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Who Has a Personal/Bio/About Me on Their Pws?

In summary, Rae's website has a spot where people can put a picture and bio. PC doesn't have one, but Rae suggests using one of the news items to tell people about oneself.
I have a friend with another DS company, and one of the things I really like about her "PWS" is that there is an "About Me" sort of section. Her info is a family photo and a brief bit about why she does her business and just a sentence or so about herself.

A lot of "my circle" are web folks, and I foresee my website being utilized a bit. I want to keep the personal connection with my page, and not have just a laundry list of HO scripts.

The post with a whole lot of addresses helped some - I've been to more of your pages and suggested pages than I can count! - but I saw very few that had anything like an "about me" page.

Do you have one? Do you know someone who does? What do you like about it/not like about it?

Thanks in advance!
My NED has her story up. biz/nancyjo
I have one on my home page... I wonder if it is a bit long winded though... Starts off.. Living my dreams with PC... looking forward to that next honeymoon! :D I do wish we had the ability to put more of our own pictures on the site and have them bigger than a postage stamp! :rolleyes:
Mine kind of has that...it is under the subtitle: Looking for More?My website is: /jrs
I don't have that on my page 'cuz I'm not all that interesting ;) (nor do I have any family to talk about) but my AD posted a picture from a trip that she earned from PC with a short blurb about herself and family... /consultantforlife if you want to check it out too
I have one it is the first link on the home page /cherylbatcher

Let me know what you think if you come and visit :)
Mine is also the 1st link on home page /stacywhitlow
Here's what I've got right now, but I change it up so those visiting aren't getting the same ol' boring story... /gr8cook
One thing I did read about putting up pics of your family, if you're so inclined, is NOT to include pics of your kids. With all the weirdos trolling the internet these days, you don't need to have bait for pedophiles on your site.
  • #10
Mine is under the News tab with the title Who Is this Woman?. You'll find me at /raeGood advice, Ann. I have a family pic, but my little guy is 21 now.
  • #11
raebates said:
Mine is under the News tab with the title Who Is this Woman?. You'll find me at /rae

Good advice, Ann. I have a family pic, but my little guy is 21 now.

Rae: How did you get the spaces in between the "blurbs" on the main page?
Love it!
  • #12
I typed in <br> at the beginning of the news item. It's the code for break. I think it makes it easier to read. I have one of the tech nerds* here to thank for that.*Disclaimer: The term "tech nerds" is used with loving affection and should not be construed as derogatory. :)
  • #13
I didn't even see where we could put a bio, I am really confused now :(
  • #14
Sorry we confused you, Meredith. There isn't a specific place for a bio. Some of us just use one of the news items to tell people about ourselves. Feel free to visit mine at /rae to see what I mean.
  • #15
Ha, that's ok, I confuse easily :)
My friend sells SLAH and they have a spot where they can put a picture and bio, so does Tastefully Simple. I was wondering if PC had one how did I miss it?? :)
  • #16
Rae, your website is great, do you mind if I use your yak and snack idea? I think sometimes bringing the meal prepared is better than doing the demo because I get nervous when I am talking and cooking :)
I like your ideas, hope you don't mind if I work off of some of yours.
Happy Easter :)
  • #17
Thanks so much, Meredith. Feel free. Most likely anything you think is a really great idea is something I've "creatively adapted" from someone else.

Related to Who Has a Personal/Bio/About Me on Their Pws?

1. Who typically has a personal/bio/about me on their PWS?

Many Pampered Chef consultants choose to include a personal/bio/about me section on their PWS to give customers a more personal connection and to showcase their passion for the products. However, having this section is completely optional and up to the consultant's preference.

2. How do I add a personal/bio/about me section to my PWS?

To add a personal/bio/about me section to your PWS, log in to your consultant account and go to the "Edit My PWS" section. From there, click on the "My Profile" tab and scroll down to the "Personal Information" section. Here, you can add a bio, photo, and any other information you would like to share with your customers.

3. Can I customize my personal/bio/about me section?

Yes, you can customize your personal/bio/about me section to fit your personal brand and style. You can add a profile picture, choose a layout, and include any information that you feel best represents you and your business.

4. Is it necessary to have a personal/bio/about me section on my PWS?

No, it is not necessary to have a personal/bio/about me section on your PWS. However, it can be a great way to connect with customers and showcase your personality and passion for Pampered Chef products.

5. Can I update my personal/bio/about me section at any time?

Yes, you can update your personal/bio/about me section at any time by logging into your consultant account and making changes in the "Edit My PWS" section. It is always a good idea to keep your information and photos up to date to maintain a strong connection with your customers.

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