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Any Ideas to Keep Cust. Away From Pampered Chef Website?

In summary, LaDonna had three customers place ind. orders on pamperedchef.com in December. She covers up the Pampered Chef website on paperwork and sends out a monthly email newsletter with links to her website. She also makes sure that her hosts are using her site and
Just Peachy
I had 3 customers place ind. orders on pamperedchef.com in December. This is so frustrating to me.

Any tricks or ideas to help keep this from happening would be much appreciated.

Cincinnati in 1 week!

Do you have a personal website?
If so, do they know about it?
I make sure that anything that lists the PC website gets covered up with a label with my personal website and other info.

I also send out a monthly newsletter with several links to my website. I make sure that at every opportunity, my website is being put in their face!:)
Yes, but even so, a lot of people get in the mindset of Pampered Chef.com, Just like everything else in the world. I do wish that there was a question like we have on our PWS asking if you have a consultant, and explaining that the order they are about to place won't go through them.
I cover up the PC site on paperwork too. I make sure to spike interest to my site at all shows, by letting guests know the evening's recipe(s) are posted on my website. I also added a fun scavenger hunt (which I got the idea from someone else's website), which gives away free product to those who take the time to visit it.
*Put your PWS address on all paperwork. I even go so far as to NOT put my email address, just my PWS address.
*Send out a monthly email newsletter with links to your site
*Make sure your hosts are using your site and sending out the email invitations, which in turn puts your site in front of their guests.
Our catalog has www. pamperedchef.com on every odd number page, :eek: and on page 4, 35, 41 (large font), and back cover - that's at a quick glance. Do you cover it on every page? Of course our customers are going to go to the PC website and I bet many don't even notice that they are buying through someone different than the person who gave them the catalog.

I have contacted PC about the fact that it's all over anything that is associated with the registry and that it takes customers away from our personal website. They said they would look into it. lol
lockhartkitchen said:
I cover up the PC site on paperwork too. I make sure to spike interest to my site at all shows, by letting guests know the evening's recipe(s) are posted on my website. I also added a fun scavenger hunt (which I got the idea from someone else's website), which gives away free product to those who take the time to visit it.
Could you post your scavenger hunt please?
...I bet many don't even notice that they are buying through someone different than the person who gave them the catalog.

That's the thing, I don't see any way, other than always mention my website, and that I only get credit if they go to my website.

The .com URL is on every piece of paper: catalog, receipts, drawing slips, postcard invitations, use & care, recruiting, wedding & fundraiser literature, & even the product packaging.
  • #10
straitfan said:
Yes, but even so, a lot of people get in the mindset of Pampered Chef.com, Just like everything else in the world. I do wish that there was a question like we have on our PWS asking if you have a consultant, and explaining that the order they are about to place won't go through them.

I agree! It shouldn't be too hard to add a pop up asking that. It'd be really nice if they could do a consultant search like our host search.
  • #11
Maybe if everyone of us contacted HO and suggested this...
  • #12
Oh yes! I LOVE the consultant search idea. HO are you listening?
  • #13
I'm in, just sent them that request - a link for "Already working with a consultant?" or "Find your consultant"

Too many people run pop-up blocker software - a pop-up might not work so well.

Here's what I sent to [email protected]

On the main pamperedchef.com website, I suggest providing some way for customers to find a consultant they are already working with.

"Already working with a consultant?" or "Find your consultant" when they proceed to checkout.

The pamperedchef.com URL is on every piece of supply paperwork, and product packaging - there is no realistic way for me to cover this up with my personal website pamperedchef.biz/xxxx URL.
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  • #14
WHOO HOO! Thanks for submitting this!
  • #15
I really like that idea, it's something that I think they need to work on considering that if someone cannot remember your website there is no way to find it on their own.

I've gone to other direct company websites that will ask you if you have a consultant and you can look them up that way. The only thing I would wonder about is if someone just starts searching then the "director loop" may go out the window.
  • #16
Well, I wish everyone would also submit something similar!

Even though I'm a bit angry at the speed of the reply - which sounds kinda backwards, doesn't it?
It means it is a canned reply, but I do believe all of us together might have a hope of getting it changed.

Thank you for contacting The Pampered Chef home office. The option listed in your e-mail is not available at this time. Your e-mail has been forwarded to our web site developers for review.
  • #17
I haven't received a reply yet. I asked for the same thing you did but I also asked them to refrain from plastering everything with the PC website. I cited that for the customer to have the paper/catalog in hand she/he would have to have contact with a consultant. I didn't copy what I wrote so I can't say exactly what I typed but that was the general idea.
  • #18
Thanks for sending that, Beth!
Not sure it makes good business sense to NOT to put the main URL on everything, though.

They really need a consultant look-up!

I replied to that canned thing and asked another question - I do want to know the answer to it.

Thanks for your quick reply.

Can you tell me why it is not already available?
Many other direct sell companies have this feature.

