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Boost Your Event Attendance with These Proven Tips - Free Shipping Incentive!

Hi, my host next week is having a tough time getting RSVP's...what are some great attendance boosting tips I can give her...

1) Tell everyone to bring a friend or 2
2) if they bring 2 friends they get free shipping

thanks guys
Have a nasty spatula contest. Call everyone and tell them to bring their worst rubber spatula. Everyone at the show votes for the worst one, and that person wins a free scraper to replace it.
Offer to make the phone calls for her. Ask for her guest list and just tell her that sometimes friends have a hard time being honest in saying that they can't make it, but will have no problem telling the consultant. Make sure to tell your host that you are not going to harrass her guests, but you just want to ensure that she has a great turnout. When you call her guests, just be enthusiastic and say "Hi Sue, this is _____ with TPC, I am Tracy's consultant. I was just calling to confirm that you did receive the postcard invitation to her show on _________. I am just helping Tracy out by doing a head count to make sure we have enough food for everyone. Will you be able to join us on Tuesday night."
Reminder calls 24-48 hrs before! I have a friend who has hosted TPC parties for a couple years to GREAT success, huge turnouts (15 - 20 people) and good orders.

She had one of my first 4 shows and had less than stellar turnout (~8 people, only 4 ordered) and fairly poor orders (barely had enough to qualify as a show). We were talking about it after and she's like "I wonder why no one came? I ALWAYS have good parties", kinda giving me the impression that -I- was the issue (her others were with my SD who I'm signed under). After a few minutes she said "maybe it's because I didn't call and remind people like I usually do.."

The point of my semi-long post? Reminder calls (either you or the host doing them) work!!
northern_sunshine said:
Reminder calls 24-48 hrs before! I have a friend who has hosted TPC parties for a couple years to GREAT success, huge turnouts (15 - 20 people) and good orders.

She had one of my first 4 shows and had less than stellar turnout (~8 people, only 4 ordered) and fairly poor orders (barely had enough to qualify as a show). We were talking about it after and she's like "I wonder why no one came? I ALWAYS have good parties", kinda giving me the impression that -I- was the issue (her others were with my SD who I'm signed under). After a few minutes she said "maybe it's because I didn't call and remind people like I usually do.."
The point of my semi-long post? Reminder calls (either you or the host doing them) work!!

Makes you tell your host - DUH!!!!!!!!
chefann said:
Have a nasty spatula contest. Call everyone and tell them to bring their worst rubber spatula. Everyone at the show votes for the worst one, and that person wins a free scraper to replace it.

Ooooo, I love this one. I'm going to have to try at my next show!
  • Thread starter
  • #7
katie0128 said:
Ooooo, I love this one. I'm going to have to try at my next show!
But don't tell the host about it until after she's done the invites. Sneaky, huh? Then she has a reason to do the reminder calls! :)
Not bad! Sneaky is FUN!
Of course, I'll have to tell her earlier if I actually do the reminder calls which I'm planning to start doing after NC. But, she'll still have to call people to tell them because I'm not going to list it on the invite!
Of course, I guess I could wait and tell her and then tell the guests when I make the calls... So many decisions... hmmmmmmmm....
On time drawing for a prize, which encourages people to come AND to be on time.
  • #10
I like the sound of the nasty spatula game!! I may have to do that one next week!
  • #11
Have magaritas, wine or some other fun drink.
  • #12
beepampered said:
Have magaritas, wine or some other fun drink.
My SD does a "Drink of the day" for all her shows. She mixes them in the QSP, then pours them into the Carafe to stay chilled. She's been selling a bunch of QSPs and Carafes.
  • #13
chefann said:
My SD does a "Drink of the day" for all her shows. She mixes them in the QSP, then pours them into the Carafe to stay chilled. She's been selling a bunch of QSPs and Carafes.

What a great idea and use for the carafe which I thought I had no use for! Love this idea!

Related to Boost Your Event Attendance with These Proven Tips - Free Shipping Incentive!

Question 1: How can I increase attendance at my event?

One effective way to boost event attendance is to encourage guests to bring friends or family members. This can help expand your reach and attract new attendees.

Question 2: What type of incentive can I offer to encourage guests to bring friends?

A popular reward for bringing additional guests is offering free shipping on event merchandise or tickets. This can be a valuable incentive for attendees and can also help promote your event to a wider audience.

Question 3: Are there any other incentives I can offer besides free shipping?

Other possible incentives could include discounted tickets or exclusive merchandise for guests who bring friends. You could also consider offering a raffle or giveaway for those who bring multiple guests.

Question 4: How can I effectively promote my event to attract more attendees?

Utilizing social media platforms and creating a buzz through online event listings can help attract attention to your event. You can also reach out to local businesses or organizations to partner with and promote your event to their networks.

Question 5: What can I do to ensure a successful turnout on the day of the event?

Aside from promoting your event, make sure to provide clear and detailed information about the event, such as the date, time, location, and any necessary details for attendees. Creating a sense of excitement and anticipation leading up to the event can also help generate interest and attendance. Additionally, consider offering early bird discounts or special offers for those who RSVP in advance. Lastly, make sure to follow up with attendees after the event to thank them for coming and gather feedback for future events.

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