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Are you fully booked for March yet?

In summary, the expert summarizer has three bookings for March, but is hoping to get more with their spring preview. They also have one catty show booked and are hoping to double that number. Overall, they are doing well, although they would like more cooking shows.
Gold Member
I have only 2 bookings lined up for March. How is everyone else doing so far?

I am going away for 2 weeks so I shouldn't complain I guess:)
So far I have 3 but I am hoping to get more with my spring preview this weekend with an expected 25-30 people coming so far!?!?
6 confirmed, 1 more to wrap up or move to april
dont really want to post...but ZERO!
Three cooking shows and three catalog show...but my goal is to double each of those numbers. :)
So far I only have 1....but hopefully I'll get a couple more at my show tonight!
vwpamperedchef said:
dont really want to post...but ZERO!
I right there with you...a big fat goose egg!!!
5! My biggest month yet!
1 cooking show right now, but I have a booth on Saturday maybe I will get some orders from that. We shall see.
  • #10
I have 1 catalog show and 3 cooking shows as of right now. I'm not planning to do anymore because we will be in Florida for 2 weeks in March.
  • #11
Sigh...I only have 1 catty show and that's it!! :cry: As far as cooking shows - I have 3 in April, 2 in May, 1 in June, 1 in July, and 2 in August...so, in that respect, I'm doing good, but right now...nothin'! Hopefully, with my newsletter, CCC (I have 2 shows being delivered today and tomorrow, so I can make OOB calls this weekend and early next week), my 2 shows closing today, and a few fence sitters on this month v. next month, I can add a few to my calendar.

I can't believe that no one wants March to be the first to show off the new catty!!! :eek: :( :cry:
  • #12
2 for March and possibly 4 more. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  • #13
I have 2 cooking shows, 2 catty shows,. I will bee gone for several days with my son and then I have out for 2 weeks at the end of the month.
  • #14
I only have 2 - for some reason I can't get anyone to book March - I have 4 for April, I am hoping at my show on Friday to get at least 1 more for March - Even when I call on the phone, no one wants March? Sup with that??
  • #15
I think everyone's busy in March b/c of Spring Break. I have a feeling that I'll be booming in April and May.
  • #16
boy I hope so!!!!!
  • #17
I have one definitely and one maybe. But that's okay... March is soooo freakin' busy with the kids' stuff... especially the 8th.. for some reason that day is a magnet for invites/things to do... now April is wide open
  • #18
6 Cooking Shows for March, and a couple more who are still trying to decide between March and April.

Here in our school district, Spring Break is Apr. 4-11. So, we have the double whammy of Easter Week, and Spring Break Week.

I have 2 solid bookings for April right now, and the couple who are undecided on a date......
  • #19
3 cooking and 3 catalog. I was hoping for some more cooking but March gets hectic with Spring Break and Easter. Plus, I am going to the doctor every 2 weeks now.
  • #20
i agree that march is busy. i am new this month (yaaay!) and ive got tons of family support --- "in april." looks like ill have a busy april. but still - ive got 3 shows and 1 catalog show booked for march. :)
  • #21
I have 2 cooking show no catties but I am working to at least double that but really I would like to triple that.
  • #22
2 cooking shows and a few catalog shows..
usually in March I have about 8 cooking shows! I'm bummed!
  • #23
I have 6 cooking shows and 1 catalog show set for March and 1 Bridal Show set for April.
  • #24
i have a decent march because i got blown off a lot in december, so this is making up for smallish jan and feb. of course, all the people i ask now are deferring me to late spring/summer, so i forsee a lean april and may :-(
  • #25
March is usually one of my biggest months, mostly b/c people want to get out of the house and go do something. But this year I booked up February (15 shows -8 cooking and 5 catalog) due to the specials being so GREAT that I seemed to have "dimmed" down March and April. Right now I have 3 cooking and 1 catalog for March...NOT GOOD!!!
  • #26
I have 2 catalog, 3 cooking, and a booth to do. I would like 2 more cooking shows though.
  • #27
5 cooking shows & 2 catalog shows, plus I'll be gone for a week! I may have 1 more cooking show, but that may get pushed to April! I WILL EARN the pink tablecloth, cause I got the apron last year & I'm signed up to do a fair May 1st, so I NEED it!!
  • #28
:cry: I Only Have Two Shows Booked!!!:cry:
  • #29
Right now I have 6 bookings for March. I have a booth on March 15th so I am hoping to get more leads I also have 2 bookings for April I also have someone who wants to book but she needs to put her house together after the earthquake we had
  • #30
6 cooking shows, 3 catty shows. Working on more. :)
  • #31
I have 4 cooking shows, right now but I AM HOPING TO get MORE!!!!
  • #32
Only 2 cooking shows but I have a show tomorrow night so hoping to book some more there.
  • #33
After recovering from a very busy February, I have 3 catalog and 1 cooking show on my calender. I'm satisfied with that because of the Easter holiday and I will be on work training trip to Denver at the end of the month. I need the break....
  • #34
so glad i'm not alone :)
i only have one that's mine - on the plus side I have a new consultant kick off show & another consultant that I gave up 5 shows to in march!! At least they will do well in 1st 30 days!!
  • #35
I have 6 cookings shows (which is all I can do since DH will be gone most of month & we have 4 kids) plus 2 catty shows. I have 1 cooking so far for April.
  • #36
Do I count my own Open House as a party? That's all I have, maybe one catalog show too. My 3 week vacation in Jan killed my business! How do you all get so many catalog shows? G-
  • #37
9 shows and 2 catalog (possibly a 10th, but it is getting too close to the date and I can not reach the host)
April I will be going on the cruise and I only have 2 shows for right now. From then on, I may have trouble getting bookings because I start opening my parents' cottages:yuck: The darn things are cleaner than my own home!!! This along with a full time job and a son graduating in June (that is if he can stop being late for his first two classes..he may be looking at summer school):cry::grumpy: That is a whole nuther Oprah show!!!
  • #38
Gina M said:
Only 2 cooking shows but I have a show tomorrow night so hoping to book some more there.
Are you using the new products to Tease them Gina?!? When I brought my Fave Collapsable Bowl with my last show I got 2 bookings from it!:love: Good luck!
  • #39
akggirl said:
Do I count my own Open House as a party? That's all I have, maybe one catalog show too. My 3 week vacation in Jan killed my business! How do you all get so many catalog shows? G-
Yes, count your Open House!