What happens in this case: I do a customer care call, and my customer decides to order several items after I explain the features & benefits, and offer to share some recipes with her. I've told her my website URL.

The next day, she is at work and doesn't have my catalog with my website URL. She orders through the .com site.

Who just got the commission on my sale?
  • #19
kspry said:
Thanks for sending that, Beth!
Not sure it makes good business sense to NOT to put the main URL on everything, though.

They really need a consultant look-up!

I replied to that canned thing and asked another question - I do want to know the answer to it.

Thanks for your quick reply.

Can you tell me why it is not already available?
Many other direct sell companies have this feature.

What happens in this case: I do a customer care call, and my customer decides to order several items after I explain the features & benefits, and offer to share some recipes with her. I've told her my website URL.

The next day, she is at work and doesn't have my catalog with my website URL. She orders through the .com site.

Who just got the commission on my sale?
That's good! If more of us send this kind of things maybe they'll get the hint that WE want the fruits of our labor!:rolleyes:
  • #20
I just saw a new little blurb on my site. When I clicked through to "Order Products" to check out the outlet, there's a little box that says "If you want your order to be credited to a specific show, host or consultant, please contact your consultant for their Personal Web Site Address."
  • #20
chefann said:
I just saw a new little blurb on my site. When I clicked through to "Order Products" to check out the outlet, there's a little box that says "If you want your order to be credited to a specific show, host or consultant, please contact your consultant for their Personal Web Site Address."
I just checked and it doesn't show up on mine...
  • #21
chefann said:
I just saw a new little blurb on my site. When I clicked through to "Order Products" to check out the outlet, there's a little box that says "If you want your order to be credited to a specific show, host or consultant, please contact your consultant for their Personal Web Site Address."
I just went to pc.com and clicked through to order and that did not come up for me...
  • #22
I clicked on Shop Online. Then the next page opens with the 3 pictures (the boxes wrapped, the napkins and napkin holders and the cook book) Between the bottom pictures there is a box with the new info.
Hope that helps.
  • #23
climbercanoe3 said:
I clicked on Shop Online. Then the next page opens with the 3 pictures (the boxes wrapped, the napkins and napkin holders and the cook book) Between the bottom pictures there is a box with the new info.
Hope that helps.
Thanks! I see it now. That's a start but if you click on any of the links (and the page is full of them) you go on to shop without finding your consultant - people will miss that.

At least they're trying.
  • #24
I agree- it's easy to miss, but it's a start.
  • #25
Very easy to miss! I had to look on several pages before I saw it.

So, customers miss that tidbit buried on the on the first page, start shopping, then proceed to checkout - THAT is the page where it needs to be!
  • #26
kspry said:
Very easy to miss! I had to look on several pages before I saw it.

So, customers miss that tidbit buried on the on the first page, start shopping, then proceed to checkout - THAT is the page where it needs to be!
I think it needs to be where it is but you shouldn't be able to click on the other links until you say whether you have a consultant or not and you should be able to put her/his name or number in there to find the consultant now - people want immediate, they will not go and try to find the consultant's information.
  • #27
And if it's on the checkout page, that's more trouble for the customers, because by then, they've got a cart full of stuff that they'll have to reenter if they go to another site.
  • #28
Good point, Ann...assuming they can't just transfer the cart session info over to the PWS site.
Beth's suggestion makes more sense, in that case.

I still want to know who gets the commission on my sales when this happens. No reply, yet.
  • #29
Whoo Hoo! Just checked in after updating my PWS and spotting the "blurb" guess I'm a little late. Kspry--looks like the squeaky wheel gets the grease. At least they reacted. Let's keep on them and see if it gets better.
  • #30
kspry said:
I still want to know who gets the commission on my sales when this happens. No reply, yet.

Kspry, directors in good standing share the orders placed on the .com website. The customers get the consultants ph #, but can opt not to have their personal info shared (i.e. these people don't want a customer care call later on).
  • #31
directors in good standing share the orders placed on the .com website.

hmm, I thought directors only got leads, not random orders?

By leads, I mean when somebody fills out the "Request for Information" without placing an order.
  • #32
kspry said:
hmm, I thought directors only got leads, not random orders?

By leads, I mean when somebody fills out the "Request for Information" without placing an order.
Sometimes our turn at a lead (someone wanting information) is used by someone placing an order.

