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Who is the inspiring Kristi Tarducci and her heartwarming story?

Kristi has set a goal to earn the Celebrate the Magic incentive trip. She enlisted the help of her family and shares her excitement about the trip and her business at Shows. Kristi's 4-year-old daughter said to her, "Mom, are you going to a Pampered Chef® Show or a Pampered Chef® meeting?" Kristi asked her why and she said "Mom, does this help us earn the Disney trip?" When Kristi told her yes, she helped her put stuff in the car and wished her luck. Kristi has seven more Shows this month, including a Fundraiser Show with 750 children. Kristi will be sharing the opportunity with everyone she talks to. Kristi has to earn this
Gold Member
You brought tears to my eyes with your story of you & your daughter!!!
Way To Go!!!
Did I miss something?
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Did you get an email about her?
I must have missed it too!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
LOL....I copied & pasted it.....

Kristi set a goal to earn the Celebrate the Magic incentive trip. She enlisted the help of her family and shares her excitement about the trip and her business at Shows.
I told my three young children about the incentive trip and how I want to take them, but that I need their help.

When I was getting ready for a Show, I told them to take their stuff out of my van so I could pack for my Show. My 4-year-old daughter said to me, "Mom, are you going to a Pampered Chef® Show or a Pampered Chef® meeting?" I asked her why and she said "Mom, does this help us earn the Disney trip?" When I told her yes, she helped me put stuff in the car and wished me luck.

I couldn't wait to get to my Show and share the opportunity so my family could get closer to Disney. I said, "There's never been a better time to be a Pampered Chef® Consultant. You can set your own income goals and your own schedule. You can even earn trips like I have in the past - I'm planning to take my kids to the Walt Disney World® Resort with The Pampered Chef®.

"Our New Consultant Kit is an incredible deal. It's only $155, and it's valued at more than $570. It's what I recommend. However, if that's more than you can afford right now, for a limited time, you can start your business for only $65 with the Mini Kit!"

I signed my host the next day and I have two more people interested in the opportunity. I have seven more Shows this month, including a Fundraiser Show with 750 children. I will be sharing the opportunity with everyone I talk to. I HAVE to earn this trip for my family!
Oh if it is an email, I'm always the last to get mine (thanks comcast!).
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  • #7
BlessedWifeMommy said:
Oh if it is an email, I'm always the last to get mine (thanks comcast!).

Thanks for posting it.

Way to go Kristi!

I love the idea of getting the kids involved. Mine are a little young thought yet!
I just got my e-mail too!!! I actually came on here to tell you Congrats Kristi on getting your name in "Lights!" They sent my "Good News" with my name on it out about a month ago and I felt like a CELEBRITY! WAY TO GO!!!
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  • #10
smspamperedchef said:
I just got my e-mail too!!! I actually came on here to tell you Congrats Kristi on getting your name in "Lights!" They sent my "Good News" with my name on it out about a month ago and I felt like a CELEBRITY! WAY TO GO!!!

Oh Yeah, I remember that...
  • #11
WTG Kristi, that was great seeing you in there and actually visualizing the person.
  • #12
Sister Sarducci . . . you're famous. ;)

Thanks for sharing your story. It will be a big help to many Consultants!
  • #13
Congrats!!! Thanks for sharing your story!
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  • #14
Shes come a LONG way!!!
  • #15
Thank you everyone!! Thanks Ginger for letting me see my name in "lights"!!!

I just loved the story and shared with you guys here and DCS and thought why not, let's share with PC as well. :)

I appreciate all the emails and replies here so THANK YOU!!! I hope it inspires someone to earn it as well. Now the pressure is REALLY on to earn Disney now isn't it? :p
  • #16
Way to go Kristi!
  • #17
Hurray, Kristi! I was so excited to see a name I recognized!
  • #18
You go girl!!!!!!!!!!

That's my top goal now--Level 2....................my kids are all about it.................
  • #19
Way to go Kristi! :thumbup:
  • #20
Very inspiring, Kristi! So glad to know a fellow FL gal is doing well!
  • #21
Thank you everyone and Brenda, we WILL do it together!!! Get on the phone, get those shows booked and schedule those fundraisers!!!
  • #22
Thank you for sharing your story and Congrats! We all can do this together!
  • #23
Congrats Kristi, girl you rock!!!! :)

Related to Who is the inspiring Kristi Tarducci and her heartwarming story?

1. Who is Kristi Tarducci and why is she being celebrated?

Kristi Tarducci is a successful entrepreneur and consultant at Pampered Chef, known for her hard work, dedication, and positive attitude. She has been recognized for her outstanding achievements and contributions to the company, making her a role model for other consultants.

2. What is the "You Go Girl" campaign and how does Kristi Tarducci fit into it?

The "You Go Girl" campaign is a special recognition program at Pampered Chef that celebrates female consultants who have shown exceptional leadership and success. Kristi Tarducci is one of the top performers in the company and has been chosen as an exemplary representative of the campaign.

3. How long has Kristi Tarducci been with Pampered Chef?

Kristi Tarducci has been a Pampered Chef consultant for over 10 years. She joined the company as a way to earn extra income while staying at home with her children and has since built a successful business and career with the company.

4. What are some of Kristi Tarducci's accomplishments at Pampered Chef?

Kristi Tarducci has achieved numerous milestones and accomplishments during her time at Pampered Chef. She has consistently been a top seller and leader, has won multiple awards and incentives, and has helped mentor and train other consultants to achieve success.

5. How can I learn more about Kristi Tarducci and her success at Pampered Chef?

You can find more information about Kristi Tarducci and her journey at Pampered Chef by following her on social media, attending company events and trainings, or reaching out to her directly for mentorship and advice. She is always happy to share her experiences and help others achieve their goals within the company.

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