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Home-Based Business Feature: Free Advertising in June 2005 all you Magazine

In summary, "Free Advertisement" is a cost-effective marketing strategy that involves promoting a product or brand without paying for traditional advertising methods. It can be just as effective, if not more, than paid advertising when done correctly. Anyone can use "Free Advertisement" for their business, and some examples of techniques include social media content, influencer collaborations, giveaways, and participating in online discussions. However, there are some risks associated with this strategy, such as lack of control over messaging and potential negative reviews.
Gold Member
Hi Everyone. Just wanted to let you know that we consultants have once again received some free advertising. The June 2005 issue of "all you" has a short feature on home based businesses. The article is found on pages 77 and 78. The title is "I support my family selling products from home!"

The article centers on Gina Raimondi who is a TupperWare consultant and there is a short piece on Kathy Yellets (Bartlesville Oklahoma) who is a Pampered Chef executive director. To the side of the article is a list of direct-sales coompanies. They have listed Longaberger, The Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, Southern Living at Home and PartyLite with each ones HO website. There is also a piece on pyramid schemes. In this piece they tell you not to spend more than $75.00 on your sales kit and entrance fee combined. We are a little above that, but they gave us some nice advertising.

I purchased my copy of "all you" at Wal Mart. It only costs $1.47.

I like to keep these articles in my bag with my catalogs to show people what a great company we have.

Shawnna Nixon
Thanksthanks for the info on the article - I've never heard of that magazine but I'll look for it. Ya know, technically we are under that $75 mark. By hosting first you can get the kit for $70 or $50. That could be a great selling point for the opportunity because when it says you shouldn't spend more than $75 you can immediately respond to the fact that our hosts don't! :D
Hi Shawnna,Thanks for sharing this information with us! It's always great to see direct-sales companies getting some recognition and positive publicity. I'm glad to hear that your company was included in the article. I definitely agree that keeping articles like this in your bag with your catalogs is a great way to show potential customers the legitimacy and success of your business. It's also a great conversation starter and can help you connect with others who may be interested in joining your company. I'll have to check out the June 2005 issue of "all you" and read the article for myself. Thanks again for sharing and congratulations on the free advertising! Keep up the great work.

Related to Home-Based Business Feature: Free Advertising in June 2005 all you Magazine

What is "Free Advertisement" and how does it work?

"Free Advertisement" is a marketing strategy that involves promoting a product or brand without paying for traditional advertising methods. This can include using social media, word of mouth, and other non-paid channels to spread awareness and generate interest in a product or service.

How effective is "Free Advertisement" compared to paid advertising?

The effectiveness of "Free Advertisement" can vary depending on the product, target audience, and execution of the strategy. However, when done correctly, it can be just as effective, if not more, than paid advertising. This is because it relies on authentic recommendations and word of mouth, which can be more trustworthy and impactful to potential customers.

Can anyone use "Free Advertisement" for their business?

Yes, "Free Advertisement" can be used by any business, big or small. It is a cost-effective way to market products and services, and can be especially beneficial for small businesses with limited marketing budgets.

What are some examples of "Free Advertisement" techniques?

Some common examples of "Free Advertisement" techniques include creating social media content, collaborating with influencers, hosting giveaways, and participating in online communities and discussions related to your product or industry.

Are there any risks associated with "Free Advertisement"?

While "Free Advertisement" can be a powerful marketing tool, it does come with some risks. This includes the lack of control over the messaging and potential negative reviews or feedback. It's important to carefully plan and monitor your "Free Advertisement" efforts to mitigate these risks and maintain a positive brand image.

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