At the end of this 5 week course, my goal is to have increased my sales by 20% and to have at least 5 new loyal customers. I also hope to have improved my hostess recruiting skills and have at least 3 bookings for the upcoming month.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2011?

By the end of 2011, my goal is to have reached the level of Senior Consultant and have a team of at least 5 consultants under me. I also hope to have consistently hit my monthly sales goals and have a strong customer base of repeat buyers.

Where would you like to be with your business at the end of 2012?

My ultimate goal for 2012 is to become a Director and have a team of at least 10 consultants. I also hope to have expanded my business by doing vendor events and collaborating with other local businesses. Additionally, I aim to have a strong online presence and utilize social media to further promote my business.

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