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Warning: MySpace Advertising Violation for PC Consultants - Don't Get Caught!

In summary, Kristin spoke with her director and found that she is not in violation of her contract. She plans to email Richard about the policies and procedures.
Gold Member
Ok so I know I have said not to waste your time on other people and pay attention to yourself-well I tried its not working.

Check this out:

I sent her an email-see below. Her director is clearly clueless.....

Thought I'd let you know that I spoke with my director, and she has looked at my page, and she says that I am not in violation of my contract.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Kristin
Date: May 21, 2007 6:21 AM

From one consultant to another...

You cannot advertise PC on My Space. I wanted to let you know before the Home Office police catch you.
This is a BIG breach of contract! There are people monitoring.

Send it to HO. I believe it's the Career Solutions addres (it's been posted), or you can send it directly to Richard (Laiche?) - his address has been posted around here as well.
I think people are always looking for loopholes and her Director might be confused - She technically doesn't have her website listed but she is obviously promoting PC on a website that is not her own which appears to violate the contract
Internet/Web: Additional Guidelines
Consultants and above Other than signing up for a Pampered Chef® Personal Web Site or approved vendor sites like Visual Impact Products, do not list the company name when filling out personal profiles on the Internet.

You may not purchase lists for e-mail marketing purposes. Spamming is not allowed.You may not sell any Pampered Chef® products — current or discontinued — through online auction houses (like eBay.com) or on any Web site other than your Pampered Chef®Personal Web Site.You may set up a chat room or e-mail newsgroup ONLY to communicate solely with other Pampered Chef® Consultants about the business. Please do not mention, advertise or promote your Pampered Chef® business on any chat rooms, other than those created for communicating with other Consultants.
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  • #5
So this is the response I got for warning her. I think now I will email Richard.

Well, I think that you are a nosey busy body who obviously searched for PC on myspace for my account to show up. I am not breaching my contract. I am not selling over this page I am simply stating that if they are interested in buying, to contact me. I'm also not using any trademarked items. Mind your own business
The NAME OF THE COMPANY is registered!!! Kristen, PM her email address to me - I can't email her from myspace since I don't have an account. I would like to send her something (probably in a few days) with the wording from CC and see what she says. I'll be sickenenly (sp?) sweet and be able to forward the whole conversation to Richard!
I HAVE sent an email to the email address provided in the Policies and Procedures manual. It is VERY clear that we are to do NO advertising on the internet outside of our company website. Only directors can have their own webpages and then it is ONLY for communicating with her downline.

I specifically asked in the email for the clarification of the policies, as I want to be sure I avail myself of all avenues that are allowed to me. I provided a link to her page and asked them to look at it and let me know if this is the type of thing I can do. I'll let you know. It will be nice to have a clear voice responding.
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  • #8
Thanks Sandy!!!

MomToEli said:
I HAVE sent an email to the email address provided in the Policies and Procedures manual. It is VERY clear that we are to do NO advertising on the internet outside of our company website. Only directors can have their own webpages and then it is ONLY for communicating with her downline.

I specifically asked in the email for the clarification of the policies, as I want to be sure I avail myself of all avenues that are allowed to me. I provided a link to her page and asked them to look at it and let me know if this is the type of thing I can do. I'll let you know. It will be nice to have a clear voice responding.
Wow - I don't know how much more obvious you can get than that! Some people's kids...I tell ya!
  • #10
uhhh....ummmm...how can this not be advertising? The only thing she does not do it post her website. If this is legal, we all need to get one! ha!
  • #11
Did anyone notice the last comment on her page was about a catalog show?? Tell me that isnt selling!!
  • #12
She has prices, product #'s, a way to contact her, info on becoming a consultant.....who does she think she is fooling?

And to tell you Kristin that you are nosey because you were searching.....well - why does she have that info on there if not for people to find? She's just upset that the wrong person found it!
  • #13
chefkristin said:
So this is the response I got for warning her. I think now I will email Richard.

Well, I think that you are a nosey busy body who obviously searched for PC on myspace for my account to show up. I am not breaching my contract. I am not selling over this page I am simply stating that if they are interested in buying, to contact me. I'm also not using any trademarked items. Mind your own business

I would send her email replies to Richard/Career Solutions. That way she can't act innocent with them and say she never knew. Also...it's interesting that she said you obviously searched for PC to find her account. Isn't that what she's hoping for? Someone to search for PC and contact her to purchase the products!
  • #14
OMG I can not believe her myspace page! It will be interesting to see what HO has to say about this.
  • #15
I think we get so upset is because we follow the rules and it's not fair for others to not follow the rules. Since PC provided us websites, there is not need to advertise on my-space. Do what the rest of us do and quit cheating! Ughhhh..... people like this get me so upset. Especially when they start becoming a twit about it! If I was messing up, I'd want to know so that I could fix it! :rolleyes:
And another thing, if I was going to advertise on MySpace I sure the heck wouldn't be putting the questionable friends contacts that she has available for everyone to see. It's just tacky, every bit of it!
  • #16
MissChef said:
I think we get so upset is because we follow the rules and it's not fair for others to not follow the rules. Since PC provided us websites, there is not need to advertise on my-space. Do what the rest of us do and quit cheating! Ughhhh..... people like this get me so upset. Especially when they start becoming a twit about it! If I was messing up, I'd want to know so that I could fix it! :rolleyes:
And another thing, if I was going to advertise on MySpace I sure the heck wouldn't be putting the questionable friends contacts that she has available for everyone to see. It's just tacky, every bit of it!