You need to talk about catalog shows. Or at the very least, when you ask everyone (you are doing that at checkout, right?), when they say that they're too busy or whatever for a live show, ask them if they want to get the benefits of a show by passing a catalog around.
  • #40
heat123 said:
Are you using the new products to Tease them Gina?!? When I brought my Fave Collapsable Bowl with my last show I got 2 bookings from it!:love: Good luck!

Hey Heather! You betcha! I actually have some guys who are supposed to be at my show tomorrow night as well - so I will be pushing bookings to get the cookware and cutlery (cause you know how the guys love those!)
  • #41
Ok, well I'm glad I'm not the only one having trouble with March. At THREE of my Feb. cooking shows I had moms literally announcing to the room to NOT BOOK IN MARCH because of Easter and Spring break. Do you think that had anything to do with it?!?!

I do have 4 catty shows, but I'd much rather them be cooking shows.

Oh well, at least I have a good start on April.
  • #42
I have 5 cooking shows booked so far. I will have more. My goal for the month is 10... even if it comes out as catalog shows. I had 12 this month and it was very profitable. Gotta stay on track so I can get myself to Mexico!
  • #43
ugh. i have ZERO! But I do have one booking for may already, so does that count???? :)
  • #44
Here in NY state, we had our winter break in February. We have our spring break in April. If you want to meet anyone from my area...just go to Myrtle Beach, SC. For some reason everyone likes to go to the same place (won't find me there..when I go on vacation I go to get away!!)
Luckily, March will be fairly good for us. When Easter is in April, it is a very bad month...it blows a good two week time frame out of the month.
Our colleges end in May and our schools end in the third week in June (graduation is usually around June 24th). We are on a different schedule. (Darn Yankees can't cooperate at all!!!!)
  • #45
I have 4 cooking shows and 1 catalog show booked for March; I already have 6 cooking shows booked for April! Half my April shows are because of hosts insisting their friends book in April so they can get the collapsible bowl as a past host benefit.
  • #46
So far I only have 2! :yuck:
  • #47
For whatever reason, folks aren't wanting to book in March. Maybe it's the host specials???Dunno - but April is looking good for me. I've got 4 in March, but I normally have 6.....
  • #48
Booked another Catty show....so six cooking and four catty
  • #49
Yup here in MA Spring Break is a college term. They have vacation in March. The other schools all have Feb and Apr vacation the same as Ann E. The rest is the same except graduation is usually June 6th or so. Usually the Seniors get out a few weeks/month earlier than the rest of the kids.
  • Thread starter
  • #50
DebbieJ said:
Booked another Catty show....so six cooking and four catty

I guess it's just easier when your famous:D
<h2>1. Are you fully booked for March yet?</h2><p>No, I still have some availability for March. If you are interested in hosting a Pampered Chef party, please let me know and we can discuss dates and times.</p><h2>2. How many bookings do you have lined up for March?</h2><p>Currently, I have 2 bookings lined up for March. However, I am always looking to add more and would be happy to schedule a party for you if you are interested.</p><h2>3. How is everyone else doing for March?</h2><p>I cannot speak for everyone else, but from my experience, March tends to be a busy month for Pampered Chef parties. Many people are looking to start their spring cleaning and organizing, making it a great time to host a party and learn about our helpful kitchen products.</p><h2>4. Should I be worried if I only have 2 bookings for March?</h2><p>No, there is no need to worry. Every month is different and it is not uncommon for some months to be slower than others. Keep promoting your parties and reaching out to potential hosts, and I'm sure you will see more bookings come in.</p><h2>5. I am going away for 2 weeks in March, should I be concerned about not having enough bookings?</h2><p>Not at all. It's great that you have already lined up 2 bookings for March. Even if you are away for 2 weeks, that still leaves plenty of time for you to schedule more parties before and after your trip. Plus, with the help of social media and online parties, you can continue to host and promote parties while you are away.</p>

Related to Are you fully booked for March yet?

1. Are you fully booked for March yet?

No, I still have some availability for March. If you are interested in hosting a Pampered Chef party, please let me know and we can discuss dates and times.

2. How many bookings do you have lined up for March?

Currently, I have 2 bookings lined up for March. However, I am always looking to add more and would be happy to schedule a party for you if you are interested.

3. How is everyone else doing for March?

I cannot speak for everyone else, but from my experience, March tends to be a busy month for Pampered Chef parties. Many people are looking to start their spring cleaning and organizing, making it a great time to host a party and learn about our helpful kitchen products.

4. Should I be worried if I only have 2 bookings for March?

No, there is no need to worry. Every month is different and it is not uncommon for some months to be slower than others. Keep promoting your parties and reaching out to potential hosts, and I'm sure you will see more bookings come in.

5. I am going away for 2 weeks in March, should I be concerned about not having enough bookings?

Not at all. It's great that you have already lined up 2 bookings for March. Even if you are away for 2 weeks, that still leaves plenty of time for you to schedule more parties before and after your trip. Plus, with the help of social media and online parties, you can continue to host and promote parties while you are away.

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