A lead is:
An order placed at pamperedchef.com
Someone wanting information about products
Wanting information about hosting
Wanting information about the business

Some leads order (either order then and there or want you to contact you to give you an order - these usually want you to give them a deal or want to save on the shipping at least)
Some leads book a show or sign as a counsultant
Many leads never call you back or they give invalid phone numbers and/or email addresses or none at all.
  • #33
climbercanoe3 said:
I clicked on Shop Online. Then the next page opens with the 3 pictures (the boxes wrapped, the napkins and napkin holders and the cook book) Between the bottom pictures there is a box with the new info.
Hope that helps.
When I just clicked on Shop Online @ the PC site the next page showed a pic of the stainless saute' pan w/stoneware, entertaining, and kitchenware pic/links @ the bottom. No box w/the new info. mentioned. Do I need glasses?
  • #34
Still would like to see the scavenger hunt ...
  • #35
I don't have a scavenger hunt, but I get some response from what I pasted below. I put it under news and then post the winner and the prize the next month. They never know what the prize is. I've used quick cuts, Season's Bests and other small items and then sometimes a larger item just hoping that seeing what someone won would generate more entries.
Enter my site and take a look around. Contact me via my website and tell me which Pampered Chef product is on your wish list! I will put your name in a monthly drawing.
Once a month, I will draw a name from all who have contacted me from my website and that person will be the winner of a GREAT Pampered Chef product!
  • #36
couldn't agree more!did anyone else get the survery thing to fill out? I know when I did mine, I was straight out saying there needs to be an easier way for my customers to find me then by this really unfamiliar web address. who uses .biz? :confused: i certainly hope HO listens...it can't be that difficult, MK has it on their homepage.

I too would like to see the scavenger hunt if you don't mind sharing!: :)
  • #38
OOPS! Must have been typing at the same time others were! Does anyone have a scavenger hunt??
  • #39
I got the survey. Filled it out that day. A week later got an e-mail saying not to fill it out as it was not intended for me.
  • #40
I added a scavenger hunt to my website last month. I didn't have a response from it, but I added towards the end of the month. You can check out mine at /lockhartkitchen
  • #41
I am so annoyed - it's happened again.
My friend just ordered off the .com outlet website, not my .biz website.
  • #42
I had someone at work order from the outlet (about $100 worth)... while I was in the next office. She happened to tell me just after she did it, so she was able to go in and cancel the order and resubmit under by PWS, but it was frustrating for both of us!
  • #43
I emailed the solution center, told them her past host # to prove I knew her, the list of items ordered, and asked if I could get the commission.

I don't hold much hope.

And even if she would have noticed the "find a consultant", there is no way she would have known my zip code. This suburban city alone has about 20 zip codes.
  • #44
This thread really has me thinking about some people that tell me they will go to the website and order and I don't hear from them after. I do have faithful customers that go to my website but I am not sure if all do.

I have my website on everything I hand out but like others have said it is so easy to remember .com than the .biz/consultant's name.
  • #45
I think it's crazy they have to have a zip code! I agree, nobody is going to know my zip code. Most of my parties are not in my city! I also think they should be able to look just by first name/state. Many times they don't remember my last name, but they would if they saw it!
  • #46
Find A Consultant : The Pampered Chef, Ltd.

there's no zip code on there. It's city and state and first and last name, with last name required. Even still, when I look for myself I get another name in a town 30 miles from us, the other consultant's first name is completely different but her last name starts with the same letter mine does. I think the search is broader than you think.

That being said, I hope they listen and when orders are placed through the .com site they can add a button that comes up asking if they're sure they're not associated with a consultant already.
  • #47
I think if enough people contact HO they will do something about it! When PWS first came out, I had several orders become individual orders because they didn't understand they had to put in the host's name. It took them awhile to get it in the program, but now it even asks you twice!
Just last week I had a wedding registry come up, and then the customer e-mailed me and asked me to transfer it to her consultant because she couldn't remember her website??? (OK I couldn't do that! but I did track down her consultant and let her know what had happened and told the customer she could delete it off mine and put it on the other one.)
  • #48
ChefBeckyD said:
I make sure that anything that lists the PC website gets covered up with a label with my personal website and other info.

I also send out a monthly newsletter with several links to my website. I make sure that at every opportunity, my website is being put in their face!:)

How do you cover it up? Its on like every page of the catalog??

Related to Any Ideas to Keep Cust. Away From Pampered Chef Website?

What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "Any Ideas to Keep Cust. Away From Pampered Chef Website?

1. How can I prevent customers from placing individual orders on the Pampered Chef website?

2. Is there a way to track who is placing individual orders on the website?

3. What steps can I take to encourage customers to purchase through me instead of on the website?

4. Are there any incentives or promotions I can offer to keep customers from ordering on the website?

5. How can I best communicate the benefits of ordering through me rather than on the Pampered Chef website?

Any tricks or ideas to help keep this from happening would be much appreciated.

One idea is to offer personalized customer service and support, such as recipe suggestions or product recommendations, to encourage customers to purchase through you. Another option is to offer exclusive discounts or promotions for orders placed through you. Additionally, you can communicate the convenience and ease of ordering through you, as well as the added benefits such as earning host rewards or supporting a small business owner.

Cincinnati in 1 week!

That's exciting! Be sure to promote your upcoming event on social media and through email to reach potential customers and remind current customers to purchase through you. You can also offer a special promotion for those who attend your event, such as a discount on their next order or a free product with purchase.

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