Speaking of contacts....does that picture of the little boy look familiar to anyone else? It's labeled "Kristen and Jason"....looks like an avatar on here...right?
  • #17
Okay - so I went to her myspace page and clicked on "big news" - she has a direct link to her PC website there - a VERY DEFINITE violation!
  • #18
ChefBeckyD said:
Okay - so I went to her myspace page and clicked on "big news" - she has a direct link to her PC website there - a VERY DEFINITE violation!

Does it actually "link"? I saw her website listed under each news item but I couldn't get it to link. Still.....she's violating.
  • #19
GeorgiaPeach said:
Does it actually "link"? I saw her website listed under each news item but I couldn't get it to link. Still.....she's violating.

Nope - you're right - I just assumed it would link - but still, the address is right there to copy and paste - and I did try that - can I say that she puts alot more info and effort into her myspace page than her PC website? She knows what she's doing!:mad:
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  • #20
ChefBeckyD said:
Nope - you're right - I just assumed it would link - but still, the address is right there to copy and paste - and I did try that - can I say that she puts alot more info and effort into her myspace page than her PC website? She knows what she's doing!:mad:
She is really Pi**ing me off!! She was so rude to me too and the only reason I told her was so that she doesn't get in trouble. Now I WANT TO GET HER IN TROUBLE!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:
  • #21
Kristin I like the way you handled it - Sorry she was rude I got an internet violation notice and panicked. I didn't realized that a networking group had put my website link on their page
  • #22
these people just do not get it!!!!!!
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  • #23
Kathytnt said:
Kristin I like the way you handled it - Sorry she was rude I got an internet violation notice and panicked. I didn't realized that a networking group had put my website link on their page
But like Becky said, SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE IS DOING. Ok I am done venting.
  • #24
oh yes they get very vengefull! The only reason I did not post the reply I got from the gal I sent a msg to was because these people are very mean and I did not want them connecting the dots and knowing how to harrass me. Chicken...maybee but if yu had seen the reply I got you would understand.

My page was also pasted all ovet the PC networking groups.
  • #25
I do not know what my problem is lately but I can Not spell worth beans!!!!


  • #26
ChefBeckyD said:
Nope - you're right - I just assumed it would link - but still, the address is right there to copy and paste - and I did try that - can I say that she puts alot more info and effort into her myspace page than her PC website? She knows what she's doing!:mad:

Hee hee....that's funny, I thought the same thing. She has a recruiting special from January as her only news item. Her calendar is updated.
  • #27
What a biatch.
  • #28
As a "police officer" of life (my husband's term for me) I have just one thing to say "Citizens Arrest!" We need some wanted posters to post around conference!
  • #29
OMG she is in BLATANT violation!!!!
  • #30
What sucks is even after HO makes her pull the page, she will still have the contact info from people who have already seen the page and contacted her.
  • #31
Is this the same person as the one being discussed on the other MySpace thread in here, or is this someone different?

I've not had any response from HO yet, btw.
  • #32
MomToEli said:
Is this the same person as the one being discussed on the other MySpace thread in here, or is this someone different?

I've not had any response from HO yet, btw.

Don't know the answer to the first question. As for the 2nd, in the past, I usually don't get a response back from Richard even acknowledging my e-mails. However, stuff usually seems to get pulled so they are doing something.
  • #33
The only reason I thought I might get a reply is that I asked specifically for clarification of the policy.

If I don't no biggie. I'll take that to mean that I did read clearly what the policy says.
  • #34
To answer the question if this is the same girl as in the other thread, its the one I was talking about, She is VERY RUDE, and thats putting it nicely. I e-mailed HO myself and sent them the e-mails that she sent me, and I even sent a complaint to myspace, because I beleive that she is in violation of theyre terms also. I wouldnt have taken it so far as to contact myspace and such but she really ticked me off and It was very uncalled for especially because I told her numerous times that I was trying to help her so she wouldnt get in trouble!!
  • #35
I just found a whole group on myspace just for Pampered CHef!! I clicked on somebody's page and there were more than one group designated to pc, I cant beleive it, and you know whats sad is theyre taking potential business away from us!, the ones who are doing things the right way, If I even tried to do that, I know I would be in trouble, probably the first day!! Oh well Karma is a b**ch it will come back at these people.
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  • #36
Amberd said:
I just found a whole group on myspace just for Pampered CHef!! I clicked on somebody's page and there were more than one group designated to pc, I cant beleive it, and you know whats sad is theyre taking potential business away from us!, the ones who are doing things the right way, If I even tried to do that, I know I would be in trouble, probably the first day!! Oh well Karma is a b**ch it will come back at these people.
Yes she is extremely rude. You would think that after getting an email from several other consultants she would get the hint. Well I hope she is forced to pull her page. B**CH!!!! I am so mad!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:
  • #37
It's under Business Tips."Have you seen MySpace.com lately?" is the thread.
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  • #38
Ok now apparently she has a warning to all of her other sidekicks in the group. she has posted a picture of me and Amber to warn others about us.
This is the warning on Myspace:

Hey everyone! I wanted to let you know that I have been harrassed by two different people this week who want to let me know that I am "breaching my contract" by having a Myspace page. They have both threatned to report me to home office. I have shown my page to my director and she says that it is not in breach of contract because I do not use any PC images or link to any PC page including my personal website. I thought I would let you all know in case they start harrassing you too! If you have a PC myspace, you may want to let your director look at it. Their pics and names are below

She is crossing the line. I think I might just pick up the phone and call HO today. This is rediculous!!!
  • #39
O.M.G. I would totally call the HO. She is so far out of line, she needs a harsh warning!
  • #40
DebbieJ said:
O.M.G. I would totally call the HO. She is so far out of line, she needs a harsh warning!
Warning?? Sounds like she needs to be fired.

I would also contact MySpace with print screen shots of what she's doing.
  • #41
Wow, I can't believe that there are people like her representing our company. I feel really bad for her customers.
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  • #42
I am just a little nervous about where else she can post my photo. That seems like it shouldn't be allowed either.
  • #43
Sorry this happened to you. It's against myspace policy to post someone's picture without their persmission. There should be an option to report the picture - where exactly did she post it?
  • #44
chefkristin said:
Ok now apparently she has a warning to all of her other sidekicks in the group. she has posted a picture of me and Amber to warn others about us.
This is the warning on Myspace:

Hey everyone! I wanted to let you know that I have been harrassed by two different people this week who want to let me know that I am "breaching my contract" by having a Myspace page. They have both threatned to report me to home office. I have shown my page to my director and she says that it is not in breach of contract because I do not use any PC images or link to any PC page including my personal website. I thought I would let you all know in case they start harrassing you too! If you have a PC myspace, you may want to let your director look at it. Their pics and names are below

She is crossing the line. I think I might just pick up the phone and call HO today. This is rediculous!!!

I would definately call HO about this. Where is this 'threat' posted? I'm not a myspace member, but now I'm curious. Is this on a particular group or out there for all to see?
  • #46
Oh my gosh! I can't believe that! I would definitely forward this to HO, along with a link to her page, and any other correspondence from her. I would also report it to Myspace, since it was sent out to everyone on her friends list.
  • #47
Kristin, I feel so bad that they are doing this to you! I was worried about it too so I made up an alternate profile on myspace. The gal I had issues posted stuff on all the PC myspace groups. Good news when they are forced to take their pages down all their posts go away too!

Oh and an FYI alot of peple on those groups come here too and promote this site.
  • #49
Okay, I'm bored so I just went to google and typed in Pampered chef consultant. On page 2 of the results, there's actually someone's website listed!! (there were also several listed on craig's list.) How can they get away with that?
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  • #50
Amber and I are taking care of this witch. I sent a message to My Space and now I am going to send one to Home Office. This is rediculous! I think that this is why I usually mind my own business.:mad:
<h2>1. Can I advertise Pampered Chef on MySpace?</h2><p>No, it is a violation of your contract as a Pampered Chef consultant to advertise on MySpace.</p><h2>2. Is anyone monitoring MySpace for Pampered Chef advertising violations?</h2><p>Yes, there are people monitoring for any advertising violations on MySpace.</p><h2>3. What happens if I am caught advertising Pampered Chef on MySpace?</h2><p>You may face consequences from Pampered Chef, such as being in breach of your contract or other disciplinary actions.</p><h2>4. Can I mention Pampered Chef on my personal MySpace page?</h2><p>Yes, you can mention Pampered Chef on your personal page, but you cannot advertise or promote it in any way.</p><h2>5. Is it worth the risk to advertise Pampered Chef on MySpace?</h2><p>No, it is not worth the risk to potentially face consequences from Pampered Chef by advertising on MySpace. It is important to follow the guidelines set by the company to maintain a positive reputation and relationship with them.</p>

Related to Warning: MySpace Advertising Violation for PC Consultants - Don't Get Caught!

1. Can I advertise Pampered Chef on MySpace?

No, it is a violation of your contract as a Pampered Chef consultant to advertise on MySpace.

2. Is anyone monitoring MySpace for Pampered Chef advertising violations?

Yes, there are people monitoring for any advertising violations on MySpace.

3. What happens if I am caught advertising Pampered Chef on MySpace?

You may face consequences from Pampered Chef, such as being in breach of your contract or other disciplinary actions.

4. Can I mention Pampered Chef on my personal MySpace page?

Yes, you can mention Pampered Chef on your personal page, but you cannot advertise or promote it in any way.

5. Is it worth the risk to advertise Pampered Chef on MySpace?

No, it is not worth the risk to potentially face consequences from Pampered Chef by advertising on MySpace. It is important to follow the guidelines set by the company to maintain a positive reputation and relationship with them.

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