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Director Can Team Members Teach Others to Respect Courtesy in Recruitment Strategies?

In summary, the consultantshared how a potential recruit she had been working with for over a year just signed with another consultant without asking. The recruiter feels that the potential recruit was Dishonest and unprofessional.
Silver Member
Is there a nice way of trying to teach consultants to ask a potential recruit if they have been working with another consultant before they sign? It was not me, but one of my downline has been working for about 4 years with someone and they were ready to sign. The recruit lead was going to call her the next day to learn how to sign up. She didn't call and the consultant knew she was busy with kids on the weekend. The person did sign over the weekend, but with someone else who she now says was a friend. Luckily it was a consultant in her 1st gen so she will still benefit, but it was a real slap in the face.
I had that happen to me a few weeks ago, I've been working with this girl for over a year. Sent her a new catalog recently & 2 days later she messages me via FB to tell me she just joined!! :( I was very nice & said Congrats & she said that she knows how it works & she was at a party & on a whim she decided!!! Now everything I post on FB shes looking for me to help her out! Personally I'd just like to take her off my friends list :( I already hold a meeting every month & most of the girls are hospitality, but at least I know their Directors. But someone up stairs is watching me, because since I got her news, I recruited 2... :woohoo:
Ginger428 said:
I had that happen to me a few weeks ago, I've been working with this girl for over a year. Sent her a new catalog recently & 2 days later she messages me via FB to tell me she just joined!! :( I was very nice & said Congrats & she said that she knows how it works & she was at a party & on a whim she decided!!! Now everything I post on FB shes looking for me to help her out! Personally I'd just like to take her off my friends list :( I already hold a meeting every month & most of the girls are hospitality, but at least I know their Directors. But someone up stairs is watching me, because since I got her news, I recruited 2... :woohoo:

Same thing happened to me. In fact we were talking about her joining on a Saturday "I just have too much going on right now..." and on Monday she told me she signed and said she wanted to come to my meetings. She had told me she had not heard of PC before she attended my show and had just told me that she just met this consultant. Then all of a sudden she had talked with her a while back and felt she should go with her. It was an obvious lie. She also sent an announcement to MY friends (I had just done a different DS party with her) about her new business. Long story short, I think she's still doing PC along with 3-5 other companies but her methods are shady according to people we mutually know.

Ann, I'm sorry this happened to your consultant. Just remember KARMA!!
Bless and release. I wish them luck because I know I am the biggest team in the area and am the best trainer. So good luck with someone else :devil:!!!

As a side, I love when someone expresses interest and doesnt since but signs with some other DS company and then takes my ideas from my newsletters, emails and FB posts. And then wants me to host for them!
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Ginger and Beth, I am sorry this happened to you and I will pass (anonymously) your stories. I will be generalize.

Thank you for sharing. Mostly I blame the recruit, but I also feel that maybe questions are not being asked from the recruiter. There is a personalily conflict and I am hoping that the consultant with the new recruit was not bad mouthing her upline. Her upline wants to help but the consultant just doesn't like her personality. It's complicated, sad and dampens the teamwork spirit.
The recruiter needs to understand that she needs to treat people the way that she'd want to be treated. She needs to think about how SHE would feel if the situation were reversed & a potential recruit signed with someone else under similar circumstances. What goes around, comes around. Karma's a you know what.I'd just explain to her that her upline was disappointed in the way it was handled & let her know that she needs to consider being on the other end of a situation, think about how she'd really feel if the roles were reversed & then act according to how SHE would want to be treated on the other end of the situation. She'll either get it, or she'll end up being one of those consultants who get a bad reputation and don't last long.
I have had someone "steal" a recruit from me and it does feel like a slap in the face! At this point I do the same thing Jenni does and wish them luck, because I feel like they walked away from a great chance to meet their goals with a coach that is centered on what THEY want instead of a recruiter is so worried about themselves that would go so far to steal a recruit. BUT on the flip side maybe in some of these situations the new consultant is to blame. I have had 2 guests at parties who while I was doing my full service checkout and getting great red flag answers I ended up finding out they were already working with someone. I only found out because I ASKED them. They knew too much about some of the current promotions and that is why I asked but they didn't volunteer the info at all. :)
maybe they were considering signing with you Chantelle??? Also we have to acknowledge... these are ADULT women who are perfect capable of making their own decisions... we can not save them from themselves. Maybe they connected with the other person more, maybe they got pressured... but then that is their decision in the end
pcjenni said:
maybe they were considering signing with you Chantelle??? Also we have to acknowledge... these are ADULT women who are perfect capable of making their own decisions... we can not save them from themselves. Maybe they connected with the other person more, maybe they got pressured... but then that is their decision in the end

I totally agree with this. It sucks - I've had it happen to me...but I've also had it the other way where a consultant had talked to someone in the past but would rather work with me so she signed with me. It's up to them and who they want to sign with.

That said, I always ask if someone has talked to someone before because they often have no idea how the whole process works, and that it matters to both them and their recruiter who they sign with.
  • #10
Also keep in mind that some of these leads do not know what is at stake for US. Maybe they have an idea, but they truly do not know how hurtful it is to us when they sign with someone else.
  • #11
I have had people approach me after talking with someone on my team about the business. They ask if they can sign under me instead. In that case I explain that we are one big happy family and I will be their trainer and go to person. The problem is that when we are good at this business they want to be a part of "us". It is a self fullfilling prophecy, we are good at this business and others are attracted to it. We train others to duplicate us, but they are not us. I have had people call me to complain about the person who recruited them!! So uncomfortable!
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pcjenni said:
I have had people approach me after talking with someone on my team about the business. They ask if they can sign under me instead. In that case I explain that we are one big happy family and I will be their trainer and go to person. The problem is that when we are good at this business they want to be a part of "us". It is a self fullfilling prophecy, we are good at this business and others are attracted to it. We train others to duplicate us, but they are not us. I have had people call me to complain about the person who recruited them!! So uncomfortable!

This may well be the situation. It would not have been the first time. Just wish people wouldn't lead another one on but it is what it is. She is over it now and we are all moving forward. Just the frustrating part of the business.

Related to Can Team Members Teach Others to Respect Courtesy in Recruitment Strategies?

What is the importance of showing courtesy between team members?

Showing courtesy between team members is important because it promotes a positive and respectful work environment. It can improve communication, build trust, and increase productivity within the team.

How can I show courtesy towards my team members?

There are various ways to show courtesy towards your team members, such as actively listening to their ideas, giving credit where it's due, being punctual, and showing appreciation for their contributions.

What should I do if a team member is not showing courtesy towards me?

If a team member is not showing courtesy towards you, it's important to address the issue directly and respectfully. Communicate how their behavior is affecting you and try to find a solution together.

Why is it important to avoid gossip and negative talk about team members?

Gossip and negative talk about team members can create a toxic work environment and damage relationships within the team. It goes against the principle of showing courtesy and can lead to conflicts and decreased productivity.

How can showing courtesy between team members benefit the overall team dynamic?

When team members show courtesy towards each other, it creates a positive and supportive team dynamic. This can lead to better collaboration, problem-solving, and overall team success.

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