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Workshop-Managing Time for Better Results

In summary, the workshop was about managing your time better by using new planners. The presenter showed us a video about how to use the planners and it was helpful.
Did anyone take the workshop: Managing Your Time for Better Results? It's the workshop for time management. I would love to hear all of your words of wisdom and possibly your action steps for this workshop.

To share: one of the best organization tips I've received and used over the years is to keep a phone/message/scratch log. I use a steno pad that I've got and I have a black leather cover for it(bought at local office supply store/it zips closed and easily transported if necessary). It stays by my phone and any message, notes from a conversation, etc are in it. I never have to search for a sticky note EVER. Whatever I've jotted down...is in that book. Messages/recipe ideas/phone #'s/credit cards/ etc. Whatever I'm trying to remember from that conversation is right in there. As time goes on...things get crossed off if need to be deleted/highlighted it need to refer back to it. Hope that helps.

Thanks ~ Mary Beth
I took the class at Conference and while it will be helpful, I was a little disappointed that it centered a little bit around those new planners that we will be able to purchase in October (I think that's when it was). A guy from Franklin Covey was the presenter. Some stuff was helpful, such as deciding what types of stuff were important, urgent, a priority, etc. To be honest I haven't even looked at my notes from that workshop since conference. I haven't typed anything out...probably because I'm not organized enough! Ha, ha. Maybe once I refresh my memory, I'll remember all kinds of cool things I learned. Maybe others' input on this website about the workship will remind me what all I learned!
pamperedbecky said:
I took the class at Conference and while it will be helpful, I was a little disappointed that it centered a little bit around those new planners that we will be able to purchase in October (I think that's when it was). A guy from Franklin Covey was the presenter. Some stuff was helpful, such as deciding what types of stuff were important, urgent, a priority, etc. To be honest I haven't even looked at my notes from that workshop since conference. I haven't typed anything out...probably because I'm not organized enough! Ha, ha. Maybe once I refresh my memory, I'll remember all kinds of cool things I learned. Maybe others' input on this website about the workship will remind me what all I learned!

Just wondering if you went to Conf.#1...? I went to that workshop, thought the guy was hilarious! I loved when he pulled out the Kitchen Timer on his wrist!!
I had heard it before, but he showed the video of the big rocks and little rocks, and trying to fit it all in...decide what is the big rock and put that in first. the little things don't have room and don't need room! Decide what is a "MUST DO" and do that first, the rest may not need to be done at all.
Also, he talked about making a list the night before of important things to do, Get up and DO them!

Some of you I feel like I know because I read so much of your posts! Becky... you are surely doing something right! Keep it up!
I was at Conference 2 and I think I had a different presenter than some of the others here had. I re-read my post and it sounded pretty negative and I totally didn't mean it to be. I did really like that video about the big rock/little rock exercise. That was great! I guess I was just disappointed that we don't have those planners yet. I feel that if I had that to start using right away then I could have implemented his ideas more. My presenter didn't have a kitchen timers as a watch. I did hear of one presenter who seemed so familiar with PC that maybe his wife is a consultant or something. My guy didn't quite come off that way.

I can't wait to get those planners though! I think that will help me. I need a good central place to do daily and weekly to do lists. I know I can do it in just a regular old notebook, but I keep procrastinating! :)
I was at session 3 and must have had the same guy as Becky did at session 2. I was really turned off that he was selling the new planners. I expected to get tons of tips to help me organize my disaster office.

He did give a few tips but I had heard the rock thing so many times before. I did like some of the other tips though - I too am too unorganized to have gone through my notes yet... When I do I'm sure I'll find more gems that he shared.

I know this sounds negative. I have gone to speakers from a company and yes, the underlying thing is they want you to buy their product or tapes. But they GIVE you real information that you can take home and start using even without their product. But of course their product would make it sooo easier so you want or need to buy it. That's what I expected when I saw he wasn't a consultant but a rep.

I perfer workshops with fellow consultants who have been in my shoes and found things that worked so I don't have to re-invent the wheel. That's why I love this site so much! Everyone shares what they or their upline have tried and we can choose what we want to take away and we can change it to fit our style! :cool:
To do Lists...I came across this website... http://www.tadalist.com/ it's a free on-line to do list. I haven't tried it yet - you can upgrade too but it looks pretty interesting. If anyone tries it let us know if it's any good! :)

Related to Workshop-Managing Time for Better Results

1. How can I effectively manage my time during workshops?

Managing time during workshops can be achieved by creating a schedule and sticking to it. It is important to prioritize tasks and delegate responsibilities to others when possible. Also, make sure to eliminate distractions and stay focused on the tasks at hand.

2. What can I do to ensure that my workshops run smoothly and efficiently?

To ensure smooth and efficient workshops, it is important to plan ahead and communicate with the attendees. Make sure to have all necessary materials and equipment ready before the workshop starts. Also, have a clear agenda and stay organized throughout the workshop.

3. How can I handle unexpected changes or delays during a workshop?

Unexpected changes or delays can be managed by anticipating potential issues and having a contingency plan in place. In the event of a delay, communicate with the attendees and make necessary adjustments to the schedule. Stay calm and focused, and try to minimize disruptions to the overall flow of the workshop.

4. What are some tips for keeping attendees engaged and interested during workshops?

To keep attendees engaged and interested during workshops, try to make the content interactive and hands-on. Encourage participation and ask for feedback or questions throughout the workshop. Also, vary the pace and format of the workshop to keep things interesting.

5. How can I effectively wrap up a workshop and ensure that attendees leave with valuable takeaways?

To wrap up a workshop effectively, make sure to summarize the key points and reiterate any important information. Allow time for attendees to ask any final questions or provide feedback. Provide resources or materials for attendees to take home and continue learning from the workshop.

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